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Coral goby dying of old age - possible toxin issue
2/23/15 Yellow Goby; comp. 12/26/13 Re: Yellow Clown Goby. Dottyback incomp.
Clown Goby/Compatibility 10/25/09 Acropora Care/Feeding -- 04/23/08 Hello again Crew, <<Greetings>> Well, I've decided to not go with the clownfish-anemone-tank plan and rather create a peaceful community of Gobiodon citrinus with a pair of Stonogobiops nematodes <<Both neat little fishes>> and maybe another peaceful fish. Anyways, I have a few questions. 1. As you might know, I've been planning on culturing phytoplankton and copepods. My tank is 86g with a 35g sump. Starting out with, say, a 4" Acropora frag, how would I feed it phyto? Target feed? Dumping bottle of phyto into the tank? <<Phytoplankton is of no direct benefit to the Acropora as they are decidedly carnivorous 'though it can be beneficial in small doses to feed those organisms upon which the Acropora will feed. Better to feed the Acropora foods like Rotifers and Cyclops-Eeze (can simply be the 'leftovers' from feeding the fishes), and install an inline plankton-generating refugium>> 2. How would I feed copepods to the prawn gobies? Target feed? Dump them in tank? <<These can be simply 'dumped in the tank' as you state>> 3. Would I ever have to feed the clown gobies? <<Yes>> 4. Approximately how many coral heads should I have per goby? I'm thinking about having four pairs of gobies in my tank. I have around 125lbs of LR. <<Mmm'¦will take several LARGE colonies. My experience with these fish and Acropora is not a good one. While these fish are found in association with Acros in the wild, the confines/limitations of captive systems do pose problems re. Maybe yours will be different, but in my experience these fish tend to nip and irritate the Acropora to the point they will not extend polyps and slowly decline in color/apparent health>> Well, that's it for now. I sent an email titled "copepod culture" to you on Thursday and have yet to get a response. Just a reminder. <<Hmm, this should have been returned by now 'you may want to resend>> Anyways, once again, I love your site. It's simply awesome. <<Thank you 'a collective effort>> Thanks in Advance, Random Aquarist <<Happy to share. EricR>> Electric blue goby, Gobiodon (?) comp. 2/2/08 Hi I live in Australia and recently one of the aquariums I purchase fish from had some electric blue gobies. They are identical to the green coral goby except for their colouring which is a bright electric blue colour. I am curious as to whether you have had experience keeping them and what you know about their temperament/feeding habits/requirements. <Mmm, don't see anything like this under Google pix and the name... Is this a member of the genus Gobiodon? Here on FishBase: http://fishbase.org/NomenClature/ScientificNameSearchList.php?crit1_fieldname=SYNONYMS.SynGenus&crit1_fieldtype=CHAR&crit1_operator=EQUAL&crit1_value= gobiodon&crit2_fieldname=SYNONYMS.SynSpecies&crit2_fieldtype=CHAR&crit2_operator= contains&crit2_value=&group=summary&backstep=-2 All species have similar habitats, feeding... as far as I'm aware. Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/gobiodon.htm and the linked files above> This is the first time I have seen this species for sale. Right now I have a 55 gallon tank with: Pair Tomato Clowns Copperband Butterfly Yellow Tailed Damsel Royal Dottyback Banana Wrasse Decorated Goby Falco Hawkfish <Mmm, this last in particular may cause trouble... the wrasse and Chelmon need more room...> I have a quarantine tank and all the inhabitants have survived for over a year now, so I would consider my system stable. I also have a very healthy anemone which the clowns love and a few corals. I have had a yellow clown goby before but it disappeared after 2 days. <Not uncommon... small... if/when die, dissolve readily> The electric blue goby I saw in the aquarium were much bigger in size. Is it a good idea to purchase one for my aquarium or do you think it could possibly disappear again? <Mmm, yes> I am certain there are no mantis shrimps in my system and no other predators which could consume such a fish. Thanks. A <The Cirrhitid... BobF> Crocea Clam and
Yellow Clown Goby... Goby Hosting in a Clam 8/26/07
Hello WWM, <Hi Jerry, Mich here.> You guys are the best,
<Thank you for the kind words!> I don't even bother asking
the LFS my questions anymore. <Know the feeling.> I tried to find
the answer on the website but with no luck. <Didn't find an
answer, but I did find a query describing similar behavior. You can
read more here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clamplcmtfaqs.htm Tridacnid
placement and attachment - 4/15/04 > I have a Crocea Clam that has
been with me for almost a year now. I Introduced a Citron Clown Goby to
the tank and within the last 3 weeks, the Clown Goby has started to
nestle down into the mouth of clam, then after a few minutes he
viciously bites the clam and allows it to close around him. The Clown
Goby then sits contented within the clam. <I would absolutely love
to see video of this. Any chance you can take any?> He does this
several times in a row and constantly throughout the day. <This has
to be absolutely adorable to observe.> I looked for damage to the
Crocea but there seems to be none. <A good sign.> Is this
behavior normal? <I've never heard of it before today, but that
doesn't mean too much. My fellow crew member Brenda just found this
So it's doesn't seem like this behavior is all that rare.
Typically these tiny fish hide out in Acropora and other
"branchy" corals. Do you keep Acropora in this tank?> More
importantly will this bizarre relationship harm my Crocea? <I
don't know if it's harmfully to either for sure, If the clam is
perpetually closed it would obviously interfere with the clams'
ability to take in nutrition. But I suspect this isn't the case.
Perhaps RMF will comment here.><<Not likely a problem.
RMF>> Thanks for all you help, <Welcome! Would love to see
this interaction. I do hope you might be able to send us a clip.>
Jerry <Cheers, Mich> Goby Compatibility, Gobiodon, Gobiosoma/Elacatinus 8/25/07 My 55 gal tank has been running for 4 months. Currently the tank contains LR, LS, and cleaning crew with snails and red legged hermits. I plan on keeping tank-raised seahorses, some macros, soft corals, and a couple mellow fish. How many neon gobies and/or clown gobies could I get? Will the two types live together peacefully? <The two types should live together peacefully, but having more than one of each, could lead to fighting unless they are a mated pair. In your size tank, this may not happen, and this holds true for both gobies. The Citron Goby or Clown Goby may occasionally nip at corals, something to keep in mind. James (Salty Dog)> Yellow Clown Goby in 10 gallon 12/29/06 Hi, My yellow clown goby has been in his 10 gallon home for a week. Bob, his white spots did go away and his skin has cleared up, but his tailfin is a bit frayed. Should I be concerned? <Mmm, a bit too soon to tell... This could well be a "stage" in the cycling of an external parasite... look for its return in a few days time> To try and target feed him in the tank I started putting small bits of brine shrimp or Cyclop-eeze on the end of a bamboo skewer (used for shish kabobs) and swished it by where he's perched. <You must have good vision and eye-hand coordination!> At first he'd dive under the rocks as soon as the stick hit the water and I think most of the food got pulled in by the filter so he wasn't eating much... but now he knows that food is attached to that stick he swims up to the skewer (blunt end definitely) and picks the shrimp off before I have a chance to shake it off in the water. So, now I just hold the stick and he picks all the food off and then dives back to his artificial Acropora perch. I target feed him like that about 4 times daily, and a couple times I put very tiny bits of flake, just a few, on the surface and he swims up and eats that. He lost some weight during those first days when he hid from my feeding time so I am feeding him smaller bits more often at the moment. <Good> I added the Talbot's damsel <A great small damsel species, but in a ten gallon? Too little space.> yesterday early evening and he was quickly gathered after less than a day in the tank and taken back to the LFS this afternoon after he kept 'charging' at the goby and chasing the goby when the goby left his perching spot for a short swim. <Yes... territoriality in too small a territory...> The goby hid for several hours after I had to remove all the large rocks to catch the damsel. But he's back hopping/swimming from perch to rock all over the tank looking much more relaxed. I "might" consider putting one other fish in with him but in such a small system I'm pretty clueless and skeptical as to what would be a suitable tankmate that wouldn't get very big and be very easy going. Would adding another yellow clown goby be a good or bad idea? <Bad... Gobiodon are territorial as well> A Neon goby? (The suggestion from staff person at LFS was one clown goby, one neon goby) <Mmm, no... keep looking is my advice> I could be quite happy with the clown goby being the only fish in the tank (and by the looks of things I think he would be, too.) The LFS staff person also suggested seahorses, but I think they might be very challenging to keep. <Can be... though the ones cultured by reputable outfits... of species that are and stay small... are not hard... See Ocean Rider's listserv... subscribe (it's free) and browse a while...> I do plan to add some coral later. I'd like to do more research (especially regarding propagation to keep from overcrowding) but at the time I'm thinking one small rock with a few Ricordea mushrooms, nano size rock of blue mushrooms, one or two types of Zoanthid (nano size as well) and one small finger leather. Other possible suggestions? <This will be enough here> Is that too much? Oh sorry, lighting: 40 Watt 50/50 USA Current with moonlight. I've seen some pretty red macroalgae in the LFS's tanks for sale. Bad/Good idea to add into a tank? <Read re... on WWM> Does it depend on type? If so, I'm sorry I didn't get the name of it. Or is all macroalgae only meant for sumps and refugiums? My immediate concern now is that the Tunze DOC nano skimmer I have in there seems to be emitting fine bubbles from the base of the unit. They're really hard to see sometimes and it depends on the lighting. Also I have a Hagen Aqua Clear 70 (300) that is set up as a small refugium with some Chaeto, and it too seems to have bubbles forming (a bit larger though) as the water enters the tank. Because of this I can see tiny bubbles just sitting on some areas of rock and on that artificial Acropora. My concern is for the health of the goby because once the lights are out he moves from his artificial Acropora perch to laying on the rock which is directly under the outflow from the Aqua Clear. With the main light off and only the light on the Aqua Clear for the Chaeto, the fine bubbles become much more visible and I can see them floating up and mixing with the outflow from the Aqua Clear. Could he be 'breathing' in these bubbles? Can it hurt him? Will these bubbles cause problems for corals? <Fine bubbles are to be avoided... I might take the Tunze unit apart, check for fit of the components> On another note: just curious... I noticed as the goby was laying on the rock a Bristleworm stuck it's head out looking for some food. Will its bristles irritate the goby if it comes in contact with the goby? Thank you again, Debbie P. <Not problematical if small... Read my friend. Bob Fenner> Re: Red Sea Biotope art. 11/15/06 Hi Bob, I have decided to go with Paracheilinus octotaenia as the wrasse for the system. But I am absolutely racking my brains for tank mates for this fish; I think it will get around 4inches or so, I can have 10 inches of fish for the system and would really like something else Do you have any suggestions of fish that are strictly from the Red Sea and would get on with this fish, I was thinking about a pair of clown gobies, <Mmm, not a pair/two... just one if any> but have found conflicting info on the species living in the Red Sea. Thanks Keiran <Does, will eat SPS coral polyps... BobF> Symbiotic relationship clown goby - 09/14/06 Well I did a search on the above subject with no luck. My clown goby seems to have taken to a small mushroom coral I just placed on my nano tank a few weeks ago (it accidentally broke off so I put in my smallest reef tank) The clown goby now loves the mushroom and lays in it all the time, everyone seems happy, but is there a scientific relationship? <Mmm, are known to hang about various groups of cnidarians... though mostly Acroporids... table top types in the wild> I know other gobies have these types of relationships (symbiotic that is) from your site, etc. Only by observation does this appear harmless to both, please confirm this is OK. <Is> On the lighter side of life, I understand that male (psychedelic) mandarins rarely show their beautiful head fins in complete banner, well mine does this all the time when he is swimming and feeding, does this mean he needs a girl friend or he is a show off? <Possibly both/either> (PS., he is very healthy as a direct result of this site, in fact he has grown out so much his bottom is full of beautiful circles I never saw when I first got him, absolutely amazing fish with right care.) Thanks. Please feel free to post a link if I missed it on your site. <No worries. Thanks for writing. Bob Fenner> Goby Addition/Pseudochromis Aggression - 08/31/06 Hi WWM Crew, <<Good Morning>> I have a 30 gallon tank all water parameters are very good. In the 30 gallon tank is an Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) and a Fridmani Pseudochromis (Pseudochromis fridmani). I was wondering if I could move a Yellow Clown Goby (Gobiodon okinawae) which I have in another tank into the 30 gallon tank? <<Yes>> Even with the Fridmani Pseudochromis already in there because they tend to be aggressive fish. <<If "tank bred/raised" it will be much more "mild mannered" than its wild caught brethren. But either way, I think the goby will be fine>> Thanks for your reply. <<Quite welcome. EricR>> Green Clown Goby (Gobiodon atrangulatus?) changing sex? 7/18/06 Hi, excellent website whoever thought of this is a genius! <Mmmm, actually... though desirous of continuing to help others... more lazy; realizing the Net, presenting content and devising ways to inter-relate it might well serve to have folks in turn help educate, inspire themselves... w/o much input from moi> Maybe you can help me figure this one out. I'd like to get a pair of Green Clown Gobys (seen all sorts of scientific names for them--Gobiodon atrangulatus, Gobiodon histrio, etc. I am confused about sexing. In response to a persons question regarding whether a pair would fight, your site said "<The trouble can be in getting a true pair, that is, one male and one female, as they appear the same> " However, i found an article at http://www.tfhmagazine.com/default.aspx?pageid=165 which states they change sexes- so whatever two you get will become a male and female pair and hence, won't fight. <Yes, in time... with enough "space"...> Considering the small size of my system QT system (a 5 gallon nano reef, after which they will be moved to a 85 gallon seahorse/macro tank), I am concerned if they do not change sex to become a pair they may fight and someone will get injured. <Your concerns are valid here> Can you shed some light on the Green Clown Goby's ability to change sex and form a pair? <Takes a few months... best to keep separated during quarantine... Okay to introduce at or about the same time in a 85 gallon...> Also, if you know of any breeding info on these cute little guys it would be much appreciated. I assume since the fry are so small they will need enriched rotifers, but that's about all i know. <Mmm, I know naught re. Perhaps a literature search at a large college (that has a bio. dept.) library... Bob Fenner> Thanks, Andrea Fang Blennies, Gobiosoma, Gobiodon Will M. grammistes and M. atrodorsalis get along in the same tank? Do these fish do as well alone as in a group? <Alone. Not a good idea to mix any species, specimens of the Nemophini. Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sabertoothblens.htm> Also, I was contemplating a Cortez Red Head Goby. If I can't afford to get more than one, should I wait? Would two be enough? I'm not interested in breeding them, just interested in their general health. <This fish is fine singly or in its species company> Last, I heard the Green Clown Goby occasionally picks on SPS corals from Scott Michael's book. Any experience with these guys? <Yes. And yes, they do... if have enough Acroporids present not a big problem. This is where and what they live on in the wild> Would they make a good addition to a reef tank with lots of Dartfish, blennies, and other gobies? <If there's enough food, not-aggressive types as tankmates, sure.> Cheers, Chris (aka newkie) <Be chatting, Bob Fenner> Yellow Clown Goby question I purchased a yellow clown Gobi about three weeks ago, and he seems to be nibbling on my polyps, and likes to rest on top of them all the time. Are my polyps going to die? <It depends on how severely he's nibbling. It certainly is a strong possibility> Since they are all closed up because he is on them constantly <In time they will likely be gone> Also when I put frozen or dry flake food he is not interested at all. Every where I've read they recommend this fish heavily for reef type systems. But none of the articles mention them eating polyps. <Fish don't read. They are all individuals with individual personalities. No fish is truly reef safe nor a community fish. Variations from the norm occur frequently> Thank you for your info. <My pleasure! Hope that I've helped. David Dowless> -Yellow clown goby adopting anemone!- Dear all, I bought a Yellow Clown Goby and it kept swimming and playing with my Anemone H. Crispa??? Is this normal behaviour or is the anemone "eating" my Goby or vice versa??? It nips on the anemone and doesn't appeared to be stuck on the anemone.... I pity my Clarkii Clown caused the anemone was its home till it was "chased away" by the mini goby... <I was not aware of any such behavior from yellow clown gobies, but after reading this I stumbled upon this thread on reefs.org: http://reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=34400 Apparently these guys will associate with other organisms besides Acropora and other SPS corals. Go figure. You can rest assured that the anemone is not eating your goby, if it did the goby would simply be sucked inside. Keep an eye out for damage on the anemone just to be safe, but I think you're in for a not so common treat! -Kevin> Cheers! Caleb Gobiodon okinawae Eating SPS Polyps - 08/22/05 Hi, <<Hello>> Last week bought a okinawae to put in my 60 gallon aquarium. <<Fascinating little fish...but can be devils...>> In the first 2 days he would not eat any brine shrimp or Mysis and I thought he was just scared and in a few more days would start eating. In the third day I noticed him biting the Acroporas and eating all the frozen foods. <<Have experienced this myself.>> I know that each fish has his own personality, but I wonder if it will ever stop eating the polyps. <<Likely not before the decline of the coral(s) due to the constant irritation/predation.>> And what about the Acroporas? Any reason for me to be worried? <<In my opinion, yes. These fish are found naturally in the wild among these corals, but this behavior in the confines of an aquarium can/usually is lethal for the coral. I would suggest you remove the fish if you wish to keep the Acroporas.>> Thanks in advance Luis Lopes <<Regards, EricR>> Gobiodon okinawae... How To Catch? - 08/25/05 Hi again, <<Hello Luis>> I would remove if possible. Any idea how to catch it in a 60 gallon aquarium full of corals and rock? Goodbye Acros.....sniff <<I don't think traps are/would be as effective with these little guys but you can go that route if you have access to one. I caught five of the little devils out of a 375g Acro tank using a version of a "slurp" gun...It won't be easy, but it can be done. I rigged rigid tubing to one end of a ball-valve, flexible tubing to the other end (long enough to reach the sump and provide some mobility to move along the length of the tank), and attached a filter sock to the end of the flex tubing to trap the fish. I started a siphon in the tubing and shut the valve...I then began my stalk...in about an hour I had all five safely bagged (unharmed) and ready for transport to the LFS. The "gun" works surprisingly well. The more drop you have going to the sump (i.e. - more suction) the better it works. What you have to do is creep up on the fish, getting as close as possible with the end of the rigid tubing, and then crank the valve open letting the suction pull in the fish. If the fish dashes in to the rocks, just go in after it with the tubing...though I found stealth and patience to work best. I used 1" diameter tubing and valve (more flow), but I believe 3/4" would do a good job as well.>> Best regards Luis Lopes <<Good luck, EricR>>
Clown Goby Pairs - 10/02/05 Hi guys, We have a 180g reef. Current inhabitants = mated false perculas, mated watchman gobies (with pistol)<<neat!>>, 1 six-line wrasse, 1 common Firefish. Future stocking plan = above, plus clown gobies, bicolor blenny, royal Gramma and maybe a tang or a reef-safe butterfly. Our next purchase is the clown gobies. My question is how many is doable...? Ideally, we'd like to get two yellow clowns, two citrons, and two greens. Is this permissible? <<I would say so, yes.>> Or should we cut it back to 4? <<Six of these little guys should be fine.>> Just wanted some input. Oh, and would it be preferable to introduce them all at once, or two by two? <<I would do "all at once.">> Thanks again for your help & great site! John <<A word of caution John... I have heard others tell, as well as witnessed first-hand, clown gobies nipping at/irritating Acropora corals to the point they don't express their polyps and eventually decline. I've also seen bicolor blennies nip/eat on soft corals such as colt coral (yuck!). I don't know what you have in your tank, and this doesn't mean you'll experience the same, just be sure to keep an eye on things if you add these critters <G>. Regards, EricR>> One More Fish? - 11/27/05 Hi, We have a 23gal saltwater tank. We wanted to know if we can get one green clown goby? In our tank we have live rock, 1 trumpet coral, 1 Firefish, 1 clown fish, 3 green Chromis, 1 dwarf angel, 1 neon goby, and 1 cleaner shrimp. So we just wanted to know if we can get the clown goby. And the tank is doing very well. Keith <<I wouldn't add the goby, you're already "full-up". EricR>> |
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