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Re: Reef Inverts &Vertebrates... more re stkg. sm. mar. just
Gobiodon f' 1/8/14 Yellow Goby; comp. 12/26/13 Re: Pairing Multicolor Angel & Misc Stocking Questions- Now
on to Gobies/Blennies 7/24/12 Clown goby question Hi!<Hi! MikeD here> I'm inquiring about possibly getting a clown goby for my tank. I have a 55 gallon tank that is recently set up (we've had it for about 8 weeks or so). It has 4-5 inch deep live sand bed. approximately 30 pounds of live rock. We have a refugium w/ith some live sand, live rock, and macroalgae and tons of "bugs" crawling around in there. So far we have added 1 sand sifting star, 2 Nassarius snails, 1 royal Gramma, 3 blue/green Chromis and 1 cleaner shrimp. All seem to be going very very well. We haven't had any losses -- we added this live stock slowly after the tank cycled with the LR/LS. We were thinking of adding one more fish to complete the tank. We like the clown goby<Nice little fish, and very under-rated for quiet tanks> -- either citrinus or atrangulatus. We do not have coral, but plenty of little hidey holes in the live rock -- do you think that would be ok for a clown goby, or do they really need coral to hide in?<In my estimation, they should do just fine as it sounds like a perfect set up for them> Also, I'm kind of confused, we were going to order them online because we can't find them in our local LFS and really aren't happy with their fish quality anyway, but the site says that they will fight with their own species and recommends one per tank; however, your website's article on clown gobies indicates that they will pair off and getting them in pairs can be a good thing.<The trouble can be in getting a true pair, that is, one male and one female, as they appear the same> I really really want to do what is best for the fish, so I'm writing to get your opinion on this before we actually make any purchase. In your experience, would a clown goby work with the other fish I have, and would it be best to get 1or 2?<One would definitely work very well, while with two there's always the chance of conflict, in this case literally 50/50. I would think there's enough room for one to get away from the other in a 55 gal. tank, while this probably would be less true in a smaller tank. With clowns, you have the added advantage of their not being an overly active fish, increasing the odds of success. There are no absolute guarantees, but I suspect you'd be just fine.> Thanks so much for any advice!!!<Hope this helps> Amy Cleaner Gobies need not apply! - 8/11/04 Hi, Frank here again. <Hey Frank! Paul here in Utah this week> I was thinking of getting one more fish that stays small. <Ok> What's your take on a cleaner/neon goby. <No thanks. These fish rarely do very well long term in an aquarium setting in my experience. Some people do have luck with them but I find them to starve over time as they rarely find enough from cleanings and don't take to frozen foods too well. If you were to try one you could try fresh live baby brine (Artemia or live rotifers)> Will he get along with my 6-line wrasse, percula clown, and most importantly my bicolor blenny. <Not likely.> I know some blennies chase gobies and the cleaner goby is the same shape and style of fish almost (long and skinny). <Very true. This has been reported to me as an issue> Will the cleaner goby's cleaning ability make him recognized and safe by my other fish and the bicolor blenny, or is he doomed. <Likely doomed> Would a blenny nip cause the goby to hide and keep his distance or are they wimps, would the goby just take abuse and eventually die? <Depends on the personality of the goby. I would say that there is a chance it never even tries to clean any of your fish and just starve to death.> My tank is 25 gal, 30x12x14 inches. I know all fish are territorial to some extent, but stocking capacity aside, would the cleaner goby be ok and would any niche that he might have be able to co-exist with the others. <Not likely, in my experience. I would try a Citron Goby or sometimes referred to as the clown goby. More of a bottom dweller. The Gobiodon atrangulatus grows up to 1.5 inches. The small size will come to you generally 1 to 1½ inches; the medium generally 1½ to 2½ inches; the large generally 2½ to 4 inches. The Clown Goby, Green prefers a tank of at least 20 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. The Gobiodon atrangulatus is a carnivore and likes to eat brine & Mysid shrimp and other meaty treats. The Clown Goby is a low maintenance fish and may act peacefully toward other fish. Able to breed. Reef-safe. Seems to get chased a lot by the Pseudochromis. Keep the water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F). Good luck to you! ~Paul> Thank you now and for all the past advice, Frank Just one more....How about a Clown Goby (8/8/04) Hi, Frank here again. <Leslie here this time> This is related to one of my previous questions. According to previously read advice read, all over this amazing web site I would have to say you would condone a 25 gal tank with one small perk clown, small 6-line wrasse and a bicolor blenny. My question is if I really had to add one more fish, could I possibly add a tiny clown goby because I read they can max out a 1.5 inches. <Had to eh? You would not be twisting your own arm now would you? Those are all pretty small fish, so I suppose if you absolutely had to add just one more fish you could but the little goby is not the best choice. Bicolor blennies are known for picking on gobies and Firefish. > Can you tell me how this would affect bi-load, living and feeding niche as compared to my current fish, and are they jumpers like those long skinny gobies, and are they pod eaters or do they accept the usual food like flakes and brine and Mysis? < Here is some info on the Clown Gobies....... http://www.wetwebmedia.com/gobiodon.htm I don't think it would have a huge impact on your bioload. They are reported in the literature as fairly easy to keep and quite charming. I personally have found them difficult to feed and have had poor luck with them. I would not recommend them. The literature says they will accept meaty foods and can be fed once a day in a tank with live substrate, more often without. They are not dependent on pods as are many other fish. I do not think they are jumpers but your bicolor blenny is certainly capable so you should have a covered tank. If you have to have an additional fish a better option would an Assessor There are 2 species commonly seen in the aquarium trade one yellow and one blue. They are very interesting and hardy little fish. ...here is a link to an excellent article http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-04/hcs3/index.htm> Thank you very much? I'll be back, lol. Frank Your welcome and we will look forward to it, Leslie. Not researching your citron goby before purchase - 1/19/05 Thanks, I know I should have researched first, but couldn't resist him! <Actually, believe it or not, these are sometimes hard to get in good condition at times. They can sometimes be a bit rare. I understand seeing it and wanting it. Be careful though. Enjoy you clown goby. Do read and research before purchasing the future to save your livestock and you some money and effort. Thanks for being part of it all!! ~Paul> Citron goby care - 1/18/05 Hi guys. Craig here from NZ. <Hey Craig> I have just obtained a cute little Yellow clown goby and he seems fine hiding in a cave. <Not abnormal> I think he is being careful as I have other fish in my small reef system. <Well, depending on the fish he might have reason to hide, eh? Do posses a noxious body slime so likely will be fine in time> At this stage I have no Acro's and am wondering if this will prove to be a problem. <Well, shouldn't be a problem but a more natural environment is always a good idea.> Are they hardy and easily fed? <Uh oh, Craig. You purchased an animal without researching it first? Shame. Well, these guys have spunk! please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/gobiodon.htm> When do they usually feed? <they tend to feed throughout the day. with no particular feeding time> I have fed him flaked Spirulina through a syringe but he didn't seem interested. <Not likely going to eat Spirulina. I would try a food source made for omnivorous feeders and or frozen or live Mysid shrimp. Cyclops-eeze is also something to try. Mix it in saltwater and use a baster to slowly add the food.> What do you think? <I really like these fish and can be hardy with a stress free environment (read....fish that won't harass them to death) quality marine foods, and good water quality. Hey, that is pretty much what all aquarium specimens need. Go figure! Teehee! =) Thanks for being part of it all and such a good sport! ~Paul> Cheers Craig Clown Goby Pairs - 10/02/05 Hi guys, We have a 180g reef. Current inhabitants = mated false Perculas, mated watchman gobies (with pistol)<<neat!>>, 1 six-line wrasse, 1 common Firefish. Future stocking plan = above, plus clown gobies, bicolor blenny, royal Gramma and maybe a tang or a reef-safe butterfly. Our next purchase is the clown gobies. My question is how many is doable...? Ideally, we'd like to get two yellow clowns, two citrons, and two greens. Is this permissible? <<I would say so, yes.>> Or should we cut it back to 4? <<Six of these little guys should be fine.>> Just wanted some input. Oh, and would it be preferable to introduce them all at once, or two by two? <<I would do "all at once.">> Thanks again for your help & great site! John <<A word of caution John... I have heard others tell, as well as witnessed first-hand, clown gobies nipping at/irritating Acropora corals to the point they don't express their polyps and eventually decline. I've also seen bicolor blennies nip/eat on soft corals such as colt coral (yuck!). I don't know what you have in your tank, and this doesn't mean you'll experience the same, just be sure to keep an eye on things if you add these critters <G>. Regards, EricR>> Stocking 35 gallon, Gobiodon - 1/30/2006 Hello I would not usually trouble you with a question as I use the search and know that if you look most have been answered before but.. I have a 35 gallon tank that is 6 months old and have 1 tibicen angel <This tank size/shape is too small for this fish> 1 tomato clown (small) and a BTA 6 inch diameter 1 watchman goby and Alpheus shrimp 1 green clown goby 2 cleaner shrimp 2 camel shrimp A Fromia star 10 snails assorted Star polyps Brain coral Leather coral (soon to be donated to my friend) Some mushrooms and Ricordea 20 kg of LR 150 watts of 50/50 pc lighting A prism skimmer that works!!! <Heee!> Amm 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 3ppm Calc 500 <Too high...> Ph 8.3 Alk high on Red sea test kit Can I get 1 more Gobiodon rivulatus to make a pair or am I too heavily stocked? <I would not place two Gobiodons in this system or one of less than two-three times this size, surface area. Bob Fenner> I am very diligent in my testing and checks and change 10% water a week with I.O. salt mix |
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