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Alteration to a canister filter for
increased suction 5/27/2011 Canister Filter intake inside Overflow Box
4/2/09 Canister filter application 7/6/08 hello WWM crew, i <... the beginning of sentences, titles, the pronoun "I" H.N. are capitalized... Please heed our instructions if you want our help> have a question concerning the possibility of a modification to my Rena Filstar xP2 canister filter. My fish tank is 36"x18.5"x17" ~55 g. I have two 1 3/4 holes drilled in the back left side of my fish tank; one being 3"x3" away from the top left corner about to be used as a 3/4" inlet to a refugium I'm building, and another being 3"x3" away from the bottom left corner. <Good description... I wonder why the opening in the top left is so large diameter... and re the placement of the one in the lower left> What i would like to know is if i can attach my inlet tube from the canister filter to the bottom hole and let it drain through a 1" inlet into the filter. <Mmmm> I'm worried about possibly overworking the filter since i believe the pressure would force more water to run through the filter normally. <No... not if all is sealed, the discharge is about where you propose... the overall pressure in the unit will/would be about the same> Here are the specs of the filter: flow rate=300 U.S. gph, aquarium vol.=up to 75 g, canister vol. 1.4g, power=16w, amps=0.368, max. water head 55 in.(1.40m), and water flow of 160 g (with media and accessories). No other accessories except the foam, micro-pads, and activated carbon. The filter will sit 4ft. below the hole. If i set this up correctly, would the filter be degraded in any way? <No, but...> Just as well, are there any problems with this set up if i used a 2" in. sandbed? <See WWM re: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/setup/index.htm Scroll down to "Marine Substrates"...> And would there be any flooding i have to worry about if the power shuts off?? <Not this, but...> Thank-you for your time, H.N. <Am very concerned, VERY re issues of the placement of the bottom left cut-out... what if the canister somehow has "troubles"... the water will (quickly) drain down to this level... where will the water be? And when you want to work on the unit... do have valving installed... If it were mine, I'd run the canister plumbing lines over the top of the tank... use the present through-puts perhaps for closed-loop circulation. Bob Fenner> Plumbing 4/10/07 Hi guys, <Hello Tim> I have a 120-gallon All Glass aquarium w/dual mega flows. This was initially set up to feed a homemade wet dry w/ a 75-gallon sump. All was well until I had to move from a house into a Manhattan apt. Without the additional space of a house I do not have the room the wet dry requires. So I am forced to switch to a smaller solution. I went out and purchased an Eheim Professional 3 canister filter that I had planned on hooking up to one of the mega's. Upon opening the box I quickly realized that the two were not a match made in heaven. Do you have any suggestions on how to reduce the large bulkhead into the small Eheim intake? I have just returned from the local Home Depot and the didn't seem to have a reducer suitable for the task. <I'd try here, should be able to conjure something up. http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/category.asp?catalog%5Fname=USPlastic&category%5Fname=13670&utm_source=google&gclid=CKy66-SXuIsCFRKPgQodGmj8yQ&cookie%5Ftest=1> Thanks, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Tim Multiple Canisters on a Reef Tank. 9/28/05 <Hi, Adam J with you.> I have a 44 Gal Pentagon Salt Water reef tank and I am currently running a Fluval 204 canister and I want to add a Fluval 404 canister to the filtration of the tank. Is it possible to daisy chain the 2 filter in line together? <I would run them independent due to the different flow rates and incase one of them fails to operate. In my opinion 'combining' them would only add more complication.> I would prefer to use the 204 as the mechanical and chemical and the 404 as the mechanical and biological. Or would it be better just to run the 2 independent of each other? < I would much rather add a larger/more efficient skimmer than your current prism to the system rather than another canister filter which have been known to be, dare I say, nitrate factories. Looking into refugiums would not be a bad idea either.> The inhabitants of the tank are as follows: about 30 lbs. live rock with some hitch hikers crushed coral bed Giant Blue Carpet Anemone <This anemone will eventually outgrow your tank, and possibly eat some of your inhabitants.> Torch Coral Blue Crocea Clam 2 Peppermint shrimp 30 Astrea Snails 30 Blue leg hermits <Far to many snails and hermits for this size set-up, make sure they are all getting adequate food.> 2 Green chromis 2 Yellow Tail damsels 1 Blue Devil 1 Yellow Tang <This fish will very quickly outgrow your current tank.> 1 Black Perc (I think it's a Black Saddle back) Fluval 204 Filter Prism Protein Skimmer 2 Maxi Jet Power heads 230 Wt Lighting on for 12 hours (150wt MH, 80wt PC) Thanks !! , Joe Piazza <Anytime, Adam J.> Equipment/Pumps/Plumbing 5/2/06 Hello Crew, <Hello John> I've Google'd this topic and haven't found any hints or answers, so it is time I ask you...I'm setting up a 90g AGA with the Megaflow overflow kit. I have an Eheim 1262 for the return from my sump/refugium. My problem is plumbing the Eheim, with metric connections, to the 3/4" Megaflow bulkhead. If I use Eheim/metric tubing, it won't fit on the bulkhead, but if I use 3/4" tubing it won't connect to the Eheim. Any hints or ideas? BTW, the Eheim is rated for higher flow than the Megaflow, but I plan to bleed off some of the return via a T into the refugium. <You might want to dip the tubing in boiling water to soften it, then try to slip it onto the barbed fitting. I have done that a few times with good results.> Thank You <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> John H. Which Option For Plumbing A Separate External In-Line Filter? - 01/18/07 I have a 142 gallon aquarium that drains through a 12" x 12" central overflow via a 2" Durso standpipe into a 30 gallon sump. <<Ok>> A Reeflo Barracuda then pumps the water back into the tank at about 1500 GPH. I want to run a second loop through a Nu-clear 533 filter, primarily for additional circulation and chemical filtering with Purigen and PhosGuard. <<I see...excellent>> I have a Little Giant 4MDQ-SC for this purpose, although I would like to eventually replace it with something cooler and quieter. <<One of the small Iwaki or GRI pumps would do nicely...even BlueLine or PanWorld for a bit less dosh. Choose the smaller models without the cooling fan for less noise...would still be plenty of flow for the purpose of the filter>> My question is, how should I supply this second pump? <<Preferably with its own throughput/bulkhead fitting from the tank>> I have three available options. The first is to feed it through a 1" bulkhead in the bottom of the overflow. <<Mmm...only if the overflow can take the extra volume...I believe RC has a 'calculator' for this>> The second is to use the currently plugged hole in the side of the overflow near the bottom, and then through the 1" bulkhead in the bottom of the overflow via 1" tubing. In that way, it will draw water from the tank outside of the overflow, not from within the overflow itself where it may compete with the 2" drain. <<Indeed...this is a much better option in my opinion. The bulkhead in the side of the overflow can easily be fitted with a screen to protect livestock>>>> The final option is to feed the pump from the sump, but will that be too much for the sump or drain to handle? <<You'll be pushing, maybe even exceeding the limits of the drain...at the least this will create more noise/turbulence, and the associated plumbing hassles to resolve same>> Thank you very much for any assistance that you can provide! <<Best to go with option two in my opinion. This is the approach with the least hassle and the best chance for success...you will in effect be creating a closed-loop with an in-line filter. Regards, EricR>> Using A Manifold With An Eheim Canister Filter 1/10/07 Hi crew! <Hello Laura.> I read through the info on the Goodbye Powerheads article and was wondering if this manifold idea would work if I built it and ran it out from the return on my Eheim 2028 canister filter (rather than having to add another pump to my already crowded 55 gal. reef tank). What do you think? <Laura, the Eheim pump that is incorporated into the filter will more than likely not develop enough pressure to use a manifold with it. The Eheims usually come with a spray bar option, and this is what I would use.> And also, does this manifold really allow a tank to flourish without the use of all these powerheads? <It does help to eliminate dead spots in the system, and yes, can take the place of several powerheads if the pump is sized correctly. Do search our site on this subject for more info.> I will admit I am a bit skeptical, but I'd love to give it a try if I can eliminate them! Thanks so much for this wonderful site and your expert advice! <You're welcome, and thank you for writing us. James (Salty Dog)> Laura
Re: Canister filter (water flow) Hello, I have a 54 gal. corner tank which I bought with an under gravel filter. I just bought and installed a Fluval 304 canister filter as well. My question is regarding the current the new filter creates. How much is O.K.? I have the filter valve partially closed to slow it down a little for now. When the valve is open all the way the current is pretty strong in my tank. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks, Kurt Will <Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/circmarart.htm the same principles apply to freshwater circulation considerations. Bob Fenner> Re: Flow question in a seahorse tank (03/11/03) Thanks for the info Ananda; <No problem> I like your idea about the Fluval. I checked some of them out. If I got rid of the power filter and went with the Fluval would my tank get enough oxygen. <Sure. It's just a matter of directing the water flow.> The do have a spray bar that you can get to attach to the Fluval <You could also make one of tubing (bring the powerhead part of the filter to the Home Depot/Lowe's/etc and pick the tubing that fits), with suction cups to hold the tubing where you want it....> and I could run it along the back of the tank, maybe like, across the top quarter of the back wall. I know as long as you get a good ripple across the surface of the water, you will be getting enough oxygen in the tank. Does that sound right to you???? <Yup.> Thanks again; Kevin <You're welcome. --Ananda> Inline UV Question Can I run an Eheim 2213 canister filter inline with my Aquanetics 8watt UV sterilizer? This is for a 37 gallon fish only marine tank. <You can but it will affect flow rate some. Craig> Plumbing Dilemma... I just acquired a 70 gallon reef ready tank . its got 3 holes on the bottom of the tank and 2 on one of the ends about 2/3 to 3/4 the way up. I have two canister filters and I'm not sure how to plumb this set up. As of right now I'm not sure if I'm going fresh or salt but I've got to get this plumbing thing figured out. <The fun part...LOL> Should the return lines be on the bottom of the tank with check valves in case power out age? <Frankly, check valves scare the hell out of me! They are vulnerable to failure...at the most unfortunate times... I'd prefer something above the water line, like Sea Swirls, which have the added benefit of oscillating water flow...Neat stuff...> And the line feeding into the pumps be the ones on the side? I just can't find any info out for this kind of tank. <Well, there are about as many approaches to tank plumbing as there are hobbyists...No real right or wrong answers...Just do what works or you, and remains reliable and functional...> I'd really appreciate your help , and maybe I'm way off , any suggestions ? <As above...check out Sea Swirls for returns...> I'm lost. Thanks. Sean McConnell <Well, Sean-there are lots of approaches here...you can look into plumbing on the WWM site...lots of good information here- check it out! Good luck! Regards, Scott F.> Oxygen content Hi, I checked the search tool for my question with no luck. So forgive me if this was already asked. My question is about octopi. I'm setting up a 30 gallon cube tank with a canister filter. I have heard that octopi need higher levels of dissolved oxygen content, but I'm not exactly sure what that means. How should I keep it high? Or is what I have good enough? Thanks a lot and again sorry if this was already asked. <Ben, the canister filter is not going to give you the oxygen level you need. You really need a wet/dry filter for good air/water exchange. James (Salty Dog)> Oxygen content Follow-up Hey <Hey here> Thanks for your quick response. My LFS told me this would be enough so I spent 200 dollars on it. Is there anything else I can do? <What will help some is to have the return water break the surface of the tank water. That is, do not submerge the return line, preferably use a spray bar. Some filters come with this. If he sold you a Rena or Eheim, it will include the spray bar. James (Salty Dog)> Thanks Ben <You're welcome> 100 gallon tank, mainly filtration... Tank goal: To keep corals, mushrooms, Caulerpa, and slightly delicate fish like angels, etc. Yes Bob, I have a little more than 500 pc watts to keep those corals and algae growing. <Okay> I have bought a 100 gallon tank which has been sitting around for several weeks but I just can't decide on what type of filtration to use. I thought I had it all figured out but every fish store I go to disagrees with my idea. <As long as you agree with yourself... that's all that matters> I am planning to use an Eheim 2060 (500gph) with a large skimmer and plenty of live rock (60-80 lbs). If I ever find a simple, easy to understand sump system I may at sometime in the future add a sump but that probably will not happen immediately unless you think it is a necessity. <Good attitude... or at least we're in agreement> Four sales people at different shops and even Petwarehouse have all said "Get a wet dry" but I don't want the added problems that are cataloged on your website. <A sump is a sump... you don't need a wet-dry... I wonder how much money these folks might make by selling such off the shelf systems...?> These sales people insist that the Eheim won't be enough filtration because: 1) it won't turn the tank over as many times as I will need for a quasi-reef/fish tank, <The live rock is/will be the primary filter...> 2) gph on canisters decrease every day the canister is used so the gph is constantly decreasing, <Not so much with a properly packed Eheim... I speak from decades of using them> 3) one canister will only take the water from one end of the tank therefore not cycling as much overall water is needed, and other similar complaints. <Uh, the tank only has two ends... and you can/should use submersible pumps, powerheads for more circulation, aeration...> I want a simple, low maintenance filtration system that is effective (performance and cost) as well as operating quietly and that will be difficult for me to misuse. <Your insight astounds me!> Eheim with live rock and a good skimmer sounds like a winner to me but no one else seems to agree. <Umm, I do.> I have read lots of info and at this point and have resigned myself to taking whatever your suggestions) is. <My advice is, of course to only let only your conscience be your guide... You're on the/a correct path my friend. Bob Fenner> Thanks once again, David Dowless Film on surface Hello, <Hey there> I have cycled my 80 gal tank for three months now and achieved no ammonia or nitrites, etc. <None perhaps detected... they were expediently converted, absorbed...> I added 6 Damsels last week and thus began feeding. I now notice a layer of what appears to be oil/film on the surface of the water. <Ah, good observation!> It also contains some debris, maybe from the fish/food... I have a Tunze protein skimmer and an Eheim canister filter. Is my skimmer working properly? <Likely yes. A very good unit, manufacturer.> Or do I need to get an Eheim surface skimmer? <Ah! Excellent choice.> What is this film & why are the debris not being sucked up by the equipment? <Products, by-products of chemical/physical activity in your (and all) system, and resultant from feedings, etc.... No real problem if kept to a minimum... with "scooping" water from the top (like with a pitcher), or skimming with a clean, unscented paper towel... or best with the proposed Eheim addition> I have been feeding some jarred zooplankton, could that be causing trouble? <To some degree, yes... likely a source of the oil you're so keenly espying. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> |
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