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Juvenile Naso tang - hiding and not eating
7/15/16 Tangs with the jitters, comp. f'
1/4/12 Blue Jaw Trigger and Naso Tang Compatibility
10/1/11 Naso tang not eating. 2/18/10 Naso, Achilles Tang/Compatibility, sys. 1/19/09 Hi everyone including Bob, <Hello Julie> I have a 110G 5 foot long reef tank that has about 50lbs. <50lbs of what?> I currently have a 4" Naso Tang I've had for about 7months including smaller fish like a pair of small Maroon Clownfish, Purple Firefish, and a Royal Gramma. Since there is only 50lbs of live rock <OK, 50lbs of live rock.> there is good swimming room from one end to the other. My local fish store has a juvenile 3.5-4 inch achilles that appears very healthy. Since this is one of the most rarest fishes I've come across in person, I couldn't pass up the chance to place a deposit and put him on hold. I want to see how he does in the store captive environment <environment> and have seen him feed. Will the Achilles behave with my Naso which is my greatest concern. <Nope, and your present tank will soon be too small, if not already, for the Naso Tang.> I know in the long run, a 110G wont be large enough for the Achilles and especially the Naso, but I'm hoping for peace and longevity for the next 2 years as I save for my grand tank. <Julie, doing this is just asking for trouble. I'd put that money toward that "grand" tank and read here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/naso_lituratus.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/acanthurtngs.htm> Thank you so much. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Julie Blonde Naso and Naso, comp. 9/26/08 Hi there. Quick one. I have a 125 gallon reef ready tank with 120#'s of live rock and 100#'s of live sand. Tank has been running for more than 2 years. I currently have 2 ocellaris clowns (small), a bubble tip anemone, a purple Firefish, diamond goby, cleaner shrimp, snails and crabs, 2 sand sifting stars, a 2" blue hippo tang, and a 3" Naso tang. I have plenty of water movement, and near perfect water. (small amounts of nitrate) I do a 20-25 gallon water change every 3-4 weeks. I have a 29 gallon sump with a bio rocker, and a 25 watt inline uv, three power heads in the tank. My question is, what would be the chances of me getting a 4-5" Blonde Naso in the tank (after 3-4 weeks of QT) and not having problems with the Naso or hippo. <Mmm, not too much likelihood of a problem with these other Acanthurids, but plenty from this system being too small in time> Everybody does fine now, and I've had it like this for about 6 months. I've always wanted a Blonde but never came across a good size healthy looking one. Is there anyway they might co-exist in the tank. Who would be the aggressor if anyone. Would it help if I rearranged everything in the tank. Or what if I took the Naso out and put them both back in at the same time. Do you have any helpful hints, or is this just a bad idea and I'm looking for trouble. Thank you so much for all your help. Your all so great Aaron <Again, "if" you should try a "blonde" Naso lituratus here, I'd be thinking about where it's going to have to go next. Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/nasolsys.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Naso tang compatibility with Wimple fish 8/20/08 Good afternoon crew! I have conflicting answers from 2 different sources on my question. I am asking for your help. What you suggest, I will use as my final answer. I read your answers to others all the time, and the advice given is just great. I have a 300gal. saltwater fish only tank. 8 ft. long, 36"h x 24" w. I currently have: 1 Long Nosed Hawkfish 1 Pearlscale butterfly 1 Raccoon butterfly 1 Naso tang 7 Yellowtail damsels about a dozen hermit crabs 275 lbs. of live rock They all get along great. I would like 2 Wimple fish for my last two additions. My LFS said the compatibility with the Naso would be great. I recently went on vacation, ran into a local shop, asked their advice on that issue, they said the Naso would not like the Wimples. The book I have on saltwater fish keeping does not specify compatibility with other species, only that tangs of similar size and shape should not be mixed. What do you think? April. <I give you very good odds that the Heniochus will get along fine with what you list in this size, shape system. Bob Fenner>
Grouper Vs. Tang, Naso Tang and Panther Grouper 4/26/07 First, thank you for providing such a great information source. <Welcome.> I read your articles often, and it is a huge help. I have an established tank with a Panther Grouper, juvenile, about 2 ½ to 3 inches. <He won't be for long!> He was the only inhabitant until recently when I introduced a Naso tang, about the same size if not a little bigger. The grouper, almost immediately and often, follows and chases the tang around. <Uh-oh.> He comes at him fairly quickly and sometimes nips, but doesn't look like he actually lands any bites. The tang doesn't swim away very quickly; he just turns around and goes the other way, like it doesn't bother him. Should I be worried? <It's likely not an issue at the moment but could become one as the animals grow and get larger (what size tank is this btw?), the problem you may run into is that the grouper will grow much faster than the tang, and even if the grouper isn't able to consume the tang he will at the least be able to do some damage, if through stress alone.> I don't want the tang to get all stressed out his first few days in my tank... John <Adam J.> Naso tang and Blonde Naso tang incompatibility - 2/12/03 Hi crew of WWM, <Howdy!> I would like to thanks you guys once again for your help in the past. <thanks kindly> I am now confronting a problem about Naso tangs that I am somewhat confused. I have had one Naso tang in my 180 gallon tank for about 5 weeks now and it has been doing well. Then when I added a blonde Naso tang 2 days ago, <oh-no... > the Naso tang started to chased, harassed and bite the blonde. <yep> Now the blonde is weak and looked "bite off", my once perfectly beautiful blonde has bit off fins everywhere and is swimming rather strangely. I thought that Naso tangs are peaceful creatures. <with most other fishes, but not conspecifics... and not two males (likely... most such have the nice fins)... and sure as heck not long term in a 180! These fishes each get over a foot long.> Should I take out one of them? <definitely> Or give them both time to get along? <unlikely to work for their adult size if nothing else> I've read everywhere on WWM about tangs and tangs compatibility and no info was much of help. <it is usually a bad idea to mix any tangs, large angels or large butterflies together... natural aggression. Why bother when there are so many hundreds of other beautiful fishes to choose from?> Ohh yeah... one more thing, my Naso tang has a yellow line at the caudal tail and my blonde has a black line. Does this have anything to do with the aggression? What does this mean? <not a clear symptom of anything specific> Thanks again for your help crew of WWM. <best of luck to you, bub. Anthony> Naso Lituratus, and Naso Unicorn Hey guys, question for you. Generally tangs don't mix well, but the Naso is generally considered pretty mild in territoriality vs. other members of the species (A. sohal, Zebrasoma family, etc). Anyhow, in a large tank (800 gals), I have a Naso lituratus (regular lipstick tang). Anyhow, thinking of getting from someone a unicorn tang that has outgrown his tank. Do you know of any issues with the two species in a tank ? The Naso is very very docile in the tank. <Mmm, well, these two species are found "together" over a good part of their range... and you do have a good sized system. I give you good odds that they'll get along> The tank has a few angelfish, two butterflies, a purple and hippo tang, and various small dither fish (square Anthias, some green Chromis), etc. It's currently a lightly stocked tank for the size, so that's not an issue. I'm mainly concerned whether the two Naso species have the potential to get along. . . . Thanks Jim <Bob Fenner> Compatibility in 60 gal FOWLR Greetings WWM CREW, I am getting a 60 gal (4 feet) fish only with about 15lbs of liverock in the tank and about 20 in the sump. Is this enough for biological filtration? <Yes> I am also using a Via Aqua canister filter 650, a Jebo protein skimmer and a 9 watt ultra violet. Is this filtration pretty ok for a fish only? <With the sump it should be> How much live sand will be good? Can I mix some play sand (the ones made form Caribbean sand) and some Florida live sand? How much of Each? <Please read over these subjects on our site: www.WetWebMedia.com If you want you can use the Google Search tool, or peruse the indices on the Marine root web> Now about the stocking, I always make many lists of different fish etc. (I have a reef tank as well, and another fish only). First of all I'm thinking of putting some large synthetic coral skeletons (white, about 2 with the 15lbs live rock) for decorations and to allow for hiding places, but still a lot of swimming room. For the fish I will start out after the cycling with a yellow tang (which will later be put into my reef) to make sure all is well. <I would NOT cycle the system with a tang> Then for the fish that will stay- a blue hippo, (small one at my LFS probably 2") a yellow lo Foxface (pretty small again 3") then a juv. Naso tang (I know they need large tanks, but my friend has kept on in his 60 for about a year and a half with no problems, probably 4") or can I go even smaller? <Yes... a sturdy fish even at slightly small sizes> I've read on WWM that buying smaller than 4" is not a good idea. Then a threadfin butterfly (3") and a Pakistani (3") (will they get along? what other butterflies will get along better with a threadfin?). <Please read this over on WWM> These will be added over a period of a year, except probably the hippo and Naso- close to the same time for territorial purposes (do they need to be added at the same time or is it ok for different times?). Then my last fish after probably a year I want juv Passer angel (3"-4") I've read they're probably one of the easiest large angels...should I buy juv, or adult? <Neither the Passer or Naso will be happy in a sixty gallon> Well these are my hopes for this tank, If it is too overstocked then please let me know which ones will be best to let go (the only fish I really want strongly in this tank is the Naso and threadfin, I can work around the others) This is a total of 18" and in about a year will be 21". That is about 1 inch per 3 gallons. How does this sound? Is they're anyway I can add a another butterfly or pygmy angel if there is space? there is never enough space right? ha-ha) if any other fish then what kind (raccoon, banner....coral beauty, flame???) Oh, an about the Naso ( I really like the distinct coloring of the lips etc....)is the Darker Naso or blonde Naso best for the bright colors and size?) <Again, a four foot long tank is too small for this genus, any N. lituratus. Bob Fenner> Thank you so much Chris Oh, no! I've got the "gimme's"! (desire for Naso lituratus tang) A friend of mine has a beautiful Naso tang in his reef tank. He has variety of hard and soft corals and other inverts, and the Naso pretty much leaves them alone (and also keeps the yellow tang's ego in check). <Naso lituratus mainly eats macrophytes (large algae... principally browns and reds) in the wild... very rarely cnidarians (stinging-celled animals)... and tend toward the large, dominant sides of aquarium personality as you state> Of course, I fell in love with this big fish, and now I must have one as well! I just want to make sure it would fit in with my other buddies: two false perculas, five green Chromis, and a 1.5 inch hippo tang, <This latter specimen is small!> plus some green star polyps, four colonies of pulsing xenia, some blue mushrooms, a cleaner shrimp, Astrea snails and blue-leg hermits, and the four brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus). I have a 135-gallon tank with about 110 pounds of live rock (no substrate), and I can always beef up the water current. So can I put one on my birthday wish list??? <Likely... it might "go after" your shrimp in time, but... worth the risk IMO> What other things do I need to fix before I get one? Thanks! Gina <Nothing in my estimation. Bob Fenner> Naso Tank Hi Bob, I have a question for you. I looked in the FAQs and didn't really find an answer. 300 gallon reef tank and a lot of live rock. Naso Tang -- the lituratus. Will he eventually munch down my cleaner shrimp, or do you think he is safe? <Generally don't eat Cleaner Shrimp species... but might someday. Bob Fenner> I want to avoid any shrimp connoisseurs! Thanks, Dale. Naso reef safe ??? First let me start be saying thank you for your time , effort ,and wisdom. My question is . are Naso tangs reef safe , may local fish store said they would nip at my claims . Would it be possible to add 2 Nasos to 100 gal reef . My only fish is a Sailfin tang would this be the start of WW3. I want to keep the fish load down so this would be the only residents of the tank. Thank you, Greg <<In a large enough tank, Nasos are reef safe, in my opinion... I would start with just one in a 100 gallon tank though... and it will get along with the Sailfin... very different life strategies... the Naso at the top, the Zebrasoma scooting around the bottom... Bob Fenner, whose tang pieces can be perused at the site: www.wetwebmedia.com >> Nasos, and other Tangs <HI, Mike D here> I started to write and the Email went away , I apologize if you got this twice. I was wondering if you could help,<I'll try> I am finally getting my dream system put in soon A 10' - 12 ' Aquarium.<Sounds beautiful!> I have a Large 8" Naso, 2 Regal Tangs (1-4" 1-1.5")<Here's one problem> 2 clowns , 1-Comet (Marine Betta) 1-Coral Beauty, These are presently in 210 6' Tank The Naso is Kind of mean, I thought they were suppose to be Mildly tempered.<NO! The word "Tang" refers to part of a knife, in reference to the blades found on the caudal peduncle or base of the tail. These are weapons that can be used to deadly effect on fish perceived as competitors or a threat!> She excepted the smaller Regal, and the coral beauty with no problem , I had 2 Copperbanded butterfly, Before I could get the poor fish out She had back the butterfly in a corner, Swatted her tail ant the butterfly and dang near sliced her in half, I never saw such a thing.<I have...use caution as they can do this to fingers too!> I was trying to net the butterfly out but I was too late. I have a 3rd 1." Regal but she was too tiny for this system and wasn't doing well. She's good now, these 2 smaller tangs were my rescue project. So far so good. When I get this new tank running. Is a Powder blue OK with the rest of the tangs.<NO!! Emphasis mine! Many tangs, and yours looks like a good example are one per tank. By Naso, I assume you're referring to Naso lituratus, which is a small member for this family of giants. The Powder Blue tang, by the way, although known as an "ick magnet" when small, often grow up to be extremely belligerent adults!>> The Naso seems to be fine with other tangs, the all swim together, although I think From time to time the Regal can be a pain for the Naso, The regal will swim with Anything that will swim with her.<I wouldn't be surprised to see the regal attack and kill the other regal eventually. My suggestion, since they are getting along so far is to NOT add another tang, and as you've already seen, if you decide to add an angelfish or such, try a smaller specimen and allow it to grow up in the tank. It's quite likely your tang will attack any other large fish you introduce.> Thank you in advance for your Help<You're welcome> Scott
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