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How can it be that
a fish ends up with being nicknamed 'a phantom'? When Perugia
first described Betta rubra to science in 1893 it was to be the first
and last time for one-hundred and twelve years that the fish was ever
seen. It actually got to a point in the twentieth century where many
people argued that it was not in fact a species and depending on whom
you were talking to--some people even thought that the mystery fish was
a regional variation of Betta picta or B. imbellis. The
original species description had no drawings and the entire
description, written in Perugia's native Italian, was only a couple
of hundred words long. To compound the problem further the original
text gave Lake Toba in Sumatra as the collection location but despite
people trying, the fish could not be found there. Ultimately the
validity of Betta rubra was called into question and dismissed
by most as a phantom. That was how it was to be right up until
2005 when Tan & Ng were able to get access to Aceh, a special
territory in northern Sumatra, that the hundred-year-old mystery could
be unravelled. For many years it had been impossible for outsiders to
travel to this area due to a violent struggle between the government
and local freedom fighters but when Aceh was the closest area of land
to the 26th December 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake--which caused the
infamous tsunami--it is reported that some 230,000 people died during
the resulting floods in that one area alone. In the aquarium for the
first time A couple of years later, in March 2007, some of the world's first ever published photographs appeared on a Singapore based website's forum quite clearly showing the genuine Betta rubra in a collecting net and photography tank in the wild. The forum thread immediately exploded with activity and within days the first reports of fish being made available to hobbyists started to appear. Quite surprisingly in little over a month the first accounts of captive spawning started to trickle in. It really was a whirlwind adventure for everyone involved and the thread amassed some three-hundred posts in virtually no time at all. Some important information was still missing though and that was regarding the fish's natural biotope. It was being held as a closely guarded secret to prevent others from pillaging the waterways the fish was found in, as so often happens. This meant a bit of guesswork was needed on the ideal parameters for captive care.
I managed to get my own hands on some B.
rubra in the spring of 2008 at the meeting of the Internationale
Gemeinschaft für Labyrinthfische (IGL) which is a European
club for people who are interested in Labyrinth fish. This particular
meeting took place in Zwolle in the Netherlands and people from all
over Europe came to the three day event. My four young fish were
arranged to be hand delivered to me from Paris, France by Herve Gonin
who I am extremely grateful to for the offer. Back home the two pairs were acclimatised
to my own tank that I had set up in advance for them. Going by what
people had been reporting about their own successes, I had ensured very
soft water with an acidic value of about pH 5. I was using a mix of RO
and rain water and the tank was decorated with clay caves and plastic
pipes with no substrate other than a few handfuls of locally collected
leaves. Filtration was provided by using an air-operated sponge filter
and lighting was only received from ambient sources with no directly
overhead light. Spawning and
mouthbrooding With a good diet of grindal worm, newly
hatched Artemia nauplii and small earthworms the fish quickly came into
breeding condition and spawned. Betta rubra is a paternal
mouthbrooder which has been allocated a place in the Foerschi
complex of the Betta genus and like the other members of that
particular group the male broods the eggs--and eventual fry--in his
mouth for a period of time before spitting out a number of relatively
large fry. I was very excited to see a male exhibiting the obvious
signs of a bulging 'throat area' and the occasional
accompanying gulping motion indicative of having a mouthful of eggs.
The excitement didn't last long however as the male ate the eggs
after two days but this sometimes happens with inexperienced or
stressed males so no big deal. The second male was seen brooding within
only a few days of the first and looked to go full
I have kept and bred some forty species of
Betta and therefore I know that some adults can be trusted to
cohabit with their fry and while others, particularly the females, will
hunt down and eat every last fry as they are ejected by the male. So it
was with this knowledge that I decided to 'hedge my bets' and I
left one male in the tank with the females and removed the other male
to his own tank to complete his oral incubation by
himself. After about two weeks I was growing
concerned that I hadn't seen the brooding male for a few days and
there was no sign of any fry so I had a browse about in the tank and
found a very ill-looking male, but still incubating. I moved him out of
hiding and on closer inspection there were tufts of fungus coming out
of his gills. I had a gentle examination of one bit and out came a
dead, fungus covered fish fry. Some of the fry were dead and he was
very ill from holding the decomposing ones in his mouth. Unfortunately
he later died from this experience although I did get twelve live
babies from him. In retrospect I think that he was not
comfortable about releasing his fry in the tank with the other fish and
he held onto them too long to the detriment of his and some of his
progeny's health. Rearing the
fry The fry proved to be unproblematic in their
rearing and easily accepted grindal worms and newly hatched brine
shrimp from their second day out of his mouth. The growth rate was
steady and although not as fast as others the young fish could be
sexually mature in about nine or ten months and fully grown at about
70mm shortly after. Over the next couple of years I had very
mixed results with this species and I had to obtain new specimens from
other fishkeeper friends needed to bolster my own group several times.
I had to get a new male from Stefan van der Voort in the Netherlands
and then again from Paul Dixon at the Bolton Museum. I believe now that
a large part of the failures I was experiencing was due to me keeping
them in unsuitable water conditions. Specifically I now believe that I
was keeping them much like I would Betta macrostoma--which is
without doubt the fussiest fish I have ever kept with regards to having
perfect water quality. I was using water which was so soft it hardly
registers on a test kit and performing large regular water changes. I
was fussing over the total dissolved solids and worrying about the
water's electrical conductivity not to mention keeping the pH at
between 4 and 5 which many of the bettas naturally come
from. Take two; trying the
species again In early 2010 I managed to obtain a group
of eight wild caught young adults from Aceh and this time took a
different, more relaxed, approach to their husbandry. This time the
whole group were settled into an eighteen inch cube-shaped tank which
had a dark sand substrate, pH of 6.5 to 7, lots of thin branches of
wood, some clay pot caves with a good thick layer of beech and oak
leaves. Two other differences is that this new tank is quite heavily
planted with Cryptocorynes, Ceratophyllum and
Hygrophila polysperma but now they also have a shoal of a
peaceful undescribed species of dwarf barbs (brought in as Puntius
tiantian) in beside them too. This is now, by far, the most that I have
ever seen non-breeding members of this species out in the open in an
aquarium. The addition of some dither-fish and the extra cover has
really made a world of a difference and quite importantly they are now
also eating dried fish food, something that the originals were never so
keen on. One drawback is that there is virtually no chance of any home
bred fry surviving in the tank as there are so many barbs that will
happily eat young fish. The brooding males are often hiding in amongst
the leaf litter and caves but if I want to collect any fry I first need
to remove one of them. They are normally easy to catch when they hang
about underneath floating leaves and can be quickly transferred into a
small tank full of more dead oak leaves and caves where he can spit
them out when ready. After the thirty or so fry are out he is then
moved to a third tank where he can have a good few undisturbed
meals--as he needs his strength back after starving for the couple of
weeks. The male will normally spawn with a female within only a day or
two of being put back into the main tank again starting another long
fasting period. All in I am finding that the process from spawning to
brooding to fry release is about fourteen days, give or
Betta rubra
is no longer considered a phantom fish and they are gradually
finding their way into hobbyists' tanks all over the world.
Importantly, their ease of breeding has started to make the fish much
less expensive as the first few fish offered for sale in the UK had a
price tag of about £150 ($230 US) each! These days they are
about a quarter of that price from shops and even cheaper from
breeder-hobbyists. If you get the chance to keep a pair of these fish
you will not be disappointed. Acknowledgements
My thanks go to those who helped me track
down and keep these fish, and to the community of Petfrd.com for
continuing to supply such useful information on the appearance of new
and rare fish.
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