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Betta bubble nest, sys. 8/15/07 My Betta was a very vigorous bubble nest builder when I first put him in his tank. It's an Eclipse 3 gallon with a BioWheel. Now he's stopped nest building. I'm concerned about two reasons why: (1) the BioWheel in the tank agitates the water surface (2) because it's summertime, my office has cranked up the air conditioning which has lowered his tank temperature from 79 degrees to 74 degrees. Should I take out the BioWheel? Should I put a mini heater in the tank? I don't want to cook my fish. He seems to be otherwise healthy, with nice fins and an appetite. <Greetings. The water in a Betta's tank should certainly never be allowed to get cold. They are tropical fish. 74F is a little cooler than they like, so if you nudge the temperature up to around 77-79F, that would be good. Certainly, don't let it drop any further. As for the BioWheel, yes, splashing disrupts the nest and puts the Betta off building his nest. But who cares? Water quality trumps nest building. So don't worry about it too much. If you want, add some floating plants like Indian fern so he can build a more stable nest, but as ever, concentrate on water quality. Cheers, Neale> Female Bettas/ other fish? 8/10/07 Hello, I have a 5.5 gallon tank with four small female Bettas in it and I was curious if there are any other fish I could include with them without the females causing harm to them, thank you :) <Greetings. No, there are no more fishes you can add. You are already overstocked, and your thoughts should definitely be towards upgrading the aquarium rather than adding more fish. Cheers, Neale> how many? Stkg. female Bettas -- 08/11/07 hello, i was curious about how many female Bettas i could house in a 5.5 gallon tank? <5.5 gallons, or 20 litres, is really not a lot of water. I have buckets that size. You can probably keep four or five female Bettas *alive* in such a tank, but it wouldn't be much fun for them. I'd sooner use a tank at least twice that size, so I'd have space for a decent air-powered sponge or undergravel filter and a bunch of floating plants for them to explore and hide among. Indian fern is ideal for Bettas: nice and bushy, and forms hiding places close to the surface so they can easily gulp air. I really don't like the idea of "how many fish can I cram into this tank" -- it's the wrong approach. The question should be, "how much space does this fish need to be happy". Cheers, Neale> There is something living in my Betta's tank
8/4/07 I have a Betta (over a year old). When doing a partial water
change a few weeks ago I noticed very small black specks floating on
the surface. Last night when feed my Betta I saw these little specks
moving about on his rock and on the gravel below. There must be
hundreds of them. I removed the Betta from his tank as a precaution.
The local fish store doesn't know what these specks are. The fish
seems fine, just a little irritated at getting moved out of his home.
The tank has gravel, a plastic rock to hide in and a plant that grew
from a bulb. Any ideas as to who the new neighbors are and should I be
concerned about them? Thank you for you help. <Mmm, well... could be
a number of types of life... worms, crustaceans of sorts... but not
likely deleterious/harmful. A photo (micro) graph or loupe examination
will likely get you to the phyla level in ID. You could bleach/destroy
these (see WWM re), but I would likely ignore them. Bob Fenner> Question about Betta tank 7/25/07 Hi
there, Thank you for such a terrific site! I have learned so much, and
my aquatic family thanks you :) I am receiving a school of four female
Bettas tomorrow, and would like to house them in my 29-gallon tank.
However, I just set it up this weekend, so it is not yet cycled (I
conditioned the water, seeded with gravel from my cycled tank, and 2
platys are now living there; temp is 80). I am wondering if I should
move my other platys over to the 29-gallon, and let the Bettas live in
the 10-gallon until the larger tank is cycled, or would the Bettas be
okay in the tank while it cycles since it is so large (in which case, I
would move the platys back to the smaller tank and, of course, closely
monitor the water quality)? Also, I have an aquarium ornament (large
castle) that I would like to move to the larger tank - if I move this
and do a partial water change at the same time, do I risk disturbing
the smaller tank's cycle? Thank you so much! The advice is much
appreciated! Chris <Hello Chris. Female Bettas are essentially hardy
animals and should do well in the 29 gallon tank. If the tank isn't
cycled, your best approach would be to "instant" mature it
using a product like Tetra Safe Start or Bio Spira. Alternatively, try
and add some filter media from an established aquarium. You can take as
much as 50% of the media from a mature aquarium without seriously
harming biological filtration. Obviously adding all that live media to
a new aquarium quickly makes it a safe home for your fish. Failing
these two approaches, 4 Bettas in a 29 gallon tank is within the
"safe zone" for cycling it without deaths, provided you
perform at least two water changes per week, and make them big ones,
around 50% a time. I'd trust Bettas in a cycling tank long before
Platies. Bettas are air-breathers and adapted to swamps, and this gives
them an advantage over Platies that naturally inhabit clear and clean
streams. Moving ornaments will do no harm. Bettas are surface fish
though, and what they like best is floating plants. Even pond weed will
do, though something like hornwort or Indian fern is better yet.
You'll see them skulk about the top of the tank displaying to one
another (even the females are a bit pushy) and it will be an altogether
nicer tank for the Bettas and a more entertaining one for you. It also
leaves you free to add fish to the bottom and middle layers later on.
Corydoras catfish, for example, make excellent companions for female
Bettas. In due course, adding the Platies should be fine, and
they'll be happier in the 29 gallon tank than the 10 gallon one.
You could use that one for a nice breeding project some time, perhaps.
Everyone should try and egg-laying species like Corydoras at some
point, and fish like Peppered Corys will spawn readily in a 10 gallon
tank and the fry are very easy to rear. Hope this helps, Neale> Re: New 46 gallon bow front - strong support for
fishless cycling method! -- 07/23/07 Hello Jorie, <Hi Robert>
Thanks for the advice, I'll try out the fishless cycling.
<I'm glad to hear that! There's lots of information to be
found on this...try a Google search and you'll soon find more
information that you know what to do with!> Once that completes I am
thinking 4~6 Gourami to start with. <Sure. My advice regarding
stocking is to pick out the one species you really want in the tank,
then stock the rest accordingly, based on matching environmental
conditions, temperament, etc.> By that time my books will have come
in and I will have read MUCH more of your website and others. <What
books have you ordered? Hopefully a copy of David E. Boruchowitz's
"A Simple Guide to Freshwater Aquariums", as well as the
Bailey and Burgess "Tropical Fishlopedia" are both on the
list. The former is a great starting-up book, and walks you through
setting up the tank pre-cycling on (although, if I remember right, he
does advocate using fish to cycle with, which we've already
discussed:-)>, and the latter is invaluable for diagnosing/treating
disease, when the inevitable does happen...> How about this time I
send links to the plant pictures?
http://www.doryweather.org/~rberry/fish/plants.jpg <Not sure exactly
what that is - some sort of Spathophyllum perhaps?> And the happy
Betta in his heated and filtered tank with a 2" Pleco hiding in
the "cave".
http://www.doryweather.org/~rberry/fish/betta_tank.jpg <Ummm, this
is not quite what I had pictured when you said heated/filtered tanks, I
hate to say. I was thinking along the lines of a 3 gallon aquarium,
complete with wet/dry filtration, a 25 watt submersible heater, etc.
Honestly, this setup is not conducive to fish; there can't be more
than a half gallon of water. A Betta needs a minimum of 2-3 gallons of
water, and the Pleco, obviously, much bigger than that. I do realize
that the Pleco situation is temporary, but do get going on the cycling
process in the 46 gallon ASAP.> So, there is the mystery plant from
before. The closest I can come is some species of Green Taro. A bog
plant which explains why it likes both above and below water. <You
might be correct on this ID...> Thanks for the link, it got me
pointed in the right direction. <I'm glad to hear this, and glad
to help. Keep on reading, researching; you're on the right track!
Best, Jorie> -- Robert Temperature of Betta Tank -- 07/18/07 > Hi, WWM crew, <Greetings!> > I have a 5½ gallon tank with a heater, filter and air pump that accommodates a Betta. My Betta is 1½ years old now. My question is; is it too late to add a couple of small Danios, since he has been living by himself that long? <It's best not to mix Bettas with other fish. Danios need a lot of swimming space, and a 5.5 gallon tank is too small for them. Baseline for happy Danios is a 'long' 20 gallon tank. I have kept them in a 10 gallon tank and all they did was fight and bump into the glass. Not recommended.> > Also, I have another concern; during the summer months I have been having a problem controlling the temperature his tank. My questions is; can I control my heater with a timer? Unfortunately, I leave my tank heater set at a constant 73 because at night I run an air conditioner because it gets extremely hot in my apartment. Sometimes I notice that the temperature in my tank does not exactly say what I set my heater at. For instance, the digital thermometer is now reading 79.5 and the light of the heater is on; which does not make sense to me. Does this mean that there is something wrong with my heater or is that normal? Please give advice. <Yes, it's fine to put a heater on a timer. A heater the right size for your aquarium should switch on and off automatically at the temperature it is set to -- but bear in mind the scale printed on the device is very much a "guesstimate" because other factors are involved. One factor is the size of the tank, any given heater warming up a small volume of water better than a big volume. In a 5 gallon tank, a 50W heater set to 25C might actually raise the temperature to 27C, while the same heater in a 40 gallon tank would only raise the temperature to 22C. Ambient air temperature is another factor, as are water circulation, direct sunlight, and evaporation. So the only way to test a heater is by trial and error. In summer I tend to set all the heaters down to their minimum settings. Letting the tank temperature rise and fall between, say, 25C in the day and 18C at night does the fish no harm at all. So what I'd recommend you do is try setting the heater to a lower setting and see what happens. Even at the minimum setting the temperature is unlikely to fall to lethal temperatures, so doing this is perfectly safe and you can establish what setting you need to get the ideal warmth for your fish.> > Can you also tell me where I may order a monthly magazine and join a club about Bettas? Thanks again in advance for your continued help. I think your site is great. Jean <Not sure I can recommend any one magazine all about Bettas. Most of the standard fishkeeping magazines will feature Bettas from time to time, but not every month. Your first step should be to find a local Betta club in your area. Many countries have one, and some large cities also have their own clubs. I'd also encourage you to buy a quality Betta book. Publishers like TFH and Aqualog can usually be relied upon to deliver well-researched books from notable authors. Over the years there have been lots of books on Bettas. There are also some excellent books on labyrinth fish (the group the Bettas belong to) and any one of these might give you both information on the numerous species within the genus Betta plus some appreciation of their position within the labyrinth fish family of fishes, such as gouramis and climbing perches. Good luck, Neale> Male Betta, in a bowl... no filter, no heater... no referral 7/14/07 <<Hi, Stephanie. Tom with you.>> I have a male Betta about 7 months old or so. I have him in a gallon bowl with clear plastic rocks at the bottom and feed him twice a day. I changed the water three days ago and this afternoon his water was so cloudy I could hardly see him. When I changed the water, it smelled strongly of sulfur. I do not have well water and have never had this problem before. Is he sick or was it just a weird Friday the 13th thing? <<The bowl has a bacterial bloom going on, Stephanie. For a one-gallon bowl, the water should be changed every other day, at least, particularly if you're feeding twice a day. (What goes in must come out.) The bacteria that were lurking/munching in the rocks were 'stirred up' by the water change and are now giving the water its cloudy, foul-smelling appearance. (Stable, balanced aquarium water shouldn't have much, if any, odor to it at all.) Keep changing the water at least once, or twice, a day until things clear up and consider larger, filtered, heated quarters for your pet. Since you've taken the time to write, I assume you want what's best for your pet and a one-gallon bowl is far from what's best for him. A five-gallon tank with a dark (not light) substrate would seem like Heaven for your Betta and would allow for filtration (badly needed) and a small heater (also badly needed).>> Thanks Stephanie M. <<Happy to help, Stephanie. Best regards. Tom>> Betta's Lighting 7/12/07 Dear WWM, <<Tom with you, Jeannie.>> We keep our Betta, Bartholomew, in a 5.5 gallon tank with one of the short sides against a wall. The wall blocks any direct light coming from the windows which are several feet away. The only light the tank receives during the day is indirect light and it is minimal. The tank is not in the dark but nor does it receive much light. <<Okay.>> In the morning the room lights (recessed spot lights) are on as well as his tank light from about 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM. In the evening, the same lights are on again from about 6:00 PM to about 11:30 PM. The only light on during the night sleeping hours is a night light located about 8-10 feet from the tank. Is my Betta receiving enough light? Do we have him in the dark or with insufficient light for too much of the day? Please advise. <<I would say that Bartholomew is getting adequate light, Jeannie. Keep in mind that, in the wild, Bettas live in an assortment of water conditions, many of which are dim/murky. I've got mine in a 'lighted' tank but keep the lights diffused to provide a more natural level of light for him. No need to be concerned about the amount of light your Betta receives. He's fine with what you're providing.>> Thank you for your help. Jeannie <<You're quite welcome. Best regards. Tom>> Betta fish query #9,472,631 6/10/07 Hello, <Hi Melissa - Jorie here.> I recently got a Betta fish 5 days ago. <Welcome to the wonderful world of Bettas! Of all my freshwater fish, the Betta ranks among my favorites, as it is beautiful and full of personality. I hope you are keeping your new pet in at least a 3 gallon heated and filtered tank; Bettas like stable 80-82 degree F water, and the tiny little jars the pet stores sell truly aren't suitable for ghost shrimp, let fish...> It is a crown tail Betta fish. <Sounds nice. I've got one of these myself.> I am not too sure if it is a boy or a girl. On the little cup thing it came in it said male. <Generally, the Bettas with the long-flowing, magnificent fins are boys; the girls have short, stubby little fins. Also, does your Betta "flare" when you put a finger up to his tank (or a mirror)? If so, that's definitely a male Betta. Here are some great websites for Betta-lovers: http://www.ibcbettas.com/ http://www.bettacave.com/ http://www.bcbetta.com/ > About 4 days later the fish developed a huge stomach. <Generally one of three things: internal bacterial infection, constipation (caused by overfeeding), or a tumor.> If you look very closely at it, it has small red circle thing inside it. <I am have having trouble envisioning this. Does it look like a pimple? Are there red streaks under the Betta's skin? Can you perhaps snap a picture and send it along?> I am not sure what it is. My sister who takes care of the fish says it is pregnant but it has no mate and we don't know if it is even a girl. <Considering I'm almost positive this fish is male, I don't think it's pregnant. I hate to say it, but it doesn't sound like your sister is overly knowledgeable on fishkeeping; again, I question the environmental conditions this fish is kept in? So many "illnesses" and "diseases" are caused by poor water quality, and are easily remedied by improving the water conditions. Do read here for a good article on keeping a Betta happy and healthy: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm > How can you tell if it is a male or female and how can you tell if it is pregnant? <Do a Google image search for "male Betta", and another for "female Betta"; you'll be able to see exactly what I was describing above, about the difference in finnage. Also, there are some quality, inexpensive Betta books available; I do suggest you pick up a copy of one or more and read about your new pet: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/002-3536912-4086423?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Betta > Sincerely Melissa <Do keep asking questions and reading; you'll soon be able to take over the care of this fish and educate your sister! Best regards, Jorie> Questions, Betta sys., FW worms there 6/3/07 Hello Again <Hi there> My Betta Two Socks is doing wonderfully. However I have a new question... The background for this was caused when I went over to his tank and spoke with him before going to bed. I suddenly caught sight of a couple of small worm like critters in his tank with him. The smaller ones are hair like yes, but I can still see them. The bigger ones seem sluggish and just bloated. Both have a center that is darker than the exterior. Once removed from water they dried up and pretty much curled into a ball. I have a Loop which allowed me to get a closer and intimate look at the little bastards, They do look like worms which yeah I understand they have rings. They are not long mind you and comparing images of worms found online... complete and utter loss. the wriggle about at the top of the rim where the water is. When pushed back into the water they just fall all the way to the gravel. To make matters worse... I think my little buddy ate one. which is funny but not good at the same time. now, i haven't been able to change his water for some time now. I am planning on doing that tomorrow and am looking to set him up with a bigger home... more specifically a five gallon tank instead of his 2.5... which has three rooted planted now... a crud load of gravel... no filtering system because I hate undergravels. <There are... alternatives...> So Am thinking since I bought the plants and put them in there and now Am seeing critters in there. Maybe the plant had them <Likely so> and they just sprouted. What can I use to kill the critters and keep the plants and Two Socks happy and unharmed? <Not likely at all that these worms are deleterious... I would do the tank change as you state and move the gravel, plants to it... and not worry> or I could start a new tank, more like a replacement. I have an unused gold fish jar, left over gravel from the gravel bag and some extra water for Two Socks whenever i do water changes... I've also read up that i might be over feeding him and that caused the little worms to come to life... I feed him 3 pellets twice a day. Am planning on giving him just 1 pellet twice a day after reading that stuff on your website. <Mmm, not from the pellets> So do you have any ideas as to what these little critters are because 1 they aren't planarians: they are thin like thread, larger ones look like eraser droppings when you erase with a number two pencil... minus the color. they are semi clear with a darker center. 2 movement is wormlike: they move in a slithering and wriggling movement. 3 when removed from the water they lift one part of their bodies up, i think the head and start waving that around slowly. 4 when pushed back into the water they just fall right back down tot he gravel without moving... so it seems like they have to be above the water but not completely or they trailed up the sides of the aquarium. any ideas and ways to kill them? <Are likely Oligochaetes of some sort... I would not try to kill them... Will "go" of their own accord with good set-up, maintenance... Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Micro-organisms? FW 5/25/07 I have some sort of micro organism in my breeding tank (Bettas). I'm not that it is a parasite because my fish seem to be doing alright. It's barely visible, but it looks like a millimeter-long, white worm. I had a plant in the tank that didn't make it and started decomposing, but since then the tank has been completely emptied, cleaned, refilled, and several water changes. I guess my question is what is it? And can it potentially harm my fish and/or fry? If not is it likely the fry will eat it? Thank you very much and have a good night! <Not likely a problem... perhaps some sort of small worm or crustacean... that "came in with" the plant... Not likely harmful, perhaps unpalatable. Will probably disappear as readily as it became aware to your conscious. Bob Fenner> Dirty Water? Betta in a vase... 5/24/07 Hi everyone, <Susan> I know very little about fish but have a question I'm sure you're familiar with. I have a male Betta and his 'tank' is actually a very large vase (3-4 gallons) with rocks on the bottom and a pagoda inside which he likes to swim in (I purchased these decorations at a pet store). <Ah, yes... very aware of these (a few years back) "decor items"> I am worried because there is pretty much always a white, opaque film on top of his water. Whenever possible, I skim this off the water and discard, but sometimes disturbing it causes it to circulate throughout the rest of his water. The water I use for his tank is simply tap water which I run through a Brita and let sit out until it comes to room temp. I use a water conditioner for the chlorine which I am sure the Brita doesn't eliminate. I am worried this film might cause my Betta to suffocate or be indicative of an illness. Please advise, thank you so much! Susan <Is a concern... even for this facultative aerial respirator... Can/does breath directly/atmospheric air... But of more/real concern is the inappropriateness of this world period... Bettas are tropical animals... need heated, filtered settings... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
'Frantic' Behavior, Betta on a desktop 5/10/07 Hello to all! <Jasi> Firstly, a huge pat on the back for selflessly providing much needed information to give our fighters five star treatment! > the below, you need to read a bit more...> I have taken time to browse your site and made sure to note all advice given to ensure I am providing a good environment plan to move him to a larger tank soon. I have a Siamese fighter named Samurai and he's gorgeous! He has been mine for about one month now and lives on my work desk seeming that's where I spend most of my time and want him to be close.^_^ The air con is set at 24 degrees Celsius (I think that's 70 F??) but is there any way I am able to heat his tank with a desk light? Without causing too much brightness? <Mmm, not really... as this light "goes out" at night, isn't on during the weekends... Need constant warm water...> Or anything in fact that will keep him at a steady happy temp? I think he would be happier in around 28C (the smallest heater sold here (Aus) is too big for his tank) <Look for the Hydor brand... come in small wattages> My main concern about Samurai is the way he behaves.. It's understandable that when transferred to a new environment he is 'sussing' it out by swimming all about, however.. he swims around which looks like frantic swimming--dashing and jolting around the tank. He will also routinely swim on one side diagonally down, across, up then back to starting position! This can't be normal can it? <Is not> He will do this over and over before something distracts him to do otherwise (e.g.. food) or he gets over it. I am more than happy that he is active but the WAY he acts is worrying me! I have a live plant in his tank which fills it quite a bit but he still has room to have a good swim about. There are times where Samurai has caught my attention because I have heard him hit against the glass, is this hurting him??? <Likely so> He has also flickered across the surface of the water which seems to be in a panic mode. He has jumped across/over the plant (which sits just under the surface) lay on the leaf on the other side very very still... then started to swim again. He is always at the glass swinging from left to right like someone shaking their head.. Argh! is he okay guys? I just want him to be happy.. <Something amiss with this fish's environment... Likely related to cycling...> He has never tried to actually jump OUT of the tank but does hitting the glass mean he wants out? or more room?.. <Heat, filtration...> Also. does noise effect him? My phone rings at work and at the moment he is next to it. Should I move him? <Mmm... possibly> Really appreciate the help. Thank you xx Jasmine P.S He eats fine - every 2nd day 3 dried blood worms or 5 tiny blood/bone something.. His color is fine and vibrant and he is very aware if people come near his tank and his surroundings. <This last is a good sign... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> New Tank, Cloudy water -- 05/08/07 Hi Crew, Thank you for your excellent advice you gave me regarding a previous finned friend. New problem: I read your FAQ's but didn't see an answer that fits my situation. I have a 6.6 gallon heated tank for my gorgeous blue lavender female Betta, Nigella. I conditioned the water and added Prime to make sure it was good. I tested the water, waited two days tested again and added my fish. Overnight the tank went hazy/cloudy. Is this new tank syndrome? < Probably, Check the ammonia with a test kit.> Will Nigella be ok or am I suffocating her? < Ammonia is toxic to fish and needs to be dealt with.> She has living plants and a lot of room to swim. On top of that she's very interactive and playful. I have had her for a few months and finally got her a larger tank. Last night the water was crystal clear and this morning it is cloudy. I feel bad that I did something wrong. Thank you, Elizabeth < Excess fish food and fish waste are broken down by bacteria into ammonia. When the biological filtration is established it will be broken down into a less toxic nitrite and then once again into an even less toxic nitrate. If you add Bio-Spira from Marineland the bacteria will go to work right away. If not it will take a couple of months to get the tank established. Feed your fish once a day, and only enough food so that all of it is gone in a couple of minutes. Remove any leftover food. Vacuum the gravel to remove fish waste and do numerous partial water changes to keep waste levels under control.-Chuck> New Betta questions -- 5/4/07 Hello, <<Hi, Karen. Tom with you.>> I just received a Betta 3 days okay and I am clueless. From what I have learned I have a multicolored Betta and he is a very handsome fellow. So, I purchased a 5-gallon hex Eclipse bio-filter tank it is plastic with no heater. <<Fine choice of tanks, Karen. A five-gallon tank is an excellent size for Bettas. Now, you need a heater. Look at a 25-watt 'Theo' made by Hydor. A quality product that's a good size for your tank.>> The Betta: I put him in yesterday and him would not eat today. He won't eat or puff his fins. He is swimming around the vegetation of the tank but does seem to not be as straight today, a little bowed, not much. <<Bettas take a bit of time to acclimate to new surroundings. More than some other fish, actually. The fact that he isn't eating or 'flaring' isn't a big concern right now. Bear in mind, however, that his tank is 'uncycled'. (Check up on cycling an aquarium on our site.) In the meantime, you'll have to do regular water changes. VERY regular water changes. About every four to five days, remove and replace about one gallon of water, conditioning the new water with a water conditioner that treats for chlorine and chloramines. (Not to worry since water conditioners are readily found at pet stores that deal with fish products.) Do not overfeed! This can/will lead to cycling problems. (If you float a flake or two of Betta-specified food at the top of the tank and he doesn't take it, skip it. Throwing more food in won't do any good.)>> I don't see any lumps, bumps, or spots and I'm worried about the little fellow. <<Don't be, for now. Bettas are very hardy despite their fragile appearance. Don't be afraid to 'interact' with him. Tap lightly with a fingernail on the front of the tank when you want to see him, particularly at feeding time. He'll soon associate you with food and will show up whenever you're near. (Yeah, it's 'cheating' but he's a fish, not a Cocker Spaniel. We go with what we've got. :) )>> Any advice will be appreciated. Karen Jones <<Definitely check out our information on aquarium 'cycling', Karen. Lots of good stuff that will fill in many of the blanks. If you need some clarification, feel free to write. Best of luck. Tom>> Betta tank size likely causing problems
4/25/07 Hi people,
<Hello there.> I have two questions. One: I have a Betta in a 1
gal. (8.5 inches long 5.5 wide ad to top of water 5 in.) tank. I know
it is small but let me go on...I have 1 live plant in it with three
other Betta bulbs <These are likely Aponogetons> that are
growing. <Although live plants do help with providing oxygen, they
don't makeup for quarters that are too small. The minimum size I
recommend for a Betta tank is 3 gallons (filtered and heated, of
course).> I also have a hang on 1-3 gallon hang on filter, a bridge
for hiding. Regular gravel, readings are stable (nitrites, nitrates
etc.) <Stable doesn't necessarily mean good; ammonia and
nitrites need to be at zero, and nitrates no more than 20 ppm...>
...and the temperature is stable at 80 degrees F. <Good temp. for a
Betta.> I do 10% water changes once a day and feed him 2 pellets or
(depending on the day) a couple of blood worms. Is he happy? <My
preference would be to see him in a 3 gallon tank. However, I am glad
to read you do daily water changes. Be sure that you are
heating than new water prior to adding it, or you may be causing a
temperature fluctuation. Honestly, I tried keeping a female
Betta in a 2 gallon tank, and that, alas, proved too small, and she
ultimately passed on earlier than she should have...> Two: my same
Betta has black edges on his fins not all around but on one small part
of it. Any ideas? Water quality is fine as stated above. <Are the
edges starting to degenerate, as well? I believe what you are
describing is fin rot, and it is usually caused by poor water
quality. Some Bettas are more sensitive than others (likely
due to the multiple genetic manipulations the entire species has been
put through over recent years). In any case, I think this is reason
enough to give your Betta an upgrade. As stated above, 3 gallons is a
minimum; 5 even better. I've got 2 3 gallon Eclipse
tanks for my Betta boys - tank comes complete with filtration (carbon
filter and bio-wheel). Easily accommodates a 25watt heater. Doesn't
cost too much. Although you are doing daily water changes, you either
aren't doing enough, or the daily changes are causing enough stress
to suppress the Betta's immune system, causing him to get sick.>
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Harry
<Hope I have helped. I appreciate your situation, and I'm not
trying to jump to conclusions. However, everything you describe about
your husbandry sounds very good, so the obvious solution is to change
the one variable you can - tank size. Good luck, Jorie> Betta too warm? Writer not reading? 4/2/07 Hi, so
I'm kinda new to the Betta thing, I've had this guy for almost
a week and he seems pretty lazy, but, around 3-4am every night/morning
he gets active and starts like jumping out of the water. <Do make
sure the water level is kept low enough, the system covered to avoid it
leaving...> When he isn't doing this he seems to enjoy hanging
out with his head kind of buried under a rock in the back bottom
corner, my apt is very warm, <... not consistently so...> right
now I have two fans on the go and the temp is still 85 degrees.. could
it be that the water is too hot? and if so, id there dome kind of
opposite to a heater I <...> could use to bring down water temps
or do I need to look for someone to give him to that lives somewhere
with lower indoor temp. <You need to look, read before writing
us...> would putting an air bubble strip thing in there with him add
any kind of cooling effect, like a wind chill for underwater? the
things I saw said still water so I haven't dropped in an air bubble
thing yet, but if that would make him happier I'd gladly get him
one. thanks for making this site, it's very helpful. <You should
use it: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm and the
linked files above. Bob Fenner> Another Betta question...! 3/31/07 Hello, and thank you for the greatest informational site on Bettas I've been able to find!! <Yikes! Powerful endorsement!> I'm a relatively new Betta owner; about 3 weeks or so. Stewart is a beautiful blue and red gentleman who has adjusted well to his 2.5 gallon tank, as compared to the cup I bought him in. Terrible things those little containers, I wanted to buy them all to get them out! (My husband would have none of that) He now has a good quality adjustable heater and a little hidey place (ornamental "stump" with holes) and some nice plants. I change out about half of his water every week, and clean his tank out once every week and a half or two weeks, careful to use only water and no soap. He's fairly active and sociable, gets excited and dances in front of the glass when I come to feed and visit with him! He's a regular bubble nest builder, and can put quite a masterpiece together in short order! <Heee! Well-stated> He's just great. I'm trying to vary his diet with the pellets (he likes the smaller the better) and freeze-dried bloodworms. Also, while he does spread his fins out all pretty like on occasions, he doesn't do it very often. Should I find a mirror to get him going, so to speak, more often? <Mmm, "for temporary use only"... Too stressful to "challenge" continuously> Anyway, more importantly, after much searching and reading on the Ich problem which Stewart has been recently "cured" from, I've been unable to find any info that gives me an idea when I should replace the filter that I emptied the charcoal out of during his treatment, with a new charcoal filter. After his last tank cleaning, I turned down his heater a few degrees (from upper 80's to an 82 - 84 degree range) and used the Aquarisol and salt as directed, but now am concerned that if I put the charcoal filter back in that it will take out the Aquarisol and/or other treatments that might still be in the water. Any guidance and or any other advice you can give me would be very much appreciated! Thanks to all of you for ALL YOU DO!! =) Ruth <Thank you for your kind, encouraging words... I would wait a good two weeks after the treatment is "over" to change the filter media here. Bob Fenner> Male Bettas in a divided tank 3/28/07 Your site is wonderful! Thank you! My husband and I just bought two Bettas yesterday and took the advice of the pet store (big mistake!). Needless to say we are off today to buy all the things they actually need. Right now we have them in a divided tank and one is constantly challenging the other. <Yes... till he gets "too pooped"... best not to house in constant view> This is causing one to be cowering in the corner and the other to be constantly flaring. We were thinking of buying a ten gallon and dividing it. Would this be acceptable? <Mmm, if the divider were not transparent...> Will the bigger tank curb the challenging behaviors? <To some extent, yes... but better that there is something more to obscure the appearance...> The most important question is if it doesn't stop will they be healthy or get too stressed out? <Too likely this latter> Will two separate tanks be necessary if it doesn't stop? <Mmm, no... just something with an obscuring effect... like a rounded hurricane lamp cover...> We are new to Bettas but look forward to a lifetime of providing healthy environments, raising healthy fish and reading your site! Thank you, Paul and Mandy Tebb <Thank you for your kind, encouraging words... I do encourage you to consider opaque glass or plastic sheet to temporarily separate these two. Bob Fenner> My dear Betta :( 3/14/07 Hello anyone who is helping me! <<Hi, Jamie. Tom here.>> I got a Betta fish about three days ago, and just changed his water today. I had him in about room temperature water, but I thought it seemed cold, so I took him out and put warm water in. When I got Lloyd, they told me I didn't need a big container at all, but I wanted an okay sized one anyway just because (which is good, seeing as I found out they need room so their fins don't tear). <<Among other reasons, Jamie.>> Anyway, I was totally unknowledgeable about Betta's, so I brought him back, rinsed the rocks, and threw him in (well not threw, more like placed :)) the water. <<You learned, first-hand, to never buy an animal (fish included) that you know nothing about. A lesson learned'¦ ;) >> He was okay at first, he swam around, but yesterday and today he has been swimming very infrequently, will maybe go up and blow some bubbles, or so it seems, and will then stop moving and float in the water upright. Sometimes he lays on the rocks as well. What is wrong with Lloyd? <<Lloyd needs very warm water, first and foremost. His water should be, at least, 80 degrees F. Room temperature water, unless you live in the tropics, won't do it for him. Get him a heater. Laying on the rocks is normal. Mine does it all the time. Blowing 'bubble nests' is a very good sign. You're in the early stages, Jamie. Bettas will act strangely until they acclimate to their surroundings. Don't put too much into it just now.>> Is it the food? I feed him HBH Beta Bites (pellets), and they usually sink right away, which worries me. <<Bettas typically feed at the top but don't be overly concerned. He'll find it eventually.>> Is it the water? I used tap water, and don't have a filter or anything. <<Oops. Another 'first', get a filter along with the heater. Another biggie, get a good quality water conditioner that removes chlorine/chloramines. Research 'cycling' an aquarium on our site. In fact, research, research and, then, research'¦>> I don't want Lloyd to die, so please help! <<I don't want Lloyd to die, either, Jamie, but you have to do some homework. I can't 'save' him from here.>> Also, I didn't put anything extra in the water, maybe that's it? <<If you're referring to the conditioner, that's part of it. If you can't find the answers on our site, please, post back to me and I'll be happy to get into the specifics. What you're asking about now has been addressed many, many times so I don't think you'll have a problem finding answers.>> Thanks! Jamie <<Again, if you don't understand something, post your question to me. I'll be more than happy to give you more information than you'll need. :) My best to you. Tom>> Betta splendens Ali? 3/11/07 My Betta was originally in a small Betta container that held about a quart of water. : ( I felt sorry for him and he now lives in a 5 gal tank (Waterhome5) which is also home to a few small plants that I keep trimmed to a proportionate size for the tank and the substrate is small stones, about 1" round (purchased in a LFS). So far this $4.00 fish has cost me over $100.00. <A step up to be sure, but still a little small.> My one and only attempt to add fish to that tank was 2 Mickey Mouse Platys who managed to live for a whole 5 days before I finally put them out of their misery when they started looking like losers from a Mohammed Ali boxing match. the Betta is now named "The Terminator". <I'll be back.> <Your tank is too small for this.> I suspect my mistake was that I added 2 young (1-inch) fish to a tank that already had one territorial fish, but I want to make the tank more interesting and entertaining, both for myself and for the fish - although he certainly had other ideas about that at the time. <I would select a larger tank. Perhaps a 20g - 29g.> My 3 local LFS locations have each told me that I should have added 4 or 5 fish at one time, <Sure this would work, if you wanted everyone to die from toxic build up.> suggesting Tetras or White Clouds, and a Corydoras or two instead of just those 2 Platies. I do have a bit of an algae problem that I'm trying to keep under control, hence the addition of live plants, so am interested in an algae eater. However, I don't want to add these fish just so they can be sparring partners for the Betta to train for his next bout. Keeping to the rule of thumb of 1 inch of fish per gallon of water, would 4 neon tetras and a Corydoras be too much to add to the Betta in a 5 gallon tank? <Yes. When you stock, you have to stock with the fish's adult size in mind. They sure are cute when they are little, but it won't last forever. I would get a larger tank, or let the B. splendens live peacefully on it's own.> By the way - your site is the only place I've been able to find sensible, easy-to-read and easy-to-understand assistance - both are important qualities required by a "newbie". Thanks for being there for us all. <That is what we are here for, Brandon.> Lynne Q about my Betta... in a Bowl 2/24/07 My Betta, Dietrich, is about six months old. He's had a happy, comfy life. Last week he stopped eating and started moping around. He wouldn't swim and just laid in his plant. I changed his water and he acted all better. Then two days later he started freaking out. Every time I come near his bowl <... here's the trouble. Environmental> he freaks out and starts zooming around and around, trying to fly out of his bowl (I keep a holey lid on it). So I put him into a different bowl but that hasn't helped at all. This is the first fish I've ever owned and I don't know what to do with him! He hasn't eaten in days. Kathy <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Another Betta in a
bowl... Beedy, beedy, beedy, hokay Buck 2/24/07 I
don't know if this is where to ask a question or not, but... Bucky,
had him about a year now. is spitting out his food he eats it chews
awhile & spits it out. There may be some white stuff on his lips -
not sure. fins & color look good. Been using extra salt, (1/2 tsp )
in his gallon tank, stress coat. 7 drops each of Mela fix and pima fix.
His water gets very cloudy in a day or 2 . Is this from disease, or the
medications. I have been changing it when it gets cloudy
Shelly in Pittsburgh <... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm and
the linked files above. BobF> Bettas and algae eaters - compatibility -
02/17/2007 <<Hi, Lynne. Tom here.>> I have a 5-gal
(19L) Waterhome5 tank with one Betta (named The Terminator after he
killed 2 Mickey mouse platys recommended by my LFS). I had a
cloudy water problem and found out I was not allowing the tank to
condition - changing the water as soon as it got cloudy. I
was doing a 20% water replacement every few days but it didn't
help. <<The cloudy water was likely the result of a
bacterial bloom, Lynne. The bacteria (always present, by the way) feed
on excess nutrients and as long as those nutrients remain, the bacteria
will simply propagate and the issue remains unresolved.>> I have
small smooth rocks as a bottom layer (no gravel). Last
weekend I did another complete change after being told I was probably
being TOO clean and was advised to maybe just rinse but NOT scrub the
rocks this time (some slime algae on Plexiglas sides needed to be
cleaned, too). <<Beneficial bacteria will populate the substrate,
whatever it might be. Too thorough a cleaning basically wipes out the
population leaving you right back at 'square one'. If you
choose to rinse your substrate rather than vacuum it, make sure you
rinse the rocks in used aquarium water to prevent damaging the
bio-colonies too severely.>> Then I started again, even with new
filters, and added 2 live plants. It clouded up within the
first day, but after reading up a bit more decided to leave it alone to
see if it would clear itself, and IT
DID! Yippee! <<Yep. The 'bad'
bacteria ate themselves out of house and home!>> Last night I
noticed green "stuff" on all the stones at the bottom of the
tank. Here we go again! <<Likely just an algae
build-up. The plants will help with this since they'll typically
out-compete the algae for nutrients (nitrates) in the tank. Be careful
about over-feeding and keep lighting levels minimized.>>
Question: How and what do I clean or not clean to get rid of
this stuff? Can I add an algae eater to the tank to
help? <<Regular water changes are important here.
With Bettas, you should be looking at a water change once per week.
Nothing extreme, just about 20% will suffice. Now, as to your second
question, I'm neither a proponent of placing other fish with Bettas
nor am I a proponent of adding 'algae eaters' to a tank to
control algae. Regarding the former, I think you had a first-hand look
with the Platys as to why I don't recommend mixing Bettas with
others. All too often, somebody comes out on the 'short end',
either the Betta or the other fish. As to the latter, you'd most
probably end up with an algae eater that doesn't have any more
algae to feed on after a time. There are other ways to control this
nuisance growth without buying a fish that you may not really want
beyond its ability/willingness to clean your tank. Your five-gallon
tank is a wonderful size for a single Betta. No need to mess with a
good thing.>> If so, which species and how many without crowding
the tank. <<See above'¦>> I don't
have a water test kit (way too expensive) so I don't know what my
chemical levels are. I'm just afraid the unsightly algae
is detrimental to the health of the fish. <<Your local LFS will
test a sample of your water for free. Don't settle for
'fine', 'good', 'within limits' or
'safe'. Get the actual readings from them. As far as the algae
goes, it's only 'unsightly' to us. The Betta doesn't
care. Our concern is if the growth is due to excessive nitrates in the
water. Since these can/will be controlled with regular water changes,
keep up with these and you should be fine. Good luck. Tom>> Betta on Spring Break? 2/14/2007 Hi- <<Hello Claire!>> I'm not quite sure which category this falls under, but my friend and I need some advice about our Bettas. We are going on a trip for Spring Break and need to bring our Bettas with us (I have 2, she has 1, and we'll be taking our roommates' as well). <<Is there really no one that can come care for them while you're away>> We are wondering if it is safe to take our Bettas in the car? It is a fairly long trip (10 hrs) and we didn't want to take them originally, but we don't seem to have much of a choice. <<Well, assuming they are in heated, filtered tanks now, you have a few things to consider. Battery powered air pumps and heaters are one, as temperature stability is a concern, as is oxygenation, even with atmospheric respiration. The vessels they are transported in must be stable, and you need to bring along proper housing (tank, heaters, filters, de-Chlor) for when you get to your destination, which includes an active bio-filter, such as the sponge from the filter on their tank (transported in tank water). Furthermore, their care while you are on spring break is an issue.>> Is this safe? <<Perhaps, if you take the care required. I personally would opt for a fish-sitter.>> Thanks for your help! Claire <<Glad to help. Lisa.>> Thanks so much for your response! <<You are quite welcome.>> We live in a college dorm so everyone is leaving, or we would leave our boys and girl here. <<Ah, understandable.>> Thanks again for your help, it is much appreciated! <<My pleasure. Good luck with your pets, and do let me know how it went and how you went about it :). Lisa.>> Caring For A Crown tail Betta - 02/09/2007 Hello! <Hi there! Jorie here.> I've been looking on your website and it's helped me so much in caring for my Betta. A few weeks ago, I decided that to give my dorm room some personality and that I was going to buy a fish. I remembered seeing those poor fish in the small cups or bowls at the pet store and decided I would save one of them and give it a home. <I'm a sucker for "saving" Bettas as well...I've got three at the moment, two boys and one girl (all living separately)> I bought a 1 gallon tank... <This is the absolutely minimum - obviously better than the cup, but ideally at least a 3 gal. tank is best. In any case, try to fit a 25watt submersible heater in the tank - Bettas need water of warm (80-82 degrees F), stable temperatures.> ...some blue rocks, and a white (fake - but made of a softer material so it wouldn't have rough edges) plant. It has a filter, which I turn on for only about an hour or two out of the day to help keep his water clear (I found any longer than that and he almost seems to get too tired from busting all the bubbles it makes!). <You need to leave the filtration on 24/7, so it can effectively do its job. Many filters can be adjusted, so that the water output is less or more - obviously, for the Betta, less would be good. In any case, your Betta will adapt to the current, so long as it isn't too extreme...> I had originally bought him some Betta pellets to munch on, but soon - I saw that his water got a white cloudy substance at the bottom, and the next day, I saw he was spitting out his food and just letting it sink to the bottom. <That's not good. You don't want left-over food sitting on the bottom of the tank, as that's a quick way to foul the water. In your 1 gal. tank, I'd recommend changing 75% of his water twice per week, also, siphoning out any waste off the bottom of the tank.> I then went out and got him some Omega Freeze-Dried Bloodworms, which he seems to be enjoying very much. <They do love bloodworms! Also, mysis shrimp are a big hit. I'm surprised, though, that your fish didn't like the pellets - what brand were they? I've had good luck with the Hikari Betta pellets...perhaps try those. Also, in general, remember that the Betta's stomach is about the size of one of his eyes...only 3 or so pellets once per day is more than enough food. Alternatively, 5-6 small bloodworms for a meal is good.> The thing I'm truly worried about is that he use to be a gorgeous deep blue color, but recently - he's been turning a bright (but beautiful) red! Is it normal for a Betta to change colors as much as he does? He seems to go back and forth - and right now he's a mix of blue and red. He seems very happy and is swimming around effortlessly, eventually stopping to see what is going on on my computer screen. <Cute little buggers with lots of personality, aren't they? Many times Bettas do change colors once you get them home from the store and put them into more appropriate containers. Going back and forth, though, is a bit strange, unless he's just one of those very unique "marbled" colored Bettas. So long as you are keeping his water clean (there should be no build-up of ammonia, nitrite and nitrates; the twice weekly water change schedule should ensure everything's good there, along with feeding him sparingly) and keeping him in a warm, stable temperature, all should be well. Do turn that filtration unit on, though!> I'm just worried about my fish, I've grown very attached! <I understand. Out of all my fish, my Bettas are among my favorites, as they are so entertaining and truly "pet like". Here's some links to my favorite Betta websites: http://www.bcbetta.com/ http://www.bettacave.com/ http://www.siamsbestbettas.com/ > Thanks, Bethany <You're welcome - enjoy your Betta! Jorie> Betta health... just sys.,
env. 2/3/07 Hello, I have a Betta that started showing
signs of iridescent fins with a small white spot on his dorsal fin many
months back. Its like at that spot he just lost his color. But its the
spots on his other fins that are interesting. They are shiny. <Mmm,
this is likely mostly "age"...> He is also a little
lethargic (probably a little cold because I have a tank without a
heater), <... this is a tropical species...> and he doesn't
make bubble nests as much anymore. I use water conditioner and try to
change his water 1 time a week. He is in a average sized goldfish bowl,
I'd guess around a gallon. He doesn't scratch himself against
anything, his eyes don't bulge and he has no ulcers or sores. He
doesn't look like he has salt on him and he doesn't have
"clouds" around his fins so I don't think its that type
of fungus. I have treated him with malachite three times with no
change. <Not a good idea> In fact, he almost seems to be shedding
scales. <The medicine...> I find very small flaky pieces on the
surface. I worry that I'm causing him undue suffering and really
want to help him feel better. Do you have any suggestions? I can post a
picture if you would like. Thank you, ~~Strawberry's owner <Be a
real "owner", care-giver and provide your charges with the
care they need/deserve... Please read and heed: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm and
the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Temperature for ADFs/Betta 1/30/07 <Hi Betty> Thanks so much for your prompt response! <No problem.> I'm so glad I found your web site so I could finally get some much needed information. I've read a lot of the letters on your site and I agree that pet stores don't give you much info on dwarf frogs. They have books on all kinds of fish, but I've never seen a book only about dwarf frogs. And that's a real shame since they make such nice pets. <But there are lots of websites: http://allaboutfrogs.org/info/mypets/dwarfs.html http://www.theaquariumwiki.com/Dwarf_African_Frog http://home.earthlink.net/~ecotank/id22.html http://www.petplace.com/reptiles/choosing-an-african-dwarf-frog/page1.aspx http://www.hv3.7h.com/dwarffrogs.html http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/dwfaffrogfaqs.htm > Don't worry, Pufferpunk -- I'm not going to put anything else in the frog tank. I've learned my lesson. <Glad to hear that!> And it's funny that you should say that the Neons are difficult fish to keep, because the pet store guy told me they are considered "beginner fish." But I found out otherwise and I won't be getting any more of those. I dearly love my frogs and my Betta, even though I still think he looks lonely. But no more pals for him either. <Good> I do have one more question about water temperature. I have a thermometer in the frog tank and it's reading about 68 degrees. I haven't taken the temp in the Betta tank but I imagine it's the same, since they're in the same room. Should I get an aquarium heater for the frogs and/or the Betta and if so, what temperature would you recommend? <Check the above sites for temps for your frogs. Bettas are tropical fish which means 78-82 degrees. It will probably be difficult to find a thermometer that will keep a bowl like that stable. Maybe you could put a light over it or even better, give him the 5g & get a 10g for the frogs to have lots of swimming room. You could put plants & other fun things in there for them to check out! ~PP> Bettas, Filtration and Thank
Yous - 1/24/07 Happy hello from a freshly educated Betta
keeper! <And a happy hello from me, JustinN again!> To JustinN
and Bob F, I'd like to personally thank you both.
<On behalf of both of us, you're quite welcome.> You've
answered questions for me in the past and your wisdom has saved two of
my fish's lives. Bob introduced me to the possibility of
an infection I didn't even know existed and JustinN...what a
palm-to-forehead moment! Cycling! The last time I
had a tank I was 18... ten years ago. I was shocked that I
had forgotten something so fundamental. <No worries here, you
remember now and that's the important part! Part of the human
condition is to make mistakes, and from the mistakes, learn and grow.
Chalk it up to education, my friend.> I vacillated painfully about
what to do to correct my unforgivable fishy oversight, and ultimately
settled on apologizing profusely to my four Bettas (separate tanks--!),
performing a 50% water change, picking up some nitrogen booster stuff
and praying to Poseidon. <Hehe, a few frozen (then
thawed!) blood worms or mysis shrimp will go a long way towards an
apology here... *grin*> Now I've got my fingers crossed and my
hands out of Kira's tank (being careful Bob, I promise).
<Excellent> So I'm singing your praises to all my friends and
looking for a WWM t-shirt. Amazon--? ;-) <There is a link
for such on our front page, on a link labeled "WetWebMedia
Gear" -- I'll also provide the link here: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/store.aspx?s=wetwebmedia.0 >
One last question for the moment. Kira (the one with the
crooked spine) is in a 2.5 gallon with a BioWheel. I
unplugged his filter this afternoon to treat him with bloodworm (freeze
dried). The filter tends to stir up the surface so much that
he has a hard time chasing down the food. His fins are huge
and I worry for his bad posture. <Ok... Can this filter be throttled
down? (Sorry, I have no personal experience with the Eclipse systems.)
If so, this will likely help some all around.> 20 minutes later, I
had a bubblenest. <Excellent!> The last thing I'm going to do is
drop my female in there. I know precisely squat about
breeding and won't risk fishy tuberculosis since I don't know
if it's contagious (or if he has it). But will there be any ill
effects if I turn the filter back on and obliterate his
nest? I was hugely flattered at this discovery after being
convinced I'd made irreversible mistakes and I'm loathe to mess
anything up now!! <Oh, no, no worries here my friend. The filtration
is essential; if it can be throttled down to not agitate the surface as
much, it may help some, but do aim to keep it running.> Thanks guys.
Oh, JustinN, thank you so much for taking the time to correctly forward
your reply. I've requested that yahoo fix this silly
reply-forward thing for years and they can't seem to figure
themselves out. I always come to the site to read through
the FAQ's whenever I can. Your dedication to ensuring that your
help is received speaks to an impressive commitment to your passion as
an aquarist. Pasada <You're going to make me blush!
Seriously though, this is just what I feel is my 'duty' here..
I like to help, feel beneficial, as well as I like to know that other
people are receiving as accurate of a story as possible... If I
wasn't doing it here, I'd probably be on some message board
around the net doing it elsewhere! Likewise, you say you've been
having issues with Yahoo's mail service... May I offer you a (free)
invite to Google's provided mail service? I do believe you can
arrange it to receive all your Yahoo email as well.. The choice is
yours, just let me know, my friend! -JustinN> Betta Care and Tank Set-Up 1/19/07 I just purchased my Betta a couple of hours ago. Along with the fish, I bought a Betta care kit ( little tank, Betta flakes, and a tap water conditioning treatment) He seemed fine bringing him home, and a little while after I put him in the cleaned tank with the conditioned water. After a couple of hours, he started sinking to the bottom, sort of on his side, and only swimming if I moved the tank. Even if I move the tank, he swims for a couple seconds, and just sinks to the bottom again. The water seems to be room temperature, although I do not have a thermometer. What do you think is going on? I'm concerned, hopefully you have some ideas. <This fish is suffering through your tank nitrogen cycle...toxic ammonia is afflicting this animal and/or poor acclimation, temperature swings...likely a combination of all. Access the WWM main page and use the search feature to look-up proper beta care as well as establishing FW biological filtration.> Thank You, <Anytime.> Emily. <Adam J.> Betta Questions... gen. 1/10/07 Hi Bob- <<Hi, Margaret. Tom filling in.>> This might be long - sorry! <<Oh, stop. :) >> I'm a by-accident first time male Betta fish owner and need some help!<<Okay.>>Someone at work received the fish as a gift for the holidays, and since I was the only one here, I took care of it, and now it's ended up being mine. <<There seems to be some of that going around, Margaret.>> Since I've never in my life owned any kind of fish, I'm really at a loss as to how to care for this guy. He originally was in a small glass cube, and I was told only to feed him these Betta ColorBright flakes 3 times a week. <<Bettas are easily overfed but small amount every day won't hurt him.>> After only a week he was floating on his side at the top, but still alive. After doing some online research, I was immediately shocked that I wasn't taking care of him properly. <<Kudos for the research, Margaret.>> So I went to the pet store and purchased a 1-Gallon fish bowl, Tetra freeze-dried bloodworms, AmQuel + and NovAqua + to treat the water, and a fake fabric plant so he could have something to sleep/hide behind. <<All good'¦>> I have big, smooth pebbles at the bottom of the bowl, I rinsed the plant and placed it in the bowl, and I used water from the water cooler at work to fill it (I took the temp. of it and it has stayed around 75), put in a drop each of the Amquel and NovAqua, and immediately placed the fish back in the bowl. He attacked the plant for a few minutes, and when he got used to it he seemed happy and was swimming all around. <<So far, so good however I sense a 'but' coming.>> He seemed great for a few days after. I would give him 1 freeze dried bloodworm in the morning, then a few flakes at night, and he doesn't get fed on sat. or sun. (because I'm not at work where he's kept). <<Shouldn't be too big of a problem.>> However, yest. morning he was floating alive on top again and struggling to get to the bottom of the bowl. It's not that he can't get down there eventually (he usually does) but it seems like he floats on top all morning, then starts swimming around in the afternoon, eventually getting to the bottom. <<Okay. You need to understand that he'll breathe air from the surface. This part of Betta behavior isn't unusual. In fact, it's totally necessary for their survival.>> When he gets to the bottom, he also digs around the pebbles. <<Mine doesn't but it's not an indication of a real problem.>> I bought freshwater salts last night and placed a couple in the bowl this morning, plus I tested the water for ammonia with the Mardel Small Bowl Water Change Test, in case I needed to change the water, but it came back fine, so I'm not sure what else to do. <<You're doing fine thus far. My only recommendation is that you mix the salt with fresh water before adding it to the bowl. Undissolved salt can 'burn' fish. Seems contradictory, really, but you want the salt to be in 'solution' when it's added.>> He has always had a small pinhole in his bottom fin and has always had something smooth and black protruding from the gills all around his head, so I'm not sure if he has a gill disease, or bacteria infection? <<The aquarium salt will, likely, take care of both 'conditions' if this is what they are. The fins on Bettas are easily damaged/torn. Might have been from handling, for instance. If they become ragged or split, it's a problem. As for the gills, I wouldn't leap to any specific conclusions at this point. Stick with the salt, removing old water and replacing it with fresh water, salt included, on a regular basis.>> And if it is either of these things, how do I treat it in a 1-Gallon bowl? <<Let's see if the salt works first.>> I also bought this water conditioner called Bowl Buddies that use fizz tabs - it seemed a bit more easier to use than the Amquel, but I'm waiting to use it until I change the water again sometime this week. <<A one-gallon bowl should have the water changed, at least, twice a week. In fact, given the location, I'd go with Monday, Wednesday and Friday. About half should be right.>> It came with Hikari pellets, which I fed him 2 this morning that he ate right up. <<Look into a variety of foods, Margaret. There are good quality flake foods for Bettas as well as freeze-dried bloodworms and daphnia. Brine shrimp are a real favorite as well. (Don't buy the frozen variety. It's excellent but would be a waste of money in your case with only one fish to feed.)>> Besides the illness questions, I have a few other questions too. <<Fire away'¦>> Should I not be putting fake plants in the bowl? <<Fake plants are fine if they're made of silk. Plastic plants have sharp edges that might tear a Betta's fins.>> When I change the water, should I pour the already existing water into another bowl with the fish, clean out the bowl, place fresh water and conditioner in it, then immediately place the fish and some old water back into the tank, or do I wait a little while for the conditioner to work in the water before placing the fish back in? <<Find a suitable container -- a large plastic measuring cup would do well -- and dip out about half of the water from the bowl. Dump this and fill with fresh water and the conditioner and salt. (Your Betta will be fine until this is done. Trust me!) Let this water sit for a bit -- until it appears perfectly clear -- and then add this back to the bowl. If I have a concern here, going with what we've got, it's going to be issues of temperature and using the 'drinking' water. Bettas need warm temperatures. Warmer than 75 degrees. Need to be nearer to 80, or higher. Also, water should be taken from the tap rather than using 'purified' drinking water. Tap water has 'elements' in it that fish require and, often, bottled water has had these elements removed. As an aside, if you decide to take him home one day, the bottled water won't likely be available. Acclimate him to tap water. Finally, consider a little larger tank for him. A one-gallon bowl isn't 'bad' but he'd do better in something in the range of 2 1/2 gallons up to five, given that you've got him at work. This would also allow you to get a heater and filter. (No, I don't have a brother-in-law who sells aquarium equipment. :) ) Just far better for the fish all around.>> Sorry for all these questions, I'm just really confused and baffled by this fish!! Thanks again- Margaret <<You're welcome, Margaret. Like I've told other folks, you know where to find us! Cheers. Tom>> Thank you! I actually sent another email today-please disregard. <<Caught it, Margaret, and figured you didn't need a second reply to the same question(s). All is happy!>> Margaret <<Tom>> Betta at Work
1/5/07 Hi, <Hello there> I was reading some of the
FAQ and noticed someone mentioned that they have a Betta Fish at work
and that he fasts on the weekends and so they give him a little extra
food on Friday. Will the Betta be OK if he doesn't eat over the
weekend? <Likely yes. I'd be very careful with the
"extra" feeding on Friday, though, as that's a very easy
way to quickly foul the water...> What is the longest they can go
without getting food? <A week or more...but I wouldn't suggest
regularly subjecting any fish to this...> I looked at the feeders
that you put in the water that dissolve over time (releasing food
pellets as it does this), but I've read that those aren't the
best and can change the water chemistry (pH). <It can also quickly
pollute the tank; I don't recommend these at all.> I've
gotten him an electronic automatic food pellet feeder, but I only have
a gallon tank and the feeder doesn't fit well with the hood still
on the tank. <I'm not surprised. In all honesty, if
you feed your Betta right before you leave work on Friday, then first
thing Monday a.m., he will likely be OK. But, since you mention
it...the 1 gal. tank he has - hopefully it's filtered and heated
(to a stable 80-82 degrees F)? Also, I'm hoping you do regular
water changes? I myself have three Bettas; two males, each in his own 3
gal. Eclipse tank, that I do 50% weekly water changes on, and 1 female
in a 2 gal. tank, that I do about 75% water changes on
weekly. In all honesty, I think the 2 gal. it too small, and
the 3 gal. is perfect...anything less than 2 gal., well, let's just
say I sincerely hope that this tank is at least filtered and heated,
not to mentioned very well maintained. Just looking out for
the health of your Betta...> Thanks for your help! -- Lawrence
<You're welcome. Your Betta will likely be fine
without food over a weekend; I'm more concerned about the
environmental conditions he's living in. Best regards,
Jorie> Betta Question From A
Newbie 12/29/06 Greetings from Canada, <Canada
hello> I have spent the last two hours skimming through your web
site and found it very informative for an absolute beginner like me.
<Good to hear.> My question is in regard to a Betta I purchased
recently. I got it at a local shopping mall pet store. They had about
30 or so of these beauties piled on top of each other in
very small plastic containers. <Typical of most/all Betta
sellers.> The Bettas came in several colours
each were very striking in their own way. One guy attracted
my attention and I decided to buy him partially because of
his uniqueness that I will describe in a second but also because I
thought he may have been injured and needed care that the store
wasn't giving. <Good for you.> The store staff were not
helpful in answering any questions I had and the guy working on the
floor told me that I could have the Betta for $1. He
said that the fish had suffered damage in transport and was
suffering from fin rot or something along those lines. Well, long story
short, I bought a 1.7 gallon Marina goldfish starter kit (couldn't
make myself put him in one of those tiny Betta kits they sell) and 2
weeks later he is doing very well. <Good to hear, those
tanks are terrible for goldfish but make nice homes for Bettas, just
make sure to add a heater.> It's just him and a fancy guppy
(friend gave it to me when he knew I got the kit) and things
seem to be going well. <May get aggressive with the guppy with time
depending on his personality.> He is quite active and
seems to be very healthy. <Nice> What the store staff claimed was
fin rot was nothing at all. He is a Crowntail Betta I discovered!
<Neat> My gain, the store's loss as far as I
am concerned. <Yep> The problem I have is trying to
identify him by his colour. I am not familiar with the
proper terminology so I shall do my best to describe him.
His central body from front to back starts with a mild
pink/red and turns a lovely neon baby blue, metallic sheen
which continues along the rear fin/tail. His bottom fins are
confusing to classify. At the point where they leave the
body they are blue and very quickly change to a dark
ochre/brown-red and then as you get near the tips they go
pearl white, almost clear. His top fin is a light blue / pearl white /
clear. When he spreads his fins they are amazing looking. I keep
thinking if dragons were real these would be something a regal dragon
would be proud of. <Very much so.> Your help would be
greatly appreciated and keep up the excellent job of helping newbies
like me. Peace, Geo <I'm not familiar with any official color
classifications, although I'm sure they exist. I would
contact the IBC http://www.ibcbettas.com/ for more on how to
describe your Betta in a more official manner. Good luck
with you new pet.> <Chris> Help with Betta and tank cycling
12/23/06 Hello, <<Good morning, Heather. Tom
here.>> I have found a lot of very useful information on your
site, but I need a little more help. <<That's
what we're here for.>> Here's the situation... I got a
"free" Betta fish at a Christmas party about a week ago (they
were part of the table decorations). <<That's a
new one'¦>> I took him because I thought he'd be a
great work buddy and would be easy to care for. <<He
can be if done properly.>> Then I started doing some research
because I research everything to death and realized that I was in over
my head. <<I wish the person who came up with the 'Christmas
decoration' scheme had done the same. (sigh)>> The first
problem is that he is in a large vase (about 3/4 of a gallon) and the
poor little guy (his name is Fred) is freezing to death at about 68
degrees. I've moved him to the top of the refrigerator
where it is warmer, but the temperature fluctuates a good
bit. I'm not sure which is worse... a steady 68 or an
unsteady temp in the mid to high 70's. <<Much as
we preach 'stability', in this case the warmer temperatures are
less likely to prove his undoing than leaving him 20 degrees lower than
he should be.>> I have acquired a 5 gallon Eclipse tank for him
and it is set up and running (although I still need a heater).
<<Excellent choice on the tank particularly where size is
concerned.>> This is where the next set of problems comes
in. I have done a lot of reading about cycling the tank so I
understand what needs to happen there, but I'm not sure how to go
about doing it in this situation. Should I cycle the tank with Fred
(once I get a heater of course) so that I can get him out of his cold
vase ASAP? If I do this, how do I do it with the least
amount of stress to Fred? Will cycling the tank with Fred in
there be more stressful to him than leaving him in his vase and cycling
the tank some other way? <<Find a good store that deals in
fish/aquarium equipment and buy a bottle/package of BIO-Spira
(Marineland). (It will be refrigerated.) This product -- the ONLY
product - will 'instantly' cycle the tank for you, which will
eliminate the delay in transferring Fred. At the same time you can
purchase the heater and, a personal recommendation, aquarium salt. Now,
if there's going to be a 'tricky part', Heather, this is
where it's going to come in. First, change out 25% of the water in
the new tank adding a good water conditioner to remove
chlorine/chloramine. (There are a number of good products that will do
this unlike the BIO-Spira 'wannabe's' that claim they
instantly cycle aquariums. 'Fritz-Zyme Turbo Start' is another
product that must be refrigerated and contains live nitrifying bacteria
however, it contains Nitrobacter bacteria as opposed to Nitrospira
bacteria which is the prevalent nitrifying bacteria for nitrites in
aquariums. I knew you wanted to know this'¦) Add one
tablespoon of aquarium salt to the new water and mix it in thoroughly
before putting the fresh water in the tank. Set the heater up to bring
the tank temperature equal to what Fred's vase water is currently.
(Do not yet raise the temperature to its final setting.) Add the
BIO-Spira according to the manufacturer's instructions and remember
to refrigerate the remaining product. Move Fred to the new tank and
slowly -- over the course of a few hours -- raise the tank temperature
to a minimum of 80 degrees. (I keep mine at 84 for what it's
worth.) From there it's a matter of good maintenance and
feeding. As an aside, Bettas do well with regular water changes on the
level of 10%-20%, at least, once per week. Again, this will require
conditioner and a small addition of aquarium salt to maintain the ratio
at one tablespoon per five gallons. A heaping teaspoon for each gallon
of water changed should do just fine.>> Thank you for your help,
Heather <<All in all, Heather, this isn't as bad as what you
might have convinced yourself that it is. Seems daunting when you get
caught in an 'avalanche' of information but all you really need
is a few solid basics. Two 'thumbs up' for saving Fred and
caring enough to take care of him properly. Best regards and happy
holidays to you. Tom>> Betta fish question - 11/11/06 <<Hi. Tom here.>> Kind of a naive question.. But what does Betta poop look like? <<Dark and threadlike (stringy) provided he's healthy and didn't have chili for a midnight snack. :) >> I've had 1 other Betta before, and I don't know why I've never bothered to look before. <<Not the first thing I rush to look at in my tanks, either.>> I just cleaned his bowl (I switched him to a 1 gallon bowl as opposed to his regular 2.5 gallon tank after I got a carnival goldfish and, of course, the goldfish just died today after two months), and I noticed big brown lumps at the bottom. <<Sorry about your Goldfish. You'll want to look at thoroughly cleaning the 2.5-gallon tank out and moving your Betta back, though. This is about the minimum size tank that he should be in.>> I think that's his poop, but I'm not sure, since I have a hard time picturing THAT coming out of HIM. I can't find anything about what it looks like, or what those lumps could be otherwise. They're flat most of the time, and some go in a spiral like a snail shell. I'd just like some conformation. I suppose I'm just used to fish stuff being brown and stringy. <<If I were a betting guy, I'd say you're seeing the early stages of brown algae (diatoms) forming, probably around where your Betta's feces are laying. (The combination of both is likely the cause of the 'spiral' look you refer to.) Common in a 'new' tank and easily removed via cleaning. Bettas require frequent water changes so the cleanups that go hand-in-hand with these will reduce or eliminate excess nutrients in the water and, most probably, the problem. Nothing to be concerned about here. Tom>> Bettas need filtered aquariums, heat, good environmental conditions... 11/6/06 Hi! <Hello there> I have two Bettas that are in separate aquariums. <How large are these aquariums? Ideally, 2-3 gallons per Betta is a good setup...> One of them was very active at first but recently he started to float at the top the vase most of the time, instead of swimming around as he used to. <OK, a "vase", in my opinion, is not an aquarium. How many gallons does this vase hold? Also, when was the last time you measured the water's ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels? When was the last time you did a water change? That's the first thing to check when a fish starts acting ill...> He eats well but I also noticed that he some times dashes around in the water quickly and a few times when he's done this, I noticed that he was rubbing against the rocks as if he was trying to scratch himself. I read that usually this is done when they have a bacteria or fungus however, he seems to look fine in color and there are no signs of fungus on his body. When he originally started doing this I noticed that he had a brown looking coat on his body. <Sounds like his slime coat is damaged, or could be a body fungus...I can't tell you for sure w/o a bit more information. but scratching and "flashing" are certainly not normal behaviors. Again, I suspect poor water conditions...> I asked someone at the pet store how I could treat this and they told me to put a couple of drops of Ich X in with a change of water. <I agree with the water change, not the Ich X. Ich appears as a coating of white dots (like salt), not what you are describing...> After doing this the Betta became listless and could hardly keep himself afloat. <Sounds like the wrong dosage of medication, perhaps? I'd do a complete water change, if you haven't already, and get that med. out of his home...> He would swim to the top of the water and then slowly sink to the bottom of the tank. Eventually I changed his water completely and he still continued to be weak and listless but the next day he was fine and the brown coat was gone. <That's good news.> I had another Betta who had the same symptoms (brown coat over scales, stayed at the top of the aquarium, ate well'¦) but he eventually died. I'm trying to save this one, what can I do? I change the water at least once a weak, I use bottled water at room temperature or tap water with water conditioner, I don't over feed him but I still don't know what I'm doing wrong. The other Betta that I mentioned is maintained the same way but I think he may have pop eye and fin rot, what should I use to treat him for this and how do I really know if it is pop eye? <Pop eye and fin rot are both usually caused by poor water conditions. Again, I don't know how large the vases you keep the Bettas in are, but I'm guessing based on this e-mail they aren't too big. Sounds as though your weekly water change isn't sufficient - perhaps try doing one every other day? Also, do consider housing the Bettas in more appropriate aquariums. I like to recommend the 3 gallon Eclipse tank as a perfect Betta home. It has filtration, (which your vase does not), has room for a 25 watt heater (which also your vase does not; Bettas like a stable water temperature of at least 80 degrees F...), and has ample surface area to allow the Betta, a labyrinth fish, to take in air from the surface. Do read here for a useful article on keeping Bettas in proper conditions: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm > After using Ich X, I'm kind of scared to put anything in their water now since it nearly killed my other Betta. <I understand and agree. I would suggest fixing the environmental factors, and see if the problems resolve themselves - I am willing to bet they will...> Can you help me out? <Am trying:-)> By the way, just so you know they aren't in any fancy aquariums with filters and all that kind of stuff. As I said one is in a vase and the other is in just a round plastic aquarium'¦ maybe this is the problem? <I do believe this is the problem. Even though pet stores keep the Bettas in ridiculous tiny little cups, this is by no means appropriate and will eventually kill the fish. Do consider "upgrading" to a filtered, heated tank, keep the water clean, don't overfeed (only 4 or so pellets a day), and your Betta should likely recover. Good luck, Jorie> Betta death trap = lava lamp "tank" 11/5/06 I am writing because we have a Betta fish that we have had for one year, no problems, no changes. <When properly cared for, Bettas are very resilient and low-maintenance.> He eats like a pig, Betta Bio-Gold food. <They do love to eat! Do keep in mind that a Betta has a very small stomach - about the size of one of its eyes - so don't feed more than it can consume in 3-4 minutes.> He has been in the same tank for the one year, until about 2 months ago we put him into a lava lamp looking tank. <Whoever came up with the horrific lava lamp "Betta tank" should be sentenced to live the rest of his/her life in one. These are horrible creations - not nearly enough surface area for the Betta to swim comfortably...I know hindsight is 20/20, but why did you change a situation that was going so nicely for a year or so?! I *strongly* recommend you return the Betta to its original tank, where it was thriving...> I know now that we should have been treating the water as we did water changes, but we have used sink water for a year with no problems. My son is changing the water, I am sure not enough, maybe every week and 1/2. <I don't think this tank is more than 1 gal. in size...it would indeed require regular, almost 100% water changes. And yes, you either need to add a liquid de-chlorinator/chloramine remover, or let the tap water sit out for at least 24 hours. Again, I highly recommend you throw away the dreaded lava lamp torture chamber and move the Betta into a suitable home...sounds like he was doing well where he was before. I keep my Bettas each in a 3 gal. Eclipse tank, complete with a heater, filtration, etc. I'm sure those lava lamp tanks can't accommodate heaters, and I have no idea how any filtration is possible (there likely isn't any...)> In the past two weeks he has developed a swollen belly. I have researched on "swollen belly", but not much seems to fit. <Does the fish appear like a pinecone when viewed from above (i.e., do his scales protrude? Do a search for "dropsy" and see if that fits...> Now I have read about over feeding, but he only gets about 5 pellets a day. He has always eaten this much. The pet store said to treat him with "Quick Cure" in case he got parasites from the water changes being infrequent. <No - never a good idea to proactively medicate.> We have put the fish back to his original tank... <WONDERFUL! I am ecstatic that you did this, as I am sure the Betta also is...> ...using bottled water for water changes, and treated him 3x with the medicine. (The max you are supposed to according to the directions.) No changes. He is still eating. He is active when you come to the tank. I believe he is going to the bathroom also, because I see it hanging off him occasionally. Any other thoughts, suggestions, ideas of what we could have done to him? ;( Thanks so much! <OK, here's my suggestions: 1. Ditch the medication (well, don't throw it away - save it in case it really does become necessary - but it does not sound as though there are any symptoms of parasites. 2. Do enough water changes to remove the remaining medication from the tank. If there's filtration in the tank, change the media (i.e., add a new carbon filter, etc.) 3. Invest in a quality liquid test kit such as one from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals...you need to monitor ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels to make sure all are zero (acceptable nitrate level is 20 ppm, but lower is better). I think the problem the fish was experiencing in the lava lamp contraption was a build-up of toxins, which he, understandably, reacted poorly to. If you have positive readings for ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate equal to or greater than 20 ppm, do a water change. 4. 5 pellets/day is not excessive...just make sure he's consuming them all w/in 3-4 minutes, as you don't want excess food sitting around on the bottom of the tank. Consider supplementing his diet with frozen bloodworms and/or Mysis shrimp...Bettas are carnivores, and mine go nuts for those treats! I feed worms or shrimp probably about once or twice a week instead of pellets. A follow up question: how large is this tank? Do you have a heater in there, along with a thermometer? Bettas do like warm water - 82 degrees F or so is a perfect Betta temp. And, now that the weather is turning cooler, if there is no heater, you don't want a large swing between daytime and nighttime temperature, as this will compromise his immune system. All in all, it seems as though you were caring for your Betta well for the year you had him in the original tank - go back to what works! I am linking you to a basic Betta care article, as well as one describing the nitrogen cycle (pertains to the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels I mentioned above). Just be sure that you are doing regular (i.e., weekly) water changes (for example, in my 3 gal. Betta tank, I do weekly 50% water changes. If the tank is 1 gal. or less, I'd say do a weekly 80-85% change...) Finally, if it were me, I'd write a letter to the manufacturer of the Betta death trap you, like many others, got sucked in to...tell them your story and how your fishy friend's health declined rapidly in there. It sounds like your Betta is strong and will likely pull through...keep an eye on him for odd behavior, coloration, etc. So long as he's eating, swimming and pooping, all is likely good in his world. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/bettasysart.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/taptrtmnt.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm Good luck, Jorie>
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