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Question about Bettas and neon tetras,
incomp. 7/1/10 Guppies and Neons, env. incomp.
6/18/10 Breeding Neons in distilled water 6/13/10 Hiding Neon Tetra 6/8/10 Aggressive Neon Tetra 6/6/10
gouramis (advice) 4/25/10
Female Betta and neon tetras, incomp.
2/16/10 Worried for my fish. Molly-Neon mis-mix, no reading, full
moon stuff... 11/18/09
Dying fish, FW.... Neons... 4/18/09 Male molly, sore eye, oh my. Ongoing, child, mis-mix with Neons 02/19/09 Hi, I am just writing to say my Neons are now in my big tank (2ft tank) with my other fish and seem to be doing fine my small tank has my to tiny baby guppies in it for the minute. My male molly has been nipped on the eye by a neon <Mmm, not compatible... behaviorally or environmentally. Please read re the water quality needs of these two species> because he got in its way when it wanted food it has swollen and looks so sore but I was given some Myxazin to treat it none of my other fish seem to have any other problems and seem to get on fine with my Neons I'll just remind you what fish I have, I have 3 guppies (1 adult very pregnant female and 2 unknown babies), a breeding pair of Dalmatian mollies, a breeding pair of platies, 6 Neons and 1 Sailfin Plec. Thanks alot <No such word> ,Alishia. <Neons should be moved elsewhere> Keeping Rams and Neon/cardinal tetras. Sel., sys.
mostly 1/24/09 I have a basement tank, 36/ 18 by 14, 52
gallons. I plan on using a river sand bottom, <Soft sand will be
appreciated; the name Mikrogeophagus means "little
eartheater", and like the true Geophagines cichlids, these fish
(in the wild) sift the sand for algae, invertebrates and decaying
organic material.> my tap pH is around 6.8 to 7. but I plan on using
RO water (With a ph of 6.0), they make for you at World of fish, (its
voted best LFS in twin cities). At the store they sell blue angel rams,
$30 a pair, from a local breeder. These fish look much better, more
vigorous and brightly colored then the regular rams they also sell
(blue/German) they keep the angel rams in RO water but the others they
do not. <Locally bred fish infinitely better and worth the expense.
Farmed Mikrogeophagus ramirezi are of variable quality and often
"juiced" with hormones and antibiotics; consequently their
survival rate after shipping is dismal, even though they look nice in
the shops.> The tank they are in is labeled NFS, as they are
treating for Ich, but all fish on the mend, no signs of Ich on the rams
at all (Corys had it), rams are showing territorial/natural behavior
and they use the same RO, water I'll be using if I get them, at the
shop. <If you have locally bred fish available, buying farmed
specimens would be dumb.> I'm planning on buying a high intense
light, and planting with live plants and driftwood. What kinds of plant
do Rams like or that grow well in their water? <In the wild they
live in sun-baked shallow pools with mostly amphibious vegetation that
mostly grows above the waterline. So there's not really much
"authentic" you can go for. Instead, concentrate on species
that will tolerate the conditions in the aquarium. The very high
temperature (minimum 28 C/82 F) will stress some plant species, while
the necessary soft water will stress others. To be honest, I'd
probably go with floating plants initially, such as the Limnobium, and
leave rocks and hollow ornaments across the bottom for the fish. If you
wanted rooted plants, buy species in pots that you can easily fertilise
with tablets since the sand itself will contain no nutrients (unless
you put a layer of pond soil or whatever underneath the sand).
Cryptocoryne species would be ideal.> What are good foods for these
guys? <These are quite fussy fish that tend to have favourite foods.
I've never seen Mikrogeophagus show much interest in flake or
pellets, though I dare say some will eat the stuff. Mostly they seem to
require a varied diet of live or (wet) frozen foods: bloodworms,
glassworms, mosquito larvae, daphnia, etc. Remember to vary the diet;
if they get just bloodworms, you're setting them up for a vitamin
deficiency in the long term.> I talked to the staff at the LFS and
they said add tetras first after cycling then wait a month or more
before aiding rams/ change like 5 to 10% of the water a week.
<Likely far too little in terms of water changes. Mikrogeophagus
ramirezi are acutely sensitive to nitrate, and tend to develop things
like Hexamita at the first sniff of high levels of nitrate. In part
this is surely why they die so quickly in most community tanks. So
rather than estimating a water change, grab a nitrate kit and keep
track of the nitrate level each week for the first few months.
You'll get a picture of how quickly nitrate levels rise, and can
act accordingly. You're aiming for under 20 mg/l nitrate, and
ideally 0-10 mg/l. Part of this is avoiding overfeeding: these fish
need only small amounts of food to do well.> I was think 1 or 2
pairs of rams and 12 to 15 tetras in a school. <Ok.> I was
wondering if a school of neon, rummy nose or cardinal tetras would be
good dithers ? Are there any other good tetra-like fish to keep with
them or is it best to keep the Angel rams separate? <Neons need cool
water, so they're not an option for use alongside the warmth-loving
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. Cardinals can work well, and probably make the
best bet. Rummynose tetras would be good in some ways, but they're
hyperactive fish, and need to be kept in a decent sized group to school
properly; if they just mill about looking nervous, that'll have the
reverse effect on your Mikrogeophagus. If you don't mind switching
continents, Harlequin Rasboras work well too.> I do understand the
fancy type of rams are less hardy but I will be moving in five years +
anyway.( though I am planning on taking the tank with) <You'd be
lucky if most of the farmed specimens last 5 months, to be honest. They
really are abysmally poor fish. I wouldn't touch them with a barge
pole. Like pouring money down a drain.> thanks <Cheers,
Neale.> Neon Tetra with Ich and Pop/Cloudy eyes
8/30/08 Tetras (Neons & cardinals) dying one by one in the dark in a planted aq. 8/7/08 I hope you can help. Please forgive the length, but I wanted to give you all the info I could think of. <OK.> 30g L, been up for about 8 weeks (cycled with seed filter from friends established tank), custom hood with AHsupply 96w CF bulb (3.2W/gal), eco-complete substrate mixed with fine gravel. Fluval 205 filter. Stealth 100W heater. <All sounds good.> Tank has the following plants (most of which are thriving): Cabomba (2 bunches of 5 stems each), Moneywort (4 bunches of 3 stems each), Melon Sword, Chain sword (just a baby), Microsword (2sq in patch), Ruffle plant, Wisteria (just finally establishing its fine submerged leaves - 1 bunch of 3-4 stems), Broad Ludwigia (1 bunch of 3-4 stems), small Java fern, small Anubias nana, and a large bunch (about 15-20 long stems) of Anacharis (from a friends established tank). Sounds crowded, but you'd be surprised how open it really still is. <At least some get pretty big -- Echinodorus osiris for example will quickly take over a 30 gallon tank if it thrives; mature plants can be 50 cm tall and 30 cm across! Echinodorus martii likewise.> To this there's the following fish: 5 spotted Corys, 6 Otos, 3 "mystery" snails, 6 zebra Danios, and originally 8 each Neons and cardinal tetras. <Right, well one issue here will be temperature. To wit, Neons prefer cool water, 20-24 degrees C; Cardinals need warm water, 25-28 C. There's no "happy medium" at which both can be expected to do perfectly well. Corydoras, Otocinclus and Danios are also cool-tropical fish, and will thrive at 20-24 C (I'd go for 22 C). But that's too low for the Cardinals. So one way or another, at least some fish are going to be heat or cold stressed.> The light is on a timer to cycle 6 hours on in the morning, followed by a 3 hour off break mid afternoon, then another 6 hrs on in the evening. Then off for the remaining 9hrs overnight. <OK.> All was well, the plants are thriving, the fish too. <Good.> Then I added the Anacharis about 2 weeks ago. Suddenly I'm missing cardinals and Neons overnight, just 1 or 2. at a time. Never noticed any trouble with the actions/attitudes of the tank mates, everyone pretty much sticks to their schools. But the losses continued. Everyone looked fine when the lights are on... healthy, active, feeding. It was great. Well it's a great mystery alright. <Well, Neons and to a lesser extent Cardinals can be plagued with "Neon Tetra Disease" and will drop off one by one until the cycle of infection is broken. But it is also possible the new plants brought in a predator, such as a Dragonfly nymph.> I finally started watching closer at night and I found that after the lights been off for about 90 minutes (+/- 15 minutes) I notice a gradual and frightening change. Both the cardinals and Neons lose nearly all coloration going nearly white/clear. <Quite normal.> Then one or two of them start going bonkers and lose their equilibrium swimming upside down, backwards and on their sides, barrel-rolls, tumbling end-over-end, etc., then death. <That is odd.> Turn the lights back on and gradually (within 20-40 minutes) all coloration has returned and activity resumes normally. <Ah, now, this is curious. Have you checked how pH is affected by photosynthesis? When plants photosynthesise they remove CO2 from the water, allowing the pH to rise. When they stop, CO2 accumulates and pH goes down. Alternatively, some (but only the minority) can perform "biogenic decalcification", and I believe Anacharis is one of them. What this means is that they remove carbonate and bicarbonate from the water as the source of carbon for photosynthesis instead of CO2. This is why these plants prefer hard water. Anyway, in the process the water loses its carbonate hardness and consequently its pH buffering capacity. The net result will be that pH will drop while these plants are photosynthesising, and the water pH will also become less stable with regard to other pH altering processes.> My water parameters have been rock solid since the beginning: Nitrite 0; Ammonia 0; Nitrate "nearly" 0; kH 5deg; GH 12deg; pH 7.6; chlor. 0. I've even tested right before and after a light cycle and saw no appreciable difference. Temp stays between 78.5 and 80.5F. <Do check the pH and carbonate hardness through the day to test my hypotheses above.> My thought were CO2 poisoning - but the zero change to pH leads me to believe the CO2 isn't reaching toxic levels. Second thought - The plants are using up all the available O2 (I'm not aerating) at night thereby starving the smaller, more sensitive tetras. So I added a small airstone to the corner of the tank and set a small air pump to kick on when the lights go out (my timer has day/night outlets). It didn't seem to help. <Leave CO2 off for a few days and see what happens. Won't harm the plants.> Last Saturday night was the worst, within 2-1/2 hours three tetras gone (down to 6 now, 2 cardinals & 4 Neons left), and all the fish (except the 5 Corys, 2 largest Danios, and 3 largest Otos) were pale. Even with nighttime aeration. <Hmm...> So as a stopgap measure I retooled the timer to cycle the light and dark to 3 hrs light, 2 hrs dark ('round the clock). Two nights of success now with no casualties... but even though there is the requisite "amount" of light and dark I cannot imagine the rapid time cycles are any good for either the fish or plants long-term. <It isn't good for the plants; they need a certain length of time simply too start photosynthesising, and 3 hours won't be enough.> My next attempt will be to get a larger air pump and drive an 18" bubble wand across the back of the tank rather than the small airstone driven by the smaller air pump. I know this will drive out more CO2 to the detriment of the plants (though probably not too much), but it should eliminate the worry of CO2 poisoning, and should add O2 in the dark for the plants and fish to (hopefully) share. Also, I'll be raising the filter spout up closer to the surface to provide a little more surface agitation (currently its about 2in below with no agitation). <Not sure this is the issue.> Finally, since this all started after adding the fastest grower in the largest number/mass plant-wise (the Anacharis). It's possible that plant addition might've pushed the balance over the edge with respect to CO2 and O2 respiration. So I'll be pulling that out and trimming it back to a more manageable (2-3 bunches of 4-5 "short" stems each) size. <Hmm...> Hopefully then I can gradually return to slowly extending the light/dark cycles to a more natural rhythm and keep my fish healthy and my plants growing. Any thoughts? other suggestions? etc? Anything I missed? Mark <Cheers, Neale.>
Ick/Whitespot 7/22/08 Hi Guys, I added five new baby neon tetra's to my tank recently - it seems the neon's have all developed Ick/Whitespot. I already had 6 Neon's 2 guppies and a Sailfin Molly - these all appear to be fine. <So far at least... http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollies.htm Do review the needs of Mollies, and also be warned Neons may nip the fins of fancy male Guppies.> I have read your articles regarding ICK and just wanted to confirm your recommendation for best way to treat. <Promptly!> I was just going to buy meds and treat the tank with meds and regular water changes. However from reading through your site would you recommend increasing temperature and treating with Salt instead? <Makes no odds either way. I tend to use commercial medications such as eSHa EXIT (a brand I find works well even with sensitive species like puffers) because it's easier. But if you want to use salt/temperature, go ahead.> I have added salt before but never with the neon's only with mollies/guppies can my neon's tolerate salt? also my temp is at 80f already is it safe to increase the temp further? <Neons should tolerate the very low salt concentration required, particularly if you build up the salinity across a few days. As for raising the temperature, I wouldn't. Temperature is about speeding up the life cycle of the parasite; in itself it isn't a "treatment" as such. The idea is that the salt only kills the free living parasite, so the sooner that phase begins, the better.> Thanks in advance Scott <Cheers, Neale.>
Possible Disease? - 06/15/2008 To the crew of WetWebMedia: <Hello, Soojeong. Sabrina with you today.> I have had neon tetras for about a year (probably a bit more, but nonetheless); however, a problem stubbornly plagues my humble 20 gallon aquarium. When I first bought eleven neon tetras, seven survived after two weeks to be transferred out of the temporary tank and into my "main" tank. I had no problems so far; I figured that the companies churning out neon tetras in mass quantity had something to do with the near 40% mortality rate (maybe it was even a good deal considering some of the horror stories). <Though I'm sure there's tons of mass neon production, I believe some are still wild-caught as well.> I feel it necessary to mention here that the main tank had already been cycled (I cheated a bit and jump-started with a handful of gravel from my old 10-gallon tank) <Perfect.> and had its water treated and tested, as was the temporary tank. I put in some plants in to help deal with fish waste. A few weeks later, a bamboo shrimp and a candy striped Pleco joined the group. Everything seemed well and fine, save a few algae here and there. Life was good. Here my troubles began. <Uh-oh....> I looked in the tank about a month or two later to find a tetra dead. None showed typical Pleistophora (Neon Tetra Disease, god forbid) symptoms. Since the False NTD caused by bacteria also has similar symptoms as the actual NTD, I ruled it out. Okay. <Disease common names are worse than fish common names.... Mycobacteriosis has also been called Neon Tetra Disease.... sigh!> No loss of color (unless postmortem, half-eaten state still counts), no curvature of the spine... Although one or two fish wandered off alone, I didn't think too much into it. I was slightly alarmed at the slightly eaten body, since the other fish might be in danger of meeting the same end. And two weeks later, another died. Then another week or two, and another dead body. Then suddenly everything was fine. Until now, a full year later. Other than two tetras going through a constant cycle of developing enormous bellies and huge appetites to getting skinnier and eating normally, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. <Unless you changed your feeding regime, I'm a little concerned about the weight gain / loss that you saw....> No new fish were introduced. Today I woke up to three hungry tetras (possibly stressed from small group? I couldn't tell), and the body was nowhere to be seen. It couldn't have jumped out, since I have a full lid because of the bamboo shrimp and my Neons' odd habit of sometimes jumping out of the water to get at the fish flakes. I suspect the body had been eaten. <Quite possibly. It's also surprising how many nooks and crannies a body the size of a neon can be hidden in.> I was afraid to bring in new Neons in fear of infecting the new group or the old group. Was I foolish to do so...? <Foolish? Nah.> Either way, I didn't want dead tetras. In case it was some sort of an interspecies infection (although the Pleco is still fine), I fear to bring in new fish, and taking the tank apart... I would like to avoid it if I can. <Agreed.> Could it have been some sort of an internal parasite? <Mm, possibly. Really, there are countless possibilities.> But I can't see any irregularities in the Neons. Besides, I do not want to misdiagnose and kill, nor do I want to use Parasite-Clear and such since most warns against using it for crustaceans. <Yeah. I wouldn't want to use any medications in your main tank.> If I did use it, I would have to take my shrimp out of the main tank, and I don't know whether I can ever put the shrimp back in with the others, either. <A very valid concern. Any medications containing copper should not be considered for your tank, if you wish to keep shrimp. The best option is to remove any affected fish and treat in a separate system. Though, I gather the remaining fish are all asymptomatic?> If the shrimp is untreated and later put in the treated tank (is that even possible? after how much water changes?) <Again - don't use copper, and as far as water changes - well, I would give at least a few very large ones, and filter with carbon and PolyFilter before reintroducing invertebrates. But again, if avoidable, I wouldn't want to treat the main tank.> is there still a risk for a reinfection if it was bacterial or parasitic? <Well, since there's no clear way at this moment to tell what you're up against, there's no clear answer I can give you as to whether or not it may resurface. I would consider this within the realm of possibility.> To summarize: *20 gallon tank (tall); 1 bamboo shrimp (planning to get another soon if possible), 1 candy striped Pleco (still small, but I am planning to get a bigger tank later on), 3 neon tetras. *Sudden death of neon tetras, no previous symptoms shown; possibly clusters of deaths with incredibly long intermittent periods in between (unlikely, most likely a second infection from unknown source, perhaps?) <I would guess that the two problems were unrelated.> I would appreciate any advice you have. <Note also that the environment may be key here. Neons don't "like" hard water with a high pH. They thrive in very soft, acidic conditions. If your water is hard and alkaline, this should also be considered as a contributing factor in the health of the Neons.> P.S. Pardon me, I ended up writing a short story. I hope it didn't take up too much of your time. <Actually, I really appreciate your detail.> Thank you very much for your efforts. <And thank you for your kind words.> Soojeong Kim <Wishing you and your fishes well, -Sabrina> Neon Tetras And Serpae Tetra, incomp. 5/5/08 Hello there, nice to be back! I have my problem with my 9 neon tetras and 5 Serpae Tetras. First week after I buy the Neons the Serpaes are not doing anything to the Neons, they don't disturb them. <Yet...> Yesterday I saw one of my Neons has no tail then one Serpae attack the neon and bite the neon's tail. <Ah, there it is.> I'm shock when I saw it, and until now I can't imagine the worst thing my Serpae did. I think of possible solutions, and it came to my mind that if I remove the Serpae tetra (3 of them) will the aggressiveness will be minimize, I will just remain one male and female. Is it ok? <Nope. Serpae tetras, as I point out repeatedly here at WWM, are not community safe. They eat fins and scales in the wild, and also have a "feeding frenzy" behaviour that means they lunge at anything and everything when feeding. Mixing Serpae tetras with anything other than more Serpae tetras is not a good idea. Period. End of discussion. They're great fish on their own, but were the very first fish I ever kept way back in the early 80s, and I learned my lesson the hard way.> please give me the right solution. My tank is 10 gallons, planted, and an Amazon blackwater layout. <Neons need cooler water (around 22 C) than Serpae tetras (around 25 C), so aren't really compatible anyway. I'd get rid of the Serpae tetras, since a 10 gallon tank is too small for them. Keep the Neons, let the temperature drop, and if you want obtain some suitable tankmates for this sort of tank, e.g., Corydoras habrosus.> Hope you will reply soon. Thanks and more power! <Hope this helps! Neale.>
General Tank and Tetra questions... no reading, use of WWM 3/6/08 Hi All, <Jennifer> I'm very new to being a fish tank "mommy" and I have some questions. I got a small 2.5 gallon tank about 2 weeks ago. I rinsed out the tank, the accessories, the gravel, and the plants very well. Then I treated the water with 4 drops of AquaSafe. I think I added the fish <... what species?> a little too fast <... how... was this system cycled?> and 3 of the original 5 died. I still have 2 neon tetras <Don't "like" new systems...> and they seem to be doing fairly well. After reading through some of the other tetra questions I'll be going out to get a little thing for them to hide in since we currently don't have that, just 3 silk aquarium plants. - How do I test the water and what am I looking for? I know the basics about pH, but I don't know what the pH should be for an aquarium. - How often should I change the water and how much of it should I change out? - Do I need to have a container of tap water sitting out for a couple of days before I add it to the tank? - Can I add any more neon tetras in at any point? And if so, how many should I add? - What can I put in there to help keep the tank clean? The Plecos are all so big and I don't think they would be very happy in a little tank. Also, one of the fish has a weird protrusion on his/her belly. It's not really rounded, more angled. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated, and if you can recommend a good, basic, book about the care of tetras I would greatly appreciate it! We had neon tetras when I was little, but I don't ever remember my mom doing much to take care of them. We had a Pleco that kept things clean and the tetras just swam around and were pretty. LOL. Thanks again! Jennifer <The answers to all this are posted... Please become familiar with our search tool, indices per: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/question_page.htm And do read here immediately: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Schooling Advice... Neon Tetras 2/10/08 I recently e-mailed you guys about my school of diminishing neon tetras. After hearing from you guys that Neons are poor quality most of the time in large stock and from my own experience, I think Neons are just too much of a hassle and a waste of money because of there very short longevity. Currently there is 1 dwarf Gourami, 2 blue gouramis, 1 gold Gourami, and 4 rainbow sharks in my 55 gallon aquarium along with about 5 remaining neon tetras. Here's my question though. What do you think would be a good schooling fish. I was thinking about tiger barbs, but if you can think of something better that'd be great. I plan to just put my remaining Neons up for adoption at the petstore as I did with my crayfish. Thanks for you help and advise. <Jonathan, given you were keeping crayfish with the Neons, I'd not be too quick to blame the Neon's demise on poor health. In addition, it is absolutely essential you eliminate environmental factors before apportioning blame. So do a pH test and a nitrite test, and check your filter is still working properly and not clogged up. Obviously if the water isn't that great, *any* new fish you add are likely to suffer. Fish that have been established in a tank for many months will often seem happy enough in such tanks because they've slowly adapted to those conditions. But any new fish will be used to the water quality/chemistry at the retailer's tank, and will get stressed or killed by being dumped in entirely different conditions in your tank. In any case, Tiger Barbs would be a poor choice for a tank with Gouramis because Tiger Barbs are fin-nippers. So to are Serpae tetras, Black Widow (Petticoat) tetras, and several other small characins. Read up on any species carefully before you make a purchase. I happen to consider Bleeding Heart Tetras among the best all-around characins: they are pretty, quite big, constantly chasing each other but completely peaceful towards tankmates. They are also hardy and too fast for aggressive or nippy fish to bother (mine live in a tank with puffers and have NEVER been nipped). Australian Rainbowfish are also very reliable choices, especially if you have hard water. Cheers, Neale.> Dying Tetras 2/10/08 I have been reading through your site and couldn't get a definite answer about my dying neon tetras. So I was wondering about my neon tetras. I recently added 12 neon tetras to my old school of 5. So my school of 17 looked awesome, but then I lost half of my school in a few days. <This seems to happen quite often with Neons, and is one reason I have stopped keeping them and don't recommend them. The quality of the mass produced stock is fairly poor, and I suspect depends a lot on the use of antibiotics. As soon as the fish arrive at the retailer, the antibiotics wear off and the fish become increasingly sensitive to opportunistic infections. This may be aggravated by the fact most people keep Neons far too warm; in the wild their preferred temperature range is 22-25 C, so compared with most other tropical fish, they need something a little cooler. Failing in this regard may be stressing them, leading to greater sensitivity to infections. Pleistophora ("Neon Tetra Disease") may also be prevalent. Although more expensive, Cardinal tetras strike me as being better value.> The aquarium is 55 gallons and my water parameters are fine except for pH which may be a little high (7.6). <Well within their tolerances; if acclimated, Neons have been know to do well at up to pH 8, 30 degrees dH! Water quality and temperature are probably much more significant issues.> Ammonia is 0ppm, nitrites are 0ppm, and nitrates are about 10-20ppm. My other fish in the aquarium are 1 dwarf Gourami, 2 blue gouramis, 1 gold Gourami, 4 rainbow sharks. I also have 4 crayfish in my tank, biggest on is about 3 inches long max. I am thinking maybe they are catching my Neons and eating them. <Crayfish will indeed eat small fish. Under no circumstances can crayfish be considered safe additions to the community tank. While it is true crayfish are mostly herbivores in the wild, in aquaria they can easily catch small fish. Because Neons sleep close to the bottom of the tank, crayfishes could easily catch and eat them.> I actually saw one snacking on a tetra but not sure if he caught him. It might also explain why I only actually see a few of my Neons dead while the other ones are just not there. <Do check for signs of Pleistophora: Infected Neons lose their colour, become shy, stay away from the group, and often hide under plants. A few days later they're dead. Pleistophora is highly contagious once the fish is moribund or dead because opening the body cavity (e.g., as other fish eat the corpse) allows the parasites to swim into the water. The only way to effective stop Pleistophora is to remove infected fish on sight. They should be painlessly destroyed, as there is no reliable cure, and certainly not once the disease because sufficiently entrenched that you can tell the fish actually has it.> They didn't jump out of the tank because I have a very tight fitting canopy and there's no dried up tetras on the carpet. One more thing too, if my pH is to high I was thinking about using water from a local spring in which the pH is about 6.4, and no ammonia, nitrite or nitrates. I would also run it through my deionization filter to make sure any harmful things would be removed. I would greatly appreciate your help and advise. <Mixing soft water with hard water out the tap is fine. I do this by mixing rainwater with tap water to good effect. Filtering the spring water or rainwater through carbon will remove any nasties, but generally such water sources are at least as safe for fish as tap water, perhaps more so. In any case, do always remember to make water chemistry changes slowly, perhaps doing 25% water changes each week until you reach the desired level of hardness and acidity. Now, the crayfishes will not like soft water. They need to be removed anyway, but just as a heads-up, in common with all crustaceans, "the harder the better" in terms of healthcare. Also remember that as hardness drops, so does pH stability, and many is the aquarist who's softened the water in their tank only to discover the pH suddenly drops between water changes. I'd not take the hardness below 10 degrees dH. Remember: fish don't care about pH, so long as its stable; what matters is *hardness*, as that directly influences osmoregulation. Cheers, Neale.> Largest Neon ever? - 1/24/08 Dear Web guys, Thank you for you assistance with prior questions when I was starting my fish hobby a year ago. One I have not found the answer to (yet) is what the record size is of the largest ever neon tetra? I have one who is larger than some of my mollies, so he's certainly in the running. My search on Guinness Book of Records thus far has failed to reveal an answer. Thanks! Tambra <Hi Tambra. Neons -- Paracheirodon innesi -- can reach 4 cm in length, though that's pretty rare. Cardinal tetras -- Paracheirodon axelrodi -- do get a bit bigger and are a bit stockier as well. The two species are easy to confuse, but Neons only have red running halfway along the body, whereas Cardinals have the red band running all the way from the tail to the snout. Anyway, if you have a Neon bigger than 4 cm, I'd love to see a photo! Cheers, Neale.> Re: Largest Neon ever? 1/25/08 Hi Neale- I will try to get a picture with my camera phone later (will need to borrow a digital camera for high quality) She has outlived many Neons, and I'm sure that's what she is. <Cool. Maybe we're witnessing Evolution in Action! Hurrah! Look forward to seeing the pictures. Cheers, Neale.> Odd Behaving Betta 1/3/08 Hello, My name is Katelynn and I have some concerns about a new Betta I bought on December 29th, because he does not eat and he will spend hours curled up on a plant, hiding at the top of the tank in between the heater and the filter, or laying (almost on his side) at the bottom of the tank. <Hello Katelynn... Betta malaise can be caused by a variety of things. Lack of warmth, cold air above the aquarium, and poor water quality are particularly important.> And when I mentioned that he curls up, he actually will be in an upside down, motionless, summersault position. <Not normal.> Sometimes I have to watch him for a couple of minutes to see if he is breathing. Then I get scared, so I take a net and give him a little nudge and then he will move to a different spot and continue his odd behavior. <Touching fish certainly doesn't help. They are easily damaged and your dry skin can cause removal of the mucous on their bodies, allowing secondary infections. Basically, look but don't touch!> I have only seen him swim around twice since I have brought him home and one of those times was because I gave him a nudge. I have never seen anything like this before with Bettas I have had in the past. <Ah, so you have experience with this fish? That's good. Do review the basic requirements of the fish and check you have them all covered. Use test kits to check pH, hardness as well as water quality.> His color has not changed and there is no other physical signs of sickness. Now I will fill you in on my set-up. I have an Eclipse System, 3 gallon tank. <Too small. Three gallons -- especially 3 US gallons -- is a bucket, not an aquarium. I KNOW people keep Bettas in tiny jars and the like, but this hardly makes them easier to maintain. Small tanks are unstable and quickly go bad.> It has a BIO-Wheel 3-stage filtration and a heater that keeps the water between 72-78 degrees. <This is too much temperature change. You want at steady 77F/25C. Humidity above the tank is CRITICAL; use a pane of glass or similar to the top of the tank if is open to the air. You want just a crack to let in fresh air, but enough humidity that water droplets collect on the pane of glass.> I got the tank as an early Christmas gift and I set it up the night I got it and put in three fake plants, (soft so they wont hurt the Bettas' fins) a house and a cave and covered the bottom with gravel and some decorative, polished stones. <Hmm... filter likely immature. Have you checked nitrite or ammonia?> After setting up the tank, I let it run without any fish for a week to establish the nitrogen cycle and after testing the water, I went out fish shopping. <Doesn't work this way. Tanks cycle when they contain fish OR some other source of ammonia, e.g., a piece of decaying seafood. Just sitting there empty achieves precisely nothing.> On that first outing I did not find the perfect Betta, but I did find an active Cory and so I brought him home. He adapted well and then I added two small neon tetras that were in need of a home after my sister decided she did not want her tank anymore and could not find a home for them. <All these in 3 gallons...? NO NO NO. Corydoras and Neons are schooling fish, and Neons especially need to be kept in groups of 6 or more in a 10+ gallon tank. Corydoras also need to be kept in groups of at least 3-4 specimens, and most common species need a 20 gallon tank.> They also adapted great and I waited a week to make sure none of the fish showed any signs of disease. When the fish proved to be healthy and the water quality did not deteriorate, I went out and found that perfect Betta. <Oh...?> I found a small, teal, crown tail Betta and brought him home. At first he swam a bit and then started hiding. He wont even come out to eat. <Neons have been reported to nip Betta fins. The two species cannot be kept together.> I have tried flake food, pellets, and freeze dried bloodworms, but none of these seem to interest him. <Don't worry about food just now.> I test the water daily and the nitrate level is 0, the nitrite level is 0, the water is soft (75GH), the alkalinity is between 120-180KH, and the pH is neutral (between 6.8-7.2). The other fish are fine and seem to be doing great. <Hmm... seriously, I'm not convinced this tank will work in the long term.> If you could please give me any idea of what may be wrong with my new fishy friend, I would be very grateful. Thank you <Difficult to say precisely what's wrong. Check the ammonia and nitrite levels. I'd assuming a tank this young will still be cycling, so don't feed more than 1 times per 2 days, and do 50% water changes at least every other day, and ideally every day. After 3-6 weeks, things should settle down some and you'll find ammonia and nitrite are both zero. Please think seriously about a bigger tank: 3 gallons isn't an aquarium, it's a bucket, and no better suited to keeping fish in the long term. Cheers, Neale.> Tetra buoyancy 10/20/07 Dear Crew,
<Hello there! Andrea with you this afternoon.> Today after
feeding my Tetras I noticed that 1 of my Neons is floating toward the
surface and actively swimming to stay lower in the aquarium. I feed
them tropical flake food with the occasional freeze-dried bloodworms.
<Sounds delicious...> I hadn't noticed this behavior before
today so my theory is that he sucked in some air while eating. My water
parameters are as follows: Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate all 0, pH 7.8.
<pH is a little on the high side for Neons, but I wouldn't worry
much. You might add some driftwood as a decoration to the aquarium to
soften the water and bring it down. What does concern me is that the
NitrAte is at 0. How long has the aquarium been up? Generally speaking,
in the FW world, we want to see a little nitrate, as it lets us know
that the tank isn't cycling. You should have something of a
reading...5, 10, 15 ppm at least. What kind of test kits are you using?
You might take a sample to the local fish store and have them test it.
Having zeros across the board usually tells me that either the tank is
brand spanking new, or the test kits have gone bad.> I do a 40%
water change every 5 days. <Excellent regimen. Keep it up!> I
don't feel that it is a water quality issue, he's not listing
around or floating head up or down, but when he stops swimming he
floats to the surface. <Could be swim bladder dysfunction. It's
not fatal, just looks funny. Do a search on WWM for Swim Bladder for
more information.> Is there anything I can do or is this just a
"wait and see" type of thing? <If he is otherwise acting
healthy, stool looks normal, eating well, I'd just let him be.
Could be needing a good burp, could be the food is too fibrous, could
be swim bladder, could be something else. You might also try giving him
some mushed up blanched peas, in case he has a mild case of
constipation.> If it is air and he can't expel it, is that a
fatal condition? <No, the air will find a way out, one way or
another ;-). They are kind of like us in that way.> Also, how long
could it take for him to recover from this? <It really depends what
it is. If it is swim bladder damage, he might always be that way, and
it is just a quirk. If it is something else, it may pass, or it may
not. Worst case scenario is he has some problem that is affecting him
neurologically, such as a bacterial infection or parasite, but I'd
say the chances of that are relatively slim if he is eating and
otherwise well. Unless he shows other symptoms, I'd just call him
"Bobby" or "Floaty" or "Bouncy" or
something cute.> Thanks for your help, <Anytime!> Evan
<Andrea> Re: Ceramic media, air pumps... Actually Neon Tetra... dis.,
repro. 09/13/07 Hello Neale, <Hello Giuseppe,> as
you know I have 2 adult Neons in my tank. One of them has a larger
abdomen compared to the other one, so I assume I have a male and a
female. <Indeed. According to Baensch, the difference is also seen
in the shape of the blue line: on males it is straight, on females it
is bent. But I can't see any difference!> Now, I noticed that
every 6-8 weeks the female becomes even larger and tends to eat much
less and spend most of the day in a quiet spot of the tank. This
situation lasts for about 10-15 days, after which her abdomen goes back
to normal and she starts eating normally. <Odd.> Do you think
that she might have eggs during the time she's more swollen and
doesn't eat much? <Sounds plausible enough. Do keep an eye out
for Neon Tetra Disease though: key symptoms are shyness, loss of
appetite, and loss of colour. Then they die! NTD is unfortunately very
common.> If this is the case I would be very fascinated in trying to
breed the two Neons. I read that it's pretty challenging, but that
experience would be extremely exciting for me, considering also that
neon tetra is one of my favorite fish. <I'm not sure it's
"difficult" per se, since these fish are bred in their
millions on fish farms. The problem for most aquarists is Neons only
breed in very soft water. The other big mistake people make with Neons
is to keep them too warm; while they aren't subtropical fish, 26C
(79F) is the top of their preferred thermal range, and for breeding
they only want around 24C (75F). When kept in hard, overly warm water
they just won't spawn, or if they do, the eggs become fungused.>
Do you also have any good web site where the breeding process for Neons
is described in detail? <Is there nothing here at WWM? Breeding
Neons follows the same basic pattern as most other tetras. Soft (<2
dH), acidic water (5-6); low light levels (i.e., no lights, lots of
shade); little to no water movement; and benthic plants like Java moss
to catch the eggs. Sunlight can be a good spawning trigger. Eggs hatch
in one day, free swimming 3-4 days later, when they take Artemia
nauplii and the like. If you're interested in fish breeding,
there's an excellent book by Chris Andrews called 'Fish
Breeding'. It's my bible for fish breeding. You can usually
pick up used copies on Amazon and the life for a dollar or two.>
Thank you, Giuseppe <Good luck, Neale> Neon Tetra with mouth stuck open. 6/21/07 Hi All, > I'm Fran and this question really does what it says on the tin. We have a neon tetra who appears to have his mouth wedged open. He sort of inhales smaller food particles so he's not starving, but it looks painful. My other half reckons it's just because he's old, and he does not seem the type of fish to leap about and injure himself, but I do not know what else could have done this and what I can do to help him. Many thanks on behalf of myself and Tetra, F. <Hello Fran. This does sometimes happen, and usually when I've seen this on tetras it is because of a congenital deformity. Sometimes larger fish, like cichlids, dislocate their jaws when fighting. But that's unlikely to be the problem here. I'm not sure how a neon might damage its jaw to this degree, at least, not without something obvious, like mouth fungus, setting in first. Since the fish is feeding and otherwise healthy, I wouldn't worry about it too much. FYI, Neons should live for around 3-4 years in aquaria, if that helps you decide whether he's "old" or not. Cheers, Neale.>
Seemingly Incurable Mouth Fungus 3/11/07
Hello, <Hi there Theresa> I was hoping to
find some advice to treat an apparent case of mouth fungus on one of my
neon tetras. My tank is 30 gals with a 7" Pleco, 2
Serpae tetras, 2 emerald eye tetras, 3 high fin black tetras and 5
Neons. <Mmm, with such a nice mix, I do hope your water quality
sides on the warmer, more soft and acidic side> About three weeks
ago, one of my Neons developed what I think is mouth fungus on one side
of his mouth. <Mmm, actually funguses are rare... more likely
bacterial in nature, and resultant (if only one specimen afflicted)
from a physical trauma...> I treated it with MelaFix
<Worthless> as per the instructions removed carbon and daily
treatment for 7 days (I can tell from your site MelaFix is not one of
your favourites!) <For me, you are correct> No
results, so I treated once again after a 7 gal water
change. I still had no improvement in this fish but no other
fish seemed to get sick. I know (also from your site) that I
should have a quarantine tank but unfortunately space does not allow
for me to have 2 tanks! I spoke with my LFS and they
recommended the Maracyn. <I do as well.... Erythromycin otherwise
known as> I have treated twice with this medicine over the period of
about 2 weeks and still no improvement. I have now noticed
that one other neon has a small white spot near his
mouth. Is there another medicine or technique that you could
suggest? <Mmm... the next most likely effective, and safe... Maracyn
II, Minocycline> Along with the Maracyn, the LFS recommended that I
raise the temp in the tank (it is now about 80) <I also agree
here> and I also added some salt <Mmm, no... Definitely not. None
of the fish species you list has much tolerance for this> which I
was unaware was needed in a freshwater tank. I am not sure
what to do next so I was hoping for some insight from your
website. Thanks in advance for your help
in this matter. I know these are only Neons and I would
really like to see them get better but I don't want to lose my tank
population either. Theresa <Do raise
the temperature, to the mid eighties F., and try the Maracyn II... Bob
Fenner> Molly and Neon Tetra Health Questions, env. 3/16/2007 Dear WWM crew, <Ching> I love your website and learn a lot from here. Thank you. <Welcome> I have a 15 gallon tank with 2 Cory catfish, 3 black mollies and 7 neon tetras. <Mmm... the Cats and Neons like very different water conditions than the mollies... soft, acidic, much warmer... no salt...> Environment: Water PH: 8.0 (Our tap water is pretty hard.) <I'll say! About the same here in San Diego> Temperature: 25~26 C Nitrate: 20~40 ppm <Way too high... a source of stress...> Nitrite: 0 ppm Ammonia: 0 ppm One male molly has "obvious" mouth fungus and noticeable grey spots on his body. As I heard Cory catfish and neon tetra do not like salt, I did not add aquarium salt to the tank. <Good> I used Melafix and Pimafix together to treat the black molly. The second day and third day I could see the improvements and thought the medicine worked great. <Mmmm> As the medicine indicated we can use it when intruding new fish to the tank, so while during the course of Molly's medication (on the fourth day, I think) I added 4 neon tetras to the tank. The 7 neon tetra were doing fine and schooling around together. The black molly seemed to be getting better too. However, yesterday (the 8th day of the medication) black molly's mouth started to show the fungus again and I saw a couple of grey spots on his body. Should I use other medicine, stronger one? Or I should continue the ones I am using? <I would separate the molly/mollies, treat it/them with salt... Keep it in another setting> Today (the 9th day) I saw a red spot on one neon tetra's body, which is near the tail. I am not sure what it is an have no idea what I should do. It looks like human's bruise just the color is red not purple. Anything you could suggest? <Yes... to modify their water chemistry (w/o the Mollies present)... to be softer/more acidic (pH below 7.0)...> I have had this tank just for two months and enjoyed it a lot. But, there's still so much to learn to keep my fish healthy. <Lots of valuable lessons about life...> Thank you again for all the information you provide on the site. It is really helpful! Yours truly, Ching <A pleasure to help you, Bob Fenner> Next line-up: The neon tetras. 1/19/07 For some reason, a little guy dies off in this tank. The first to fall I feel died because of shock. The second one I feel ate too much (this one was so quick at eating, he ate all the flakes before the others could get it. then he just went haywire and died.) Last night, the larger of the neon tetras (others about .75 inch) died. He was an inch in length and I thought he'd be able to take care of himself. He didn't seem to overeat and I thought he would have gotten his fair share. I came back and he was dead (the ghost shrimp had their way as he dropped). The water was fine - just tested - no one was attacking him, and he wasn't showing any previous signs of weakness or illness. What could it be? Granted I stepped out to research more on their natural behaviors, I came back and he was shrimp meat. <Likely an internal parasite, disorder> I know the frog is too slow to touch a tetra and the shrimp wouldn't have been able to hold on to a live tetra, so what happened? How long do these guys usually live for and how hardy are they? <Mmm, two to four or five years... Cardinals are a bit longer-lived> I have the worst luck with these (this being the third) and feel like he may have just been in bad shape from the pet store - (they have just passed their first week and a half of captivation with me). I know these guys get shipped in horrible conditions and it stays that way until they find a new home. should I just expect a fraction of the group to die given previous stress? <Likely so> Betta Compatibility with Neon Tetras 1/7/07 Hi, <Hi> Great web site. <Thanks> I am in the process of starting up the first cycle in my 30 litre heated BiOrb with 2 neon tetras and 1 algae eating shrimp. <Neon tetras are pretty sensitive to water quality, keep a close eye on it.> So far so good and I am now planning ahead to see which fish I would like to add and when. Could I add a male Betta/fighter in a months time? (when chemical levels are good etc..) <Not a good mix, have seen Bettas try to eat little Neons, plus their water quality needs are pretty different.> If so and if he is settled could I then add more neon tetras at a later date? Thank you very much in advance, Rob <Chris> Sexing Neon Tetras 8/16/06 Hola to all, I want a female neon tetra but how do I know it is a girl? Thanks, Anonymous <Not easily done... there are folks who claim there is a color difference twixt the sexes of Paracheirodon innesi... but about the only way I've been able to tell is when they're large-enough and the females egg-laden... Bob Fenner> Pregnant Tetras 8/6/06 My name is Dom, I am 13 and I wondered if you could tell me how do you know if your neon tetras are pregnant? Yours sincerely Dom < Many female tetras are slightly larger and fuller then the males. Females will generally be much fuller in the belly region when they are getting ready to spawn. Many aquarists think that their fish are pregnant but they end up dying because of an internal infection. Sick fish usually do not eat and are very reclusive. A breeding female tetra is very active trying to attract a male so she can spawn.-Chuck> Blue Neon Tetras : Old or ill? - 05/09/06 Hi, <<Hello, Francesca. Tom with you.>> I am a first time poster on this site - you seem a lot less smug than other sites and I would appreciate help rather than finger pointing! <<I lost whatever "smugness" I may have had years ago. :) As for "finger pointing", let's see what you have to tell us.>> I have a 95 litre tank which happily (usually) houses 8 blue Neons and cardinals, 3 black tetras, 3 glass catfish, 3 swordtails, 2 small albino Corys, 1 golden sucking loach (who knows his place and is not a bully), 1 upside down catfish, 1 fat apple snail and two small but adult silver sharks who we inherited with the tank. Some were residents of the tank when we took it on (the bigger ones) and others have been added over the course of about a year. We are expecting a new tank, about double the capacity, very soon, since we are aware that the silvers require more space really. <<Excellent. If you could "lock down" the specific species of "shark" that your "Silvers" are, we could add a little more detail. For example, what are known as Silver-tip Sharks (among other names) require vastly different water conditions than the other fish in your current tank need. Might be a problem down the road...>> They have all been cohabiting merrily for a number of months now. They get about 15 to 20 per cent of their water changed on a weekly basis, are regularly dosed with salts and their new water is dechlorinated at every change. The PH remains at roughly 7, the ammonia level as of last night was 0.25ppm, the nitrite level was negligible and the nitrate level (whilst higher than I would like it) was at an apparently safe 35ppm. <<Okay. Ammonia levels and nitrite levels above "0" are not good. (I'll get to this later since it has a direct bearing on your question.) Nitrate levels are "safe" up to 40 ppm for "some" fish. Others can't tolerate these levels over a sustained period. Cichlids, for instance, require low levels of nitrates as some diseases attributable to nitrates are known.>> The problem is this. Three of the blue tetras seem to be unwell. They are showing black discolouration on random areas of their bodies, although this does not appear to be fungus or algae, but rather a genuine change in colour. They do not seem to be wasting away or becoming thinner, but instead seem to be kind of lumpy, again in random areas. <<Black discoloration can be a sign of chemical burning, i.e. from ammonia/nitrite exposure, that is actually in the process of healing. Usually, this will occur around the gill plates. The change in normal coloration can be expected when a fish is stressed.>> With the exception of one they are schooling, swimming and feeding as normal, but one is showing possible swim bladder issues. He is twirling and swimming on his side, and avoiding the company of the others. <<Again, this can be due to stress and toxic poisoning. Some fish are more "susceptible" than others.>> I have looked at a number of sites with partial descriptions of these symptoms, but nothing complete. They are showing some symptoms of Neon Tetra Disease, but lack the significant seeming white discolouration. <<I would discount this. From personal experience, your fish would be dying/dead right now. Trust me.>> I do not know how old they were when we bought them, but they were fully grown. They were brought from an aquarist shop specifically chosen because they seemed to care about the welfare of their livestock over that of their profit, but I did not ask their age at the time of purchase. <<No worries. I'm glad you found someone to trust.>> Are my fish ill? <<In part, I would say that they are.>> If so, is there anything I can do to help them? <<Easiest treatment in the world. Water changes. Get the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels down. Start with a 50% water change (40 litres). Also, check your filtration. Don't believe that a filter rated for 90-100 litres will actually do the job. Oversize it, as you should with your new tank.>> Are they just old? <<Perhaps, but there are still things you can/must do.>> They are small, so I suppose they have a limited number of heartbeats like the rest of us! <<That's why I don't exercise, Francesca. I don't want to use up the heartbeats I have left! :)>> Please help me as I really do not like seeing my boys ill, Francesca <<Hopefully, I have helped. Best of luck. Tom>> Re: Blue Neon Tetras : Old or ill? - 05/09/06 Hi Tom, <<Hello again, Francesca.>> Many thanks for all your help. You have no idea how relieved I am that we can probably discount NTD. <<Very glad to be able to help. Having had personal experience with NTD, I know exactly how relieved you are.>> We will get on with those water changes, and have found a nitrate/nitrite (and, by definition, ammonia) teabag thingy for the filter. <<If I may, Francesca, rely on the water changes rather than your new filter insert. I suggest this because you don't want to starve the bacteria that feed on ammonia and nitrites. There is an "irony" here, which is that these filter media will work. The downside is that they may not let your tank reach its "potential" so as to become "self-sustaining". Your parameters aren't so far out of line that you have an "emergency" on your hands. The long-term benefit of letting things run their course is that you won't have to "toy around" with your tank. Much easier on you in the long run.>> We will upgrade the filter ASAP. The deal we have seen on the tank includes a filter so we may be able to upgrade this at that point. <<This sounds very good. I love upgrades! :)>> Thanks again for setting my mind at ease. Fran <<Happy to do so, Fran. Tom>> Non-cottony mouth fungus on blue tetra? Also, black neon
with balance problem - 5/5/2006 Hi crew! <<Hi,
Helen.>> (Before I begin, the tank details: 15-gallons (12"
* 12" * 24"), quite densely planted, no CO2, nearly a year
old, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, nitrates usually under 5 ppm (and always
under 10 ppm), temperature 27 C, pH 6.5 (tap water used for water
changes has pH of 7.5), 20% water changes once per week. Stocked with 3
Danios, 3 black neon tetras, 2 silvertip tetras, 2 blue tetras, 1
Otocinclus. Fed once per day, alternately with flake and tetra
granules, with bloodworms or daphnia once per week.) <<All sounds
excellent, Helen. Great job on the care and feeding.>> I have two
new blue tetras who've been in my 15-gallon planted tank for about
a month now (they went through two weeks of quarantine first, following
your excellent advice!). <<Our advice isn't worth much
without folks like you who make the effort to follow it. :)>> One
of them has settled in beautifully (chases around the Danios, who are
three times his size!), but the other one is far more retiring - he
seems to pick a spot away from the other fish and lurk in it, changing
his hideaway every week or so. In the past two weeks, I've noticed
that he's developed a light, dull patch just above his mouth, on
his "nose". I immediately thought "mouth
fungus!"... but the pictures I've found online show that the
symptom of this is a fluffy, cottony growth. His patch is
light-coloured, but flat and smooth. Could this be mouth fungus, or
something else? <<I would be thinking that this is more like a
"scuff" or abrasion. Enough to change the coloration but not
a physical trauma to be concerned about.>> I'm a little
concerned by his lethargy, but he doesn't gasp or hang at the
surface, and comes out from his hiding place in a great hurry whenever
food is introduced to the tank (he's eating very well). Apart from
the white patch, his general colouration is vibrant and shiny. I
can't pinpoint when the patch first appeared, but having been
watching it for 2 weeks it doesn't seem to have become bigger or
changed texture. <<I've mentioned this in other responses and
will again here. It's always a good sign when a fish feeds and
particularly good when its appetite is strong like your fish is
demonstrating. I would attribute the hiding and seeming lethargy to
"shyness" more than anything else. Personally, I've got
fish that all but jump into my hand when I feed them and others (same
species) that sort of lay back waiting for the food to come to them.
All are healthy but display different kinds of behavior.>> Do you
think it would be a good idea to put him back in the quarantine tank
for a course of antibacterial treatment? Unfortunately, I don't
have access to medicated food in the UK. <<I don't see any
need for this right now, Helen. In fact, I don't think it would be
a good idea from the standpoint of handling and trying to re-settle the
fish in a new environment so soon.>> Also, my oldest black neon
tetra (had him nearly as long as the tank, and he's now about
2" long) has always hung at a bit of an angle, but over the past
few months it has become more pronounced - he now hangs at a 45-degree
angle, nose-up, when stationary! When moving around, he can swim
normally. He's active and eats well, but I'm worried that when
stationary he does seem to have to work his fins quite hard to stay in
one place (he looks as if he'd tail-slide backwards and downwards
if he stopped beating his fins). No list in the horizontal plane,
though. I'm assuming that this is a swim-bladder problem, and what
I've read suggests that these are very difficult to treat. Would it
be worth trying him with a quick course of antibacterial medication
anyway? <<No. Never a good idea to treat for something that
can't be positively identified (or as close to it as humanly
possible). I've got one lone survivor out of 12 from a disastrous
bout of Neon Tetra Disease (had them all in quarantine, thank goodness,
and he spent an additional four or five weeks in "solitary"
afterward) who displays the same type of swimming behavior. Perfectly
normal otherwise but always seems a little "nose-up" when
stationary. I'm not concerned and I don't think you should be,
at this point, either.>> Thank you very much for your time, and
your excellent site! Helen <<I hope I've helped lessen your
concerns, Helen. You're doing a wonderful job. Tom>>
How many Neons would live healthy and happy in a ten (10) gallon tank, - 04/19/2006 with proper filtration and a heater. Tank is fully cycled too. Don't want to overload. <You can probably do 1 per gallon...they are tiny fish and like to school :), IanB> Neon Tetra help needed - 03/28/06 Hi. <Hello> I have 5 neon tetras, 3 Zebra Danios and now 3 Fancy Guppies (1 female and 2 male) with about 7 fry hiding (mom died)<Sorry to hear that>. When I bought my Tetras they were all fine until the next morning. 1 had lost its color from midway on back and was swimming funny (like it was drunk). It has now regained its coloring and swims better. However, it goes in fits of twirling about (fast circular movement; head down) and other times I can't tell which one it is in the school. What is wrong with it (maybe got injured on the way home)? I grew up (25 years) with Tetras (as well as the other types) and have never seen anything like this. Do I need to remove it from the tank or is it ok to leave it in there? Thank you, Karen in Georgia. <First, remove the Neon to another tank. What you describe, to a large degree, mimics "Neon Tetra Disease"; loss of coloration, erratic swimming behavior. I've not come across any information that describes the return of color to a fish once it's been infected, though, which makes me wonder, to be honest with you. There is a "false" version of the disease which is bacterial rather that Sporozoan in its cause but it would be virtually impossible, outside of a laboratory, for you (or I) to discern the difference. Since NTD is spread to other fish so quickly and with such fatal results, you should treat this as a "worst case" to protect your other pets. Unfortunately, there is no known treatment for NTD although some claims of success have been offered; none conclusively, I'm afraid. Maintain your water parameters in the main tank to protect against any spreading of whatever this may be. Best of luck to you, Karen. Tom> What are these things! FW Neons, Ich... 3/27/06 Dear WWM Crew, I have recently had all my neon tetras die. The first one to go (thing 1) had dropsy and was really sad because he had been a part of my aquarium for over a year. I went to the local aquarium to get two replacements to keep my second neon company. Within 2 days both of the new guys died. I tested my water and everything was fine. <Can't tell from here> The following day I bought another neon tetra and named in speckles (It had white dots sprinkled over its body and fins). <Perhaps if you named them after prophets...> This one soon died too, followed by my second neon tetra (thing 2). I noticed my other fish began having white dots as well. <Oops... likely not related... but Ich> (I have a flame tetra, two Gouramis, a Serpae tetra) Doing my research, I assumed Ich and began treating the tank with CopperSafe, as recommended by the aquarium store. <... I would NOT treat small characins/Tetras with Copper products... but half doses of Malachite Green, elevated temperature... posted on WWM> Paying closer attention to the tank, I can see many tiny white bugs moving on the glass and floating in the water that were not there before. <These also are very likely unrelated...> Can these white bugs be what is on my fish? Are they parasites hurting my fish? Thank you for your time, Jackie <The initial losses were probably due to simple differences in your store/sources water quality, acclimation and your system... the Ich was likely imported on some of the new fish... the bugs are likely living on the nutrients, food... You need to "step up" your maintenance, treat the Ich with something less toxic (likely clean the tank a bit first, or better, treat the fish elsewhere...), and not worry re the apparent "bugs". Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Platy & Guppy Questions... and Neons in the mix 2/22/06 I'm new to the hobby, but your site has been quite helpful. I have a couple of questions about the health of my fish and I hope you can help. I have a 10 gallon tank this is well filtered, heated to about 79 F, and planted as my main tank and a 2.5 gallon hospital tank. I have 7 guppies, 2 male and 5 females; 3 platies and 13 platy fry that are 2 days old and doing very well; 3 neon tetras, a Chinese algae eater and 2 bamboo shrimp. I know I have a bit too many, but water quality seems to be pretty good and I test it at least every other day and I have another 10 gallon being shipped. When I first brought the platies home, one had a white rectangular wound on her back so she went straight to the hospital tank where she is now, and gave birth 2 days ago, and the white stuff has spread around her a little, but its not spotted like Ick is and appears to have some trouble swimming in the main tank. Also in the hospital tank is one of the Neons who has some gill trouble - loss of gills or the cover, <Happens> but it appears to be slowly returning to a more pink color and one female guppy who has gotten progressively worse, she has some raised scales, large white growths. One of the guppies in the main tank also has a few scales that appear almost like a shed skin coming off, but they don't appear to be getting any worse. None of the other fish seem to have any trouble, but I'm not sure what to do about the fish in the hospital tank or the one guppy with the "shedding" in the main tank. Any help or advice you can offer me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Arlie Hubbard <I would separate (when you get the new ten gallon) the Neons, read re their water quality (softer, acidic, warmer) and the livebearers... and keep their environments to their liking... This is all that is needed here. Oh... and keep an eye on this Algae Eater... often trouble with other fishes. Bob Fenner> Dying neon tetras 02-05-06 Help! two weeks ago I did a complete change out of my 10 gallon tank, saving off half the water and rinsing the new gravel and furnishings well and added a bubbler. <Better to limit such changes to one quarter if at all possible> The tank is inhabited by 5 neon tetras, 5 harlequins and 1 Pleco. <Too small a tank for the last> the water I added was conditioned by Aquafresh (or something like that) <At least they'll have minty breath> and the original water was replaced as well. for two weeks everything was fine, <Only apparently> but yesterday one of the Neons became bloated and started swimming sideways. I removed it from the tank and put it in another container and it was dead by morning. Today, I've noticed another neon started to exhibit the same symptoms. The harlequins seem to be just fine. I noticed a rust colored deposit building up on the new furnishings. what is this deposit and what is happening to my Neons? any advice you can give would be splendid! thanks, Chris <The Neons don't "like" your water... or this much change this fast... Perhaps your system is "re-cycling"... also much harder on small characins than minnows... See WWM, fishbase.org re their water preferences. Bob Fenner> Disease Of Neon Tetra - 11/07/2005 Bob: <Actually, Crewmember Sabrina with you tonight.> Great site. Just found it - will come back OFTEN. <Excellent! Glad to hear of its use to you.> Need help now, though. One of my neon tetras is acting very erratically. It is swimming, head pointed down at a 45-50 degree angle, in quick jerky motions. I think the stomach is also slightly bloated. All other tetras are doing fine. Any ideas????? <Many.... And most prominently, Mycobacteriosis.... often referred to as "neon tetra disease" or "rainbowfish disease" for these fishes' apparent propensity for contracting it.> I have 29 gallon planted tank, 12 Neons, 6 Glo-light tetras, 3 Corys, 1 Mongolian algae eater, <.... a 'Mongolian' algae eater? That's a new common name to me.> <<So new as to be UNcommon! <giggle>. Marina>> 1 beta, 2 guppies. I just added the guppies (to replace two that died), and two of the Corys (again, to replace some that died). <You might want to consider using a quarantine system for new livestock....> pH is in the 6.6-6.8 range, temp is 76, ammonia and nitrite are both zero. I do 20% water changes once every one to two weeks. <Really, there are far too many possibilities to pin it down on this much info.... But I would absolutely quarantine this fish in a separate system for fear of it passing something nasty along to your other fishes.> Thank you, thank you. <Wishing you well, -Sabrina> New Planted Tank and Fish Death 10/11/05 Hello, The crew has given me solid advice in the past, and I want to share a recent experience with you all. I help my parents set up a 75 gal planted community aquarium. We went fairly low tech: no CO2 injection, low light, 2 Penguin Bio Wheel 350 power filters. All the planting was done immediately. We then cycled the new setup using established aquarium water and sponge squeezings from a mature filter. We were able to observe the complete nitrogen cycle. After our nitrite readings were zero, we added fish. The complete cycle took a little over 3 weeks. The initial stocking consisted of 40 Neons, 24 Rummy Nose, 5 Siamese algae eaters, and 5 Amano shrimp. All the Neons died over a 5-7 day period, a few every night. All but 3 of the Rummy Nosed died in the same period. 3 of the Siamese died also during this period. None of the shrimp perished. During the week of death, we continued monitoring all water parameters. There was never any change in ammonia, nitrite, pH, or nitrate. I am wondering if we stocked the tank too fast. If that was the case wouldn't there have been an ammonia/nitrite spike? Is there more to an established aquarium than just the nitrogen cycle? Are there other organisms that add to the bio-balance of a mature aquarium making it more suitable to life? Once a tank is cycled, is it mature? Or does that take months? I am trying to figure out if we received some bum fish, or the tank wasn't ready for the new fish. Any thoughts? <Im sorry you and your fish had such a rough week. I have a few thoughts/questions. What did you use for your ammonia source when cycling your tank? Fish food? Ammonia from the grocery store? Since you had cycled your tank, I assume your ammonia or nitrites were down to zero. What was your pH? Nitrate level? Tetras are known to be touchy when you put them into tanks. Did you test the fish store waters pH? Maybe they experienced a dramatic change in pH. Id consider a mature tank one thats been up for about a year or so. It does have its own collection of microfauna. Levels of trace elements have evened out. I think you probably stocked the tank a bit too fast the fish may have died before they were able to create an ammonia spike. Since your shrimp didnt die, you might have had some fish disease that wiped out most of the tank. Shrimp are very sensitive to ammonia, indicating that your test kits are speaking truth. You could have just had some bum fish, but your death levels are really high. Id suggest adding about 10 tetras at a time for a little while. What is going to be the final composition of the tank? You could start with your hardiest fish. You might want to consider a quarantine tank introducing a disease into a 75 gallon would be a nightmare to clean up.> Thanks, CW <Anytime, Catherine W> Pregnant neon 9/5/05 Hi, Please help-I think I've done something awful. I set up my new tank yesterday, but because the above neon seemed to be harassed by other fish I put the fish in the new tank. She seems very stressed, swimming in jerky movements, in circles. I have turned the light off . My predicament is: Should I put the fish back with the others or put another neon in for company? Please advise. <I would add another neon to this ones tank> Regards and thanks for your assistance Jacqui <Bob Fenner> Neons vs. cardinals 7/21/05 Hello, wondering
if I could get an opinion on these tetras. I'm planning on a 108
gal. community and want to have either neon tetras or cardinals as the
main schooling species. What would be your recommendation with these
fish for overall color, adaptability with other community fish and most
of all hardiness? I know both require the same water conditions.
That's it. Neons or cardinals? Appreciate any input on this
subject?..........Regards, Craig P. <Mmm, am a big fan of both
species, but will side with the Cardinals... for bigger size, greater
longevity, relative hardiness. Bob Fenner> Neon tetra breeding 7/17/05 I am trying to
breed my neon tetras (yes I know this is difficult but that's why I
am trying). I have three tanks set up, one for my males, one
for my females, and a breeding tank. I've done a lot of research,
and have access to every scientific journal, but there is more I
seek. I am curious as to your opinion of the best technique
to sex neon's and in particular the 'candling' method where
you shine light through them and look for ovaries (I have yet to try
this myself). <There are slight coloring differences
between the sexes... handling them, moving them to where a bright light
can be shone behind is not recommended. The folks in the orient who
breed this species just condition, time the spawnings...> Also,
regarding water GH. For the right breeding conditions I need
to get my water down to about 1-2 dGH. <Yes, the lower the
better> I have yet to get below 3 dGH and I'm using
RO water with 1tbsp/10 gal. salt added back <Leave the salt out>
and tetra black water extract (We have pretty hard water in our area).
I'm also using a phosphate free acid buffer to help with the pH
which works very well. Any advice is appreciated. <The 3
dGH should not be a problem. What has been your difficulty thus far?
Getting the fish to spawn? Raising the young, growing sufficient food?
Bob Fenner> Jeramie Abel Angel Finds Neons a Tasty Treat (4/22/04) Hello - I cannot thank you guys enough for the awesome website! <It's an honor to play a small part. Steve Allen here tonight.> I've had a planted 29 gallon freshwater tank running with only an Angel (about 4 inches) and a balloon bellied molly for quite a while. All of the other fish died of velvet and these two were the survivors. Today I decided that the tank could use some new inhabitants and I really wanted small schooling fish. I purchased a 3 pack of neon tetras and finished acclimating them about 2 hours ago. Unfortunately my 3 pack is now a 1 pack and my Angel fish now has a pot belly, so he got a very colorful snack. <Tasty too.> I really want to keep some sort of schooling fish in this fairly small tank. My question is if I buy more of the neon tetras will they have a better chance of survival in a bigger school (maybe 6-9 of them to create confusion) or am I just buying an expensive snack? <Number two. The Angel will pick them off one-by-one in that small tank.> Are there other small schooling freshwater fish that are better at escaping or a bit bigger so they wont fit in the angels mouth? <Not small ones. You could put maybe 4 or 5 somewhat larger tetras such as Lemon or Serpae. These ought to be OK, but since your Angel is already rather large, start out with near-adult size ones. Another possibility would be Golden or Cherry Barbs, but these could get a little too big. The angel will continue to grow somewhat bigger, so you need to be careful not to put too many other fish in there.> Thanks in advance for the advice :) <Hope this helps.> Dull Neons... Hi there, I was wondering if you could give me some advice on my neon tetras. Today I noticed that they are looking very dull in colour and not swimming about as much as they usually do, also one of them is bloated. I thought this could be neon tetra disease, do you think this is the case? If so, should I carry out euthanasia? < If the disease is only affecting one fish then I would get rid of it. If it looks like it is going to spread to the other fish then I would treat with Nitrofuranace of Myacin. Make sure you follow the directions on the package.-Chuck> Thanks Fran Getting Neons to School (drive them there?) Hi, <Hello> I have a 75 gallon tank with about 18 neon tetras and am planning on getting another half dozen or so. Currently, I also have 4 peacock gudgeons and am planning on getting a few rams and maybe Apistos. <Sounds like a very nice assortment> My problem is that my Neons are not schooling, at least they don't form really tight looking school. I have a moderately well plastic planted tank and I think the Neons just feel pretty safe in the tank. Can you recommend any easy to care for fish that would scare the Neons into schooling. <Mmm, not scare... I suspect some aspect of water quality is at play here... what's your water chemistry, temperature?> Not something that would eat them, but just something to make the neighborhood seem tough enough to rekindle their schooling instincts. I've thought about discus, but only want to do at most 5 gallon water changes each week. Any suggestions? Thanks. Nate Terry <Raise the water temperature to the mid 80's F... check that the water is not too hard... Bob Fenner> STUPID NEON TETRA? I have 5 zebra Danio 5 neon tetra 2 Cherrie barbs and a Bloodfin tetra in a 10 gal. tank. But the one neon tetra stays with the female Cherry barb and darts through the school its supposed to be in breaking it up and returns to the female. Is this normal or is it just stupid. This has been occurring for 2 days now so please help. < Normally fish school together for protection. It could be that their is a dominant male tetra in the school chasing away a rival male. The rival male does not want to be left out because in the wild that usually means it will soon be somebody's lunch very soon. So it has probably tried to school with any fish that will tolerate it while trying to break up the other males happy harem.-chuck> Big Neon Tetra - Big Lack of Info help my neon tetra she got big eyes is something wrong. she looks full of eggs <If there's any way you can tell us more about your fish and setup, including information like water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH), tank size, what other fish the tetra is in with, how long you've had it, how often/how much you change water, we'll be better able to help you. As it is, the information you've sent us (big eyes, possibly distended belly) isn't a whole lot to go off of, and I really can't recommend a treatment without knowing more. The best I can do for now is suggest that you follow this link: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsubwebindex.htm and read through any of the articles there pertaining you your fish, your system, etc. Please be sure to take a look at the FAQs linked to those articles, as well, as there is a great wealth of information stored here. Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Neons, Frogs, & Snails Hello to all at WWM, I have a few questions. First I have a 10g established tank with three neon's. I wanted more so I went to the pet shop and bought 3 more neon's, a blue mystery snail and 1 African dwarf frog. They assured me this would not overcrowd my tank (but they have given me bad advice in the past so I thought I would ask you guys) <This should be fine as long as you dont add anything else to the tank. Also make sure the tank is fully covered so your frog cant escape.> I am getting very conflicting info on the frog. They told me at the pet shop that it would eat fish flakes but what I've been able to find on the web suggests otherwise. I guess what I need to know is what's some really good food to feed this little guy. <This site http://allaboutfrogs.org/info/mypets/dwarfs.html has a lot of information and suggests frozen bloodworms as an excellent food for them.> They also suggested frozen brine shrimp when I asked about frozen treats for my neon's. Your site said these are junk food and when I asked if there was anything else that would be suitable for my neon's they said no. <As a treat once in a while brine shrimp will be fine, just dont count on it providing much nutrition. Frozen Daphnia is also small enough that your Neons should be able to eat it too.> Another question do I need to buy special food for the snail? <Nope, hell eat stuff thats in the tank.> One last question, the new neon's I got are a lot bigger than my original ones. One of my original neon's is hiding out in the weeds. It has done this on and off since I have had it (about 3 months) and seems fine but just seems to be hiding more since I added the others. Do you think they could be bulling it since they are bigger? <The bigger one might be bullying it but probably not. The original one is probably just nervous and will come out more as he adapts to the new critters in his tank.> Thank You So Much for all your help. Amy <You're welcome! Ronni> Help with my brackish water tank Bob <Amanda> I read
your recommendations on plants for brackish water and I just wanted to
see if what you thought about my situation... I recently introduced
bumble bee gobies to my formerly VERY happy fresh water tank ... now
after some research I am learning they need brackish water...
<Yes> ok I don't want them to die... but the tank is doing so
well ... I have some Japanese shrimp, vale, Sagittarius, and neon
tetras... plus the new bumble bee's will everyone be ok with a
little more salt? <Actually... most all, but not the Neons. I would
put them in a system with softer, more acidic water... with no added
salt. Bob Fenner> Thank you Amanda Neon problem Hello to all at WWM, <Good morning! Ronni here with you today.> I have a question about one of my Neons. I have 3 along with 3 mollies in a 10g tank I've had them about a month and so far everyone is still alive. Tank is finally cycled and water quality is good. My problem is one of my Neons has a colorless eye. I don't know if it has always been there or just happened. I hadn't noticed it before. It seems to be fine, playing, schooling, eating, and its color is good. From what I've read it doesn't sound like pop eye. The eye isn't swollen. I'm wondering if you know if this is just genetic or some sort of infection or what. Thank you so much for all of your help. <Is the eye cloudy? If so, it could be an injury of some sort. Keep watching him to see if it gets better or stay the same. If it gets worse, youll need to isolate and medicate him.> Thanks, Amy <You're welcome! Ronni> Going To School Will cardinal tetras school with neon tetras? What other types of tetras will school with Neons? <Well- as far as schooling "with" the Neons, any tetras of similar size could join up. However, I have seen Neons school with Cardinal Tetras, Glowlight Tetras, and even Rasboras on a few occasions, so anything is possible. Usually, in my experience, anyways, the Neons seem to school with Neons, Glowlights with Glowlights, etc. Keep an eye on these little guys- their behavior is very interesting! Enjoy! Scott F.> Nasty Neons Hey! I just wanted to say that I have learned a TON of information from your site. I have looked throughout your search for an answer to what I'm observing, but haven't found one yet. So here is my question. I have a ten gallon tank up and running that is around two and a half months old. It is my first tank and after setting it up and having some fish die, I learned about cycling. So after a few dead fish and a ton of money spent on testing kits, I think everything is going okay. There are 5 guppies (2 m. 3 f.) and 4 Neons. I tested the water today and these are the stats: ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: around 20 (the test is a colored water thing that is sometimes hard to get exact numbers from) Temp: 79 (it's getting hot in California!) Ph: 8 (we have hard tap water) Regarding the Neons, I have one that is noticeably smaller than the other three, but he is really aggressive. He (I'm guessing) doesn't school, but isn't hanging at the bottom or hiding. He hangs out right in the middle of the tank and chases the other Neons away. I'm wondering if this is something I should be worried about. I know that Neons do better in larger numbers (6+?) but I don't want to add more fish and throw this little tanks' levels out of whack. Could I add two more Neons and be okay? Thanks for any help you guys can provide! You all do the aquatic hobby world a great service! -Shannon <Sure. As long as you watch the nitrate and adjust your water change schedule to keep it below 20ppm you'll be fine adding three or four more Neons. It's also a good move to control the aggressive one. If you're goal is breeding the guppies you will need a fry tank. Neons are small, but they can take newborn guppies. And any that make it would start to overstock your tank. Don> A Betta to the Mix? Hey crew. Do you think a male Betta could peacefully live with my 9 neon tetras and my 3 platys in my 10 gallon freshwater planted tank? Thanks! <Nope, sorry but two problems here. The dozen fish you have now are about the limit of a 10 gallon. And the Betta will turn a small Neon into lunch. A big (?) Neon will just get harassed. Maybe to death. Don> New tank, fat Neons Hi there, <Good morning!> Im 13 and I love fish. I saved all my money and got a 30litre tank. I have done everything right washed the gravel and planted plants and o on. I left it running for a week and have done regular pH level tests. 2 weeks ago I got my first 4 fish, 1 peppered Cory and 3 neon tetra. All is well, until today when I noticed that the largest and 2nd largest of my neons have very large stomachs!! I am not quite sure what it is , I am thinking pregnant because those 2 seem to spend a lot of time together but I began to wonder if maybe it wasnt so in a panic I searched and this sight looked really useful so here I am!! Do you think you could help me, will it spread to my new ???s they are half orange and half deep blue, small, smaller than the Neons!! <Mmm, I suspect your "fat" Neons have just eaten a good deal more dried food than they should have... and will thin down (or have done so already) on their own. Do look into using other types of foods (frozen/defrosted, fresh) to keep them in good color and health. Bob Fenner> Ick Tetras I have a question regarding my neon
tetras. I have a 25 gallon tank with a bio wheel and Eclipse filter.
The ph is constant at 7, the temperature is constant at 80 and I do
regular water changes (every 3-4 weeks as advised by our Aquarium
store) and I treat the water with a Sera product called Aquatan before
I add new water. I do not know the ammonia and nitrite amounts as I do
not have a test kit for these yet. Our tank has been set up for
18 months and we have had no problems. We have 5 neon tetras, 5 lemon
tetras, 2 Corydoras, 3 Otos, and 3 blue German rams that replaced 3
swordfish (the children were upset about the whole eating of the young
aspect). Today I notices a problem with our Neons. They all seem to
have ragged fins from a mild to severe degree, most have some sort of
dark greenish/blackish patches on their sides, and one in particular is
emaciated and a very dull colour. This one also seems to have pop eye
(one other looks like he is developing it ) and at certain angles I can
see a few white things attached to his eyes and head (only this one
seems to have the white effect). Is this neon tetra disease? What
else could it be? Will it affect the other fish? How should I treat it?
The other fish seem fine although one or two of the lemon tetras seem
to have a couple of slight ragged/split spots on their fins that I had
put down to age or nipping by the male swordfish we had. Thank
you for your time in answering this question as my daughter is very
upset and I want to make sure I treat the tank expediently and
appropriately. Lisa < Forget testing for ammonia and nitrites and
get a nitrate test kit. Changing the water every three to four weeks
may not be enough and may need to changed more often. I would recommend
a 30% water change while vacuuming the gravel and then clean the
filter. Now that the tank is clean you should see some improvement. The
tail/fin rot may need to be treated if it gets worse with
Nitrofurazone. The Popeye is an internal bacterial infection that needs
to be treated with Metronidazole. After treating your bacteria that
breaks down the fish waste may be gone so I would add some Bio-Spira to
recycle the tank.-Chuck> Dying neon tetras Hi there, <Hi there...this
is Jorie, and I'll try to help...> Have just come across your
site and trawled it for any similar problems to mine, but couldn't
spot anything, so I hope I'm not going to waste your time, but here
goes! <You certainly are not wasting anyone's time - we are here
to help you!> My fiancée and I purchased a 13 gallon tank about 3
weeks ago and set it up as follows: washed gravel in water till it ran
clear, washed resin tank ornaments in the same way. A couple of plastic
plants, but mostly real plants (some sword grass and sword plants, at
least that's what they said they were in the shop). We added
the tap water and treated it with AquaSafe to dechlorinate, etc.
following the instructions on the bottle. We added some AquaPlus water
conditioner and we also added a little plant food that said it was safe
for other tank inhabitants and followed the instructions in both cases
carefully. We have a mechanical, biological and chemical filter
that we checked was the right size for the tank, and a heater that
keeps the water at a constant 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The filter
also has an attachment that can further oxygenate the water (little
pipe attachment to pump out more bubbles). Also have a hood and
light for the tank. We cycled the tank for these weeks, and before we
put any fish in we checked the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH levels:
ammonia, nitrate, nitrate were 0 and pH at 7.5. We live in Glasgow in
Scotland and our water is quite soft. We also added some AquaPlus water
conditioner the morning before the fish went in, because it recommended
doing so for new fish. We bought six jumbo neon tetras yesterday
afternoon - floated the bag for half an hour to get the temperature
even for them, added some tank water gradually over another half an
hour and then released them. They looked pretty happy, we left the
light off to let them settle down and didn't feed them straight
away for the same reason, feeding them a tiny amount about 2 hours
later. Just before we went to bed we checked on them, and two seemed
listless and gasping a little, but still able to swim, not just
floating. This morning 2 were dead upside down on the tank bottom, and
this afternoon two more. We did another water check and the levels were
still fine. The poor guys looked physically ok when they died, apart
from being a little pale - you could still make out the bright colours
on their bodies. They didn't appear bloated with no cuts or gashes
and seemingly normal gills. No signs of fungus or spotting either. When
I was keeping an eye on the second two that died later, they seemed to
get listless and were floating about the main body of the tank rather
than swimming in the plants like the others. They also looked to be
gasping a little. I really don't want to be doing
something wrong and be unknowingly hurting the wee fellas. The last two
seem ok at the moment, although one swims about more than the
other. Do you think it could be something they had already from
the shop, or am I doing something terribly wrong? Do you think I need
to get them some medication, only I am reluctant to do so when they
don't look hurt or diseased and I might do more harm than good? Any
advise greatly appreciated, Charlotte <Charlotte, I'll be
honest, I'm a bit mystified myself as to what's going on! I
read your thorough narrative above, and very honestly, you did
absolutely everything I typically suggest to newcomers, from rinsing
the gravel, cycling the water, keeping the temp. constant, etc. The one
thing that I'd suggest you measure is the water's oxygen level;
you mention that you do have an air filter in the tank, but the gasping
behavior you've noticed makes me think perhaps they fish aren't
getting enough O2. Most major test kit brands have a conversion chart
to measure oxygen levels - I personally use the Tetra brand kit, but I
don't think it matters too much. Just stay away from the "dip
stick" type test kits, as they are pretty unreliable. Aside from
that, I'm thinking perhaps a toxin other than ammonia, nitrite or
nitrite has found its way into the water - I say this because of the
suddenness of the fishes' death. Can you think of *anything* (from
cleaning supplies to air fresheners, for example), that could possibly
be contaminating the water? I don't know if it will help, but you
could try additional water changes and perhaps looking into a
PolyFilter - filter media that removes lots of unwanted toxins, from
phosphates to ammonia. (That's a shot in the dark, though -
it's all I can think of!) You may be correct in thinking your fish
weren't altogether healthy when you purchased them. Any idea how
long they were living at the fish store? That's good question to
ask - the longer the better, but you won't always get that lucky. I
have never personally kept neon tetras, but from what I understand,
they can be fragile. You did well to slowly acclimate them when you
brought 'em home, and as I said above, did everything else
according to the "rules". With regards to medicating, I
don't think I'd go there, especially since you don't see
any observable signs of illness or lacerations. You may indeed do more
harm than good - I never recommend using meds just for the sake of it,
and it's always best to narrow down what's going on before
taking a "shot in the dark" approach to medicating fish. Do
check on the oxygen levels, and think about possible water
contaminants. In the meantime, keep those water levels pristine, and
hopefully the two survivors will be OK. I'll cross my fingers for
you! Good luck, Jorie> Neon tetras that change colour... Hi. I have found your information about neon tetra very useful, but I am confused about "neon tetra disease". I first got a fish tank two years ago and have kept neon tetras in this time. It didn't take me long to notice that when they changed colour that this is bad, but the fish did not always die but change back and remain healthy. <Mmm, Neons do change color sometimes due to "mood", time of day, interactions with each other... not always indicative of disease> (I have had one particular neon tetra for 2 years now). Is this colour changing due to "neon tetra disease" or is it just stress or bad water? <This Sporozoan infection is almost always fatal, and quite distinctive (loss of blue coloring distally): http://freshaquarium.about.com/cs/disease/p/neondisease.htm I don't think your fish have this ailment> I really like my neon tetras and hope that there is something I can do about this phenomenon. Thanks Dani. <Read on. Bob Fenner> pH question for neon tetra Hi Crew, You have a really great
site: I have been finding answers for most of my questions since I
started my aquarium. But this one is still bugging me. What would be
better for my tank to keep pH stable but fairly high or try to reduce
in with chemicals risking its stability? It is 40Gals planted tank that
have been running for about two moths, while fish is living there for a
month. No detectable ammonia and nitrates. My tap water is about 7.0pH
and very soft, but as soon as it is in the tank the pH goes up to 7.4pH
and the hardness sets at 80 mg/l. I have been filtering water through
peat from the beginning and doing weekly 20% water changes. I keep 8
neon tetra for now and plan to add a small shoal of Corys, gouramis
and, possible, a couple of small loaches (if snails got out of
control). Now I understand that pH 7.4 is too high for Neons, yet from
what I learned the playing with pH is least desirable thing. Please,
give me some advice on how to deal with this dilemma. It will be very
much appreciated. <Something in the tank is buffering the water to
the higher pH. Calcium in the water may be one source or even the
sand/gravel may be reacting to the water. If you get your water from a
well then check the water from the tap and then let it sit overnight
and then check it again. If the pH rises then the real pH of your water
is the 24 hour reading. Well water sometimes contains co2 and this
temporarily lowers the pH until the co2 is off gassed. Assuming the
true pH of your water is 7.4 I would recommend the following. Start
getting some RO/distilled water and do a 5 gallon per week water change
with it. Treat the 5 gallons of water with a buffer that will bring the
water down to where you want it. After a few water changes your water
will gradually be lowered to where you want it to be. Be careful . New
fish from the store need to acclimated to the lower pH over time. If
the local stores have water that is hard and alkaline then they may not
appreciate the abrupt change.-Chuck> Thank you, Konstantin. |
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