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red spotted Severum hiding? Reading?
1/17/14 Gold Severum Behavioral & Eye Color
Change 3/26/09 Gold Severums Not Gold 2/26/2009 Hi there, I recently bought two golden Severums and they seem to be changing colour. They are going like a grey colour the fins have gone dark grey and the body is going like a mottled grey with a bit of darker banding towards the rear of the fish. I phoned the aquarium shop in which I bought them and they started on with the normal excuse that the water condition are not right. I know there is nothing wrong with my water as I have fish that breed every month. They said that the fish are stressed due to water quality. Although the fish are swimming round happily and feeding very well. Could this be where the colour variation or the green coming through in these fish? My aquarium is very well established and has no disease or anything like that in it. Please can you try to advise me as I am fed up of these aquarium shops picking on the fact of the water condition and just following a text book as they really do not know a lot about the fish and their environment. I was told not to put an Oscar into a community tank, I did do this and he swims happily with my baby kribensis without attempting to eat them. How good is that? I also have a butterfly fish in with all my other fish and he is doing great. I would be very grateful if you could help me on this. Many thanks. Regards. Kellie p.s I love the site < Thank you for your kind words. Two things to consider is diet and genetics. Some foods that are suppose to increase color just make the fish darker and add pigment. Consider changing the diet. Another consideration is genetics. A gold Severum is a line bred fish to enhance the golden color. As demand for these fish diminishes the pedigrees are not as pure as they should be.-Chuck> Golden Severum
Question, beh. 10/6/08 Re: Golden Severum
Question 10/7/08 Severum question, comp., beh. 1/3/08 We currently own a 55 gallon tank that holds a 3 year old cat fish, 2 year old Pleco, 2 year old red parrot fish, and a pair of yellow Severums (bought together two years ago when they were about 2 inches big. We also bought another male Severum who was rather young about a year and a half ago. All of our fish have lived together in the same tank, and we actually transferred them in buckets from Florida to Michigan when we moved last year. <Bet that was fun!> The younger Severum is the now the size of the larger adults (about 6-7 inches long), and a problem has arisen. The two males (our males have more defined orange tracks on their noses) are constantly picking on the female (who lacks any orange spots on her nose-so we are guessing she has been a female). <Certainly females tend to be smaller and have fewer markings, but this isn't a sure-fire thing. Part of the problem is commercial Severums are hybrids of at least two different Heros species, and so the colour markings on any one fish will not match perfectly those of wild-type examples of the two parent species. Two fish that "bond" are likely to be a pair, and the only sure-fire way to sex them is to look at the shape of the genital papillae; the female's will be short and stubby, and males narrower and often a bit pointy. Do also look at the dorsal/anal fins (the ends are longer and more pointy on males) and the abdomen (fuller and more rounded on females).> Neither one of them has tried mating before, even though they are mature, but it doesn't seem like that is what is happening. <Cichlids generally will attempt to mate, and Severums can be quite aggressive when this happens.> They chase her around the tank and pick at her, never each other or any of the other fish. She hides in our fake plants most of the time now, and only comes out when it is time to eat, or the males are resting. We can't figure out why after all this time there is a problem in our tank. We don't want to see her die, but she is getting attacked. Do you have any idea of what is going on here, and how we can help her out. Any info you have would be great. Thanks <Does sound as if you have a pair planning on mating. They will like need to be moved to their own tank if you want to rear the fry. Cheers, Neale.> Turquoise Severums New Severums Just Sitting On The Bottom - 11/26/07 I just bought 5 small turquoise Severums on Saturday. They are staying at the bottom of the tank. Is this normal? I have them in a 30 gallon tank. < You new fish should be alert and active. The water temp should be around 80 F. Look closely for ich.-Chuck> Golden Severum lying on side 9/27/07 Hi Please Help. Our male golden Severum has been lying on his side for a week or so. He will swim normally sometimes but just go back to lying on his side. It also looks like he is slightly paralyzed at times at his bottom fins and tail but occasionally he swims normally. Not too interested in food. 1 and a half years old. Could this be his swim bladder? We are novices. We are going away for 5 days and have someone else to look after them. What do you suggest we do please help. Also what do you suggest to feed them. There is also a large female golden Severum in the tank. Rob <Hi Rob. Loss of balance when swimming can be caused by a wide range of things. There really isn't a single "swim bladder disease". That said, there are a small number of things that are believe to be common causes. The first is environment. Fish often lose their balance when conditions suddenly become poor. So check the aquarium: temperature, water quality, and water chemistry. Severums want something around 25C, pH 6.5-7.5, and hardness around 5-20 degrees dH. Second is diet. Severums are, as I hope you know, primarily herbivores. A lot of their diet should be plant material. Say, 50%. Sushi Nori, algae-based flakes and pellets, and soft vegetables such as spinach and tinned peas are all ideal. They will of course eat soft aquarium plants like Cabomba and Elodea, and there's a good argument for putting these in the aquarium to give them something to graze on. The worst thing you can do to a Severum (or any other herbivorous cichlid) is give it a diet based on animal protein, i.e., mostly standard flake, prawns, fish, etc. Low protein meaty foods, like bloodworms, are an excellent alternative and will be greedily accepted. Failure to give herbivores a plant-based diet leads to constipation as well as damage to the internal organs, and one of the classic symptoms of this is loss of balance. Finally, bacterial infections can cause loss of balance, usually once the infection has progressed to an advanced degree. In terms of first aid, raising the water temperature 5 degrees C can help, and some vets recommend adding aquarium salt at a dose of up to 1 gramme per litre. If you do decide to add salt, do so in stages. While Severum cichlids do occur in brackish water and have a high tolerance of salt, your filter bacteria will not appreciate a sudden change in salinity! Switching to some high-fibre foods will help clear out the gut, if constipation is a problem. Tinned peas seem to work well for this, and most cichlids enjoy them (especially if they're hungry!). Using an anti-internal bacteria medication, like Erythromycin, might be helpful, but this is a scattergun approach and shouldn't be done as your sole response, because there's no guarantee that this is a bacterial infection at all. Hope this helps, Neale> Re: Golden Severum lying on side 9/27/07 That is wonderful information. Thank you so much Neale. I will let you know how they go. He looks a tad better this morning. <Good luck, and hope he recovers soon. Severums are simply lovely cichlids, sadly overlooked in these days of blood parrots and the like, but still among my very favourites. Cheers, Neale> New Severum Cichlid 10/06/06 Hello, I have tank of one Severum, Keyhole & Bolivian Butterflies. I just bought another golden Severum today and the green Severum is chasing it all over the tank. It is bumping it with its Fins? Is this a sign of aggression? < Severums are cichlids. Cichlids are territorial. The old Severum had a pecking order worked out with all the other fish. The new fish is viewed as a threat so the old fish needs to let him know who is the boss.> Please help as I am fairly new to this. I have driftwood and plants for it too hide but it does not seem to want too? <Hiding places will help. Try to lower the water temp and rearrange the tank to establish new territories.-Chuck> Please help Fish lover down under Hello I have a bully, (Neotropical Cichlid) I have recently bought two golden Severums one of which bullies the other. However no damage is caused to the bullied fish, but it is in fear. I have isolated the bully fish I was wondering if you knew of a way of getting the bully out of it. Also there has been damage to a few of my other fish which seems to happen during the night. I have two catfish which come out at night, Doradids, I was wondering whether these or the golden Severums were to blame for it. Thanks a lot <If there was no damage before, and you recently added the Severums, I would guess it was the Severums, or the tank is getting too crowded and some one is getting upset. What size tank are we dealing with, and what are the other inhabitants? Bullying in a new tank is not uncommon among cichlids, they need to establish territory and dominance. -Gage> Gold Severum Hi, I have a Gold Severum that is a part of a community tank from work. He's gotten along well w/ the others ( large angel, a Gourami a large Pleco and some neon's) but as he has grown he's gotten to be quite a pig. He's not quite a full-on bully, but he does chase the angel and the Gourami away from the food at the feeding time to have more for himself. Recently, I had to prepare the office for a hurricane and I ended up just catching the fish and brining them home to my tank which only had a catfish. The Severum would take the pleco's algae tablet away from him and try to eat it himself. No matter what strategy I tried, I could not get the Pleco to stick w/ it. The weather has cleared up and the fish made it bag to work, but I kept the Severum here in my tank since he was keeping nearly everyone from eating. Now, he's all bummed out and stays near the bottom nearly motionless. I don't think I am going to put him back w/ the others because there are just too many instances when pigs all the food and the tank is some distance from my office. I would like to get a female Severum and see if I can breed them and to see if this will perk him up. Any other ideas of how to perk him up. He's definitely NOT sick! < Sometimes South American fish act very lethargic when things have been moved around and they are not quite sure what to do. So they just sit for awhile. Uarus and discus are like this too. Try and get his attention with some washed earthworms. You could always try putting a mirror next to him and see if his reflection perks him up. A mate might be just the trick to get him up and going but pairing adult fish can be somewhat tricky. If the female is not ready to mate the male may kill her. If you really want to try the place the pair side by side in two different aquariums where they can see each other. If the female begins to fatten up and you see some displaying between the two then you can try to put the male in the females tank. Stay with them for some time because things could turn tragic very suddenly. IF they are compatible then you should see a spawning within a week.-Chuck> Thanks! D Green Severum in the Land of the Long White Cloud Hi Bob Can you please email me back a reply as no one in New Zealand can help me and I'm worried. Recently I purchased a green Severum about 5cm in length. Let him settle in and them purchased another 4 yellows which were 4cm in length - waited for them to pair off and then sold the non paired ones back to the fish shop. I have attached a picture of the yellow one below - sorry about the picture quality its a large beveled tank so its was hard to get a good shot - also its sunset so the sunset was bouncing onto the back of the aquarium - my waters not actually that colour :) My problem is that the little yellow Severum is now hanging around the back of the filter and will only move down the tank or explore very partially when the lights are off. I realize that it will take her along time to get used to this environment especially as they all had a disruptive time before the pairing - but she hangs with her head down never up like normal Severums - also the other fish which is only slightly larges flares at her - swims up changes colour drastically - stripes appear he shimmies in front of her then pecks at her face and chest. She does not seem to swim away instead she just floats up and goes limp till he's finished and then goes on with hanging behind the filter. Also with them both been juvies she had like grey speckles over her body like she rolled on a pencil lead - this seems to have spread quite considerably and now the grey is almost covering her body. Her eyes are bright - finnage is growing back after the disruption and she's eating well feeding bloodworm, krill, whole shrimp, brine shrimp and peas. ( don't forget the algae tabs that they steal from the red spotted pale. ) Ammonia is 0ppm Nitrate 0ppm Nitrite 0ppm ph 6.8 KH 9dkh Temp 78-79 44 gallons. Filter that cycles the tank 4.5 times and hour. Is this fish sick? or is it just a juvie and is still growing and discovering its colours? the others in the tank had varying degrees of the grey colouration also - but they seem to have grown out of it - where as she's growing into it - Pet shop has not treated them for anything and the Pet shop guy says its just the way that they look. Fish is active at night she's looking at me now and eating the peas but if I turn the light on back behind the filter. Is the male fish going to be ok with her am I right this is a breeding pair right? So many questions Please help as I said no one in NZ knows!!! < These color forms are not normally found in nature. Depending on the original source I have seen all kinds of genetic variations form all orange to lemon yellow with all kinds of dots and markings. It does not appear that your fish is sick. Just a little reluctant to join the others for now. They will probably change as he grows older.-Chuck> Thanks Stephanie Gold Severums Losing Their Luster 8/30/05 Hi there team, Just a little query. I have two golden Severums (juveniles at about 2 inches) currently living quite happily in a community tank. However they are losing there colour and one has a very definite vertical banding forming along it's flank, such as is typical in many cichlids. The other fish lacks this banding, but is a little greyer than normal. Amongst their tank mates are a pair of juvenile Firemouths (of a similar size and age). Is it bound the realms of possibility that the presence of the Firemouths is effecting the colouration of the golden Severums? Or is there another reason? I checked back at the shop I purchased them from and the others from the same batch are maintaining their colour. BTW my water is PH 7, Ammo 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 10ppm and has been stable for a long time.(50 gallon tank with filtration system capable of handling almost double this) The only of event of consequence was an outbreak of whitespot about a month ago when new stock became ill (the fish at the shop also became ill at the same time and they white spot had been brought in from the shop. This has been treated and no whitespot has been evident for 3 weeks. Thanks for your thoughts, John Read < Check the diet and lighting. Good food like Spectrum will bring their colors to their fullest. Cheap poor quality food gives you cheap looking fish. Lighting makes a big difference. Go back to the shop and see what lights they are using. Typical shop lights from the hardware store don't do anything for a fishes color. Try ZooMed FloraSun bulbs. Genetics play a part in it too. To look their best they need to be the dominant fish in the tank. -Chuck> Severums of a Different Color 9/17/05 Hi - quick question ~ is it normal for Green Severums to change colors. Mine (Sam) has been changing from his normal color to yellow and then back to his green! He has gotten a little aggressive too! He is alone in his tank - we lost our Gold Severum (Charlie) during hurricane Ivan - it was a very sad day. He is eating but just acting weird. Thanks for any ideas! <As cichlids grow and mature they change from their juvenile stripped pattern to adult coloration. As adults they are more inclined to stake out a territory and display to others that they are not wanted. This display would include color changes, flared fins and gill covers.-Chuck.> |
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