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Maroon clownfish sexing/behavior
11/12/12 Maroon clownfish (juvenile) acclimation/territoriality -
help 5/28/12 My maroon clownfish was attacked
Maroon Clown Options, comp. --
1/3/12 three (I hope quick) compatibility questions...
Mixing Meiacanthus, Gramma, Premnas in est. sys.s -
Maroon Clownfish Tankmates: Clownfish sys:
5/8/2009 Re: Maroon Clownfish Tank mates: Clownfish sys:
6/26/2009 Maroon Clown Questions, beh., comp.
Humbled by the Aquarium... Premnas Anemone sel., Lion, et al. for... a reef 11/28/08 Dear Sir / Madam, <Hello there Carl> Like most, I wanted to open by voicing my appreciation for the invaluable information that you provide. I would also like to say that, in the short time I have been keeping a marine tank, I have been thoroughly humbled by the beauty, gracefulness and splendour that the hobby has provided. I must warn you, I also suffer from verbal maximus..... <Heeee, you're in good company here> I currently have a 4foot, by 2 foot by 2 foot aquarium (With 2 2 2 sump). I have a pair of Maroon clowns, the male being a third of the size of the female. The tank has been running for about 6 months with plenty of live rock and regular water changes. A few soft corals here and there too. I added a purple tang (magnificent creature) last month and all has been going swimmingly (Pun thoroughly intended). It has all been a joy to behold. Anyway, i'm waffling, I wondered if there were any, anemone that might be suitable? <Mmm, there are a few species... of not-naturally associated Actinarians... but/and my fave choice is... and the Bubble Tip, Entacmaea quadricolor... would be best... a specimen of good size, captive-produced if available.. to start with, to "take on" the initial abuse of your Premnas (they can be very hard on their symbionts)> Having read up a fair bit, it seems the carpets may well consume any fish I add in the future. So I do not wish to add this species. Would any other be suitable for the clowns? That would not sting / eat or do anything particularly disturbing to future / current inhabitants? <I agree re eschewing carpet species... there are others, please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm all/any could/might sting future inhabitants, perhaps cause significant negative interaction with your existing and future Cnidarians> Also, I am currently reading plenty on the lionfish. I would like to add a lionfish radiata. <Mmm... I would not... particularly should you add an anemone here... for one, it will very likely consume at least your male Clown... for two, in this small volume, squarish shaped system, it will very likely "run into" the anemone in time> Although seemingly hard to come by. I appreciate that the little clown may well be a snack, so may rehome. What are your thoughts on a lionfish in with a purple tang? <These are fine together... unless the Tang is quite small, the lion large... but otherwise won't pick on each other> I would also, in the coming months like to include a Flame Angel (again a slight risk with the corals). Compatible? Will the angel nip at the lion? <Fine enough with the corals likely... more likely to nip the Lion though> Many thanks and warmest regards from the UK. Carl. <And to you from getting-sunnier S. Ca. Bob Fenner> Re: LPS budding 10/22/08 Hi Mr. Fenner A privilege to be communicating with you. <Howsit?> Just continuing the conversation below, I observed something totally bizarre. To refresh, I mentioned below how the spine-cheeked clown occasionally went and buffeted the grape/ frogspawn coral, releasing these buds/ polyps, which drifted into the hairy mushroom and irritated it severely. <Yes... too common a/the case twixt Premnas and their erstwhile Cnidarian symbionts> Today the clown went a step further. I actually saw it bite off a polyp - from the same LPS colony - and release it into the water column, where it drifted off to oblivion. <Mmmm> (It could not be doing this to defend its BTA, as I placed a large barrier of rock between the two, and actually moved the stricken mushroom to another system where it is thriving). No other invertebrates seem to be affected at this stage. <Is a danger...> I just found this quite curious, and given its infrequency (so far!) have decided to observe further without action at this stage. Would you be able to shed some light on this? <Have noted and recorded others/similar observations re Maroons... they can be very hard on other life...> I am just wondering if the clown was the original cause of the problem, rather than "primary" allelopathy as originally suspected. <Could well be the real/root cause here. If it t'were me, mine, I'd separate these two... the Clown, Euphyllia> Best regards Mani (Auckland, NZ) <And to you, BobF> BTA, dying... Premnas incomp. 9/16/08 Hello Crew, <Seth> I have a quick question about my dying BTA.... A little background first. My BTA found himself a spot he really seemed to like close to the sand (under a live rock over hang). <Mmm, something amiss here... should situate itself out in the open... for light> It was extremely difficult to feed him in this spot, but I figured out a way to get the right angle through trial and error. The problem is my Maroon clown that hosts... <Here it is> he has been relentless about stealing the BTA's food. Even when I keep my hand in the tank attempting to scare him off(and while feeding the tank at the same time)...he eventually gets to the food. Even food that is half in the Anemone's mouth.. he pulls out! This has caused a slow decline in his health(he may have kept some food once in two months. <These two need to be separated> Okay, here's my question(thanks for your patience). He is now about the size of a crab apple and has managed to work his way into a deep hole in the live rock. Based on where he is in the rock, there is no way of getting him out unless I tore down all the rock and used pliers or something similar. Will he poison my tank when he dies? <Maybe, to an extent> I have a young but thriving 75 gallon SPS tank...would hate to lose anything else..I thought the damage might be minimal due to his size, but thought I would ask. I'm not even sure if I will notice him dying(unless he produces a huge amount of slime that leaks out of the rock. I figured the best move might be to watch...if I see any slime do a large water change(20 gallons or so). What do you think? As always, this is the best site and thank you for your help!!! <... Move the Premnas, stat. Bob Fenner> Maroon clowns'¦will they pair? 6/16/08 First let me say good day to you all. <Thanks! A splendid day to you as well!> I have two Maroon clownfish in my 90gal tank. I introduced both of them almost two months ago at the same time. Their current sizes are: big is probably 1.5' to 2' and the smaller one is maybe 1'. Two days of introducing them in my tank, they swim and stay close together. After that they separate their ways, one stayed at the right corner of the tank and one on the other side. Sometimes I would see the big one chasing the small clown, but no major attacked. A week ago I bought a GBTA and the bigger Maroon took over the anemone instantly. I have noticed that once in a while the small one will go near the GBTA and the bigger Maroon, just to hang around. The bigger Maroon will sometimes ignore the small Maroon or sometimes would chase. The bigger Maroon doesn't nip any part of the small Maroon not even when they bump with each other during feeding time. This morning while the actinics were on, I saw the two moving in a circle and have their cheeks touched. After a while they break away and are on their separate locations again. So far I have never seen the smaller Maroon do some twitching when being chased or attacked by the bigger Maroon. With these, do you think these two Maroons will ever pair? I know I am beginning to be impatient on what is going to happen next, but I want to hear some confirmations from people like you that they might have or the worst will not. <May, it sounds like your clowns are still pretty young. Keep in mind an adult female-morph Maroon can reach 6"- yours have a long way to go! They are probably displaying pre-pairing behavior (Hashing out who will play the husband and the wife!) and will likely pair if given time, space.> Thank you and continue the great work you are doing. <Will try!> <Benjamin>
Maroon Clownfish Loving its Anemone to Death, Overfeeding -- 2/20/08 Greetings WWM Crew, <Hello Mike, Brenda here!> First I'd just like to say thanks for having such a great site with so much useful information. I've been using it quite a bit since I found it. First I'd like to give a little info on my tank... 36 gallon bow, Almost 7 months old, 50 lbs live rock and 40 lbs of live sand filtration/skimming: Aquaclear 50 running the foam insert and ChemiPure, SeaClone 100 <SeaClone skimmers are not the best. I recommend looking into a better product.> Circulation: Hydor Koralia Nano 1, Power Sweep 226, <I don't recommend power heads when keeping anemones. If you must, they need to be covered to protect the anemone.> 130w PC fixture, 1 65w 10K and 1 65w actinic; lighting period ~11.5 hours H2O Quality: ph 8.3, SG 1.024 <Gradually increase salinity to 1.026.> ammonia undetectable, nitrite undetectable, nitrate ~10 +/- <Nitrates need to be zero.> phosphate undetectable Alk ~9 calcium 360 I do a water change every 2 weeks of ~5 - 6 gallons. (I use IO Reef Crystals) Average temp 78 degrees F <I recommend targeting 80 degrees F.> Live stock: Fish - fed twice daily, alternating between Formula 1 & 2 flake, Mysis and frozen Brine Shrimp Plus 2 green chromis 1 Kole tang <A 36 gallon tank is much too small for any tang.> 1 Maroon clown Softies - add DT's plankton every other day, feed the open brain small piece of silverside 2x a week, 2 medium mushroom rocks, an open brain, 1 medium polyp rock and a small crop of pom pom xenia several snails, 1 red leg hermit, 3 blue leg hermits <Crabs can become predators of coral and anemones.> and a crop of feather Caulerpa. Hope this wasn't too much....Generally speaking, I think the tank is in good shape. There seems to be an abundance of life in the sand and all my livestock appears to be in good health. Two weeks ago I purchased a medium to large rose BTA from my LFS. It appeared to be in very good shape, no damage to the mouth or base, good color and bubbled up real nice. I drip acclimated over a 4.5 hour period prior to introducing into the tank (I know I should have a Q tank, unfortunately I don't). Placed it in an area in the tank with several crevices for it to choose from. Over night it moved into one of those crevices and has been there since. It is securely attached and, for the most part, been behaving exactly as I have expected based on the research I have done. It has had an excellent feeding response and appetite. I've been feeding a Silverside every 2 to 3 days <A whole silverside is much too large. I don't recommend feeding portions bigger than the anemones mouth. When feeding too large of portions, the anemone will likely regurgitate several hours later, ending up with nothing to eat.> and the clown also takes it pieces of Mysis and Brine Shrimp mix on the days when I feed those. <Brine Shrimp is not adequate. There is little or no nutritional value in Brine shrimp unless it is newly hatched.> My maroon clown (~2" in size) moved in on the anemone within minutes of it being in the tank and been hosting it ever since. Now for my problem/question. In 2 weeks, the clown never gives this anemone any peace. <This is not unusual for a Maroon clownfish.> It is in it or around it all day long and even sleeps in the anemone at night. At times it appears to be pressing its body against the anemone's mouth, as if it were trying to suffocate it. Over the last 2 days the anemone seems to be looking very "wilted" and has not been expanding as in the past. Is it possible for the clown to be stressing out the anemone? <Sure is!> I know the maroon clown can be an aggressive fish, but I haven't seen or read anything that they could potentially harm their anemone. Could you please give me any ideas or suggestions you may have. <Your anemone needs to be at least three times (minimum) larger than this clownfish. Maroon clownfish can love their anemone to death. They need to be separated until the anemone is large enough to handle the Maroon.> Thanks, Mike <You're welcome! Brenda>
Maroon Clown, how aggressive? Oh yes... 2-14-08 Hello All, <Hi> Just like to say thank you so much for this great site. I know that there is so much hard work and knowledge here! <Appreciated!> Please help clarify something. I have a maroon clown that when I purchased said they could be somewhat aggressive. In researching some say this also, but in all compatibly charts however, clownfish seem to be generally classified as non-aggressive. In searching for tankmates for this fish- all alone in what was supposed to be our hospital tank -29 gallon- what should I look for ?semi-aggressive? to put with him. Can you make a few suggestions? Thanks. Sandy <Sandy, for fear of giving a very bland reply, please use the search facilities and you'll find a host of information to help you with your query. In particular, start here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/maroonclnart.htm Do come back to us if there is anything you can't find or are unclear on. What I will say however, is that with a maximum size of around 6 inches, and as you point out the nature of the Maroon Clownfish, your tank (size) isn't going to handle many additional fish anyway. How about pairing her up?... Mike I> Question about Maroon Clownfish, comp. -02/06/08 Hello All, I just stumbled across your site searching for Maroon Clowns on Google and am so glad that I did. My boyfriend, Rich, likes to just buy animals and se la vive! <totally irresponsible> I like to do research first and then decide, but I can't always get him to change his ways. Well 3 days ago we were in a pet store and saw a beautiful Gold Striped Maroon Clown. We had a Tomato Clown in the tank for about 7 yrs. I tried to convince him to look into it more before buying. The guy at the pet store told him it MIGHT be o.k. if he shifted the tank around and Rich chose to get the Maroon. The Tomato battered the Maroon around that night and the next morning. Rich removed the Tomato because he preferred the Maroon. <ugh> We have a 75 gallon tank that has been running for about 7 years. It is mostly fish which has in it 2 Scats (don't ask), 3 Convict Gobies (what they were sold to us as), a Lionfish (Pterois Volitans), a Wrasse along with a recently rediscovered Watchman Goby (he was bought about a year ago and we hadn't seen him since until we tried to rearrange the tank to introduce the clown!) Besides them we have 2 Urchins and one Moray Eel (he's coming out as soon as Rich can catch him.) <Too many aggressive fish for this tank!> Rich takes care of the tank, but I do know a little bit about it. He keeps the temp. around 79 degrees and the salinity at 1.023. He doesn't test for the rest of the things he should, but since he's had tanks running longer than the ten years I've know him and the fish always seem to flourish he must be doing something right. <Or maybe he just keeps getting new fish?> From what I've gleaned from your site we probably bought a female GSM (it's very dark colored and around 4" long.) Also that it isn't a good idea to introduce another Maroon after too much time. I have a couple of questions. First, do you think things will be fine with the fish that are currently in the tank and the new Maroon? <no> Second, if so then would it be o.k. to introduce another Maroon into the tank or are we better off leaving it as is? <Wait, you already added one maroon clown and it didn't work out with the tomato. So now you want to add a second maroon clown? Huh?> I now it would have to be smaller, but about what size? Also what is the length of time we would have to do this (I realize this isn't an exact science, just looking for a guideline?) Also what is a good reference to know your getting a male? Would a light color and small size be enough? Is there a link to how to introduce the new one properly? <Please do some more reading about these fish. You can start here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/maroonclnart.htm> Lastly, even though you recommend that the Maroon be the last fish to go into the tank I know my boyfriend will want to introduce other fish in the future. He has that I want to figure things out for myself attitude and doesn't tend to care what experts recommend so much. <So why bother even asking us?> Besides other Clownfish are there any others species to absolutely avoid adding in the future? I do get him to listen to tank size restrictions so I'm just worried about the conflict with the GSM. <Again, if your boyfriend is just going to do whatever he wants without any thought to what's wise, intelligent or responsible, why even bother asking?> Thank you so much for your help and sorry this is so long and addled. I tried to find the info. on the site, but there is so much there that I kept getting sucked in. :) <This is not a hobby for the faint of heart or for those who aren't willing to do a great deal of reading/learning. Unfortunately, some irresponsible people get into it anyway and just do whatever they want to anyway without any concern for the consequences or the innocent lives they risk. We can't do much about that except strongly encourage them to change.> Sincerely, Samantha L. <Good luck, Sara M.> Maroon Clown Compatibility 1-11-2008 Hello there, <Hi! Yunachin here> Your site is great, I've used it so much lately. I have a 30 gal tank with live rock, crushed coral, some snails, and an Ocellaris clown. We have had the tank for a while now (inherited it from my brother-in-law when he moved) and have slowly but surely been figuring the whole thing out. <Good!> So the tank has been up and running for at least 2 years, with a couple of other fish and a shrimp that have come and gone, but the clown has made it through all of it somehow. <They are hardy little fellows.> So in the last 2 months I have started trying to clean it up, had a little Aiptasia problem and water quality problem, but have gotten that under control now. <That is good to hear as well.> I recently (a month ago) went to the LFS and wanted to get something to add to the tank so I could feel like I've accomplished something...and they recommended a maroon clown. So now after looking on your site I've realized this was probably a bad idea/bad advice. <I have to agree.> The existing clown is about 3-4 in. and the maroon clown is about 2 in., maybe a little less. They seemed to pair up right away and get along really well, they always hang out in the same place together and swim together. Well I just turned the light on to feed them and realized the maroon clown has a big chunk missing out of his tail fin. So I know from reading that he was probably picking a fight or something with the big clown, but I'm really not sure what to do next. <Unfortunately you are going to have to remove him.> I was wondering if there is any way they will be able to live together since they were ok until now, or if there is anything I can do to alleviate the tension, because I really don't want to get rid of him! <The Ocellaris clown that you have had in your tank is established as the dominant female. When you introduced this other clown into your tank it too, (judging by its size is most likely a female as well), it sent off a red flag. Ultimately the first female is going to defend her territory and there is going to be nothing but tension in your tank unless the maroon is removed. You never want to mix two species of clownfish in your tank because it spells nothing but disaster. Clownfish are extremely territorial and in the size tank you have if you do not remove one of the two, one will get killed.> Anyway, thanks in advance for your help. <You're welcome, and may I suggest something more tolerable for the clownfish like a Mandarin fish, they are great for compatibility and they are very gorgeous. --Yunachin> Stephanie Maroon Vs. Ocellaris Clownfish Compatibility -- 12/5/07 Hello Great Crew, <Hi Frank, Brenda here! Thank you for the compliment to the crew!> I'm nearly at the end of setting up my long 72" 125 G Tank. Still have a few kinks with the plumbing design, but.......I was planning on moving my Large Maroon (Wild born) clownfish into this tank. I am also planning on moving my small false Percula in to that same tank to consolidate some small ones I have. Will the length and size of tank keep the Maroon from interacting (but really attacking) my false Percula? Or would it be wiser to put my false Percula into my 37 G Tank that already has an established false Percula of the relatively same size? <It is possible the two will co-exist peacefully, but not probable. I don't recommend mixing the two. Maroon clownfish are aggressive. An Ocellaris clownfish will not likely be able to defend itself against the Maroon. I don't actually recommend mixing clownfish species unless you have a few hundred gallons, or more, even then there is no guarantee.> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Frank <You're Welcome! Good luck and Congratulations on your new set up! Brenda>
New Entrant into the Saltwater Arena, Stocking Issues 10/10/07 Hi Crew, <Hello> Have got a lot of info from your website but am stuck hence the question. <Ok> I lost my anemone guess to poor lighting - water nitrate ph levels all fine. <Lots more possibilities here, are very fragile and not really appropriate for beginners to be honest.> My maroon clown doing great and so are my damsels. <Hardy but aggressive fish.> My problems against my wishes two percula clowns were introduced and did the maroon attack them - <They do that.> Now I've isolated the maroon in a container just to bring his temperament down but am scared. Pls help - do give back the percula <Yes> - the maroon is about 4 inches long and the Perc's around 2 inches. I repeat my tank size maybe got it wrong before 200 ltrs of water, 4 feet height <?> 1 feet breadth and 3 feet wide. Only rocks and sand. Pls. help <Maroon clowns are some of the most aggressive fish available in the trade, I doubt it would ever permit Percs to live in the same tank.> <Chris> Condylactis Hosting Maroon Clownfish, Allelopathy -- 9/27/07 Good morning again Crew! <Good Morning Amanda! Brenda here> Mr. Fenner, Thank you very much for your advice on my Bubble Coral, and tank situation. Sorry to bug you guys with another question so soon. <Not a problem!> This time it is about the Maroon clown hosting in the Condylactis. The Condy we have had for about a year now, and it has always done very well (except for the week we bought the Maroon Clown and one of the LFS talked me into buying a Carpet Anemone, because that is what the Clown was hosting in at the store). Anyway, lesson learned quickly there. <Yes, I can imagine!> I removed the Carpet on the third day, as it was dying. This caused the Condy to seem to be in poor health for about 2 weeks, he bounced back better than ever, though the tentacles changed from white slowly to a reddish brown color. The Maroon clown instantly took up residence in the Condy as soon as he was put in the tank, even though the poor thing was still trying to recover. But recover he did! <Excellent job on the recovery!> This was around 2 months ago, and the Condy has now doubled in size! He seems to have grown to fit the Maroon, which initially was about the same size. They seem to be a match made in heaven and the Maroon Clown, keeps him well fed. You had said that the Condy and the Maroon Clown were not compatible, which I had also read, but since they have paired up so well are they just freaks, or does this occasionally happen? <Yes, it does occasionally happen in captivity. It does not however mean that they will continue this 'match made in heaven' behavior long term. Are you positive that this anemone is a Condylactis?> I'm also guessing, even though there were no signs yet, this is when the trouble started with the Bubble Coral also. Am I correct in that assumption? <When an anemone dies the rest of the livestock will typically show immediate signs of stress. Bob's original advice is correct here 'Cnidarian allelopathy'.> Thanks again for your boundless knowledge! Amanda <You're welcome! Brenda> Compatibility/Maroon Clownfish 8/15/07 Hello, This is my first time using your service. I am very impressed. <Why thank you.> I have a 100gal aquarium. Started about 3 months ago. My first fish were 2 Maroon Clowns along with an anemone and a Yellow Tang. <Do cap proper nouns in future queries, saves us time from editing before posting.> Within one week one clown had died. 2 weeks later the Yellow Tang died after introducing a Purple Tang. <Unless you have a large tank, these two do not get along too well.> Our aquarist is not certain why these fish died. <The tangs aren't the easiest fish to acclimate. Read here and linked files above for more info. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/zebrasom.htm> The water quality seems perfect. In the mean time we have added more fish and corals and they all seem to be adjusting fine. I am feeding them 2 times per day, Mysis and brine shrimp (frozen). <Do vary the diet with more than two items. Selcon is good to add to the food.> Three days ago we decided to get another Maroon Clown so that we could have a pair. The first day was very stressful. The big maroon didn't want the baby in his territory (of course). Eventually with the help of a mediator, our blue hippo, would escort the big maroon back to his anemone. This went on for quite a while. It was very interesting that the blue hippo stepped in like a knife between the two so that there wasn't chaos in the tank. Now, the big maroon has allowed the baby in the anemone and they are getting along fine, but has now decided the she/he won't eat. Is this normal? Before the baby came, this maroon was the first fish to the food. I am concerned and worried because I don't want to lose my clown. Could she be pouting, depressed or changing? She is a beautiful healthy maroon about 1 1/2 inches. Help? <Would not worry to much here, I'm sure it will begin feeding soon. Do read here for more info on the Maroon Clownfish. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/maroonclnart.htm> Sincerely, a new concerned aquarist <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Pam Pairing Maroon Clownfish, Premnas biaculeatus 8/14/07 Can a white-striped maroon and a gold-striped maroon form a pair? <Yes, they are the same species. More information here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/maroonclnart.htm> I purchased what my LFS told me was a gold-striped maroon about 8 months ago. This fish still has white stripes so I am thinking about adding a larger gold-striped maroon to the tank. <This is not a good idea. The clownfish you currently have is likely female. If you purchase a larger clownfish, you risk adding another female. Two female clownfish in one tank is asking for trouble. It will likely result in the death of one or both clownfish. I've heard horror stories were other fish were killed by getting in the way of two fighting Maroons.> I just don't know if the two varieties of clowns are compatible? BTW, the maroon that I have was tank-bred. <I recommend getting a smaller Maroon Clownfish, and keeping a very close eye on them when they are introduced. These are territorial fish and do not always welcome a partner. There are a couple of different techniques that can be used to introduce them, please read through the FAQs on Maroon Clownfish for more information: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/premnasfaqs.htm Good luck! Brenda> Sorry to write again- ordering help, Maroon Clown, Banggai Cardinal Compatibility 8/4/07 I currently have a maroon clownfish and a yellow watchman goby. I was wanting to add a Banghai <Banggai> cardinal fish. I have done research that they are great fish, but I'm concerned if he will get along with my maroon clownfish. Please let me know what you think. <I think that unless this is a large system the Maroon may terrorize the much less aggressive cardinal.> <Chris> Re: Maroon Clown Banggai Cardinal Compatibility 8/4/07 Will a maroon clownfish be compatible with a Banggai cardinal fish in a 75 gallon aquarium. Also if it is compatible should I have two cardinal fish or just one. Thanks <I would probably not try it in this sized tank, the maroon will ultimately try to make the entire tank it's territory.> <Chris> Re: Maroon Clown Banggai Cardinal Compatibility 8/6/07 Thank you for your reply I checked the FAQ and found your reply. <Welcome> I am now concerned about my maroon clownfish. I have the 75 gallon soon to be reef tank. I currently have a yellow watchman goby with my maroon clownfish and Tuesday will be getting a Jawfish. I was upset to hear I wouldn't be able to have the Banggai cardinal I really wanted this fish, but I was wondering if you had any suggestions for fish I could have that would be ok with the maroon clownfish. <Anything that can keep up with its temperament, too many choices here to list.> I thought of having maybe a flame angel and yellow tang. <Flame angel would be a good choice, but the tank is too small for the tang.> I also wanted to have a starfish and cleaner shrimp. Are there any fish you could recommend that would be ok with the maroon clownfish? Thanks for your help. <There are lots of fish to choose from here, look for something that is as aggressive as the clown gets, this should allow both to cohabitate in the tank.> <Chris> Marine Fish-- What fish are compatible with gold stripe maroon clownfish? Using WWM 6/16/07 When I bought my 28 gallon tank it came with a pair of gold stripe maroon clownfish. <Need more room than this> I looked until finally I found someone to trade them with. I traded them out for a pair of ocellaris clowns. I'd like to get a GSM, a pair if possible, for a 55 gallon tank with sump in the future. <Wait till you have this tank> What types of fish are compatible with these guys? <Not much of anything in this small volume fish-wise> I know they can be a bit aggressive and territorial. I was looking into an angelfish like a pygmy angelfish or flame, but I think they may be too peaceful for the tank. Could I add a dwarf angelfish, blue damsel with yellow tail, royal Gramma (I hear they can be bullies sometimes) or some other fish that could live with the GSMs? <Not likely> I'd like to add LPS, maybe SPS to the tank if possible too. I'm not familiar with how many fish could fit in the tank even though my LFS would probably tell me it would be okay. Any suggestions or comments would be great. Thanks! <Mmm, yes... to read... Please learn to/use the search tool, indices on WWM... Your answers, such as they are, are posted/archived there. Bob Fenner> Re: Marine Fish-- What fish are compatible with gold stripe maroon clownfish? -- 06/17/07 Thanks for the response, but I'm not getting this tank immediately. Would I have to upgrade to something like a 100 gallon tank before I consider adding any tankmates with the clownfish? <Yes> I'm planning most of it out before I decide on what to do. I'd like to get the tank for the aquacultured P. biaculeatus along with tankmates, if possible. 28 gallons is small, which is why I traded out the pair for a pair of A. ocellaris when the p. biaculeatus were passed over to me. <I see. BobF> Maroon Clownfish Beating up LTA -- 5/6/07 Well I have a 36 gal that is my second tank. It houses a Maroon Clown 2 years old, a large long tentacle anemone, (home to the clown), And a banded coral shrimp. Nitrite, nitrate, ammonia are all at zero. PH 8.3, Salinity 1.023. <Salinity is a bit low for an anemone. I recommend gradually bringing it up to 1.026.> Well the last few times I have done water changes afterward the clown gets crazy and starts ramming the anemone all over the tank and into the live rock. <Ouch!> The anemone will close up and turn a sort of green color and he just doesn't look good. <I can imagine.> Eventually this will cease but it seams like the clown is getting worse and worse each time. My question is, is this normal or is he going to kill my anemone soon? <Quite possible! Maroons are well known for abusing an anemone. It is recommended that the anemone be at least 3 times larger than the clownfish. How long have you had the anemone? Is it healthy? I suggest separating the anemone from the clownfish until it gets much larger. I would also increase the feedings to get it to grow faster.> Please help. Thanks for a great page <You're welcome! Brenda> Clowns, Mixing and Overcrowded -- 4/15/07 Hello!! <Hello.> I have a couple of questions about our clownfish... <Okay, let see what I can do...> first let me say that I just recently (i.e. tonight) stumbled across your website, and from what I read I've found it very enlightening. I'll refer to it often, I'm sure. :) <Awesome!. > My husband and I are new to the saltwater hobby, and we've got a 30 gallon tank set up. We've got a maroon clown, 2 perculas (true or false, I'm not sure yet), a coral beauty, a lawnmower blenny, and a yellow tang (who is moving to a larger tank within the week), along with some blue-leg hermits and a few snails. <Hmmm, there are a few issues here. First the clowns, mixing species is sure to result in well...negative results. They will likely, eventually fight to the death. The maroon is the favored one in this fight, choose one or the other but you can not house both species in this tank. Second is the angel, Centropyge angels need much more room to roam and feed...typically a space of 55 gallons or larger, when you move the tang consider giving the angel the boot as well.> At first, the maroon was nipping at the perculas, but seems to have settled down somewhat. <Will ensue again, especially as the maroon gets larger.> My question is this: lately the maroon has taken to a certain spot underneath the heater, and we've watched it flip its tail back and forth rapidly, brushing the crushed coral away at the bottom of the tank. <She/He has found a "home" spot it likes/favors.> its made a semi-circular bed of sorts, and its tearing up its tail fin. it doesn't come out of that area very often, and it has gotten along well with the other fish, but now it nips at one of our perculas. <See my above comments.> I know that maroons are aggressive, <Very.> especially toward other clown species, but its only going after the one, and not the other. <One them the other...is to be the case.> I think that the one its going after is (possibly) the female of the two perculas, as it seems to have gotten bigger than the other (they were the same size when we purchased them), but I really have no clue. <Going after the clown it probably views as more of a threat, competition of sorts.> Also, the percula that the maroon is attacking seems to be changing color-both were very bright orange when we bought them, and now the larger of the two is starting to get darker along the top. Is this normal, or is the maroon stressing it out? <Probably a little of both, color is also dependant on diet as well.> I know its kind of hard to understand in writing, and if I am able to get a decent picture, I'll send one. <I believe any problems you have are coming from improper mixes and crowding.> As I said, we're new to the saltwater game, and any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. <Try reading here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nanoreefsysart.htm .> Thank you, <Welcome.> A. Jackson <Hey! Those are my initials and my last name! A. Jackson - but you can call me Adam or AJ or Action as my friends prefer.> Re: Mixing Clowns -- 04/16/07 Wow, that was quick! <Yes, we try to respond within 24 hours if not sooner to all e-mails, well except spam... we delete that.> Truth be told, I don't care much for the maroon, but it was the first fish my husband spotted and he wanted it instantly. <They are great long-term pets, you just have to be aware of their potential size and aggression.> Much the same way a child spots a cool toy and throws a fit if it doesn't get it? Insert husband, the cool toy being the maroon. <I won't tell him...> I don't think it goes with the tank, but...maybe now I can get it out of there-"the experts say.." hehehe. <Yes I'm willing to be the "bad-guy."> Ok, let me ask you this- I know that clowns are territorial, but do perculas "get along" with any other types of clowns (clarkii, for example)? <No; generally, you don't want to go mixing clowns of any species.> Or are we just asking for trouble there, too? <Trouble.> Thanks for the rapid response, <No problem.> A. Jackson <Adam J.> --kind of creepy about the name thing...lol <Honestly I thought someone was teasing me at first...AJ> Clown fish Digging to China -- 03/09/07 I did a Search of the data base, and saw very little mention of my problem. <Hello, Brandon here tonight.> I have a yellow striped maroon clown, and a BTA in a 125g tank.<Hope you matched the clown to the anemone.> I have 5 inches of sand, and the tank is reef on right and reef on left, open in the middle. <Sounds like a nice set up.> This is where the clown and BTA occupy. My problem is, the clown has dug a hole, to the bottom of the tank (Glass), and keeps pushing the BTA into the hole. <If you want to keep the anemone you need to take the clown out pronto.> I'm not sure if the BTA is happy there, <They like to go where they want, without an over amorous Clown Fish shoving them to and fro.> and if he wasn't, it would be hard for him to move to a spot he likes better, due to the Clown pushing him to and fro. <Yes it would be.> Is this normal behavior? <Not really, it does happen in aquariums though.> If I add a male clown of a smaller size (the one I have now looks to be female (larger and dark maroon)), would that pre-occupy her?<No, please see above, Re: Get the Clown out now.> Can I place large base rock under the BTA? or from your experience, would the clown just push the BTA to another sandy spot? <Take the Clown out, and give the BTA a chance to settle down where it likes. After a few weeks, try reintroducing the Clown. If it is still harassing the BTA, then take the Clown back to the store, and try another one, or move the clown to a separate tank, and enjoy your Clown less Anemone. The truth is, in captivity Clown Fish tend to do more harm than good.> Hope you have a suggestion. <Please see above. Brandon.> Scotty Clown Hosting 2/14/07 Hi <Hello.> First let me say I love your site and I have found some very useful info there. <Great.> I recently was given some new fish to add to my tank, one of which is a beautiful maroon clownfish. My question is I wanted to get a bubble-tipped anemone for him. What is the best way to introduce the two? If I buy one will the fish just naturally go to it? Thank you for your help! <There are no guarantees that the animal will take to the anemone, especially if it one that was reared in captivity. Only time...patience will tell.> Egan Koenig <Adam J.> Can a bubble coral and maroon clownfish co-exist? - 12/12/06 Hello everyone and Merry Christmas, <Hey Carole and Harold! Happy Holidays to you and yours as well! JustinN with you today.> I have a 100 gallon reef tank. In it I had 1-yellow tang, 1-blenny, 2-cardinals and numerous corals, including a bubble coral that were all happily coexisting. <Ok> A friend of mine has been raising maroon clownfish and so I got a couple small ones for my tank. They are less than an inch long. <Cool!> I do not have any anemones in my tank and was not planning on getting any. <Is not necessary for clownfish, nor is it recommended with your existing corals. You are wise here.> For the first week everything was going fine. However within the last week or so the clownfish have adopted the bubble coral as their host. <Fairly common occurrence> Although they don't appear to be harming it, it is not extending as much as it was. Do you think in time the bubble coral will adjust or should I consider placing a bubble tip anemone in my tank. Thanks again and again <I've seen many Maroon clowns hosting bubble corals, on many occasions. It is very much a wait-and-see situation, watch the clowns behavior and the corals reactions. If you start to see deteriorating flesh, or the polyps simply aren't opening and inflating at all, then you may need to intervene, either removing the clowns or the coral. In my opinion though, all will be fine with time, and the coral will learn to accept the 'loving touch' of the clowns! Cheers! -Justin> Maroon Clown Hosting to a Toadstool? 12/12/06 <Greetings! Mich with you this evening.> Is this possible? I guess anything is possible, but I don't know if my clown is trying to host or just being annoying. <Yes, tis possible.> The clown previously hosted in a Condi at the LFS, that is what I was told when I bought him. I brought him home and he is first one in the tank (70gal SW Reef w/100lbs LR and 80lbs LS and CC). He was in there by himself for about a month then we added a lawnmower blenny and a dragon goby, he did fine with them. Then we added a yellow tang and a sailfin tang. <The Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) should be OK in your tank, but the long term the Sailfin (Zebrasoma veliferum) can get over a foot long.> Everybody was happy for about 2 weeks and then now the clown is getting in the middle of the toadstool (while it is open) and shaking his tail in there like crazy, of course then the toadstool is closing up. Since yesterday the clown seemed to be guarding the outside of the toadstool but didn't go in it, just shaking his tail in the sand near it. Is this hosting behavior and do we need to see how the Toadstool takes it or get one of them out of there quick? <Yes this is hosting behavior. Keep an eye on the Toadstool, and see how it does. It may accept the behavior with time. But if it stops opening all together or starts withering away, it is time to take action. In the meantime, enjoy the process.> Please help, thanks. GG <Hope that helps. -Mich> Magic blenny? 12/11/06 <Hey Gloria and Jay, JustinN with you today.> Our tank is about 7 months old, 125 gallons with 100 lbs of live rock, a variety of cleaning crew, 6 maroon clowns, 2 scooter blennies, 1 diamond goby, 1 Kole tang, 1 six-lined wrasse, 1 linckia star, 1 large brittle star (growing like a weed), and a few corals that are not getting enough light. <Yee-ikes! SIX maroon clowns?! That's a bruising waiting to happen! Clowns are typically kept in pairs, you're setting up for some serious aggression issues down the line here, and perhaps not as far down the line as you might think... Also, if you have corals in your tank, but are aware that they are lacking in light, I would be adding lighting to the setup before adding more circulation.> Yesterday, we added a second pump to improve water movement and a few hours later we discovered a blenny (we think) that we had not purchased and had never seen before (we're certain)! <Cool! Blennies are the absolute favorite species for my wife and I! Add to that the 'ultimate' in unexpected hitchhikers, and that's just too fun! Tis why I love this hobby *grin*> It was a deep blue-green with red spots on the body and red lines along the belly and eyes. At first I believed it was a small wrasse (its fins, eye placement and coloring seem to match), but it behaved much more like a blenny and had the eel-like body and the round nose of a blenny. It hid in rock crevices at the bottom of the tank during the day and was out during the night a bit, but today is nowhere to be found. <Definitely sounds like a blenny... Beautiful sounding too!> Our question is: could this little creature have been in our tank all along, or hitch-hiked on some purchased coral from 4 moths ago and stayed in hiding that long? <I would wager that either is just as likely. Any addition of live rock could have brought him along> If so, is there a way to encourage it to appear more often? <Reducing your pack of maroon bullies to two will likely bring him out more, as well as likely change the behavior of your other fishes in a positive way.> Third question: since our brittle star is growing so fast, how do we keep it satisfied food-wise? Obviously, we don't want it to go on the hunt during the night. <Is posted on WWM. The Google search bar is your friend *grin* Hope this info helps you! -JustinN> Thank you for your time. I did search for surprise appearances by fish, but didn't find anything by other owners. Gloria and Jay Re: Magic blenny? 12/11/06 Thanks for all the advice-and so promptly, too, Jason! <No problems, though its actually Justin *grin*> We are working on the lighting problem and will heed your advice about the clowns. <Excellent> Our dilemma concerning them is that we have no place for them. Three LFS have closed in recent months in our area and the others aren't taking. They were 'starter' fish, to help balance the chemistry initially. Now that the tank is well on its way, they have become a nuisance. G. <I can imagine they've become quite the nuisance. Have you looked for any reefkeeping clubs in the area? Perhaps you could find some homes that way. Hope this helps! -JustinN> Re: Magic blenny? 12/11/06 Justin :) thanks for the suggestion. I wasn't aware that there were reefkeeping clubs, though of course it makes sense. I will ask around. G. <No problems, Gloria. You may find many helpful and kind people through such clubs! If that turns out to be a bust though, as well, you may look into some of the larger message forums around the 'Net. Most of them have a "for sale/for trade" area, where you could likely find a new home for them. Hope this helps! -JustinN> Maroon Clownfish Hosts 12/5/06 Over the last month your website has become my new best friend (my old best friend isn't very happy about it either). <Can we share?> I have finally found something that I want to know that I haven't been able to find and answer for--I'm determined to get a host for my maroon clownfish for my reef tank and I understand anemones are not the best choice. <Mmm... this is what Premnas hosts with in the wild...> What else will host a maroon clownfish that is more hardy than an anemone and won't be harmed by hosting a clownfish? Thanks James <There are lists of probable symbionts posted on WWM... but the species of large actinarians they are associated with in the wild is my first suggestion... if at all possible/practical, a specimen that has been captive-produced (likely at BTA, Entacmaea quadricolor)... Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/clnfshanemfaqs.htm and the linked files above, in-text... Bob Fenner> Clownfish Compatibility 10/31/06 Hello Crew <Hi there> First of all I will like to thank you all for this great web site and all the help you give. <Welcome> I have a 46 gallon tank that has been running for a year. I have two damsels and a yellow striped maroon clownfish. I also have a long tentacle anemone. Two days ago I bought a yellow striped maroon clownfish and when I added him to the tank both clownfish started fighting and I had to isolate the clownfish that I bought. Will they ever get along? What could you suggest me? Thanks for all your help <Maroons are by far the hardest to pair up, often they just don't like each other. Unlike most other clowns adding a second after one is established frequently fails. Depending on the amount of aggression seen might be worth trying again and letting them sort it out themselves, although if damage is being done to one or the other they need to be separated.> <Chris> Maroon clown doing what Maroon clowns do - 10/18/06 Hello, I'm hoping you can help. < Greetings, will do our best! > I currently have a 46 gallon tank. In the tank I have a sea urchin protein skimmer, which I clean out every 2 to 3 days. I'm also running two 65 watts power compacts. One 50/50 the other is 10K daylight. In the tank I currently have one green pipe organ, one green star polyp and one purple tip anemone. There are some snails for algae control, a couple of scarlet legs hermits and blue legged hermits. There are also 3 serpent star, with 2 emerald crabs. The problem is not with these guys but with the fish in the tank. I currently only have a Maroon clown in there. I've tried to add other fish, but after a couple of weeks they always seem to disappear. < As likely will any other new fish you introduce with the Maroon Clown. > Within the last year I've had a coral beauty in there....and then one day gone. I've had a Hippo Tang (Dory from finding Nemo). < Your tank is too small for this tang. > I've added a pink Anthias, and that was gone within the week. The Coral Beauty and the Hippo tang at least lasted a couple of months before one day disappearing. < Possibly killed by the Maroon and devoured by your hermits etc. Or jumped out. > The Maroon clown seems to be doing well, as he does feed the anemone. I will drop in some frozen krill and it's amazing how he swims up grabs it and plops it down on the anemone. I do a 40% water change every 7 to 15 days. All the other living organisms in the tank appear to be in good health. I'm wondering if the Maroon clown feeding the anemone with these fish? < The clown feeds the anemone primarily with feces. If it were to kill the other fish it would be for territorial reasons. > The maroon clown is pretty big about 3 to 4 inches. I've even tried to re-arrange some of the live rocks prior to putting in new fish and that still does not seem to help. Am I just choosing the wrong type of fish to be put in with the Maroon clown ? I'm almost tempted to just add some yellow tailed Damsels as they are cheap, and colorful. Any ideas ? < The clown is the king of your tank. It will likely try to kill anything you put in the tank. These fish are best added last due to their aggressive and territorial nature. Your best bet will be to remove the clown before adding fish. > p.s. I've also noticed the following in my tank, and have no idea what it is. It's Black with a little white spot down it's back, looking almost like a Nudibranch...but more round. any ideas what that is ? If not I will try to get a picture of it to send you. < Probably going to need a pic for this one. > Regards, Steve Ng < Hoping the best for you. - Emerson > Neon Gobies with Maroon Clownfish 10/10/06 Hello. I have a quick question. <Ok> I was hoping to add a pair of neon gobies to my 110 gallon tank. It currently has 1 yellow tang, 1 blue tang, 1 fairy wrasse, 1 maroon clownfish with BTA, 2 zebra bar gobies, and 2 lyretail gobies and some mushrooms and xenia. There is well over 110lbs of live rock for hiding. The only fish I'm worried about causing a problem is the maroon clownfish. I was wondering about your opinion--do you think the clownfish would likely leave the neon gobies alone? Thanks for your help and the great site. Jocelyn <Obviously no guarantees but most likely will be fine.> <Chris> Maroon Clownfish/Compatibility 10/5/06 Hey doc, <Yup, just chewing on a carrot.> Chris here, I have a few questions regarding Gold <Yellow> Stripe Maroon Clownfish. My tank has been up and running about 2 months now. 55 gallon with 60 lbs of live rock and 40 lbs of live sand. The current inhabitants are a juvenile Hippo Tang, a Sixline Wrasse, and a Neon Goby which right now I cant find. I have a wet/dry sump filter, a skimmer, and a UV sterilizer soon to come in the mail. I bought two gold stripes, not previously a mated pair, but from the same dealer. I planned on these being the last fish I get until upgrades further down the road. <In a 55, do watch your stocking level. The maroons can grow to six inches, and the tang to one foot.> They are tank bred, and about two inches each, they are roughly the same size. After acclimation I put them together, and they started to brawl. One came out on top while the other is now cowering in the corner of the tank. Is this normal? <Yes, maroons do not generally get along unless the mating chemistry is right.> Should I have added them at different times? <Wouldn't matter. Best chance of mating is adding them together as you did.> Will their sizes being the same prevent them from pairing up or will they eventually learn to coexist and live happily together? <Will not prevent mating. I'd let it go a little longer. If they are compatible, hostilities should diminish day by day. If no improvement shows within a week, I'd return one of them.> After the first couple fights, the dominant is seen randomly chasing the other around every once in a while. The dominant clown inflicted damage on the other, resulting in ripped fins, so I said to myself that's enough for now, I put the less dominant one, I guess male?, in a plastic container but still in view of the female dominant. Did I do the right thing? <More than likely, adding more stress to an already stressed out fish.> What should I do? Will they eventually pair up and if not when will I know that the fighting has gone too far? <I'd try putting them together for a few more days. If the aggression gets worse within a day or two, remove the fish and find a home for it, or return it. Provide plenty of shelter for the less dominant clown to retreat to. Read here and linked files above. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/maroonclnart.htm> Thank you for your time. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Chris Compatibility 9/27/06 Dominos, Maroon Clown... 9/27/06 Thanks for the time, <You're welcome> I tried to send you a question on your website but the connection didn't work - so I'll try from my own email... I have recently set-up my 36 gallon tank for tropical freshwater fish. I have a temp of 79 and a salt level of 1.022-1.023. <??? Tropical freshwater fish...salt level of 1.022-1.023.> I bought two Domino Damsels and one Maroon Clownfish. The damsels seem to be very comfortable in the tank but the clownfish is hanging out at the top. he is hiding behind my internal filter (I also have an external Fluval). He is always facing one direction. <Can be normal behavior in a new tank.> He ate well today but then returned to his same position. This has been going on for the first two days. I don't mean to rush him - but I was wondering if he is ever going move out and hang about the rocks and other plant life (plastic). Do you have any suggestions for me to help him lower his stress? <Yes, I'd return the beastie boys. The Domino Damsels are/will be very aggressive, much more so than the clownfish, and, your tank will be too small for them, as they quickly grow to 4 inches in length with plenty of beef.> Thanks a lot for your time. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Re: Domino, Maroon (in)Compatibility 9/28/06 Thanks for the quick response and advice, <You're welcome.> We were advised the dominos would work fine together. <Not too bad when small, but look out as they grow...they can be monsters.> Would you suggest getting another clown fish to help out the other one? <Only after the damsels go. Believe me, in time you will hate them.> I read on the internet that the Maroons can also be slightly aggressive and probably shouldn't be paired up - although this was not what I was told at the pet store. <I did mention that in the original query. If you can get another the same size as what you have, there is a good chance they will pair up, and no aggression should take place. If they are not compatible, you will have some fighting.> If I do manage to return the Dominos - what are some complimentary fish for the clown(s) that you would suggest? <Dottybacks, gobies, or a pygmy angel, but not limited to these suggestions. Do read about fish you may be interested in on our web site.> Sorry for the confusion about my tank - it is a tropical saltwater tank. <No problem, I assumed that.> Do you suggest we just go with what we have for now and see if they work well together? Since the Dominos seem to be doing well - maybe we should just go with them and return the clown? <Tis up to you, but the dominoes will soon outgrow your tank. Thing about these guys is that their antics/behavior are cute when small, along with the black velvet color and vivid white spots, but this all changes with age. The black slowly turns into a chocolate brown type color with the whites not as vivid along with an increase in aggressiveness.> What are some other fish that might work well with the Dominos? <Other dominoes in your size tank. If your bent on keeping them, a larger tank will be necessary down the road.> By the way - the dominos are less then 1 inch each and the Clown is about 2 1/2 inches. <Yes, the cute stage, before Dr. Jekyll takes the place of Mr. Hyde.> All the fish ate today - except the dominos were more excited and ate more. <Yes, very aggressive eaters.> He <Maroon Clown> stayed up near the pump tube and didn't venture too far. Thanks a lot for all the time - we really appreciate it, <Keep on reading my friend, will save you money and headaches. James (Salty Dog)> Scott Re: New Maroon Clownfish Re: Compatibility 10/2/06 More questions.... Thanks again for the help, <You're welcome.> I have left the Dominos in the tank for now - although they are still seeming to control things. <Not surprising.> The maroon clown is always at the top of the tank hiding between the filter in and outtake. I am wondering if there is anything I can do to create a more friendly environment for the clown? <As mentioned a few times, the gang busters need to go.> I don't think I should add another clown yet since my tank is still cycling as fish have only been in it for about 2 weeks. <Two weeks! You probably have an ammonia problem here aiding to the clown's stress.> The clown still looks in good shape is during feeding he is coming out more and more each day - but then still returns to his usual hang out. Would a second clown help him feel better? <Think you need to re-read this entire query. Feel like I'm answering the same questions I once replied to.> I discussed with the pet store your idea of trading the dominos in - they are fine with it but suggested I stick with them and let the tank get settled. I don't feel like trading them in since they are doing very well and I hope everyone will start to settle. <Being the dominoes are near bullet proof, they are a good fish to seed the tank with, but are definitely not a good community fish, especially in a 36 gallon tank. I also wouldn't be adding any more fish to your tank.> I have fair bit of rock in the tank - with several hiding spots which I thought the clown would use. When I am at the fish store I see the clowns always hiding in the little holes. My tank is 36 gallons and I would think I have about 3 gallons of rocks. Do you suggest a lot more rock? <Is this live rock? What form of biological filtration are you using?> I know that the more rock I put in the tank the harder it is to clean and vacuum - what do you suggest? I also don't think that I have to clean the tank as often since I only have 3 small fish and two filters (Fluval 330) and a submerged filter <?? Do you mean undergravel filter? If so, suggest you read here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/ug5proscons.htm> I was advised to get when I made the tank saltwater. <Tank maintenance is part of this hobby. Suggest reading here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/maintenance/marineMaint.htm> Would more rocks help the clown (clowns if I get another)? <More rock may have a calming effect on the clown. Biggest problem I see is environmental, incompatible fish, and tank not cycled.> Thanks a lot, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> I really appreciate the help, Scott Clownfish Compatibility 9/27/06 Hello Bob, <James today.> I have a Maroon Clown also known as [Premnas biaculeatus] he is roughly one inch and a half, also, I have a large ritteri Anenome, but my clown does not go near it. I know clowns don't get along with other clowns, but what if I get a similar size clown that is compatible with my ritteri anemone, like a Percula Clown or a Skunk Clown, normally these clowns hardly ever leave their anemone. So my question would be, if I add a percula clown, will the Maroon Clown fight with the other although one type clown has the advantage of an anemone such as my ritteri? <More than likely, your Maroon Clown was tank bred, and doesn't know what an anemone is. As for adding a percula with the maroon, I wouldn't recommend it. The Maroon Clownfish are semi-aggressive, and fighting would more than likely break out. Would not matter much whether the percula was in the anemone, the maroon would still go after it. Their aggressive behavior increases with age, and, maroons will generally fight among themselves unless a mated pair. James (Salty Dog)> Maroon Clown with fin problems 7/7/06 Hi Bob and crew, I have been trying to find the answer to my question on the site but am unable to... hate to bother you with it. <Not a bother... actually a help> Anyway, I have a 80 gallon FOWLR tank since Jan. It has had 1 Maroon and 2 Chromis for 6 months. All get along great and have been very healthy. The only addition we have had is 2 Peppermint Shrimp 1 week ago. I have been noticing a problem with my Clown's fins over the past week, she looks like she has small "bites" or "wedges" taken out of several. <Can happen> They are not frayed, she eats great, she shows no other signs of problems. She is alert, eyes clear, skin looks great. Any clue of what is going on? Thanks, Beth <Likely over-eager "cleaning" by the new shrimp. This should "fix itself" in a short while (a few weeks). I would change nothing here. Bob Fenner> Maroon Clowns or Gangsters? 5/4/06 Hi Gang! <Hello.> Thanks for running such a comprehensive an informative site! <Great.> I've got a 12g nanoreef. Set up and cycling went very well, water quality stabilized and I was finally ready for livestock. I added a pair of Maroon Clowns (one big, one small) a "bulb" anemone and an arrow crab. The anemone and the clowns quickly set up shop and the arrow crab lurked as they are want to do... <Mmm'¦I don't like the stocking choices, both inappropriate and overstocked.> All seemed well. After a few weeks I noticed the crab spending more and more time hanging out near the anemone. I watched and didn't notice him harassing the anemone at all, and he seemed happy eating the flora/fauna from the live rock and any left overs that the clowns didn't eat or stash in their anemone. My LFS guru told me that this was common in the wild for Arrows to hanging out near anemones... so I let it go. <Right'¦.> Then one morning I found a couple of empty shells of crab leg on the bottom of the tank... I thought "hmmm... he must have molted." Looking through the rest of the tank, I found the crab tucked into a corner, badly beaten, broken legs and half of his body still attached to a chunk of shell that was on the other side of the tank. I'm a little dumbfounded, the most I could come up with is that the arrow started to molt, and the bull clown took the opportunity to nab the crab at it's weakest moment and 'teach it a lesson' to stay away from his anemone... Any thoughts or insights into what may have happened? <It is very clear what happened, mother maroon put out a hit on your crab'¦. a pair of maroons in the wild maintain a large territory, much larger than 12 gallons. But just to cover all areas, what's your water quality like? I see no mention of it'¦. Adam J.> Re: Gangster Maroon Clowns - 5/5/2006 Thanks for the response... <Anytime.> I know I'm challenged/constricted by my tank size, but wasn't aware that Maroon Clowns preferred bigger space. Well noted. <Yes have seen female maroons at 6"+!> My water quality has been pretty stable. I went through about a week struggling to get my Nitrate/Ammonia back in order when I added the livestock and started feeding, but once I got into a good feeding schedule, I'm seeing my water stay consistently at Ph:8.2, Ni:0, Na:0, Am:0. <Good.> I've since started concentrating on adding some soft corals and non-fish features to the tank and am trying to get my arms around the Alkalinity/Calcium balance. My values are remaining constant, though a little higher than the literature suggests (CA: 460, Alk 10.8) <Is acceptable if stable, keep reading and good luck, Adam J.> Maroon Clown Pair With Hippo Tang 4/25/06 Hi Crew, I have a bright maroon clown about 1 inch. About a week ago I bought a second maroon. It looked a lot smaller then the one I have in my tank, only to find out it bigger. They been together for a week now. My question is will they stay as a pair and can I add a hippo tang in with them? Thank You, Mickey <Maroons will either pair up or kill each other, so I am sure they will stay a pair. You can add a hippo tang, but I would only recommend this if the tank is at least 90 gallons. Best Regards, AdamC.> Maroons and Anemone/hosts Debate - 04/19/06 Hi <Hello.> and thanks for all the great info over the years. <Welcome.> Seems every question I bring here has me reading for hours over already posted data (most questions are answered of course already) <Makes my job easier when you find the answer that way, but alas I love the personal chats.> Anyway I have a pair of mated maroons <Neat, one of my favorite reef denizens.> (over a year) that I am pretty sure were wild caught (I know captive bred would have been more ecological) <At least you know for the future.> They are very docile tank mates with the other fish and are capable of moving items much larger than themselves. (They undermine the substrate to move large rocks and corals to where they want them and is most ingenious) <Common with this species but still an amazing sight, nonetheless.> I am looking to give them a more suitable host (currently hosted by a trio of radioactive green and purple mushrooms) <By a suitable home I assume you mean anemone, honestly I am HUGE fan of using surrogate hosts over anemones in captivity'¦.my clowns host in a large Sinularia leather. Heck, the clowns may prefer their current home to something new and foreign you provide them, no guarantees.> The tank is well into its second year with me (was 2 years established when I got it and moved it) <Cool.> The tank is a Std 75G AGA W/30G tall sump 2X175W MH (10k and 14k) 2X54W T5 Pure actinic 2X36W 50/50 CF <Sounds good.> 100lbs live rock w/aggressive skimming and 20% weekly water changes <Great.> Other inhabitants include: 3 Firefish 1 Purple tang 1 Banded Goby (my sand cleaner) 1 Foxface 1 Flame Hawk And my Mandarin (blue) <Well the adult sizes of the Tang and Foxface will warrant an upgrade or a trade in the future. Also how goes the food supply for the mandarin.> I was considering a Blue Carpet Anemone (and now I answer my own question?) <No right.> but I think that perhaps this will prove to much a hazard for my other fish? <Yeah, not to mention it's potential size.> I have been unable to find any information on the Purple Ritteri (sp?) <It's just as well, get this creature out of your mind as well, leave it in the ocean.> but is this a possible alternate, perhaps just stick to the E. quadricolor? <This is the ONLY natural host for maroons, and if you get one, get a captive reared animal.> Or lastly should I just leave well enough alone? <That would be my personal choice, good luck whatever you decide to do. Adam J.> Mean maroons - 03/12/2006 Hi Everybody! *waves* I'm totally stressed out tonight, hoping you can help. I went through and read pages of the FAQ's and a lot are similar subjects but I feel like I need advice at this point. I had <No longer?> a 55 gallon tank, 40 pounds of live rock, a fire shrimp and hermits and snails. I've had terrible luck with fish and just about gave up. My tank was just about empty for weeks when I decided to suck it up and check out a tropical fish store I hadn't been to yet. There, they had 2 maroon clowns in a tiny little tank (15 gallon maybe!) I watched them for almost an hour looking for signs of ick or otherwise, and I fed them there to see if they were eating well. (They were eating VERY well) The guy taking care of the fish said he had them in the same tank for a little over two weeks. I took them home and acclimated.. and let them out. <No quarantine...> One was slightly bigger, but not by much!!) The Bigger of the two immediately started attacking the smaller maroon (I call the smaller one scrappy.. you don't want to know what I call the 'mean' bigger one). I ran to your website right away and found out that having two maroons together is REALLY hard.. (great). <Unless their tank is large, uncrowded...> So day 1, he had a 2 -3 lil shreds out of his fins.. top and tail, day two he healed almost already, the bigger one stayed in the back, scrappy stayed in front. Day 3 another attack on his fins.. but it didn't even seem to bother the little guy, and it wisent a constant thing. They started rubbing tail fins, and scrappy would twitch and rub against her and they sort of flirted.. I went back to read about these behaviors and I thought well maybe they are figuring out they're sexuality and The big one will stop attacking and be female... Well, today, all day they've been rubbing fins and scrappy acts more and more submissive, the larger one is already way larger than scrappy but they are both eating really really well. Well an hour or so ago I came in and little scrappy was in a cave. something he hasn't done yet at ALL, even go near the rocks, been resting above the power heads. The fire shrimp was actively pursuing him and when he came out so I could see him he was beaten up bad, his bottom tail fin looks like a beaten feather and his front stripe has cuts or 'bites' in it and he's panicky. I FINALLY put the bigger fish in a plastic strainer and its bobbing around the tank. <Good move!> Its lights out now for them, and little guy scrappy is hanging out in the rocks for the first time ever. So.. now what? Will leaving big fish in the strainer stress her out badly? <Not likely too much> I've had terrible luck with ick and have been treating these 2 fish like eggs. <... please read re... you need to do more to prevent its introduction> If I leave her in the strainer how long should I do it, and is there a good way to introduce her back in? Another fish there, or moving rocks? <... posted on WWM> Or are the odds against scrappy ever being able to live peacefully with big mean fish in the tank? <Not good> Did I mess up by taking putting her in the strainer is this some sick mating ritual? *sniff* I feel bad for little guy. Hoping you can give me some advice Thanks so much for your awesome website and helping calm down frantic me forever grateful, Maggie <Read Maggie, read. Bob Fenner> GSM female died... Gold Striped Maroon Clownfish 2/13/06 HI Bob, I don't know whether this is the right way to send you email for a question on GSM. Please pardon me if not or direct me to the right forum for discussion. I have a paired GSM. Female 3"+ Male 2". 3 months ago, the wife died. I don't know whether the husband is changing to a female by its own. <It will> The husband grows to 2.3". Or does the husband need a smaller GSM in order to simulate himself for the change? <Does help, spur on, yes> Should I buy a smaller one now, or should I buy a bigger one? <For all but a very large system (hundreds of gallons), I would start with a decidedly smaller addition> Or should I wait until I see a significant change or no change on the husband first. <Up to you> thanks a lot. Donald <Bob Fenner> Maroon clowns & their odd hosts - 1/30/2006 Hey Bob, <Amanda> Not so much a question, but just a short comment I wanted to send after reading through the maroon clown FAQs and seeing a couple of questions regarding maroon clowns and their choice of hosts. <Okay> We have a female maroon clown who's chosen the chocolate chip starfish in our tank as her host. Whenever the starfish is out, she brushes against it, nestles up to it, and just generally tries to snuggle. <Neat> The starfish doesn't seem to mind at all, and she doesn't nip or bite at it at all. Strange bedfellows, but if it makes them happy... Amanda <Agreed. Thanks for sending this along. Bob Fenner> Heteractis magnifica And Maroon Clown? - 12/15/05 Hi, <<Hello>> Can you put Premnas biaculeatus family with Heteractis magnifica? Jeff Keith <<Mmm...is one of the 'better' choices I believe. EricR>> Effects of environment and Diet 9/23/05 Hi Bob and crew, <Hi Anthony, Adam J here.> I was looking for a mate for my 1.75" maroon and bought a large one from LFS. <Maroons tend to be highly aggressive toward each other, most folks who keep a pair bought them this way, so keep an eye on both parties they may not accept each other.> It's more than 4" long so is it safe to assume it's a female. <Most Clowns if they live long enough, gain enough size will get their turn as the female, the only real way to be sure is to obtain a pair together, the male being the drastically smaller sized, I usually don't see them get much bigger than 3'.> I also bought it because I've never seen an orange (like perc orange) maroon clown. Why do you think it's not maroon? <Many factors affect the color of fish, age, geographic location, genetics, but in my opinion the most weighing factor is diet. Just make sure this guy gets lots of variety, like a quality flake or pellet with vegetable matter as well as meats of a marine origin.> Thanks, Anthony <Anytime, Adam J.> Sebae anemone healthy but losing pieces 9/15/05 Hey Guys, I have a healthy Sebae anemone in my tank. I have had 4 damsels, crabs, pep. shrimp, emerald crab, polyp rock, for a while. I recently put in a fantastic specimen of a gold stripe maroon clown. I am now seeing small pieces of the anemone in the tank. (they glow nice under the actinic). What's going on? The anemone and clown took to each other almost immediately. Thanks much, Dan <I have seen more than once where clowns (Especially maroons) will nip off tentacle tips from their host. I have no explanation why they might do this, but it doesn't seem to be all that harmful to the anemone. Other animals may suffer if the bits land on them. If it seems that the anemone is suffering significantly from this, you may have to remove it or the fish. Best Regards. AdamC.> Maroon clownfish and finding the right Nemo 8/19/05 I have an established tank (135 gal) that has a maroon/gold striped clownfish. I've had (Chet) the fish almost as long as the tank (about 4yrs.). He's never shown any aggression :) towards anyone else, and is the oldest fish in the tank. His best friend Nemo was also acquired at the same time. Yes Nemo is the typical orange clownfish (true percula). Nemo has disappeared, I think in a rock slide (while my helper was cleaning the tank) as his body has not been found. My question is can I get another Nemo without Chet causing problems? I have read all your other correspondence about how aggressive the maroon can be. Should I try to get one the same size as Chet (about 4")? Hope I gave you enough info. Love your website! <Amy, I think it may be worth a try. You have a large enough tank to help minimize aggression. No guarantees, the call is yours. Other option, get another maroon for "Chet". James (Salty Dog)> Maroon Clowns behavior, BTAs 7/10/05 Hey Everybody, I have two maroon clowns, one is a little over an inch and the other one is two inches. The smaller one is very dark and the larger one is a very bright orange. They swim together all the time and in the three months they have been together I have never seen them fight. Does it sound like they may eventually mate, or is there a chance that they will become aggressive and kill each other still? <Should mate in time with the female being the larger of the two. Fighting shouldn't take place. Google the WWM, keyword "clownfish" for more info.> That is my first question, my second involves the investment of an anemone. I am in the process of setting up a 180 gallon that will eventually become the home for the clowns, the set-up follows: 2x 250 MH Lights 1x 125 MH Lights 4x 110 Actinic VHO 2 protein skimmers 50 Gallon sump As of yet, I don't have any LR, I am still checking for any leaks. I am planning on about 100 lbs of LR, my budget and my wife won't let me get too much more than that. Do you think that BTA's would do well in a system like this after it gets completely cycled, and if so how long after cycling should I wait to put them in? <A BTA should do well in your system. I'd wait 60 days anyway, anemones don't take too well to new setups.> I know that anemones have a bad history in captivity in general, so I am open to any suggestions you may have of surrogate hosts. <The BTA is a good choice, one of the hardier anemones, although none are easy to keep for any length of time. Your large tank will be a plus in this regard. As with any clown/anemone combo, there is no guarantee the fish will inhabit the host.> Lastly, I am also considering a Naso Tang and I have a few concerns that you may be able to address. Will the Naso bother the anemone or any surrogate corals? <No> Will the Naso attack my Maroons or vice versa? <Shouldn't be a problem.> Is a 180 gallon big enough for a Naso? <Yes. Also Google the WWM, keyword, "tangs", and read. The Naso's are not the easiest of tangs to keep.> Thank you guys, I always appreciate the advice. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> ,Tate Maroon clownfish question I have in my tank (1) 2 or 3 inch maroon clownfish. I haven't had any other clownfish in the tank before. I want to add another maroon in hopes that they will pair up and mate. The single clownfish has been in the system for about 3 months. My question is should I get a bigger or smaller maroon to try out in the tank? Or should I go with the false percula or another clownfish? I have 2 bubble anemones one on each side of a 55 gallon tank and a long tentacle in the middle. <I would not add perculas, go with another maroon about the same size. James (Salty Dog)> Thanks, S. Montgomery Maroon clowns and? Hello Bob, <Adam> I Have a 6 foot, approximately 75 gallon marine tank which houses a pair of gold-striped maroon clowns. The tank looks a bit empty so I would like to add another pair of clowns. In the past I have kept pairs of Clarkii and rubrocinctus clowns together with out much trouble so would it be ok to put in a pair of either of these with the maroons? <Not likely a good idea... Maroons are on the high end of pugnaciousness when it comes to Clownfishes... and this size, volume tank is full up clown-wise> I would prefer to get clarkii's because I can get some that are tank raised but I know the rubrocinctus grow larger and are much more aggressive. I plan to add anemones, namely bubble tips for the maroons and possibly rubrocinctus and Malu's for the clarkiis. Would the clarkiis be a better option because they host with another species? What would you recommend? Are either of these choices possible? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Adam Harbeck <I would not add any other Clownfishes... maybe another family group member...? Surgeonfishes? Rabbitfishes?... Bob Fenner> Catching a Clown (12/27/04) Hello there. I have read all I can find on your board as well as on the internet pertaining to maroon clowns and destructive behavior. I have a well established 135 gallon reef with only a few fish, one of them being a small (1.5") gold striped maroon clown. He has been no problem throughout his history in my tank until now. He has claimed a long tentacle plate coral for his home really tries to take good care of it. The coral is doing well, no adverse effects are noted. However, I recently added a flower pot coral to my tank and the little ba#$%@d has decided to remove polyps from the flower pot to feed the plate. I have relocated the flower pot several times, moved rocks, I even moved the plate but nothing helps. I found a posting on your site that discussed this but my goal is different. I want the fish OUT of my tank. Without tearing the entire tank apart, do you have a good solution to catching the clown? Thanks for your help. <Bad news indeed. Have you read about the dismal survival rate of flowerpots in captivity? Exceedingly few last more than a few months, even without a fish tearing them up. Even with the clown gone, your flowerpot is unlikely to survive. Do read up on how to maximize its chances. As for getting the clown out, the tear-down is sometimes the only thing that works. There are fish traps (commercial or jury-rigged) that sometimes work. Search "fish trap" or "trapping fish" on WWM or check with your LFS. Good luck, Steve Allen.> One BAD Maroon named Norman I'm extremely perplexed by the behavior of my maroon clown and I hope some one can give me a good idea of how to fix this. I have a 75 gal bow front tank that has been established now for over 3 years. Residing in the tank are a percula clown, maroon clown, coral beauty angel, a Pseudochromis and a black algae blenny. I also have several emerald Mithrax crabs, a boxer shrimp and an assortment of mushrooms. I recently added an anemone (the pink tipped variety) for the clowns. The percula wants nothing to do with it; however, the maroon has done nothing but push this poor anemone around flipping upside down and dragging it around all day. I have had the anemone now for 2 days and have resorted to building a make shift cage out of PVC grid in order to keep the clown away. Since adding the "cage" over the anemone the clown has done nothing but try to get at this thing. The fish in the tank are all well behaved and get along really well with each other. I did notice that after adding the anemone to the tank "Norman" the maroon's fins appeared slightly shredded. Still he persists relentlessly after this anemone. What's a girl to do?? I know Maroon clowns have a nasty reputation but has not exhibited any except towards this anemone I spent a pretty penny on. I would like to take this cage out of the tank but am afraid of what Norman will do. Any suggestions? Is this normal behavior? I have read tons of articles and have not come across any of these behavior problems with host anemone and clowns before. Thanks, Jaimee >>>Hello Jaimee, You really should do as much research as you can before purchasing any critter for your tank, ESPECIALLY an anemone. When you say "pink tipped variety", this doesn't give me enough info to be of much help unfortunately. There are pink tipped Sebae anemones, which are difficult to care for, not favored by maroons, and not an appropriate choice for your tank. Then there are pink tipped E. quadricolor (bubble tip) anemones which are a perfect choice. For the moment, given the description, and the behavior of the clown, I'm going to assume it's a Sebae, and advise you to return it to the store. Frankly, I can't imagine the maroon behaving this way towards a healthy bubble tip, but can't rule out some kind of strange anomalous behavior in that regard either. Sometimes fish just do weird things. I would be willing to bet though that if you purchase a rose Bubbletip anemone (assuming you have enough light), or the green variety, you will cease to have problems with your clown. Cheers Jim<<< Maroon Clownfish and Yellowtail Damselfish Compatibility (11/23/04 Hello, I currently have an all glass 30 gallon tank. It has about 55 pounds of Premium Fiji Live Rock, and a 1.5" sand bed. It has been cycling for 1 month (it will be 1 month on Thanksgiving) and I have one Yellow Tailed Damsel that has been in there since the beginning (I know its not the best idea to cycle with a fish). But my question is, I really was thinking of getting a pair of Maroon Clown fish but I have heard that they will gang up on my Damsel and kill it eventually. If they will do this, can you give me some information on what type of clown I should get that would be compatible with my current setup? <Sure.... for starters your Yellowtail Damsel has a maximum adult size of 8.3 inches and a minimum tank size requirement of 55g. The adults are even more aggressive than the juveniles and should be kept with larger aggressive fish. <Think Leslie has this fish identified as one of the giant damsels... Microspathodon chrysurus... it is likely one of the small Indo-Pacific species though... likely to be beaten up by Maroons. RMF> This is not an appropriate tankmate for clownfish. In your current set up a pair of Amphiprion Ocellaris (False Percula Clownfish) or Amphiprion Percula (Percula Clownfish) would be appropriate. My personal favorites are the captive bred black and whites. In addition you could keep a small algae eating blenny like the bicolor. They are a great little utility fish and will help to algae under control.> Note, that my water parameters are perfect, < That's great, for future reference when referring to water parameters numerical values are much more informative than descriptive words.> I am planning on getting an AquaC Remora HOB skimming in a week or two. <Excellent plan. > Thanks for all your help! <Your most welcome! > Have a great day. Chess Mizell <Thanks, I am. Best of luck with your new aquarium. Enjoy it! HTH, Leslie Disgruntled clown! Hi Crew, <Greg> I hope all is well with you. As for me, I think I need an aggression counselor for my maroon clown fish! <Hee hee! Know what you mean> At least, I could certainly use your advice. I have a gold-striped maroon clown pair and the female has become overly aggressive with my corals. She has nipped several polyps out of my Alveopora and she has destroyed a few hairy mushrooms. She does not appear to be interested in eating corals; she just likes to rip the polyps out and spit them on the sand. I would almost say she appears angry as she watches the coral for a second, then quickly takes a firm bite out of it. <Happens> A few months ago I moved to a new house and the clown fish's anemone suffered a tear, then died shortly after the move. Could it be that the female clown is angry that she does not have an anemone? <Of a sort, yes> I have ordered another rose anemone but it was backordered so I am worried that my corals might not survive the next four days until the anemone is supposed to arrive. What are your thoughts? <I would isolate this fish... at least for a day or three... likely in a floating, plastic colander (spaghetti strainer) in the tank... this often takes "the spit" out of aggressive fishes... and look into ordering the anemone from another supplier> Is this somewhat normal behavior for a maroon clown? <Not atypical> Do you think an anemone might solve this problem? <Yes, likely so> Should I begin an anger management support group for clown fish? :-) --Greg <Be chatting! Bob Fenner> Maroon clowns...2 females?? ok I have 2 maroon clownfish which have been in my tank for about 1 1/2 months together now, I introduced them at the same time which I later found out isn't the best idea when dealing with maroons, but I had recently added an anemone and the 2 began fighting, the smaller one which I'm hoping is a male took the anemone 1st, a week or so after the bigger one (hopefully the female) decided to beat up the little guy and take the anemone for herself, the little guy looked beaten pretty bad. I was kinda suspicious...should clowns that have been together this long still be fighting, <Happens> I contacted my LFS, sounded like I got a new guy, but he said that it was possible that I have 2 females and he told me they will never pair. BUT I have seen the submission dance, both of them actually, I've seen the quiver and the one where the male ducks to side and kissed the females cheek spines.. well mine kissed more where her fin is. I know that 2 females are notorious for locking jaws and I have yet to see this happen.. well since the hopefully female clown took the anemone I bought I mid sized Condylactis for my poor depressed little man who spent all day hovering a little above the sand by a rock, well the anemone's have stayed on opposite sides of the tank and the 2 clowns haven't interacted in a couple of days...could they both be female or am I rushing them????? thank for the help <What is the size of these fish? Very likely they are still either sexually undifferentiated if under two inches in overall length... (and likely tank bred, reared)... and will sort themselves out in time... IF the system is large enough... Much more to state... Atlantic Anemones are not a good choice to house with Premnas... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/premnasfaqs.htm and on to the related articles and FAQs files (linked, in blue, at top) where they lead you until you understand enough what you are about here. Bob Fenner> Maroon Clown and Goniopora Hello: My maroon clown recently started to swim in and out of the Goniopora nipping at its tentacles. This began one week after the addition of a Rose BTA. The BTA seems to be doing well and the clown spends most of its time in the BTA. Clearly the Goniopora does not enjoy the clown and retracts its tentacles and swells up when the clown swims through it. Is this common and is there anything I might do to stop this behavior? Regards, >>>Greetings, It's fairly common, and you can remove either the clown or the Goniopora to stop it. Goniopora have very poor survival rates in captivity anyway (unless you have the red variety) so it's just a matter of time until the Goniopora is history honestly. The red ones seem to do OK for some people. Cheers Jim<<< Maroon vs. Anemone Hi gang what a site! <How goes it? I'm standing on the shoulders of giants here, so to speak> Just bought a green BTA for my maroon clown and he took to it with in half an hour, he loves it, <They do, usually too much> too much I think? <Probably :] > He is just all over it and it almost seems to be trying to get away from the clown? <Quite possibly> when I first put the BTA in on a nice bit of flat live rock he seemed very happy swaying to and fro but as soon as the maroon got in him, dashing about he started to move down the back of the rock, he almost looks squished in between the rock and the glass is he ok? <Stressed, twofold. Introduced to a new environment with a rambunctious harasser (your clown). I would try to separate the two for the time being if possible. Is the clownfish larger or smaller than your BTA? If it's the same size or larger, definitely separate them or you may have a dead BTA in a day or so> thanks Lee McKean <Good luck, M. Maddox> P.S Amazing site and job you are doing!!!! <Thanks, spent quite a few hours reading the archives myself> Maroon clown fights I bought two maroon clownfish about a month ago and introduced them into the tank at the same time. <Bad idea unless they were a mated pair when you bought them - pairing maroon clowns requires a very specific process that takes time and patience, and must be adhered to> One was bigger than the other so the pairing up process would go by faster, things WERE looking good but I recently added a LT anemone <Make sure you have the proper lighting and education to care for this anemone. For more information see the Reefcentral Anemone and Clownfish FAQ @ http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=282136> , which the little guy seemed to enjoy but the big guy <girl, most likely, or will at least become one> wouldn't touch it. However, just last night I saw the bigger one flirting with the anemone, just rubbing against it and then swimming off. When I wake up he's in it! I was very happy but when I looked at my little clown, he was ripped up badly, not a fin un-shredded. <Now that the female or potential female has something to be territorial of and has adjusted to your aquarium, her attentions are going to turn to driving off the male> and the side of his body looks like ich. <Could be, and it will be exacerbated by the abuse from the female - did you quarantine the fish before placing them in your display aquarium?> I'm not sure if he has ich or if its just welt marks <Keep an eye on them, and meanwhile read our archives regarding crypto> My main question: should I remove the little one or bring back the big one. I was going to bring the little one to a friends smaller tank and nurse him back to health but when I re-introduce him I'm afraid he'll get torn up even worse. <Definitely move the smaller one to your friend's aquarium as soon as you can, but make sure it doesn't have crypto first. Isolate it in your aquarium and keep an eye on it until you can be sure. After you move the small one out of your aquarium, take the next several months it's going to require for your larger one to become female and to familiarize herself with her surroundings to do a lot of reading about pairing clownfish. See our archives on maroon clownfish pairing (which is different from any other clownfish species) and definitely read the archives and FAQ pages on the Reefcentral Anemone and Clownfish boards @ http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=11536cd0450218af4b8d84bed0446459&forumid=36. There is a lot of good information there on clownfish and host anemones. Please take the time to educate yourself on the subject. Also, when you email us please use proper grammar, sentence construction, and capitalization, because these Q&A's are archived for future reference. Good luck. M. Maddox> Clownfish Aggression Query <Ryan here> I have a 55 gal tank, had it two years now. I have had the same three false clowns and a maroon gold, not to mention a few other fish. Well I just purchased a rose colored bulb anemone and the Maroon loves it. The false are farmed raise so they show no interest. But the maroon is showing signs of agro. It's only been a couple of hours so it may wear off but do you think he will start being nice again to the other tank mates again. They all got along great before. <It's a toss up, to be honest. Be prepared to remove the false clowns if they're being battered. Good luck, Ryan> Travis Maroon Aggression To make a long story short, my Maroon Clownfish became so protective of his anemone (knocking any rock or coral within 12 inches of his home out of the way) that I finally gave up and moved him from my 75 gallon tank into his own 16 gallon bowfront. He did well in there for about a year, but as I should have realized he out grew that tank so I just upgraded to a 36 gallon bowfront. It contains a 2-3 inch clownfish and his bubble anemone, a pixie hawkfish which is about the same size of the clownfish, a pistol shrimp, a mushroom coral and about 30 pounds of well-established live rock. I would love to add a dwarf lionfish to the tank, but: 1) Don't know if the tank is big enough for a dwarf lion? 2) I'm fairly certain the Clown and Hawkfish are big enough that the lionfish couldn't eat them, but since they are so well established in the tank I wonder if they would pester the lionfish to death. But then, since the tank is new now might be the best time to add additional fish? 3) If I added a lion, should I try and add an additional fish at the same time to take some of the pressure off him? (See question 1 above) 4) From what I read, it looks like the fuzzy lionfish might be the best candidate, what do you think? Thanks for any help you can provide! Gary >>>Hey Gary, If not for the maroon, then the lion would do fine in a tank that size. However if this maroon clown is attacking everything in sight that gets too close to her anemone (par for the course with this species) then it stands to reason that a dwarf lion will not be exempt from falling victim to this behavior. There is nothing about a lionfish that makes them less likely to attacked. Also, a 36 gallon tank is on the small side to consider adding anymore fish considering the aggressive nature of the maroon - a very well established maroon at that. Consider yourself lucky that the hawk is doing well. :) If you said you had a 55 gallon, I would still have reservations. Maroon clownfish get almost as big as your hand. Regards Jim<<< - Cheering-up an Angry Clown - Hi Crew, Hopefully all is well with you today. <And you as well.> We just received several more inches of snow in New England this morning so I am just dreaming of Spring here! Today I need some help with my female maroon clownfish. I have had this mated pair for about two years now and the female is approximately 3.5' in length. Over the past six months I have seen this fish tear polyps out of my Alveopora, rip chunks out of hairy mushrooms, push soft corals around the tank and just be a general 'tank bully'. <Pretty standard for maroon clowns when they get to this size.> I thought this might be due to the loss of the BTA that had previously been the home for this pair of fish so I added a new rose BTA. This did appear to solve the problem initially but one morning I noticed the female clown aggressively tearing flesh from the oral cavity of the BTA. I moved the BTA to my refugium and, after about a month it appeared to have nearly recovered. Unfortunately it just died this morning. I have noticed a few fluorescent green Alveopora polyps lying on the substrate so I think this clown might be back to her old tricks as well. Do you have any suggestions for dealing with this clownfish? <Like what? Send it to reform school? There's not much you can "do" beyond isolation I'm afraid to say.> This is really a beautiful pair of fish but the female is wreaking havoc on my reef so I am beginning to wonder if I might not be able to keep her. Of course catching her in a 180g tank, full of LR is another problem! I have read that Ritteri anemones are the preferred anemones of gold stripe maroon clowns. Do you think adding a large Ritteri would solve this problem? <No... these fish are what they are... the anemone would only make it more territorial.> I had also thought the female maroon might have been 'angry' because the previous anemone was only 2.5' -- not quite large enough for both clowns. <Doubt this... honestly very hard to "know" the motivations of fish, but it is safe to say those motivations rarely mirror our own.> I want to find a solution to this problem but I do not want to just offer another anemone as a sacrifice either. Regarding the Ritteri, I have also read that these anemones are difficult to keep and that they tend to wander more than other anemones. <Usually in search of proper light.> Since I have several corals in my tank, this would be a problem for me. I have previously prevented coral / anemone contact by keeping the anemone on a separate island of LR from the main reef wall. BTAs (at least mine) do not appear to like to travel across sand, so this kept them on their own, separated rocks. Would this setup likely prevent a Ritteri anemone from wandering onto my corals as well? <Hard to say, but I will say this: I've a good friend back in San Diego who has a custom 240, which has a divided section on one end of his reef tank. This separate, but connected section houses his two tomato clowns and a large carpet anemone. This accomplished two things - it stopped the anemone from wandering and the clowns from ripping everyone else apart. He can't put his hand in to the tank to clean without getting bitten.> I apologize for the long email but thank you, in advance, for your help. This has been a problem I have been trying to solve for a long time. --Greg <Cheers, J -- > Premnas aggression 2/15/05 Hey guys, I was wondering if someone could help me out with a certain fish? I want to inquire about the gold stripe maroon clown. <beautiful but VERY aggressive. Not a peaceful community fish> If I purchase a wild caught specimen at about 3.5 inches with it being the second fish I have in my 60g, does bold mean it just holds its own and is aggressive toward other clownfish or does that mean it can be very aggressive toward other fish in general? <possibly towards every other fish... Premnas are just brutal> I plan on adding a blackcap Basslet and a few clown/citron gobies in my tank along with maybe a longnose butterfly, will the maroon beat these fish up and be aggressive towards them considering I added him first? <they are at serious risk... not recommended. A mean fish as it gets older> Or will they most likely get along and not be a problem? Thanks much < this fish is better suited to life with other grumpy fishes like Domino damsels and triggerfishes. Anthony> Anemone Husbandry... Hello <Hi there! Scott F. with you today!> I have 2 questions. First, I bought a Rose Anemone for my Goldstripe Maroon Clownfish. My Goldstripe is a 2 inch female and I got a 6 inch Rose Anemone. The clown loved it, but then it kept going in and pushing the rose around. The clown killed it. <Hmm...to be honest with you, I think that it is unlikely that the clownfish killed the anemone. Rather, I'd bet that some sort of environmental factor stressed the anemone and led to its untimely demise.> Do I need a bigger anemone? <No. You need to provide optimum conditions for anemones in order for them to thrive. That's really the key.> And I have it in a 10 gallon nano reef. Do I need a bigger tank? <Well, I'll say an unqualified "YES!". You need to provide environmental stability, and enough water volume to dilute metabolic waste and area for the animal to grow. A 10 gallon tank simply will not provide this. Not to mention the fact that you need very intense lighting, which, in a small tank, can create major heat issues. All in all, you need a larger tank to really do the job, IMO.> Is there any way I can keep it in the 10 gallon? <I would advise against it, for the very reasons cited above.> I have a Rena XP3 filter. Thanks from Todd Encino California <Well, Todd- I certainly don't want to discourage you from keeping marine animals, but I do urge restraint and caution when attempting to keep them in tanks of the size you mention. In the long run, it's so much easier-and more beneficial for your animals- to keep them in a larger system. Do your homework, then set up a tank to meet their special needs. You can do it! Good luck! Regards, Scott F.> - Paired Maroon & Percula Clown - If you have a minute, we (my wife and I) would like to get your opinion on a specific fish dilemma... We have a fairly new 110 high tank with 38 sump that has run through its cycles and is stable, has about 100 pounds of live rock with some descent hiding places. We bought, for our first fish in this tank, a 1.5" maroon and a 1.5" percula who got along great at the LFS in a tank together, based on the salesperson who said they'd do just fine (as they were in the LFS tank at the time). At home in the new tank, the two clowns hang out in the upper left corner of the tank, frequently touching each other's fins/bodies in the close confines of the corner without a hint of animosity to the other. Once in a while they move about the tank, the maroon frequently more daring than the percula -- but whichever one roams the other usually follows as they seem to prefer roaming together. They've been in the tank for about 2 weeks now, this behavior has been the norm since Day 1. However, in asking another LFS how to get the clowns out of the top left corner of the tank and swim around more -- the LFS says that I should know that after 2-3 years the maroon will kill the percula when it reaches sexuality. No doubt about it, they said, 100% result. Other fish store still stands on the conclusion the clowns will continue to get along. So the opinions seem to be polarized. (Not a big surprise, huh?) <No... not a surprise at all.> To note, I assume trading the Percula right now for a second maroon from a LFS may pose a brand new maroon-maroon conflict (since maroons don't seem to blindly mix with other maroons too easily). <Agreed.> We want to end up with 2 clownfish (either 2 maroons or a maroon-percula) that get along in the long-term. What do you think the risks are that the maroon will eventually turn on the Percula and kill it in a few years, despite they get along perfectly right now? As we wouldn't be writing this unless we held high regard for your opinion, what do you recommend? <Probably about 50/50 - as you already know, Maroon clowns are well documented as being territorial and mean. On the other hand Perculas are docile and cause few problems... that may put it in the good graces of the Maroon clown. That being said, I don't think that the Maroon clown will just one day turn around and kill the Percula... will likely take several days to do so if it even chooses that course of action. I would leave things as they are, there's just no way to guarantee one way of behavior or another and so I'd enjoy this unique pairing while it lasts. Do keep an eye on things as time progresses and if you see any aggression in the pair [and there's almost no chance this would be coming from the Percula] then separate them before it turns tragic.> Thanks, Steve & Amy <Cheers, J -- > Clown aggression Hey fish people. your site is so informative. My question is I got a 24g nano cube two months ago and I have a purple firefish and a flasher wrasse as the inhabitants. I talked to my LFS and they said it would be ok to add a maroon clownfish to it considering it will be the last addition to the tank. The maroon is just a baby about more than an inch long. It shows no aggression to the other clowns in the divided sections at the pet store. It just seems to be happy in his BTA and does venture out from time to time. I'm sure his aggression will appear later when it gets older. So would it be wise to buy it when so young and should I put a BTA ASAP to calm the aggression? Thanks for all your input. TJ <I would not put a maroon in a cube tank this size. There will be some aggression as it grows. Adding a BTA will just increase the aggression as the clown will be defending it. You really don't want a BTA in this size tank also, especially if you are going to have corals etc. James (Salty Dog)> Adding A Maroon Hi I have a 45g reef corner tank that is about 2 years old. The tank has about 60lb live rock, a scopas tang, flame hawkfish, Scott's fairy wrasse, and a ocellaris clown. I am going to add a rose bulb anemone and a maroon gold stripe clown. My question is, am I going to have to find a new home for my ocellaris or is it possible for these two clowns to coexist? Thanks Roo <Not likely to be peaceful in this small tank. Bob Fenner> Terror...Of The Maroon Variety - 04/30/05 Hi, what a great site, it has been immeasurably helpful. < We do try <G>. > I used to work with a system with 12,000 gallons of salt water, and as I try to set up a home aquarium, I am constantly amazed by how much more difficult the smaller variety is. So many problems I never had to deal with at work! < Many of the same problems actually, they just manifest more quickly/become magnified in a smaller volume of water. > I am wondering if there are any fish that I can keep with a maroon clown and be sure that I won't have aggression problems, or am I destined to have a one-fish 65 gallon tank? < Aggressive at any time, if the maroon is settled in as the first/only fish in a tank this size you may well have problems introducing more fish. > Similarly, I am contemplating putting 2-4 damsels (I know they're terrors, but they're so pretty) with said maroon clown and letting the dogs of war, or fish in this case, work things out themselves. I have trouble imagining that 5 inch-and-a-half fish can't coexist in a tank that size. Perhaps you could recommend 4-5 colorful fish of appropriate size who might actually get along? < The problem is not the size of the fish, but rather the species you've chosen. Likely the maroon has laid claim to the entire tank at this point, but that said, damsels may well be your best bet. They should be small, fast, and pugnacious enough in their own right. I would consider adding (all at the same time) no more than three yellow-tail blue damsels (Chromis xanthurus) or three blue-green Chromis (Chromis viridis), and before doing so, rearrange the rockwork in the tank to disorient the maroon clown. > Thanks for your help.--Marianne < Good luck, Eric R. > Another question (stocking a twenty with a Maroon Clown) Mr. Fenner, Sorry to e-mail you again so soon, but I thought of something else I would like to ask. My fiancé is setting his tank back up (20 gal FOWLR), and he wants a baby maroon clown. What kinds of fish (if any) would be okay in that tank with the clown, or should he stick to inverts with the clown? <Something tough, smart, fast is about all I would "trust" with a Premnas in such a small system. Perhaps a pseudochromid: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pseudoch.htm along with the invertebrates, clown. Please ask him to read through the "Selection" and survey articles posted on WetWebMedia.com for much more. Bob Fenner> Again, thank you so much, Laura Rushing Mate for maroon clown Dear Mr. Fenner, Here is a question I'd like to ask Joyce Wilkerson since I'm getting my information from her book, but I bet you can give me a good answer too. <Okay> My maroon clown, "Jeanine", is 2 1/2" long, lives in a 100 gal tank with 1 powder blue tang, 1 regal tang, 1 Foxface rabbit, 1 firefish, and 5 convict blennies (love those guys). She has become quite feisty, sparring with "Roger Rabbit", who is four times her size. We thought that getting her a mate (to try to raise baby maroons a year or two down the road) might occupy her a little more constructively. Ms. Wilkerson suggests getting a tiny maroon and placing him in the tank with a refuge, such as a strawberry box, that only he can escape to when she gets too mean. Here's the question: My husband wants me to transfer Jeanine to the ten gallon (hospital tank) for a couple of weeks prior to getting her a mate, then introduce them there. Let them get firmly coupled before putting them back into the big tank. That way it would be easier to intervene should any big problems come up between the two. <Joyce's rendition is sound, and the route I would go... Your husband's is worth a try, but only if you can be there to watch what might occur... too much chance of an aggressive encounter> My plan would be to leave Jeanine in the big tank and introduce he new mate and his strawberry box there. I hate the idea of catching her and removing her from her secure and happy home. <Agreed... Very traumatic> We're prepared to go either way, or even wait until she's a bit bigger. We'll go with your opinion. (Sorry this is so long). Thank you very much, Linda >> <No worries... I would use the floating plastic container trick... and be ready still to net out the smaller (male) newcomer should relations go awry. If you're going to add a symbiotic anemone to this set-up, I'd wait till after this "pair" are getting along. Bob Fenner> Mixing Maroons I have a 3" Gold Striped Maroon clown that has been in the tank for ~3mo. > Over the weekend I tried to introduce a much smaller (~1" ) Gold Maroon > Clown. I was hoping that they would become a mated pair. Some one told me > that these clowns start off male and can become female later on depending on > certain variables. <My understanding as well> I was told my best chance would be to introduce a smaller > tank mate. <Generally> Well, WWIII broke out - with the much bigger fish beating the > heck out of the smaller one (who is now in my quarantine "tub" nursing his > wounds with a healthy dose of MelaFix....). Do you think that there is > anyway to introduce another clown and maybe get the pair I'm looking for? <Try a visible barrier... a plastic colander.... or some such... where the two can see each other... but not get to the other... for a week or so before allowing them together> > On a side note I must say I thoroughly enjoy the Daily Q&A. I check in every > day to see what's going on and I have poured over the archives. As a > relative new comer to the hobby, I've gotten a vast amount of information > from them and I dare say that it's saved a fish or 2. Keep up the good > work... > -Mike Harris <Outstanding. Thank you for the query, and the input. Bob Fenner, visiting in the Maldives, Indian Ocean> I WOULD LIKE TO ADD A GOLD STRIP MAROON CLOWN TO MY 55G. REEF TANK. WOULD IT DO WELL IF I ALREADY HAVE 2 WHITE STRIP MAROON CLOWNS IN THE TANK, WHICH ARE A LITTLE SMALLER THAN THE GOLD? >> Well, all these size descriptions are "relative"... if all the animals are more than two inches, I'd look into another clown or just fish species... In general it's best to add a much smaller (sexually undetermined or male) specimen... Bob Fenner Rescuing a Maroon Clown Hi Bob, Thanks for the reply. If I decide to give him a shot in the big tank, how much leeway should I give everyone for chasing? I don't want to give up on him fitting in too soon, however, I don't want my two clowns (who are smaller) getting beaten up. Thanks again and Happy Millennium! -Rich P.S. He's happily swimming around in the small tank, and seems little worse for his wear. >> Good news. Some chasing is to be expected when you place the Maroon in with your established Ocellaris Clowns... but no torn fins, bullied into cowering in the corner level aggression... should be tolerated Bob Fenner Rescuing a Maroon Clown > Hi Bob, > I was at my fiancé's house tonight when I got a call from her brother in > law about a fish which was being harassed to death. It seems like he > went out on a buying binge and picked up a Niger Trigger, a Huma Huma, > two Tomato Clowns, a Yellow Tang, and the Maroon Clown. Seems like the > guy at the fish store not too forthcoming with advice on the selection. > The two Tomatoes have been tag teaming the Maroon who, when I got there, > was hiding behind the overflow. This Maroon is now in my possession. > My options for him aren't terribly good either though. I am currently > acclimating him into my 2.5 gallon tank to try and get him calmed down. > This tank has no fish in it, just the odd crab I catch in my main tank > and the any hermits who I find to be evil. It has a 50 watt heater and > an Aquaclear 100 running it, along with a piece of live rock the size of > two fists (or so). My assumption is that this tank is too small for > the fish who is somewhere in the 1.75 - 2.25 inch range. Would you give > him much chance in this tank? (Too bad I've grown so attached to the > Gold Severum in my 20 gallon tank.) > The other option is to put him in my 55 gallon reef. But of course > there has to be a catch. I have two Ocellaris Clowns in there, (I'd > estimate 1 inch for the smaller and 1.5 for the bigger). I've always > been told that clown species don't mix well at all (as evidenced by the > Tomatoes going after this maroon). What would you say? Its an > attractive fish, and I'd like to give him a good home after all he's > been through, but certainly not at the expense of my two clowns. Torn > fins aside, he seems fairly active, I guess we caught him in time. > I appreciate any advice you can give me. In the past you have been most > helpful. In the meantime, I guess I have some advising to do myself. > Considering this guy wants a reef eventually, I felt the Triggers were a > most interesting choice. Maybe I'll again try to convince him to read > your book. > One last question I almost forgot. If I do keep him in the small tank > for any period of time, would you recommend picking up a cleaner shrimp > to keep down parasites while he heals. I could transfer one from my > main tank, but I have little faith in my ability to catch anything. > (Come to think of it I always caught the least fish on bluefishing or > flounder trips...) > Thanks A lot, Rich > >> > Wow, talk about a Freudian "slip"... ever notice the similarity between the > words "fiancé" and "finance"? And thirty strokes with a wet fish net for that > LFS employee! > Well, the Maroon is fine in the 2.5 gallon... I would add a piece of pipe > (PVC), some other material for it to associate with... and yes to the Cleaner > Shrimp as well. Put it in with the Maroon for the quarantine period. > After, I would be tempted to try the Maroon with the Ocellaris... this is > a much better species "match" than the closer-appearing (and meaner) Tomatoes > (probably Amphiprion frenatus)... introduce the newbie in the AM in a day > when you're able/going to be home to keep an eye on them... but not right > now... we probably agree that the added stress and possibility of getting the > tar beat out of it, is too much for the Maroon at this point. > Bob "feliz anno nuevo" Fenner Hello again Bob, I have a Maroon Clown Fish problem. I have recently bought two Maroon Clown Fish and placed them in my CYCLED 55 gallon tank. They are the only two fish in the tank. I was told by several dealers that placing two Clown Fish together would result in the larger of the two beating up on the smaller of the two until they eventually became a pair. I was then told by someone else ((the day after I bought the two) it has been two days) that the success rate of doing this is probably only one out of 10. Well, so far it has gone exactly as the dealers said it would. The slightly larger has the smaller of the two confined to one little corner of the tank. There is an anemone in the tank but neither of the two ever go near it. The little one is starting to show a little sign of fighting, he has two slightly ripped fins. Both fish are tank born and raised so I was wondering if this will effect anything (positively/negatively)? I was also wondering if there was anything that I can do to help out the smaller fish/help out the process. I really don't want to let it die so any "tricks" you know of to help them work things out would be great. There are plenty of hiding places in the 40 lbs of live/base rock so that is not the problem, and like I said the "sharing of the anemone" is not the problem because neither one of them act like they know its even there. Thanks so much for your help and your column, I NEVER MISS IT!! Clint Sires >> I thought I was the only person who never missed the column... Well, I'd give you better odds... if you had started with two small specimens (less than two inches let's say)... and yes, tank-bred and reared specimens are MUCH better than wild-collected for survivability and congeniality... And yes, I do have some suggestion re the situation: separate the two for a couple of weeks... Either with a plastic divider, breeding trap, large net, or removing the meaner individual (You read that right, leave the smaller, less dominant one in the present system... and move the big, mean one). This will allow the subdominant individual to recover (if it does), and create less stress for it... and disfavor the standing protocol for the more dominant... And before you place/replace the animals together, do add some other fishes... in particular some damsels (if you were going to use them)... these will help diffuse the situation... and give the Clowns something else to pester. Bob Fenner Re: maroon clown Hi! I was simply wondering what I could do with a maroon clown fish. I have a 90 gallon with a lionfish and other big tangs and a eel or a 50 gallon reef tank with 2 true Perc in it already in the tank it has a bubble anemone. What are my choices? Miguel <Well, your choices are to put the fish in one of your two tanks or in a new tank. You cannot safely keep the Maroon in the 50 with the other clownfish. If the Maroon is large enough (unable to be swallowed by the Lionfish or Eel) you could house this typically aggressive clown in the 90. Lionfish can eat fish that are fairly large. -Steven Pro> Maroon Clown & BTA Relationship Hello, I have a large maroon clown that I have owned for at least 10 years. Over the years she has been with a wide variety of tankmates but never with an anemone. A few months ago I moved her to a new 140 gallon reef setup and now that I felt comfortable with the tank conditions I decided to add a BTA for her. Well the BTA went in the tank about an hour ago and my clown immediately proceeded to attack the anemone and ingest huge mouthfuls of tentacles. <Were there actual tears or was this merely mouthing?> I actually tried protect the anemone with my hand and she attacked my hand in order to get another mouthful. This continued for about 15 min and then she ignored it for about 10-15 min. Now she is in the BTA and as happy as can be. I have never read of this type of behavior so here are my questions: 1.) Have you ever seen/heard of this before? <Yes> If so, what is the purpose of ingesting the tentacles? (To gain immunity perhaps?) <I have seen clownfish manipulate new anemones to position them. They do not have hands, so they must grab things with their mouths.> 2.) What are the chances of the BTA recovering from such a brutal introduction? <I do not think it was an attack.> 3.) My clown now seems to be showing some slight aggression towards her only tankmate, an Atlantic blue tang. Are maroons more aggressive in the presence of an anemone? <Generally aggressive regardless. Perhaps the anemone change the territories.> Despite maroons reputations, mine has never shown any aggression towards any other tankmates. Up until an hour ago the maroon and tang spent most of their time swimming around side by side and the tang looks very distressed at losing it's buddy. Thanks, Richard <You are welcome. -Steven Pro> Maroon Clown & BTA Relationship Follow-up Thanks for the reply. Yes, there were actual tears. The clown would grab a mouthful of tentacles and tear them off with a couple of violent shakes. She would then swim around with a mouthful of tentacles, swallow the tentacles and go back for another snack. <Wow! Truly strange behavior.> Today the clown is ignoring the BTA, which looks to be in pretty sad shape. <Sorry to hear about it. Try to feed daily and hope that the anemone is able to fight off any secondary infections. -Steven Pro> Maroon Clown Boxing Match Dear BOB, <Howdy> I've had a Maroon for a year now. She (which I'm sure she is because I bought a pair and she grew to be the female, unfortunately the other one died trapped in the powerhead) lives in her Bubble Tip Anemone. <Okay> One week ago I found a gorgeous Maroon with her anemone mate. I fell in love with it and after asking the store keeper about having two maroons (possibly both females though I'm not sure with the second one) in the same aquarium, he said yes, go ahead, since each one has her own anemone there shouldn't be any problem. <Umm, hope the system is very big...> Just a few hours after introducing the second maroon and the anemone, my first maroon drove it out of the anemone and almost killed the new maroon. <Not unusual> I had to isolate the new maroon. I don't have a quarantine tank so I decided to buy some sort of Betta's Box that fit inside the aquarium and I have put my first (the one that lived already in the aquarium) maroon inside for a few days in hope that once she comes out, she loses her aggressiveness. The second one is getting better each day and I'm hoping for a miracle once I let the other one out. <Not likely> Am I out of my mind? I would love to have two of them. I have two anemones. Could this be possible? <How large is this system? Needs to be hundreds of gallons... to give you, them much chance of cohabiting. Bob Fenner> HELP ME PLEASE, I'M DESPERATE. TY, Carlos (from Mexico City) Re: Maroon Clown Boxing Match Dear BOB, TY for your quick response. Unfortunately my system is only 50 gallons. What do you suppose I should do now? Any suggestions? Take the second one back to the store? <Yes my friend, this is best. Bob Fenner> Thanks again. Condylactis host question I have a 37 gallon aquarium that I plan on being a reef tank with maroon clowns being the show fish. Right now my lighting is in order. Showing a lack of patience and a large interest in anemones, I purchased a Condy pink tipped tubes with a white body. Now the question is will any fish host with this anemone? <No natural hosts. Some captive raised clownfish will host in just about anything.> One more side question, what will be my best choice host for the maroon clown? <E. quadricolor. Please read up on anemones and their care. Here are three articles you should read: http://trickstr.tripod.com/survey_r.htm http://www.reefs.org/library/article/r_toonen8.html http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/bubbletipanemones.htm Sincerely, Steven Pro> Interesting event (E. quadricolor Anemone and Maroon Clown) Hey there! Hope all is well with everyone from WWM. <thanks kindly with hope for you as well> I have an experience I'd like to share that you and others might find interesting and hopefully informative. <much appreciated... will post> Today I purchased a small E. quadricolor. In full lighting it is a creamy white color with some brown in the tentacles and pink tips. It had been there for a week and has been healthy the whole time. <hmmm... not healthy at all.. the color indicates a typical import: stressed and bleached> I've kept an eye on it since they acquired it and since it was doing well voila, I've got it at home now. Anyway, the interesting part is what my Premnas biaculeatus did. After about an hour it joined the anemone and is now very much living with it. Before I put the anemone in, the clown had intermittent bits of ich on him, and a cut from swimming around rocks on his left flank had not completely healed. Within 5 hours of joining the anemone, he has no white salt dots at all (he had two or three this afternoon), the wound on his flank is almost totally healed, his color is brighter, his personality is more "buoyant" and strangely his fins are losing their black coloration, going from almost totally black to nearly matching the rest of his body in the 5 hours he's been with the anemone. He was healthy before, eating voraciously and being quite active, but I can say with complete confidence he is twice as healthy now and probably happier to the tenth power. So to those who underestimate the effects of stress on livestock, don't! I hope that this might help to really bring out the importance of proper handling of livestock to anyone who might be less than careful. Sincerely, R. Vincent McCarthy <appreciated, my friend. But please look into the needs and natural pigmentation of a healthy E. quadricolor. No such thing as white (other than the bleached and soon to be dead). To save this anemone, you will need to feed it very fine meaty foods (never more than 1/4" although they will take it). Never feed adult frozen brine... but do offer mysids, Gammarus and plankton/krill. If your anemone survives, it will turn solid, rich colored brown, green or rose colored most likely. Best regards, Anthony> E. quadricolor Anthony I did read Bobs book (CMA) and FAQ and must have missed something as far as the coloration goes. <hmmm... truth be told, we are deficient in field survey information here. But, to some extent, common sense also tells us that a symbiotic cnidarian cannot have any significant degree of white color: the lack of pigmentation. As such, bleached or partially bleached anemones are starving for lack of zooxanthellate symbiotic activity (feeding/translocation of carbon). There really is no such thing as a white anemone... at least not a healthy one. No worries though... you sound sincere and dedicated. Continue to feed and care for this specimen well... it will get greener in time as you have noticed.> It ate well at the LFS and was fully expanded there, for the whole week. <heehee... and then another 4 weeks at home in proper quarantine and we have a responsibly imported and held animal <G>> No tears, no abrasions etc. <all good> It is fully expanded here as well most of the time (generally right after it eats it stays scrunched up for awhile). <understood my friend> Well it is starting to turn more brownish-green, and in straight actinic is very, very green. Also it eats very well - it is taking the Sweetwater zooplankton I feed it with gusto. <excellent to hear!> I hope all will be well with it! <I wish you the very best! Anthony> Pale Anemone Anthony, Thank you for the prompt replies and honest advice! The common sense regarding coloring of creatures containing zooxanthellae is true, and makes me go DUH. <no worries... I/we have had many of those moments <G>. We learn in time> I appreciate the frankness and the courtesy! <its our trademark here at WetWebMedia. Oh, ya... and some sarcasm disguised as wit sometimes too :) > Often frankness and advice is given in a scoffing manner to those newer to the hobby. <understood and agreed my friend... we appreciated the sharing of your story very much. It made a great point and we posted it promptly the next day. Just the mention of the color of your anemone and this common problem prompted me to mention it to you> Thank you for the encouragement! One short question, while it is recovering from being kept at the LFS, how often should I feed it? I was planning on 3x per week, but want to know if more or less often right now would be better. Cheers! RVM <actually... 3X weekly with very fine foods (minced 1/4 or smaller) sounds very fine to me. There is a fine line to walk here. No feeding will kill an anemone in 6-12 months for most. But overfeeding (especially with large chunks of krill or silversides/feederfish) will kill it just as fast. Never feed adult frozen brine shrimp (to anything!) but offer tiny high protein ocean meats/plankton. Shell on is best. Mysis and Pacifica plankton top the list. Best regards, Anthony> Dascyllus trimaculatus and Premnas biaculeatus Hi, is it possible to keep a pair of Dascyllus trimaculatus and a pair of Premnas biaculeatus with Entacmaea quadricolor in a 50 gallon tank? Is the tank to small? Or are they to aggressive for one tank? <It may work for a while but one pair will probably eventually overthrow the other. Also make sure you have very good lighting for that anemone. Cody> thanks, Thomas Maroon Clownfish Troubles >My husband and I are new to the marine aquarium. We have a 36 gallon bowfront fish only tank. Our tank has been running for 4 months now. The first fish we bought was a yellow striped maroon clownfish, the fish store told us he would be a good start. We love him, he has been a lot of fun, no anemone, which we were told was not necessary. >>This is true. >A few weeks later we bought a one spot Rabbitfish. >>I'm going to assume this is Lo vulpinus, an animal that can reach 7"+, FAR too large for an aquarium of this size. >He was so shy, but our clown loved him. The clown followed him everywhere and seemed excited to have a buddy. Then a few weeks later we purchased a flame angelfish. >>Hhmm.. nowhere do I see quarantine mentioned.. >The clown chased him around a while and then all settled in. After a week of all seeming fine, Our clown had a injury on his cheek. He then stayed hidden for a day, and acted fine after that. We assumed he hit a rock or something. Well today, he now has a small cut on his lower lip. I was baffled as to how he was injuring himself. >>Not if you take a close look at the weaponry all three fish have at their disposal; both the clown and the angel have cheek spines, and the Rabbitfish has dorsal spines that can pack a PUNCH (they're slightly venomous as well). >I watched the fish for about 20 min. when the clown darted at the Rabbitfish and the Rabbitfish put up his spiny fins and pointed them at the clown, getting close enough to strike him. The clown then would go at the Rabbitfish off and on throughout the day. >>All is no longer well in this tiny piece of the ocean, and if they haven't settled this by now, chances are they won't. >Why has he become so aggressive to this peaceful Rabbitfish?? >>Space and territory. Also, the shop didn't happen to tell you that Maroon clowns are KNOWN for their aggressiveness, did they? If not, know that they are notorious and infamous, and when larger can draw blood. >The clown seemed to like him so much in the beginning, what is happening??? Your help is much appreciated. Kim >>This tank, small to begin with, is grossly overstocked. It's time you chose which of the three of them can stay. From there you can choose a few other SMALL fish, my first suggestion is going to be neon gobies, as they remain quite small and actually perform cleaning duties. No matter what, this tank is FAR too small for the Rabbitfish, no matter who else is in this tank. The Maroon can top out (biggest I've seen, at least) at around 6", and I feel this is pushing it, but they aren't great swimmers, which makes them a more reasonable choice for this system. I would expect the flame angel to end up pacing the tank like a racehorse, though. There are many other small fishes from which to choose that would neither encroach upon the Maroon's territory (I get the feeling you're most fond of him/her), nor garner his special brand of attention once he attains full adult size (by which point we can expect that he has morphed into a she). Beyond this, I strongly suggest BOOKS, books, and more books. Marina - Maroon clownfish and Carpet Anemone - I know the carpet anemone is not the preferred home of the carpet anemone. <I'm guessing by the title of your email you meant that the carpet anemone is not the preferred home of the Maroon Clownfish... yes?> But I would like to encourage the behaviour anyway. <No guarantees it will work.> I know Bob Fenner has some advice how to do it, but I can't find it on the site. <You've got me there. I just asked Bob and he has no recollection of such advice. You never know... if this is the only choice the fish has, it may very well take up residence in your carpet anemone. Cheers, J -- > -Bad maroon, bad maroon!!!- I had a bubble-tipped anemone. For some reason, it died very suddenly. <Ooo, not cool.> Ever since then (about a week) my maroon clown has tried taking to my bubble coral. I think it keeps getting stung, and its fins keep getting torn. Also I don't want it to harm my bubble coral, which I have had for 4 years now! Is there anything I can do? <I would suggest moving the maroon to a quarantine tank to 1) separate it from doing any harm (or getting harmed) by the bubble and 2) to watch for any potential infections from the torn fins.> Buy a new bubble tipped anemone? <Well, if you can rule out that your tank was the problem that caused it's demise. Run a full series of water tests (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, salinity, alk), do a good sized water change (test before this!), and maybe run the spec's of your tank by us.> Remove the fish from the coral, or vice-versa? Please help before one or both dies on me! <Get that clown out! Hope this helps, -Kevin> Thanks!
Maroon Clown Attacking Flowerpot Coral 2/5/04 Hello, I have a 55 gallon reef tank, with 5 small Chromis, 1 2-inch maroon clown and a cleaner shrimp. Recently the maroon clown has been getting more feisty, most alarmingly he has started to attack the flowerpot coral going so far as biting off pieces of it. The clown has a bubble tip anemone host, which I have just gotten recently but his aggression seems to have gotten worse if anything. Water conditions are great, the flowerpots were thriving until these attacks started. <Having a well defined territory often does paradoxically increase aggression, probably because they have something concrete to defend. I assume you have tried moving the coral?> I always heard that Clowns were reef safe, and this doesn't seem to be the case with mine. <I have always taken issue with the term "reef safe". Almost any fish can engage in some kind of destructive behavior. Clowns are generally well behaved, if not a bit territorial, but maroons are about the worst.> I am planning to get a flame angel, would this do anything to calm the clown down? <Yikes! No! It would probably make the clown worse if anything, and flame angels are very risky with corals.> Or do you have any other advice? I definitely want to keep coral in my tank, and would like to keep a clown or two, as well. Should I try another species of clown or maybe I have a particularly aggressive maroon clown?? <Particularly aggressive maroon clown is a redundant statement. These fish can be down right belligerent and are known to knock over live rock and corals, harass tank mates and draw blood from careless aquarists! If you really like the fish (some folks admire such tenacity!), finding it a mate may help (do find a much smaller specimen so that dominance is quickly established, or they may beat each other to death). If you don't like the fish enough to tolerate it's attitude problem, you may find A. Ocellaris or A. Percula to be much less obnoxious.> thank you for any advice, Andy Arett <Always a pleasure! Adam> Anemone biting clownfish... ouch! 1/21/04 I have a yellow striped maroon clown who bit off the tips of its host anemone. <yikes... swap the garlic with Xanax in its food mix and put on a Nemo DVD... perhaps chant "find a happy place, find a happy place."> She spits them out and catches them again. Then when she drops the tips goes after another one. <yeah... that's gonna leave a mark> The anemone does not close up or seem bothered by the behavior. <that's because they don't have lips... or vocal cords. You cannot here them scream> Is this normal and will the anemone suffer because of it? <ahhh... no, and then yes. In that order. Please do separate that cheeky clownfish from the poor anemone (be sure to leave the anemone in place as a move right now could accelerate an infection fro the stress... and all of those open seeping appendages> Thank you. Nicole in Albany, Oregon <best of luck my friend. Please do peruse our extensive archives on the subject too... much to be gleaned therein at WetWebMedia.com. Anthony> |
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