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Compatibility Question. Y. Tangs and Clowns
4/11/16 Advice please... Y Tang stkg., comp.
3/1/16 Stocking question. Y. Tang comp.
1/31/15 Yellow Tangs in a group/Tang Compatibility/Perculas Behavior
7/30/12 Yellow Tang Compatibility 7/3/12 Z. flavescens and A. japonicus comp. Was Re: Nitrate Reactor
producing ammonia 11/11/11 Trigger disease... env., psych. 11/23/10 Marine Schools/Fish Cannot Read/Compatibility
10/20/10 Tang Aggression Problem/Tang Compatibility
8/23/10 Z. flavescens (Yellow Tang)vs. S. vulpinus (the Rabbitfish)
1/9/2010 Weird Achilles Tang behaviour... incomp. with Zebrasoma
flavescens 6-15-2009 Re: Stocking Suitability... Yellow Tang, reading, not 12/19/08 Thanks for the quick response bob. If the Banggai will or could possibly host the leather till it declines then they are not considered. Can I replace them with either 1. Five anthias 2. Five yellow tangs (have a feeling you won't go with the tangs in this volume)<120 gal.> <Too many... I'd stick with one specimen here... you haven't been reading...> If you think the above replacement is not suitable, please please could you suggest anything else ? <Reading> Sent from handheld. <Not sent from handheld. B> Re: Stocking Suitability 12/20/08 Hi bob I have read and re read. And knew you would say too many tangs hehe. Just got a bit tempted / greedy with the tangs:) ~ boy in a toy shop. <Ahh!> Thanks a mil, will keep you posted. Merry Christmas in advance. Cheers Ranjith <Happy holidays to you and yours Ranjith. BobF> Foxface, Yellow Tang question 8/29/08 Would it be possible to put two yellow tangs and two Foxface lo's in a 240 gallon tank? <Very likely so. Bob Fenner> Territory Issue…Tang vs. Angel - 06/27/08 Bob, <<Hi Brian…Eric here today>> I recently added a Half Black Angel to my FOWLR tank. <<Centropyge vroliki? Neat fish>> The Yellow Tang that has been in that tank seems to be giving him a hard time and keeping him from coming out of hiding. Every time he comes out, the Tang tries to swipe him. <<Not uncommon, Zebrasoma flavescens can be a nasty character. Especially once well established, and more so if in smallish volumes (sub 100g systems)>> How should I handle this so the 2 can co-exist in the same tank? <<Mmm, the tang likely senses/recognizes the angel as a competitor for algal foodstuffs…but I think there's a good chance this will resolve itself/things will calm down soon>> Should I separate or let them figure it out on their own (which I've seen work before), or is this just a pair that will never get along? <<The latter is always a possibility…but I think the odds are these two will learn to cohabitate>> Any suggestions would be appreciated. <<If the aggression lingers or worsens, removing the tang to another tank for a few days would likely help…or maybe just try rearranging the tank d?or first, to create some disruption/distraction/disorientation for the established fishes>> Best regards,-Brian <<Cheers, EricR>> Bullying yellow tang, Too small of a world 5/1/08 What's up guys? <Hello> I really tried to hold off writing to you as long as I could, but I did not have any luck finding postings with the same problem as me. First off I have a 46 gal bowfront w/Aqua C hang on skimmer and 55lbs of live rock and sand. temp stays around 79, and salinity is around 0.021. Nitrates/nitrites are within reasonable levels. Tank inhabitants include a large 5" maroon clown who has been in there for 3 years A juvenile maroon clown introduced about 6mo's ago. I knew the chance I took adding them at separate times but they get along great. Condylactis anemone, hermit crab and a few snails cruising around. Also the newcomer, a 1.5" yellow tang. <Needs a larger tank, will suffer in here.> The tank size is a bit shy for him, but I plan on upgrading tank size within the next year. <Most likely behavioral/psychological damage will already be done, perhaps permanent stunting as well.> Upon introduction the tang seemed fine. Went through proper acclimation procedures, and the fish looks happy and healthy. The only issue is that every morning I wake up, my larger clown has been having more and more tatters on his fins. I think that the tang is beating him up during the night. <Possible, although tangs are not usually too active at night.> There is a daily Nori strip offered and he eats formula II tabs as well as flakes. I have read about tangs being territorial to newcomers to their tank, but not the other way around. <All fish's personalities differ.> He seems to have "come in" swinging. <Not surprising really, they have the tail blade for a reason.> Do you think this is just a natural acclimation to his environment and tankmates? <Could be.. Or do you think he is just an aggressive fish and needs to be removed? <He will most likely claim the tank as his, and then it will be a battle to the death between the clown and him, either could end up the victor.> This has been going on for around 2 weeks now...... <Watch the tank after dark, see what the tang's behavior is. If it is the tang the behavior will most likely continue if it has been going on this long.> Please help You guys rock! <Thanks> <Chris> Yellow Tang and Fame Angel Compatibility/Aggression - 03/24/08 I have a 72 gallon FOWLR tank. My stocking list looks like this: 2 Ocellaris clowns 1 Blue-green Chromis 1 Royal Gramma 1 Neon goby 1 Yellow tang 1 Scott's fairy wrasse 1 Flame Angel I still have not purchased the wrasse or angel for my tank yet. <<I see>> I have done a lot of research for compatibility and thought I had everything figured out until this weekend where I read some things about the Tang that made me question purchasing the wrasse and angel and I just wanted to check with an expert. <<Am happy to proffer my opinion>> For the wrasse I had read that their constant movement will stress out the tang which could lead to Ich. Is this true? <<Mmm, I do not share this concern here. The Tang is an active fish itself...I am more worried the marginal size of the tank may cause environmentally induced issues with the Tang>> Also for the flame angel I had read that since they are herbivores that eventually the flame and tang will fight for the dwindling algae in the tank. <<This can be easily supplemented>> If this is true would placing a strip of Nori in the tank everyday (which I currently do anyway) help stop the aggression? <<Yes…as will just keeping all "well fed." Along with other environmental factors, aggressive behavior can often be lessened by providing a nutritious and "plentiful" diet (the days of starving a tank really are pass?. If you aren't doing so now, I very much suggest obtaining/feeding New Life Spectrum pellets along with the algae supplements. This food is very palatable and highly nutritious all around>> One more question since I have you. <<Okay>> Is this tank overstocked or could I add some more fish? <<With what you list, I think this tank is pretty much full-up>> I was thinking of adding a firefish or even a mandarin when I get my pod population more stable. <<I don't recommend this…especially the Mandarin. The very shy Firefish is likely to slowly starve/die from harassment…and the Mandarin will not find enough natural foods for its long-term survival, no matter how long you wait (too many competitors in too small an environment)>> I have a 3 gallon CPR HOB refugium. Would this be large enough to keep a pod population that would feed the mandarin and the wrasse? <<Not in my opinion (and more than just the Wrasse to consider)>> Thanks for taking the time to help. Adam <<Happy to share. EricR>> Missing Wrasse And Aggressive Yellow Tang (Environmentally Induced?) - 03/21/08 Dusky Wrasse (Halichoeres marginatus) has disappeared. <<Ah! Halichoeres is among my top two favorite genera of wrasses (the other being Macropharyngodon)>> It was placed in the main tank 18 hours ago. <<Mmm, then this "disappearance" is neither uncommon nor unusual. These fish very often retreat to the substrate; sometimes for days at a time, when stressed…(as in being captured/transported to a new environment)>> I moved some upper layer rocks to try to find him, and then realized I could have crushed him in the sand. <<Is best to leave alone. Forcing the fish out of hiding only compounds the issue/the fish's stress>>>> I then replaced all the live rock to it's original place. I checked the sand but could not find this fish. <<Again…not a good idea>> I checked behind the tank and the floor, but could not find it (I do have a dog who would have probably eaten a tasty little fish had she found it on the floor). <<The wrasse is likely still in the tank (though this genus "will" jump) and should (hopefully) reappear when ready>> A yellow tang was seriously harassing the wrasse, even with the lights out. <<Mmm…another stressor…>> This tang bullied three Banggai cardinals despite rockwork rearrangement. <<Hmm, not typical…you may have a "mean" individual…or the environment is just too small for the tang>> They died after two weeks. <<Stress…kills people too>> I would like to add four more fish; but should I be concerned that this tang is going to bully/kill all new additions? <<Does appear so>> I really enjoy watching "sunshine" as my children call him and do not wish to find him a new home. <<Perhaps just a bigger one… And…is this fish well fed? A full belly can go far toward tempering aggressions>> Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. <<Am trying>> I currently have 1 yellow tang, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 neon goby, 4 blue/green chromis, 1 Firefish goby, 1 cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 serpent sea star, mushroom coral, green star polyp coral, various reef cleaners. I have a 75 gallon AGA, <<I consider this size tank as "marginal" for the Yellow Tang and likely has much to do with the fish's aggressive behavior>> 125 gallon ProClear overflow and sump, 2300 ViaAqua pump, Corallife power compact lights; 260 Watts, 125 Corallife protein skimmer, Turbo Twist UV sterilizer, 2 power heads, 40 lbs. of live sand, sea shell rubble and aragonite, 75 lbs. of live rock. Running six months now. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, pH 8.0, Nitrates 5 - 10. <<Nitrates should be lower with the inverts in the system…5ppm or less>> Ten gallon water change 14 - 20 days (dechlorinated tap water, circulated about 24 hours). <<The tap water is possibly a source for Nitrates…but is easy enough to test>> One last thing, if I may. <<Certainly>> I am contemplating upgrading the pump, as I have discovered by actually measuring the output that the water turnover is only about 240 gallons per hour. <<I see>> Do you have any suggestions? <<Your overflow has only a single 1" drain…upgrading the return pump still limits you to a maximum of 300gph. The 240gph you have running through the sump is quite adequate (and a lot less noisy than a higher flow rate will be). Unless you are having problems I suggest you leave the return pump as is, and look rather to adding some supplemental flow to the display with a powerhead or two>> Sincerely, Victoria <<Regards, EricR>> Small hippo with larger yellow 3/9/08 Dear WWM crew, if Andrew is the one answering this than I know it is the right answer but I think that anyone could answer this. I have a blue hippo tang that is about one and a half to two inches long. I would like to add a larger yellow tang (about 3 to 5 inches) today. in a month I am upgrading to a 90 gallon but I could really use that tang now. I was just wondering if a yellow tang that is larger will harm my blue hippo tang. thanks <Will very likely get along... as the size difference and being of different genera, body morphology works to advantage. Bob Fenner> Yellow Tang And Cleaner Shrimp 3/7/08 Just one quick question...Why is my Yellow Tang picking the feelers of my cleaner shrimp down to the nubs? Bored, something to graze on...is it needing something nutritionally? <Is probably wanting to be cleaned, may have a parasitical disease.> Water parameters are good... nitrates 0, Nitrites 0.0 Ammonia 0.0 pH 8.3-8.4 maintenance once every 5-6 days, 10% H2O change. I bought 2 shrimps at the same time...now they look pitiful.. Oh, the quilt! I have LR coming, but will not be cured for several weeks I am hoping the tang will have other distractions and leave the shrimp alone... geeze now the tang is leaning along side like he'd like to be cleaned...the shrimp is not interested...not that I blame him! Any info would be so appreciated! <I'd keep a close eye on the tang, may very well need to be moved to a quarantine tank and treated.> Thanks, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Kathy
Aggressive Yellow Tang, Adding Livestock 9/27/07 Hey Guys, Great site! <Thanks> The information here is rock solid but I haven't been able to research an answer to my current problem. My set up is as follows: 125 Gal. FOWLR. The only inhabitants are (2) Blue Damsels (1) Blue Cheek Goby (10) Various Hermits (6) Turbo large Turbo Snails and (1) 3.5" Yellow Tang about 70LBS Live rock and 1elephant ear coral. The offending party is the Yellow tang who initially was shy (purchased about three weeks ago) but is now all over my newest addition (Flame Hawkfish about 2" long). I added the Hawk yesterday and the Tang went pretty much right after it. I know they can be territorial but I feel the tank is under-stocked and large enough for all to get along fine. <Unfortunately it does not matter how you feel about it, it is how the fish feel about it.> My question is will this behavior stop once the tang has asserted it's territory or has this evolved into a situation where the Tang thinks the tank is it's alone. <Could go either way, the former more likely.> She doesn't bother any of the other inhabitants at all. Also, will removing the Tang for a couple of hours and re-arranging her hiding spot (the elephant ear) help get her mind off the newest addition. <It might.> I would hate to lose the Hawk because he seems to have lots of personality and I would of course like to add new fish down the road. I just want to know if this bullying will eventually taper off. All the water parameters are good FYI. Thanks for all the information and keep up all the good work on the site!! Chris <Have to wait and see how the tang handles it, it is up to the individual fish's personality as to what will happen.> <Chris> Aggressive Yellow Tang 7/18/07 Hi, <Hello> I'm new to the whole salt water aquarium scene. My yellow tang for some reason has recently become very aggressive toward all of the fish in my tank. I normally feed them plenty and add seaweed for them to pick on, but he has been either chasing or nipping at the other fishes tails. <Could be territorial, how big is the tank?.> It's odd because I've had all of the same fish in the tank for about a month or so and this all started recently. <Takes them a while to get settled, then they will start asserting themselves.> Also, I have a blue spot Jawfish and he's also acting weird. He is not in a burrow... he is actually around with all of the other fish and his eyes look cloudy. What can I do? <Check your water parameters, may be the cause of the cloudy eyes.> Thank you, Billy Negron <Tangs can be quite aggressive and territorial, especially if the tank is too small for them. Be careful when putting your hands in the tank, you may be the victim of the aggression and those tail spines can do significant damage.> <Chris>
Mixing a Regal Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) and Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) in an Aquarium of Unknown Size. 2/12/07 <Greetings!> Can I keep a regal tang with a yellow tang and a bi-color angel and a few damsels? <If your tank is as big as the ocean. You would need a large tank to happily house these two fish. By large I mean at least 135 gallons in which both fish are introduced at the same time if you want to avoid problems and even then you are at risk. I would not recommend it. Hope that helps. -Mich> Re: Damsel Update... Yellow Tang comp. 12/14/06 Hello crew: I just wanted to take a minute to update you on a situation I had asked you about regarding a white line on one of my Yellow Tail Blue Damsels. Everything was going well and the line was healing. Yesterday I came home from work and to my surprise both Damsels where laying on the bottom with no eyes and no fins. <Yikes!> Sitting above them looking guilty was..... Mr. Buttersworth my established Yellow Tang. I put them in a zip lock back then froze it as I read this was a humane way to dispose of them. <Yes> I have pretty much decided that my tank is full anyway so although I am upset about the loss at least I can now share the story with others regarding the aggressive nature of the Yellow and the truth behind adding aggressive fish last as I also have two little Clowns and two little Cardinals that where in the tank first and he has never bothered them at all. Thanks for all of your advise setting up my tank over the last couple months. <Welcome. Thank you for this update, input. Bob Fenner> Stocking My 150 Reef - 09/07/06 Good Afternoon..... <<Good evening>> I have 150 gallon reef tank , 4' x 2', and a 35 gallon sump. <<Neat!>> I now have a royal Gramma , zebra goby , and a coral beauty in it, and want to add 3 yellow tangs and a Pacific sailfin, all at the same time. <<Mmm, I don't recommend this. This tank is too small for three yellow tangs...in my opinion>> Two dealers have told me that this will work. <<I don't doubt>> Your thoughts on this, and what other kinds of fish could I add at a later date... i.e. flame angel , jeweled damsel, hippo tang? <<My recommendation...skip the Hippo (gets very large) and two of the yellow tangs...the flame angel, damsel, and hippo tang will likely be fine>> Also, should I have a cleaner fish in this mix as well, like the neon gobies? <<A worthwhile addition>> And, lastly do you like the dragon wrasse, and any type of blennies? <<Not for reef tanks>> Thank you so much for your time..... Ted Stasso <<Quite welcome, Eric Russell>> Yellow Tang Injury, 12 Little Indians, Make that 5 Y. tangs 7/18/06 I have 5 Zebrasoma flavescens that have been living together for a few years now. <In a very large system I take it> The person that had them before only fed them brine and bloodworms. <And hopefully there was quite a bit of live rock, macro algae about as well...> Since I acquired them I have been giving them Mysis, Formula II (flake, frozen, pellet), Prime reef, and seaweed. All the foods are soaked in either Zoe, VitaChem, or Garlic. They are starting to look a lot healthier and happier. <Ah, good> Anyway, having said that, they have established their territories and there is an obvious dominant tang. He chases all the other tangs around but the funny thing is that he has all the injuries. <Four against one...> He has had scratches on him before that eventually heal themselves. But now almost all of his side is covered in a red/pink abscess that is not going away. It is not getting worse, but it has been a little over a week and it still looks the same. I guess my question is, what do I do? <Mmm... reconcile with yourself that these fishes will continue to fight till there is "room"... the present one with abscesses will be the first to go... Or get a much larger system (hundreds of gallons... Or separate them> I don't want to take him out, then another tang will take over the bullying and so on. <Yes, correct. Will happen anyway...> He is still eating great and is active. The bullying seems to pick up more when I put the seaweed clip in. What I have done to try to cut back on the bullying is to put their seaweed clip in a different place each day and sometimes put two clips in there. It seems to help a little. What do you suggest I do if this is a food competition issue? <The above> And is there some way to treat this guy without taking him out of the tank? <Through foods, water... but still will have to be separated...> I'm sorry this is so long...I really appreciate your advice, you guys are great! <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ytangcompfaqs.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> One too many Tangs 6/30/06 Greetings and thanks so much for a wonderful website. <Hi there.> I have a new (6 months) saltwater 100 gallon tank consisting of LRFO. The current residents are 2 Yellow Tang <One too many.> 2 Peppermint Shrimp 4 Clown fish <2 too many> 1 Cherub Angel The two Yellow Tang were the first fish, and introduced at the same time. After a few tussles, one emerged as the dominate Tang. All was well for weeks. Recently, the less dominant Tang has challenged the dominate Tang. The struggle lasted a few days, with the victor being the less dominant Tang. The other Tang now hides in the rocks and will not come out. <Hiding from that switch blade on the tail of the dominant tang.> Will I be wasting time moving around rock or adding new fish? <Yes> Should I find a new home for one of the Tangs? <Yes> Your help is much appreciated. <Anytime> <Chris> Mandarin dragonet attacked by yellow tang? Please help 12/12/05 Hi everyone, <Hello Julia> I seek your assistance because you consistently know what you are talking about (unlike the local folks who either don't know or don't care). And I thank you in advance for the same. <You're welcome> I recently purchased a male Mandarin Dragonet (yes, I have researched it and planned on it for a number of years). <Very good!> I have a 90 gallon reef tank with about 150lbs of live rock that has been established for over a year and everyone (fish and coral alike) is healthy and happy (thank goodness).<Excellent> My CPR Aquafuge is on the way (should be here next week) and even though I have pods in my tank, I am thinking about mail ordering a starter culture (or, in my case, a booster culture). <Excellent idea> I think I have read all I need to know (for now) about feeding and general maintenance of these beautiful fish, but my problem is bright yellow and aggressive. Yes, the yellow tang keeps whipping the dragonet with his tail (the tang is about 3.5 inches). I noticed that it "throws out" the little white spikes at the mandarin, and I do not know if the spikes are sharp or even poisonous or what (they stay folded against the tang's body the rest of the time).<The scalpels are very sharp and can inflict a nice gash.> The mandarin has been there for two weeks and I believe the tang still beats him up whenever the mandarin is near. <Unusual for the tang to do this to a mandarin.> How harmful is this tail whipping to the mandarin and how likely is it to stop? <As stated above, the slapping can inflict a wound. Whether it stops or not, can't answer, time will tell.> I know the mandarin avoids the tang, but I do not want it to stay hidden or stressed out, otherwise there was no point in getting him. Should I take the tang out and if so, what is the best way to catch him without taking apart the whole tank? <I'd probably wait awhile and see if the tangs behavior improves. If not, there is no easy best way to catch the tang outside of removing some/most of the rock.> He does not come up for food like the other fish do (I only have a pair of Percs and a small 3 stripe damsel aside from the aforementioned fish). In fact, the tang hides in the crevices as soon as a person approaches. I believe he will not go into a trap because the clowns and the damsel will go in there first and eat all the food. <Agreed> Any advice would be greatly appreciated. <None to offer other than the above.> The second question I have is about macroalgae. I have 260 watts of power compacts (half daylight, half actinic) plus 80 watts NO tubes. The temp of the tank is about 74 degrees at the bottom and just slightly higher at the top. I have the branchy Caulerpa (sorry, I do not know what it is called, it is just the most common in the local LFS, it has slightly wavy edges on its branches) and it is growing throughout the tank, looking nice and healthy. I tried putting apparently healthy feather Caulerpa in the tank (I bought a clump at a LFS) but it did not make it even a week. Does the branchy stuff outcompete the feather stuff? <Most Caulerpa doesn't ship well and think it didn't make it in that regard. Shouldn't be much competition between Caulerpa as to cause one species to die off.> How hard would it be to grow a different type of algae in the refugium, or convert the tank to a different macroalgae? (I have no huge need for it, I just find the feather Caulerpa to be very pretty). <When you get your refugium, then try putting a piece of he feather Caulerpa in there. If it continues to grow, then you could take some out and place it in the main display.> I am sorry about such a lengthy email, I know you get lots of them and I do not mean to add extra work to your guys' and gals' schedules, I just can't seem to find the answers elsewhere. Once again I thank you in advance for your reply. Your web site has been exceptionally helpful and fun to read. <Do search (if you haven't) the Wet Web Media, keyword, Caulerpa, for more information. James (Salty Dog)> Cheers, Julia <And to you, Happy Holidays.> Sudden problem in stable system 11/15/05 Hello to the WWM crew! <Glenn> Several days ago I noticed several patches of white material or coating on my Coral Beauty on the top of its head and surrounding areas. The fish was behaving normally, but it looked a little "beat up" and did have a piece missing from its tail, <Good descriptions> which I assumed was the result of a run in with the Yellow Tang. The white areas disappeared over the course of a day or so, and the fish's behavior remained normal. I assumed it was sand from the bottom of the tank acquired while fighting or fleeing. <Mmm, not likely> Today the fish is swimming erratically with seeming loss of all equilibrium. It attempts to swim, but only manages to move in a corkscrew pattern. Breathing is normal, but it's dorsal and anal fins and tail are now more tattered. (Possibly more mistreatment from tank mates?) <Possibly> It's color is a little abnormal and seems to be mottled in areas around its head, but the abnormality is not pronounced. I do not suspect any parasitic disease as this fish was in a completely stable tank with absolutely no additions for nearly two years, the last being this Coral Beauty. All livestock in the tank were religiously QT'd for 6 weeks. Tank parameters are 75g FOWLR 80 deg F amm. 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0-barely readable pH 8.3 sg 1.0235. What other possible causes are there for this? <Internal complaints, genetic or pathogenic...> I was thinking POSSIBLY that since it had the patch of white (sand?) on its head that it might have slammed into something in the tank while escaping the Tang resulting in brain damage, but I would assume the swimming problems would have been immediate. <Not necessarily> I am perplexed, since I follow excellent tank management procedures, and am particularly careful, (some might say obsessive), about QT. The other fish in the tank show no signs of any disease or any other problems. I have removed the Coral Beauty to a hospital tank with antibiotics as a precaution, but am unsure about any other treatment. Any help, suggestions or insight would be most welcomed. Sincerely, Glenn Brookes "Bladuser" on WWM <I do suspect (as you seem to) some sort of altercation... with the Yellow Tang... a swipe of the scalpel will do it... Bob Fenner> Bannerfish and Yellow Tang 9/8/05 Hello, I just added a Bannerfish (AKA poor man's Moorish Idol, Wimplefish, etc.) and two Fiji Blue Devils to a fairly new 75 gallon tank. The only fish I had so far were a Yellow Tang and a Maroon Clownfish. Almost as soon as the Bannerfish was added the Yellow Tang started to attack him with his tail spine/scalpel. I removed the tang and put him in the quarantine tank to give the Bannerfish time to get used to the display tank and start eating. I also rearranged the rocks where the Tang likes to hide so when I put him back in he will have to reestablish his territory. Are these fish not compatible or will things calm down a bit later on? Thanks, <Normal behavior for the tang, things will calm down, and a good move in rearranging rock. Do read up on Bannerfish on the WWM for more info on your purchase. James (Salty Dog)> -Adam- Butterfly/tang compatibility 8/23/05 Hi there. <Hello Dan> I'm in the process of stocking a new 120 gal FOWLR. I have about 200 lbs live sand w/plenum, 70 lbs live rock, EuroReef skimmer, 30 gal sump, fluidized bed filter, 1250 gal/min pump. Light is 4x65 PC (2 actinic, 2 daylight). Water parameters are "perfect" except for a slightly elevated phosphorus that is decreasing rapidly via PhosGuard. Current residents are a cute little (3") dwarf zebra lion, three small damsels (four-stripe and yellow-tail blue -- will likely be "fed to the lions", as it were), and a long-nosed butterfly. All appear happy, especially the B/F, who has tons of personality. I'd like to introduce a tang, for algae-eating and just because they are cool. Ideally a yellow tang, but I fear that he will attack the similar shaped/colored B/F. A Naso would be great but I don't think I have enough room. Would one of the other sailfin tangs fit? The only other likely residents would be a Halichoeres ornatissimus (or something else from the same genus) and a flame angel (once the tank matures a bit). <Even though the butterfly has some yellow, it's not of the same family. No aggression should take place outside of the usual "this is my tank" action that is short lived. I personally would go with a sailfin than a yellow tang. I think they are a little less prone to disease. James (Salty Dog)> Thanks much, Dan Plans to bring 'ole Yeller' home <Yellow Tang compatibility> 7/18/05 Hi WWMCrew, I have a compatibility question. I had a Yellow Tang I had put in a 30gal. qt because I had thought due to heavy breathing, scratching that it had something wrong. Long story short, He went on a hunger strike, looked horrible. I moved him to my moms 55 gallon tank because My 55 was being used to treat ich and my new 125 was going fallow.. I did not know if he would even live he was so skinny, but sure enough he has fattened up! He did have some sort of bacterial infection that was causing red streaks and shredded fins and also causing him to flash a lot. I put him in my moms 20 gallon for a week and treated him with Furan-2 . The streaks are gone and fins are growing. Like I said, I was not concerned at the time I moved him that this 55 was too small, I wasn't sure he'd make it, but I thought with a little more room to roam he'd at least try to eat. I feel bad for him, when I got him I had only had experience w/ Clowns and Damsels and really freaked out when he started flashing. He has never had ich , even though he had been exposed to it. This guy is a fighter and I need to make arrangements to get him in a larger tank. I put an add on R.C. and have had 1 response so far, but I may not be able to find him another home, I may have to bring him home. I really didn't want 2 Large fish in my tank, I cannot get another tank so I want to make sure he will be okay in my 125. I have a 1 Iridis Wrasse, 2 Argi Angels, 1 Twinspot Hogfish, 1 Ocellaris Clownfish [ I also have 3 Clowns in qt right now, waiting to be added] And my concern is my Raccoon Butterfly. She is queen of the tank! She Harassed my other Wrasse so bad, I put the Wrasse in my 55gallon [completely cleaned and set up w/ established rock, filter, sand- houses my Arc Eye Hawkfish] She does chase the Argi's away from the algae strips and I caught her nipping at my clown under the moonlights. I really feel my tank is full already, but this maybe the only solution for my Tang, I can't leave him in that 55, the poor guy has been through hell and I want to make things right for him. So, is it worth the harassment the Tang will face? They are both about 4". If I cannot find him another family, would it be okay to bring him home? I appreciate your opinion, so does my Tang....Thank you again Kim <I give you very good odds that these two will get along... the Raccoon may be tough, but there is room to maneuver in the 125 and the Tang has the... tang! Bob Fenner> Re: Plans to bring 'ole Yeller' home 7/19/05 Bob, <Kim> Thank you, Thank you!! I plan on bringing him home within the next couple of days. I know he will be much happier in my tank, I have an r/o [which my mom does not] and a much bigger variety of foods and vitamins for him... My mom works and really doesn't have the time to care for her tank, I clean it for her every two weeks. She is thinking of turning it into a freshwater tank, yeah!!! That's one less tank I will have to deal with! <Heee!> But then I will have to take her remaining fish, a Blue Devil Damsel... yikes!! I think I will put him w/ my Hawkfish! Thank you again, I wasn't sure how the two fish would do, being similar color, size and needed some reassurance. Thank you again <Thank you for sharing. BobF> Yellow Tang and Coral Banded Shrimp Hi, <Hi Tim, MacL here with you today.> I checked and did not see an answer to this question. I have a banded coral shrimp, yellow tang, two ocellaris clowns, a firefish, and yellowtail damsel in a 58-gallon FOWLR tank. The tang is the newest addition. <Just so you know, the tang will eventually outgrow the tank, but I'm sure you are prepared for that day.> Today, after the bcs molted overnight, I observed the tang picking at the shrimp's antennae. It appears that he's bitten them off quite short and sent the bcs into hiding. This is highly unusual because the BCS is as mean as the proverbial snake and pretty much has his way in the tank. <They can indeed be highly aggressive.> I also noticed that before the molt, the tang hung around the shrimp as if expecting to be cleaned, though I never saw the BCS oblige. <I have in the past seen coral bandeds or banded corals clean fish, but its fairly rare for them to do it in a tank.> Is this a compatibility problem? <When the shrimp molted it became weak and that is generally when another fish will take advantage.> Should one or the other go to quarantine? <The coral banded will get his antennae back when he next molts but you should know its not beyond the realm of possibility that the yellow tang will eat the shrimp. Generally the way it will work is that he'll eat a claw or two and then the shrimp will be defenseless. Then the yellow tang will take advantage. Unfortunately I have seen yellow tangs do this before. They can get quite aggressive. One thing that has helped in the past is to give the tang a higher meat content, for instance give him bits of krill or Mysis in his foods. Generally they are algae eaters but often for some reasons they need a more meaty source. Hopefully this will help.> Many thanks, Tim Silver Stocking a 120 Hi Crew, hope this message finds you in good health. I have a very understocked 120g FOWLR with a few green Chromis, a coral beauty, a yellow tang, and a Ocellaris clown. The clown is about 3" and the tang is about 4", both of which I would like to get a complementary friend. I hear the clown would be happier with another, and I always liked the look of 3 or more yellow tangs in a display... Please let me know how I would go about adding one more clown and 2 more yellow tangs (post quarantine of course).. Sizes?, All at once? Will there be WWIII? Thanks. Blair >>>Hello Blair, A 120 is on the small side for keeping 3 yellow tangs. Years ago I did it in a 135 for a time, borderline, but it worked out just fine. I also ended up taking that tank down before the tangs grew too large as well. I did add all 3 at once though, and this is the recommended method for keeping multiple specimens of most fish, especially those that can be somewhat aggressive. Adding one, letting it get established and then attempting to add others is just asking for trouble. I recommend you either forget the idea of more yellow tangs (space reasons as much as anything) or take back the one you have and get 3 small ones, then introduce them at the same time after quarantine. As far as the clown goes, he won't be "happier" necessarily, but YOU might be. :) You should be fine obtaining a specimen 1/3 the size of the one you already have - this will be the male. Clowns are hermaphroditic, the smaller less dominant fish always being the male. Cheers Jim<<< Have u been Tang'O ? Hello guys, <Steven> I have been browsing several forums (Singapore Reef Club, ReefCentral, Arofanatics, and WetWebMedia), yet I have not found an answer to my questions. I posted in 3 later websites but to not avail. I have also bought and read The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, The Natural Aquarium, The Ultimate Marine Aquariums, etc. Perhaps you could help. <Perhaps> Introduction: I have 150cm (L) x 75cm (W) x 75cm (H) aquarium yet to deliver. Main Equipment: Eheim 1262, Laguna Utility 5 pump, Arcadia MH 150watts x 2 and 30 watts x 2. Chiller yet to order. Plan: Phase 1: - FOWLR Phase 2: - Indo Pacific Patch Reef (with chiller) Landscape plan: 1. Lots of open spaces. 2. Low vertical relief 3. White sandy sand 4. Vertical relief would be tower like pinnacle. Q1: Compatibility of fish, which would u recommend? C1) Pivotal species: To keep a school of yellow tang (5), tomato clownfish, flame angel, regal angel fish, mandarin fish <Mmm, you could have the five flavescens... but I would cut this back to three individuals... far more interesting, less-antagonistic behavior in this size, shape system... I'd skip the Regal Angel... too big, hard to keep... and would add a refugium if the mandarins you intend you want to keep well-fed> C2) 1 of each Pivotal species: Yellow tang, Hippo tang, Powder blue and brown and Achilles, tomato clownfish, flame angel, regal angel fish, mandarin fish <Yellows are best kept in a grouping, the Powder Blue I'd skip (too hard to keep, too easy a vector for parasitic disease), and the Achilles also not easily kept period... see above re the mandarins and Regal> I note yellow tang and clown fish are the easiest of the lot compared to the rest of wish list. Therefore will be added last. <I concur> Q2: Is my aquarium large enough to TangO 5 tangs? <Not really, comfortably. They will not be happy crowded together. Your message shows signs of much good study, planning... do either keep honing your stocking plan, or seek a larger volume tank. Bob Fenner> YELLOW TANG SIZE Hi, <Hello> I have a 75 gallon F/O tank with a flame hawk, pair of false percula clowns, royal Gramma, coral beauty angel and yellow tang. I added the tang about 3 weeks ago. I thought everything would be OK since he was put in last, but he seems at times to chase the others off during feeding. <They are very food competitive.> Also, my royal Gramma is so stressed out that he hasn't come out to eat in about 3 days. <Not good> The tang is larger than all the others (about 4 inches). I feel I should get him out and take him back to the fish store. Do you have any recommendations as to how to catch him? <At night tangs usually sleep and you might be able to catch him wherever he sleeps.> I can't net him because of the rocks in the tank and his speed. <Some people use multiple nets to corner them with. Or take the live rock out of the tank to make it easier.> Should I have gotten a smaller one to start with? <The problem is that they will all grow. Although for the more immediate problem a smaller one might not stress the other fish out as easily.> Any help you can give is greatly appreciated. thanks, James <Good luck James, MacL> James Hall Tang Compatibility (5/25/04) hello, <Hi there. Steve Allen with you this evening> Just a quick question regarding compatibility. I have a 240 gallon FOWLR system, <nice> I'm wondering if a yellow tang, Naso tang, and regal tang would work in this setup. There is about 150 pounds of live rock and I currently have had the yellow tang for a year, a 4-5 inch Naso is in my quarantine tank and would like to purchase the regal if you think it might work. Other tank inhabitants include perculas and damsels. Thanks. <The Naso and the Regal are generally peaceful, but their similar shape does present at least some risk of aggression between them. The other thing to consider is that Regals are notoriously prone to Ich and HLLE. You might be better off choosing something else.> Yellow tang group Hi Bob / Crew, <Hello Matthew> I've browsed through the archive of yellow tang questions, and see that you seem to consider the idea of shoals of yellow tangs a good idea, in general. <Yes, given a large enough system... this species lives in such associations by and large in the wild> I am planning a new, modestly large tank - it will probably be 187.5gals or 225gals Either 60"x30"x24" OR 72"x30"x24" (L x W x H) - i.e. te footprint will be 30" wide. I like tanks with high flow rates - and plan on trying to achieve 25 tank volumes per hour - so hopefully this should help keep them healthy and fit. I also understand that tang aggression is also directly linked to the availability of food, so I was planning to have a "feeding station" at each end of the tank, and keep it full of Nori all the time. <Sounds good> I rather like the idea of having a group of yellow tangs. I know the "odd number" rule, and also know that te more tangs the better - but obviously I do not want to overcrowd them either. Could you suggest a number? I was thinking either 5 or 7 individuals, about 2 to 3" in size. I would order and buy them all from the same group. The reason I was thinking 7 would be to allow for mortality, bad luck, exceptionally aggressive or weak individuals ..... so that in time (say over a year) I might end up with 5 good fish. <Possibly... I might just try three though> Finally - I have had a yellow tang for about 4 years now. Great fish, apart from the fact that he has never grown!!! He's about 3", and has been that size since I bought him. I think he was stunted when I got him, because he has shared environments with fish such as an emperor angel and a regal tang, both of which thrived and grew from 2" to 6" individuals over 18 months. So, I am at a loss as to how big a yellow tang is likely to get to. Was thinking probably about 4" (inc. tail). <Interesting, but this sort of "non-growth" does occur at times, in the wild and captivity... for no apparent reason. Bob Fenner> Thanks for reading. regards, Matt Tang Lion compatibility Hello, based on what I have read, the yellow tang, and Volitans lion seem to be compatible. But I recently added a lion to my tank, and my tang seems very panicked. His white stripe has brightened, which I understand as stress, and he is very jumpy. I am not too familiar with the behavior of tangs, however, from day one, my tang has always seemed panicked. Is this normal, or stress? My tank is a 75G so it seems large enough for both, they are each about 2 inches. <The tang might be a bit stressed but should get over it in time. I would not be concerned with the lion eating or killing the tang. IanB> Yellow Tang Harassing New Tankmates Thank you very much for the quick reply. It's at the end of the day, and I realize now that the tang is not going to let well enough alone. Now my next problem: getting the tang out. I tried getting the Firefish out, since I could at least get him to safety, but he doesn't leave his hiding spot long enough. And the tang has become a hassle to get out too.<I would try a really small barbless hook> I can't net her; she darts into the reef, and after a plethora of attempts, I stopped due to not wanted to kill her with the stress.<Well in order to catch my chevron tang or my smaller vlamingi tang I have to remove 300 lbs of Live rock.> I set up a "trap" using a breeder tank with her veggie clip inside, but she won't go /near/ it.<as expected> Aside from dismantling my reef, is there a better way? <probably a small barbless hook> Would it be unwise to wait until she was asleep and then "surprise her" and catch her?<This works well but only with some fish. In my experience it worked with my starcki damselfish and small vlamingi tang, and didn't work with my large vlamingi tang and my golden pygmy angelfish. I would give it a try just to find out, but again no guarantees> Oy, this could be a LONG week. . .<yes it could, good luck, IanB> When Tangs Attack! I've just made two purchases that I'm starting to get worried about. I have a F/O 55gal tank with a yellow tang, three damsels and two small (1 in.) cleaner shrimp. I just added a blue regal tang and he's constantly being harassed by the slightly bigger yellow tang. I was under the impression that an oval shaped tang would not have a problem with the more round yellow tang and visa versa. <Not always- tangs of all species can be quarrelsome and territorial. New tangs (even of different species) can certainly be targets of harassment by the established tang. I had a friend who was in near panic because his 3 inch Kole Tang was making life miserable for a 4 inch Sohal Tang (Known as one of the toughest of the tangs, personality wise).> Will the harassment stop at some point, or should I consider bringing the regal back to my LFS? <Well, it's hard to say. Usually, things will settle down and the social order will be restored. Sometimes, these confrontations can result in death to the newcomer. You just don't know. Your tank is really at the upper limit of its capacity as far as larger fish like tangs are concerned. Ultimately, these fish (assuming they eventually settle down) will require a much larger tank to live out their natural life spans. In the mean time, keep a very close eye on the situation, and be prepared to remove the Regal if necessary. Alternatively, some people like to re-arrange the decor when adding a new fish, because the established "territories" are then gone, and everyone can start "fresh", so to speak. At this point, however, you probably want to see how things go before doing that.> I also added a large (2 in.) coral banded shrimp. Do my small cleaner shrimp have anything to worry about? <Coral banded shrimp can and will attack other shrimp. This is not to say that they cannot co-exist with other types of shrimp, but once again, you need to keep a close eye on them and be prepared for action if needed. Take Care! Scott F.> Yellow Tang >Hi! >>Hi! >I have a 75g tank with one yellow tang whose about 1.5" long and a Maroon clown fish , a little smaller. Also one coral banded shrimp. I would like to know specifically what fish i can add to the tank and how many. I would love to add more tangs, but finding more about fish that get along with the yellow tang has been hard. Also can i add live plants, if so what kind? >>Ok, consider the Forcipiger longirostris or F. flavissimus--two different species both known as Longnose butterflies. Make sure that they are at least twice the size of the Yellow tang, to avoid aggression towards these more timid fish as they are both yellow and shaped similarly to the Yellow tang. You could also add a Copperband butterfly. >>You could add a Royal Gramma or Pseudochromis, please don't mix them, though. Hawkfish are a great addition, Arc-eye or Longnose are good (watch the Longnose for suicidal leaps). The more timid damsels (such as the lovely pink and yellow Fiji damsel) would fare well and provide lively action. You could also consider a pygmy angel, such as a Flame angel, but only add one, they don't care for each other and interspecies aggression is an issue. >>If you added two butterflies (maybe three, but be careful), a hawkfish, a Pseudochromis or Royal Gramma, and a pygmy (not a Potter's) I think you should be doing fairly well. Please avoid fishes that require aged, well-established reef tanks to thrive, such as Mandarin fish. Without knowing your tank parameters or filtration it's difficult to be hard and fast about numbers (it is anyway, though), so it's better to err on the side of Understocking. Marina Yellow Tang With all your experience I would like to know if you would advise putting a yellow tang in a 75 gallon reef tank. I also have a flame angel and a mated pair of clowns. I've heard yes and no on different BB's. My decision to do so will be solely based on your answer. I've received nothing but great information from you so far. Thank you <There is always some risk in placing any living thing... all "reef safe" statements ought to be accompanied by a IMO/IME stipulation... and a % risk assessment (living in California has decidedly whacked my perception re legal liabilities!). Ahem, I give high confidence in a Yellow Tang being a great asset, getting along here. Please read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/YellowTang.htm and the many related FAQs files. Bob Fenner> 2 Yellow Tangs Hi Bob- Could I keep 2 yellow tangs in a 125 FO without much of an aggression problem. Or would I need about 5 to 6? Thanks. <Two should be fine, even interesting in a 125... in fact, you could have three... at about the same level of agonistic behavior. Bob Fenner> 4 Yellow Tangs I purchased 4 yellow tangs for my 150gal tank, the pet store assured me that it was safe. However they are nipping at each others fin and they are beginning to look very ragged. What can I do, should I put more in so they can get along. I was also wondering if it was beneficial for my tank if I don't scrape off the green algae growing on the 3 sides of my tank( for Phosphate removal). Thank you <Almost feel like Gandhi (Mahatma) here (though I am never to be worthy of his attention)... but either remove one or add one more... strange as it may seem, small odd numbers of this species (amongst other shoaling fishes) are best kept together... That and offer greens (best, sheet algae from the oriental store) daily. Bob Fenner> Intro Order Bob, I have a yellow tang, six line wrasse, royal Gramma and a damn blue damsel that beats the hell out of the Gramma (but I can't catch him!). I want to introduce a pair of maroon clowns and a hippo tang. Do you suggest removing the yellow tang in order to do this? I have heard they can be nasty to newcomers. <Well, mainly matters on how big, how many nooks and crannies you have in this system... and the individual personality of your Yellow Tang... but I think if the tank is big enough (let's say a hundred gallons) you have good odds, not only of the Zebrasoma behaving itself, but even toning down that darn Damsel! Bob Fenner> Yellow Tangs I have 2 Yellow Tangs. Is it possible to put them both in the same tank??? Can You ever put more then one Yellow Tang in the same tank??? <Yes indeed... have two downstairs here in a twenty. Depends on size (best about same) and putting both in at same time... and temperament of individuals... Bob Fenner> Yellow Tangs I tried it. They fought, so I had to remove one. Any suggestions on what to do next??? I would like to put the 2 together, so I can have a tank that has good algae growth <Take out the one that was the apparent "winner" for a couple of weeks and then return it to the tank where the other has been living without it. Bob Fenner, who says... they may well be "incompatible".> Yellow Tangs Hey Bob I'm putting together a Hawaiian bio-type FOWLR. It is a standard 48", 90gal tank. I bought the tank used and it came with one yellow tang, (3-1/2 inches or so). I wanted to put in three yellow tangs, as they are so common in parts of Hawaii. I have a line on an great, healthy, eating well XL-tang (6 inch) at a LFS that also has a stock of small sized (2-3 inch) yellow tangs. My question is: If I introduce one of each size, on the same day, to the tank with the one yellow tang already in existence. Will I start WW 3? Or will they stand a decent chance of adapting? Will staggering their physical size like this help at all? There is a lot of live rock, lots of spots to hide. The existing yellow tang seldom ventures more than 8 or 9 inches from a little area he seems to call home--and his territory has a little cave that he hides from me in. Thanks! Randy <I would definitely just add two of the smaller Yellow Tangs (Zebrasoma flavescens)... they will be far more adaptable to your circumstances and live much longer, happier lives... and draw out your existing animal. I invite you to read over the Hawaiian section of my most recent book, posted on the site: Home Page , and the input there on this Sailfin species of tang. Bob Fenner> Fish Bob, Do you think a yellow tang will get along with my lionfish or will he get killed? I want to buy a 6" yellow tang. Do you think if I put 10 fish total in my tank, all around 6", will that work or is that too many fish for my 120 gallon tank? Also, will a porcupine puffer get along with my lionfish? Chris <A Yellow Tang should get along fine... with the Lion, as long as it is big enough to not get inhaled... and doesn't turn out to be one of the few "mean" specimens that becomes intolerant of slow-moving tankmates... And the Puffer as well for about the same reasons... Just assure that there is a good feeding regimen for getting food to your Lion once the Puffer becomes established (they're hogs)... and I would work up to about eight fishes of these sizes...Bob Fenner> Quick Yellow Tang question Hi Bob Hope all is well. I have a 65 gallon FO setup, plenty of deco and filtration. I have one 6" Sohal tang, one tomato clown, one cleaner wrasse and one bi-colour blenny. Everyone is happy. I would like to make one more addition and am quite keen on something like another tang (angels and butterflies too hard for me just yet!). Do you think that the Yellow Tang could be introduced successfully to my system or should I consider another type of tang? Suggestions would be great. Thanks in advance. Andy Barnes UK <Thanks for writing. A Yellow Tang (or other Zebrasoma) is a good choice in its own accord and should go fine in your system (though there is sure to be some "jousting" with your Acanthurus Sohal initially... Do take a read through my ratings of all Surgeonfishes posted on the site: www.WetWebMedia.com with a large pot of tea on hand... There are many to consider... but the Sailfins as I mention, the Combtooth Tangs (genus Ctenochaetus) and some of the smaller Acanthurus would be worthy additions. Cheers, Bob Fenner> RE: Yellow Tang Mortality Bob, Can one put 2 Tangs in the same tank without them becoming aggressive towards each other? If I can't put another yellow, what about a blue or purple? Thanks, Steve <Yes, please read over the Zebrasoma and Yellow Tang/Zebrasoma flavescens FAQs files posted on the website: www.WetWebMedia.com Bob Fenner> Yellow Tang aggression I have a yellow tang that seems to be getting aggressive since he got rid of his ich. The shrimp are hiding from him. I got so more live rock today and changed things around and the shrimp were coming out more. I would like to get two fish tomorrow so the tang doesn't get too territorial. Can I get a Koran angel,. Sailfin tang (red sea), and or a bi-color angel for my 37 gal. tank...(18 inches wide) with the yellow tang , two shrimp and a damsel I already have? <Unfortunately no. All three will get too large for this size system. You might consider a couple of an easier going damselfish.> I thought I would get more than one fish so the tang wouldn't pick on one. plus I just added the rock to change his environment. Cheryl <All good ideas... and the Tang will settle down as it settles in. Bob Fenner> Adding new fish I am going to be adding 2 new fish to my 150g tank today and was wondering what I can do to keep my yellow tang from bothering the new additions? The tang bothers every new addition relentlessly. No matter where the new fish go he goes after them. It drives me crazy. Thanks! Kevin Ballard <Either remove the Tang for a week or so while the new additions become established in the tank, or partition the Tang into a corner, float it in a colander etc. in the tank to keep it away from the other livestock... I know it's hard to catch... use two nets of size, a friend who's good with the other one... Moving decor, leaving lights off, feeding... won't likely help here. Bob Fenner> Oh, no! I've got the "gimme's"! (small yellow tangs) Thanks for the response! However, now I have ANOTHER question (hope I'm not being a pest). I asked my LFS to see if he could get some smaller yellow tangs in the hopes that I could get one that wouldn't squabble with my little hippo (he was even smaller than 1.5 inches when I got him - I feel like he's my "baby"). Yesterday I went in there and he had three smallish yellow tangs - about 2 inches long. That's the smallest I've ever seen them. However, they looked like they had goose bumps on their sides. Not big zit-like bumps, but little tiny bumps not very closely packed. They were the same color as the rest of the fish, which was the brilliant yellow of a healthy yellow tang. No signs of ich, either. Are these bumps something that occur with juvenile fish of this species? Or is it a severe "red flag"? (Oh, and the fish were acting pretty normal, and eating as well.) <Natural... stress related...> I hope you had a great time in Key West. The Keys are my all-time favorite vacation spot so far, and I hope to move down there next spring if I can get hired by one of the defense contractors at the naval base down there. <Mmm... perhaps self-employment is in your future.> Thanks again for taking the time to answer my previous question! Sincerely, Gina <A pleasure my friend. I would buy one of these small Yellow Tangs sooner rather than later if you intend to keep one. Bob Fenner>
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