FAQs on Bulb, Bubble Tip/Rose Anemone
Pathogenic Disease Related Articles:
Bubble Tip, Rose Anemones, Entacmaea quadricolor, Use in Marine Systems by Bob Fenner,
Bubble Tip Anemones by Jim Black,
Recent Experiences with BTA's by Marc Quattromani,
Colored/Dyed Anemones,
Related FAQs:
BTA Disease 1,
BTA Disease 2,
BTA Disease 3,
BTA Disease 4,
BTA Health 5,
BTA Health 6,
BTA Health 7,
BTA Health 8,
BTA Health 9,
BTA Health 10,
BTA Health 11,
BTA Health 13,
FAQs on BTA Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Social (e.g. Allelopathy),
& E. quad. FAQ 1,
E. quad FAQ 2,
E. quad. FAQ 3,
E. quad FAQ 4,
E. quad FAQ 5,
BTA Compatibility,
BTA Selection,
BTA Behavior,
BTA Systems,
BTA Feeding,
BTA Reproduction/Propagation,
New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
E. quadricolor colony health
First off, thanks for all the work you do!
Background: I have a 40g Breeder with roughly 30-40 Rose Bubble
<A bunch!>
Tank is well established and been running for quite some time. There
are no other Cnidarian inhabitants, only RBTA'S.
Lighting consists of two 70watt 14k HQI's and three 6500k
24'' HO T-5's.
Filtration consists of 30ish lbs live rock, HOB skimmer and two
maxi-jet driven sponge filters. Tank is heated to 80-82F with a heater
that is covered with plastic mesh in order to prevent any anemone
Additionally all pumps are securely covered, essentially tank is
anemone proof.
Water parameters:
SG = 1.026
pH = 8.3 (drops to 8.2 at night)
Ammonia and Nitrite zero. Nitrate less than 5ppm.
I do a 15% water change weekly, make myself using Distilled water and
Tropic Marin salt mix. Water is mixed, heated and aerated for 48 hours
prior to water change. Anemones are fed 2-3x weekly, usually with
frozen Mysid shrimp (thawed and rinsed), although recently I have been
feeding Tubifex worms, silversides and prawn eggs. Only tank
inhabitants are a pair of Black Ocellaris and a male mandarin (added 5
days ago, CB and readily eating frozen and pellet food).
Now the problem:
Several days ago I noticed 2 or 3 anemones deflating, and at least one
of those anemones has continued to stay fairly contracted with its
mouth wide open. Initially it seemed to coincide with feeding. My
concern is that one or two of the anemones may have an infection and
could spread it to the rest of the colony.
<Mmm, not an infection>
Now, I had fed all the anemones frozen prawn eggs that had been in my
freezer for quite some time. And I did view almost all the anemones
contracting and defecating, however they seemed to return to normal
size rapidly. It "seems" to me that as a whole the colony is
contracting and expanding more than usual,, though it is really most
apparent in one or two individuals. Is it possible I could have fed the
anemones bad food = bacterial infection?
Additionally I did for the first time in a while run carbon in the tank
for a few days abut a week ago, is it possible that the anemones may be
light shocked somewhat due to increased clarity of the water?
<Guess again>
Could the slime from the mandarin in anyway be annoying the
I am fairly experienced, but a bit stumped here. I am inclined to
believe I may have a few sick anemones as the whole population seems to
be doing fine, which in my mind rules out environmental conditions.
<Ah no>
Is it likely/possible one or two of the anemones may be just having a
difficult time expelling the waste, and thus could be
expanding/contracting more than usual for a few days? And should I
remove the individuals in question to remove any chance of pathogen
spread? Or should I just leave things be?
<More water changes, selling/moving/trading out some of this
I apologize for the length of the email, and thanks in advance for the
<Fine except for the premature assertions>
I look forward to hearing from you.
<Bob Fenner>
Re: E. quadricolor colony health 10/14/11
Mr. Fenner! Thank you so much for replying to me, I greatly appreciate
<Welcome Colby>
As per your suggestion I will be setting up more tanks to move some out
of the 40 breeder. Aside from that can you think of any reasons I may
be seeing/perceiving a decline in a few of the specimens while all
others are thriving?
<I do think this is some sort of "negative feedback loop"
result... part of "a natural plan" (to put it teleologically)
for "moving out" life once it becomes too
<Welcome. BobF>
Re: E. quadricolor colony health 10/26/11
Hi again, follow up on my anemones. They undoubtedly have a bacterial
I have lost several of them and several more have fallen ill. Do you
have any additional suggestions? Any medications to try in a QT tank
<Medications on/for Actinarians? No. Have seen iodide/ate used,
restoration of adequate water chemistry make-up... BobF>
Thanks again for all your help!