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Yellow tang breathing hard, getting skinny
Yellow Tang issues... color chg., in the AMs...
6/1/15 Yellow tang troubles 10/13/11
Red veiny lines on Yellow Tang, ref. 1/6/2010 Sickly Yellow Tang 3/14/09 Yellow Tang Distress 10/22/08 Hi, I am relatively new to marine aquariums, I bought a 65 gallon tank in June. It currently has around 50 pounds of live rock and I use a protein skimmer. I have had my yellow tang since the beginning of July and he has done wonderfully until a week ago. Last week he began scrapping up against the live rock and red blotches began appearing on his side. A few days later he was still doing this and the red began to spread from the areas he was hitting with the rock (around his tail) to the front of his body. He has now stopped eating which is my biggest concern. Other inhabitants of the tank are two clown fish, a porcupine puffer, <Misplaced here... needs much more room... may indeed be a factor> a blue damsel, and a cleaner shrimp. Any advise would be very much appreciated, the store where I have been getting all my supplies and fish was not very helpful with this. Thank you. -Beth <Mmm, there could be a few things amiss, but given that you don't report troubles with the other fish life, the root issue here is very likely environmental... Either social, with some of the other fish present bothering the Tang, metabolite accumulation (NO3 as a measure) or it ill-reacting to its own reflection. Read here please: http://wetwebmedia.com/ytangdisfaqs.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Yellow Tang Lost
Balance 4/3/07 Hi Crew, <Gideon> I've written
to you before, long ago, and got prompt and accurate response. Thanks!
I'm hoping you can help me again. I've searched your site
(especially the Yellow Tang Disease section), but can't find an
answer. My Yellow Tang seems to have lost her (let's say it's a
she) balance. It seems to me that her tail fin isn't co-operating /
moving. She does all her swimming with the other fins. <Mmm,
Zebrasomas, other tang genera do "hop/skip" on their pectoral
fins mostly... only really use their caudals for "jetting"
about in need...> When coming to a standstill, she either hangs head
up or head down (she favours a particular spot), and she also swims
"on her side" often. <Yikes... bad behavior> She is
eating whenever I feed, and takes frozen food, flakes and Nori. I first
noticed this about 5 days ago (had her for about 8 months, I think).
She doesn't look at all thin and her eyes are alert. No recent
changes to the tank (2 months ago some rock and 2 fire gobies).
It's a low-stocked 180g tank with about 40kg of live rock and lots
of sandstone. Tunze 9010 skimmer, T5 lights, Tunze 6000 Turbelle Stream
for circulation (another one would help, but low on $). Thanks in
advance ... Gideon <Mmm, a few possibilities come to mind... Would
you list the other tankmate species (fishes and invertebrates)... Do
you offer live macroalgae... like Ogo/Gracilaria...? I would... Have
you tried screening (attaching paper to) the outside of the area where
this flavescens "hangs out"... a reflection of its image may
be "bumming it out"... Bob Fenner> Koran in Reef - Z. flavescens Didn't Make It >Hey! >>Hello from way up here to way down south there! How are you doing, Daniel? (I've been in Chicago, I had another message from you that I was saving to put along with this, but it's nowhere to be found.) >A few days ago I added a Healthy Yellow Tang from an established system where it had been 4 years. >>Uh oh.. this sounds as though you didn't qt this fish. >It was eating algae and flakes almost immediately. >>Ok, that sounds fine. >Then on the 2'nd day it stopped eating. On the third day in the morning it was breathing really fast and it seemed that he had a really obvious red mottled kind of splotch on his one side. >>This is so common, but I haven't yet read/found a definitive cause for this. Usually, and especially in a healthy system, they can recover after a time. Normally this takes some weeks, though. The rapid gilling is a bad sign of stress, infection, or possible parasitic infection, though. >I then had to leave for school and when I got back it was dead. >>JEEZ! That fast? Not even a day? Could another fish in the system possibly have been harassing it? Something's going on there, and I feel I must assume that you know full well how to acclimate, about pH shifts, etc., to have not been diligent in putting him into the system (except for skipping quarantine - this is simply because you haven't mentioned it). >P.S The Koran seems to be chowing the Pulsing Xenia. >>Heh, I know some people who would like to have him in their systems, their xenia have exploded to plague proportions! >Monitoring the situation but I think he may have to be removed. >>Hm, too bad. What about the person with the other Koran that came from the same batch? Are they having the same problems? >P.P.S I've got a Longnose Hawkfish in quarantine. How long will he need to be in for? He's looking really healthy. >>Repeat the following mantra - "Thirty days DISEASE FREE, and this little fish will please me." <insert silly grin> >Thanks in advance. >>You're welcome, and sorry for the delay, Daniel. Marina Re: Yellow Tang and Swollen stomach Hi,<Hi. MikeD here> My yellow tang is sick again.<Sorry to hear that> At first, about a week ago, the tang was darting around being real aggressive towards other fish<This is often normal for many Tang species as they can be very territorial, particularly toward other tangs, with one per tank usually best> and it was scratching his body<occasional scratching is normal as all animals get an itch> and I saw one white spot on his stomach. So I started the SeaChem's Cupramine treatment and the tang stopped eating altogether and he became stationary at the top of the tank twitching once in a while.<First off, one spot doesn't mean Ick and can be caused by many other things as well, and 2nd, that reaction sounds suspiciously like the fish was overmedicated> It was getting real bad, so in a hurry, I started him on one hour dips with SeaChem's ParaGuard and I did it two days in a role and as I'm writing this letter I'm getting ready to do another dip.<MY suggestion is not be in such a hurry to medicate. Remember, medicines are also poisons, and it's often best to err on the side of caution and NOT medicate until you're SURE what the problem is> He was so sick that when I tried to catch him, he came right into the net without a fight.< a bad sign> At this time his stomach was sunken from not eating. After the ParaGuard dips his color came back to bright yellow but now his stomach was swollen and he hasn't eaten any thing for a week. He is now back to his own spot in the tank but he's still stationary at one spot and swaying from side to side and twitching or jerking once in a while. I don't know what is wrong with him and I don't now if the Cupramine treatment or the ParaGuard dips will help. Could he have internal parasite so something like that, because his stomach should not be swollen at all, and if so, what kind of medication will do? This is first time I've seen this with the Yellow Tang.<By now it's really hard to tell, but I strongly suspect he's severely poisoned from too much medication> Just before this the Tang was real healthy, he was eating almost everything I feed him like the Nori dipped in Selcon and other pellet foods and also he was eating other flake foods that I was feeding to other fishes in the tank. From the looks of it he looks well but he is just sitting at one spot and swaying side to side and twitching and not eating.<At this point, my suggestion would be to remove him to a Quarantine tank by himself with good water and NO medication and offer him the Nori and flakes that he was eating before. Sadly, if it has absorbed too much medication, you may just lose the fish to copper poisoning. IN the future, my friend, try not to over-react so quickly and remember it's best to wait until you're SURE what the problem is and only then treat with the right medication, in the correct dosages> Can you help? <only by suggesting that you give him a rest in unmedicated water with some peace and quiet for a while. The very best of luck to you, MikeD> -hsk Neglected Yellow Tang I recently acquired a Yellow Tang that came from someone who had been neglecting it. It appears very faded in color, has some pink discoloration above and between the eyes that appears as though some skin has peeled off. It has been malnourished for some time. I don't know the proper terminology for the fins, but the only ones that are still intact are the ones on his sides (I think pectoral) and his tail fin. The one on top (dorsal?), the one opposite it on bottom, and the two small fins in front of that are almost completely gone. <It sounds like an extreme case of Head and Lateral Line Erosion.> I almost think he would be better off if I just put him out of his misery, except he does not appear to have any type of parasites or infections and he seems very active and is eating well now. <This affliction can be reversed somewhat over time with proper care (excellent water quality and feeding).> What are the chances of this fish being ok? <Pretty good actually. It may never make a complete recovery, but can definitely improve and continue to live a long life.> Can tangs grow back damaged fins? <To an extent. It depends on how far the erosion has occurred.> If so how long does it take to grow them back? <It has taken months, possibly years, of neglect and poor husbandry to get this bad. It will take months to correct.> Is the faded color most likely from malnutrition, <Poor diet and water quality> and will his color return with proper diet? <Yes, in time. Good luck! -Steven Pro> Crazy Tang! Hi gang, hope everything is great. <Sure is! Scott F with you tonight!> Hoping you can quickly ID this problem for me. I've had my yellow tang for 5 months. Today the tang has started to zip around the tank, darting, thrusting and pointing up as if to relieve something (gills?), but isn't scratching on the rocks. All the water parameters are fine although I did a water 10% change the night before. The water used was perfect (temp, salinity, etc). It doesn't have any spots on it or anything unusual. Think it's the onset of ick? Worms? Why? Thanks for your help.. <Well- it's hard to say what it could be! Potentially, there could have been an ammonia spike or other chemical anomaly that sparked discomfort in the fish. Another possibility is that the fish is a bit "skittish" from something that frightened it. Still another possibility is that the pH may have plummeted briefly, send the fish into a temporary shock condition...Many possibilities. If the fish has a parasite or some other condition, you'll notice it if you employ careful observation. Just keep an eye on this guy; don't rush to medicate until you know that he is indeed in need of treatment.. Hang in there! Good luck! Regards, Scott F> - Sick Yellow Tang - <Greetings, JasonC here...> I've had this tang for almost 6 months. I've been feeding my fishes with emerald entree and Nori seaweed. In the past month, it stopped eating and breathed heavily, so I'd given it few freshwater baths, treated it with CopperSafe, changed 25% of water, and lately with Tetracycline from Mardel Labs continuously for more than 8 days. But nothing has improved. I'm planning to change 25% of water this Saturday. What else can I do? <I would start perhaps with some research into fish disease and their treatment - your approach so far has been haphazard - start here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/parasiti.htm > Does it have some kind of gill diseases? <Or parasite, or environmental issues - many possibilities.> I almost forgot to mention. Before this happened, I saw red rashes near the tail for few weeks but the rash is gone now. I like it very much and don't want to lose it. I currently have a regal tang, Longnose Hawkfish, and 2 Firefishes in a 55 gal tank now. I'm using a Fluval filter, 2 powerheads, and a 3 ft long airstone for filtration, water movement and oxygen. <I think your tank would benefit from a protein skimmer and perhaps some live rock.> Everything looks fine except the nitrate is around 200. <If fish are your only inhabitants here, then NO3- of 200 is not terrible, fish can endure this. That doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt to try and lower that number.> What can I do to reduce it to 0 or near 0? <Live rock - lots of live rock, and perhaps another power head.> Finally, do you know the name of this fish? It's a yellow fish--1.5" long, shapes like a blue damsel, has 2 long tails (sorry, couldn't think of a better description) around the top jaw extended passed the bottom jaw vertically, and uses those long tails to scrap algae on rocks, tank, and gravel like a cleaner fish. <Could it be a goatfish? More on those here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/Goatfshart.htm > I like it a lot and want to buy one but don't know its name. Thx, A <Cheers, J -- > Tang Trouble? Mike from VA here <Scott F. here!> My yellow tang is acting weird. Attacking all the fish, darting around and just looking strange. He has a red line inside his body starting at the tail and ending in the middle. Looks inflamed. This just happened in the blink of an eye. this is day 2 of it. My water is fine on all checks. I feed prime reef flake and frozen/formula 1,2/and brine shrimp. What can I do to correct this? This is my favorite fish and my first saltwater fish. Help thx <Well, Mike-it's hard to say from here- especially without a picture...A symptom like this can be caused by any number of things...could be environmental, could even be some kind of parasitic infection...My gut tells me that it's some kind oaf a reaction to environmental conditions...I'd do a thorough check of all environmental factors, just to make sure that things are stable, particularly nitrite and/or ammonia...Check the obvious, and then look beyond the obvious...Hopefully, this is something that can be easily corrected through environmental manipulation...Observe carefully, and take actions as needed. Consult the WWM site under diseases, and see if you can find some kind of condition described that is similar to what you are observing here...Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Yellow Tang Color Change Bob, <You got Steven Pro today.> I have a 55 gal FO tank with three Signature Coral replicas and four fish. The fish are a Percula Clown, a Pseudochromis, a Golden Sleeperhead Goby, and a Blue Devil. Last night at 8:00 p.m., I added a small Yellow Tang to my tank. I had been watching him at the LFS for the past two weeks and he seemed very alert, was very curious about my presence, and was a deep yellow color. I took him home and acclimated him in the bag (in the dark) by floating for 15 minutes to equilibrate the temperature and then slowly added aquarium water to his bag for 15 minutes to equilibrate the salinity. When I turned him loose, he hid in the cave of my Signature Coral and the next time I saw him (still in the dark) about 11:00 p.m., his golden line down his side had turned white and there was a brown circle around this line that was about the size of a quarter. This morning I did not turn on the light and he still appeared to have the circle and the white line. I am reading your book, The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, and read your abstract about the Yellow Tang. It was unclear if you were saying this color change will happen every night or just when the fish is scared and it is a bad situation if this happens. Do you think the fish was overly stressed by my acclimation technique or is this a normal behavior for the Tang to have when transported? <It is normal and will probably happen every night, although maybe not as dramatic as in this instance when under stress from the move.> I purchased some seaweed sheets to feed the Yellow Tang. Should I rubber band a small piece to the pillar coral reproduction and leave it in the tank all the time or should I remove it after he has had five minutes to eat? <Do attach it to something in the tank, like the decoration you mentioned. You will probably have to leave it for a while before the Tang takes to it. Once he recognizes it as food, he will dive into it immediately.> The LFS said I should feed both the seaweed sheet and romaine lettuce, is this true? <I would leave out the lettuce and maybe add some Formula II frozen foods (personal favorite).> If so, do I leave the romaine lettuce in for extended periods of time or just a matter of minutes? <See above comment> Thanks for your help. I have learned more from your book, CMA, and WetWebMedia than all the other sources combined! Cheers, Ray McClain <Glad you find it so useful. -Steven Pro> Yellow Tang, heavy breathing Hello gentlemen, <Cheers,
Anthony Calfo up at bat> Quick question today. I have a Yellow Tang,
Hepatus Tang, Royal Gramma, Flame Angel, two Perculas and Purple
Firefish in my 90 gal reef. All parameters are good - Nitrate 0,
Nitrite0, ammonia 0, phosphate 0, PH 8.3-8.5 calcium a little low last
time I checked at 360, salinity 1.024. Question is this - the Yellow
seems to breath a little fast and so does the Hepatus. <is your temp
over 78F and do you have any aeration (major skimming, crashing water
in sump, etc)> When I go close to the tank the Yellow comes right up
to the glass and paces back and forth quickly. Darts around sometimes
like something is bothering it. <get an Oxygen test kit and
take a reading peak day and dark night readings> Been up and running
for about 6 months, and they are all otherwise doing fine and eating
fine. He has been doing this for 2 months or more. No sign of any Ich,
etc. I have carbon filter pads in the trickle, but is possible there is
something in the water that may be agitating them, or is this normal?
And is it wise to throw a poly filter in the trickle to take out
anything that may be there? <I highly recommend
Poly-Filters> I have started raising the salinity slowly because it
was about 1.021 and I read on your Q&A that it should be up where
natural seawater is at 1.025. <actually... lower is fine for
fish only displays... but with a lot of live rock and especially reefs
and invertebrates need more natural salinity> Thanks in advance for
you advice. John <best regards, Anthony> Help with Yellow Tang Hi there crew, <Eric> I'm hoping that you will be able to help me with a little problem I'm having with my yellow tang. When I bought my yellow tang it was a bright yellow as time has gone by he has been yellow has been getting darker and then I noticed little black/brown spots on his side. I've searched the net about this and thought that it might be "Coral Fish Disease", which I'm not sure if it is. <This is a common name mainly applied to Amyloodinium (Velvet), but also to another protozoan, Cryptocaryon... what you describe though is most likely environmental in cause... secondarily nutritional> I read up on this and found that other people managed to sort this out by purchasing a Cleaner Wrasse to clean him. <Mmm, cleaners sometimes do help psychologically... but Labroides wrasses are a very poor choice... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/labroide.htm> So I bought one and he has picked some of the spots off. I went to my LFS and asked him for some advise and he suggested on a fresh water dip. I thought hard and long about this and decided to do it, which I now regret because when I caught him after stressing him out a bit. His tail spine got caught in the net and had a game trying to free him. Well after did the fresh water dip nothing has changed and the spots are getting darker. <Bingo> He looks healthy and swims around in the tank fine. But I'm worried that if I don't do something for him his health will deteriorate I have a 30gal tank with no Live rock yet, and the inhabitants are two clown fish 4cm each, regal tang 6cm, the Cleaner Wrasse 6cm, and two cleaner shrimp. I do a 5 gal water change every 3 to 4 days and clean all the algae from the glass and tank, as well as cleaning my external filter sponges. The water quality I think is fine PH is 7.8 Ammonia and Nitrite is 0, Nitrate is about 20 and Salinity 1.022. I hope you can help me with this. Thanks in advance Eric Jooste <Ahh, this tank is way too small for this mix... Each tang needs about this much volume, and they don't mix well... I encourage you to trade either one in... or better, to seek out the means and purchase a much larger system. Your maintenance sounds exemplary... I do hope you are feeding a mix of foods that includes marine algae... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marind3_5_of_6.htm See the section on Tangs? The articles and FAQs on Tang Compatibility, Systems, Yellow Tang Disease? Nutrition? Read on. Bob Fenner> My fish is sick Hi Bob I have a yellow tang that has red splotches along his spine and near his tail spikes. It almost looks like he is bleeding internally. However there does not seem to be anything else wrong. I recently had an outbreak of Ick that I used Copper Power to treat. All the infected fish seem better and the tank has had the treatment for over 2 weeks. Help Jerry <May be residual copper poisoning... or some sort of secondary bacterial (prob. Vibrio) infection... I'd just wait it out. Bob Fenner> Yellow Tang Died I had a Yellow Tang die recently, I had it for six months and it appeared fine, looked healthy and was eating. It's illness came on very rapidly and it lost most of it's color then it refused to eat. Can you tell me what you think happened to it, it had no visible external diseases and all my tests indicated everything was alright in my tank. <Likely a cumulative nutritional disorder... very common with this species (and other tangs)... due often to the "urban-myth" of feeding them terrestrial greens like the nutritionally zero lettuces... A related possibility is the loss of gut fauna from exposure to copper, other medications, that kill off the necessary microbes in their "stomachs"... Does any of this sound familiar? There are other less likely causes of mortality... internal parasites, genetic defects... Bob Fenner> Re: Yellow Tang Mortality Bob: Thanks for the reply. Three follow up questions: 1) Why do the tangs look good when I get them? <Appearances can, indeed be deceiving... there is a time lag between the copper poisoning and its resultant effects... We are "species centric" in our understanding... subjectively comparing our current experiences with those of the past... as homeotherms (warm blooded animals if you will) we are accustomed to A influence leading almost consecutively to be consequence... The world, universe is much broader my friend... Fishes show subsequences sometimes weeks, months, years later> 2) What do you mean by destroying gut fauna? 3) Is there anything I can do to save my current tang, i.e. special diet, medication, etc.? Steve <Surgeonfishes have a mix of microbes, bacteria, Protozoans... more that like E. coli in our intestines, or better, similar organisms in termites allowing them to utilize cellulose... With loss of these obligate co-digesters, the animal hosts suffer from nutritional deficiencies... Where do the Surgeonfishes et al. pick up these helpers? From ingestion in the wild (sediment, detritus, fecal pellets... Perhaps having a not-too clean system, with other healthy Tangs would re-seed the impugned fishes guts. Bob Fenner> Lines on Yellow Tang Dear Bob, When it arrived, I gave the yellow tang a dip with R/O water with pH and temperature adjusted to 8.2 and 77. <Okay... something like this in its shipping water we presume...> It's been 4 days in the quarantine tank (10 gallons of water from the sump of the main system, no detectable chemicals, sp. gr. 1.022, w/Skilter, small powerhead, and a chunk of well seasoned live rock.) <Sounds about right> Every other day I replace 25% with water from the main system. He has eaten very well since the first day, Spirulina flake and grape Caulerpa from the rock I gave him (he cleaned it off in one day). <Good> Perhaps because of my neophyte status I am overly concerned because the fish has irregular lines on its face and forehead which might be "erosion". Is this normal? If not, what should I do about it? While I have not yet needed them, I have a supply of all the chemicals suggested in your CMA book. <Probably no problem here... this species does display discernible "markings" to a careful observer as yourself... when stressed, tired, at night/dark... No worries due to its overall good behavior.> As always, your help is appreciated. Howard <Thank you my friend. Bob Fenner> Sick Tang: Our Yellow Tang has been in the tank for almost 2 years. Over the past month or so, we have noticed that the top of his spine, when raised, is no longer smooth. Is this a sign of injury or disease? <A disease, yes... in a general sense... likely mostly borne of "old age", less than satisfactory water quality, a lack of some nutritional component or more, or... a combination of these and other influences... many things might help... Selcon to soak its food in... using Nori sheet as that food... growing Caulerpa et al macro-algae to feed it and improve water quality (in an algal filter as detailed on the site: www.WetWebMedia.com...> I see no other signs of illness and he still behaves normally. [I've been feeding Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies (purple), HBH Soft & Moist Large Pellets Krill, and Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets (mainly for the goby, but the Tang nibbles on them). Sometimes, I give them frozen brine shrimp. And sometimes, I soak the food in Kent Zoe before feeding them. Does this seem to be deficient? Is Nori sheet something I'd get at an Asian market? <Yes to the Nori being available from the Asian markets... that's where Jules and co. get theirs... And the Zoe should be fine... but do look for and add iodine/iodide every other day (just a drop of any preparation for pet-fish use) to the food as well... this will help> I will look into the algal filter you referred me to. Thanks. John <Very good. Bob Fenner> Yellow Tang Turning Red. Why???? Hi, I am new to this hobby,
6 months and unfortunately have not heard of you but the great people
at ReefCentral message board told me to ask you this question. Here is
the thread to what has been said I would appreciate it if you can take
a look at it and tell me what you think:
www.reefcentral.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?threadid=20967 <Hmm,
many good suggestions offered here... on the why's of your Yellow
Tang being "reddish"... Do agree that this sort of
"petecchial" markings are often directly related to poor
water quality, nutritional deficiencies, possible bacterial problems
internally... and the suggested choices for improvement: pre-mixing and
storing your new synthetic seawater, improving diet.... I would do both
of these, suggest you soak Nori, other human-intended algae in a
vitamin preparation like Selcon... ahead of offering... Possibly add a
Cleaner organism as well... Please do read over the "Yellow
Tang", "Environmental Disease",
"Foods/Feeding/Nutrition" sections and FAQs on our website:
www.WetWebMedia.com for background, and hopefully something's there
will jog your memory/observations as to primary causes.> Thank you
very much and I hope to learn about you and info from you. Thanks
again, Brian a.k.a. stars360 <Bob Fenner> More then HLLE? Dear Mr. Fenner, I am wondering if you can help me understand something I have read in your book about Yellow Tangs. I have a 80 gallon reef aquarium, 20 gallon sump/refugium. Berlin Skimmer, 70 pounds of live rock. The only fish who calls it home is my yellow tang. My water quality after months of fiddling around has reached a perfect balance. No stray voltage (had it tested.) I am treated this tang for HLLE by way of Zoe vitamin supplements and Iodine. It is a slow process but thanks to your web sites support, as well as your book, I feel I have made progress. <Ah, good to read of your continuing progress> My question to you is about a passage in your book about an unwanted variety of yellow tang. A yellow-white morph. the kind that has the white band across the body and is rather startling to see at night. The tang I have now falls into that description. A gift from my husband who knew I wanted a tang for many years, and now he is having a guilt problem thinking he (the tang) is a sickly doomed fish. I wonder if you could go into further detail about what causes this. <Very, very likely what you are observing is "fright", night coloration... not the novel genetic anomaly mentioned in CMA> Is it the same factors as HLLE? <No> If not is there anything I might do to benefit this fish? <Certainly. Most any/all things that benefit water quality, nutrition, the mental/emotional well-being of this animal and its tankmates. Principally the addition of live rock and macro-algae here... Or in a tied-in sump/refugium... would stabilize water quality, add foods... Please read over this and related sections on our site: http://wetwebmedia.com/yellowtf.htm> The tangs I see at the fish store are a golden yellow (going by the Crayola crayon color scale) and mine is a pale lemon yellow. I hope that if you are able you could send an answer or direct me to a book or web site that could help. Any advice is so very welcome. <Yours color will come back... through an understanding of the underlying causes of such loss... water conditions, nutrition. As stated, please read through the WWM site> Pictures of the Tang can be provided as well. Also I must add the white band that runs across her body is visible during the day (4X96 watt power compact lights). Thank you, Chris <Your intelligence and caring show through your writing. You will be successful. Bob Fenner> Yellow tang Hello Bob, I hope that you may be able to help me. I have kept a yellow tang for a year now. He is huge! :) I feed him all kinds of food stuffs and soaked in Selcon four times a week. He feeds of most of the things grown in my refugium. I have a concern about him though. I noticed this morning that along all of his fins it looks like the skin is thickening in patches. I can send a picture if that would help. I don't know what it might be. <Perhaps just "growth". Would like to see an image.> It doesn't seem to be bothering him. Swimming and eating like normal. I don't know what Ich looks like on a fish, only what it is described to be. Maybe I am wrong about him and should get him to QT tank. <I would not move this fish> I have added some new damselfish about four weeks ago so I am wondering if it is a delayed stress reaction or those fish gave him a present. I do have a neon goby that has been cleaning him. Could it be that my tang is irritated by being cleaned? <Possibly this or as you speculate, some part due to the new damsels> I hope you can help! I can send a picture if that would help! Owan <Please do. Bob Fenner> Yellow Tang Dear Mr. Fenner, Let my say first off how much
your last email meant to me. I hope you remember, sick tang, lost the
job & my best friend. You gave me some advice that has made a
difference in the past few days. Thank you. <Indeed, a pleasure to
be of service.> I think I am able to take the latest development
with my yellow tang far better because of your advice. :) I have a
picture as an attachment to this email of her fin. Three holes (sorry
if the pic is fuzzy) at the top. You can't see it in the pic but it
is starting on her bottom fin as well. <Ah yes... can see it in the
next/attached mail. Not Ich, but "rapid growth" to
"blame" here. Have seen this sort of missing bits of fins
often... in the wild, and in collecting this species. Nothing to worry
about.> I still have not ruled out Ich, but no white spots all about
so I am wondering. I would think it was some kind of infection. I
checked the water quality but besides my low Alk all is well. I have
never tested for iodine. I will go to my LFS and see if that might help
her. She has been on Zoe & Zoecon twice a week for months. I get
some Macro algae from a friends tank to help her out. She eats Nori and
brine shrimp too. Formula 1 & all over my 80lbs of live rock. I
will go out and charge for a QT if you think it will do her a service.
Two other thoughts have run through my mind as well. One is that I
added a bubble coral about two weeks ago. Could the stress cause that?
Or a bump in the night against it's stinging fingers? Also I have a
cleaner shrimp. A nip from it maybe? <Perhaps, but once again, this
will heal/grow in place on its own with your good care and time going
by> I called my LFS and they have a neon goby for sale that I have
put on hold. Would it be too much stress on my tang, or a good help to
any possible problems? <Of benefit> So sorry for the long
letter!! Take care and I hope to hear from you soon. I'm off for an
interview. :) Libby Nickas <Good luck, life my friend. Bob
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