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For Bob: Transship Clams
8/10/13 Exporter of Giant Clams
5/18/13 clam broker?
2/24/10 Business, Vietnam, SW fish,
invert.s 12/18/09 Clams; comm. avail.
9/6/09 Re: clams 9/7/09 New Customer From Bob
Fenner 9/9/09 Fish Head
9/13/09 Caribbean marine fish supplier & Marshall Island Clam Supplier – 04/22/07 Hi All We are a company of consolidators Based in the UK. We have been trying for quite some time to establish a good supplier of Caribbean Marine fish and inverts including Ricordea and Zoanthids. <Mmmm... not easy to find... you might want to look for a "deal" with a culturist here... Ricordeas are not to be had out of much of the TWA and the Zoanthids... too large, too "stuck on" natural substrates to collect economically... Maybe check with Dick Perrin/Tropicorium...> Also a good supplier of all Species of Tridacna clams from a reputable source from the Marshall Islands. <Mmm, "no room at the inn" here... The supply is all spoken for... tied up... as far as I'm aware> We are asked on a daily Basis by our customers for these supplies, But at this time we have been helpless to get the Specific item's in any great quantity to satisfy our customer's requirements. <Well... perhaps a go out to these areas yourself... attending the larger trade shows (Aquarama in Sing... out to China in Nov... the Interzoo next year in May...) with folks who know... and will introduce you (as fellow attendees... the people in the collecting and Tridacnid culture biz will not be vendors...> We do have a source for some of these items, But we are going through another Transhipper in the US and at this time only get small quantities of the Caribbean Fish and inverts. With very small amounts of Ricordea and Zoanthids. Nowhere near the amounts that are customers require. Your help on Both these subjects would most certainly be appreciated. I thank you for your time and are hopeful that you can guide me in the right direction. Regards Barry Swales. MD. BK. Aquatics. England. <Much to relate... Are you a member of the OFI? The FTFFA? I would be asking the admin. of these groups, their constituents for help here... Do use the correct spelling of the names of the organisms you're seeking... Bob Fenner> Clam
importation 12/30/06 Hello Mr. Fenner, <Robert> I would
like to set up a small clam facility here in Canada for
commercial purposes and I would appreciate if you can guide
me to a some clam exporters. Thank you Robert Jones <Mmm... well...
how to begin another one of these conversations...? Let's see...
how large a facility, business do you intend... initially? How many
pieces (individuals referred to as such in the trade), boxes per
shipment can/will you handle... How many of what size Tridacnids do you
believe you'll be able to move? I strongly encourage you to try
"walking" before "running" here... Buying from
"good" wholesalers... and re-selling locally (or nationally
in Canada) before trying transshipping, buying more directly from
"farms" (there is a slippery scale of wild-collectors to
actual culturists in/out of the sea...). I would contact the bigger
players in and about Los Angeles here/now. Sea Dwelling Creatures (Eric
Cohen there), Pacific Aqua Farms (Dave Palmer there), Quality Marine
(Robert Macias there)... these companies are listed in industry
Buyer's Guides... and have websites. Bob Fenner> Tridacna clams...
aquaculture 12/16/06 Hi Bob, I am trying to breed
Tridacna clams in my farm in Vietnam. Do you help me the Tridacna
clam's breeding process, or where I can have it. Best Regard, Trung
<Mmm, there are "standard works" in this field... Look for
the names Gerald Heslinga, James Fatherree... and folks who will
travel/consult with you on site re... do you intend to make this an
intensive (on land) operation, or more extensive... growing out your
stock in the sea? If you'd like, we can discuss various aspects of
this process here... through a course of emails. Bob
Fenner> Thomas Lage clam
exporter 03/07/06 Dear Bob. <Ryan> My name is
Ryan Lalande Importer in Ontario Canada. I am in a situation and i was
looking for some expert advise. This is a clam exporter known as Thomas
Lage. i am sure you know him, he is in Germany and exports clams (
Australian cultured clams i believe) out of Germany. needless to say i
sent him 4000 dollars for a clam shipment, and now have lost contact
with him. it has been 7 days with no email. i just decided to call him
today and no answer. its is around 4.30 - 5 in Germany right now so
many he shop is closed for the day. <Maybe... or on travel> my
question to you is, have you ever heard of this problem occurring
before with this Thomas Lage. i have heard of instances where he has
not paid his suppliers for whatever reason, however i didn't think
he had any problems with his buying customers. needless to say i am
rather worried and looking for any information anyone might
have. also if you happen to have any information about legal ways to
deal with this problem that would be fantastic. And finally if you
happen to have any information regarding other good sources to import
clams from other then Vietnam i would appreciate it. thank you very
much for you time Ryan Lalande Where's The Reef? Inc <I'm
unfamiliar with the company... But have fine friends that are quite
familiar with the tridacnid trade. Am asking Eric Cohen of Sea Dwelling
Creatures, Barry Neigut of Clams Direct and James Fatherree who is
about finishing an aquarium book on the family if they have input here.
If they don't respond to you directly, do please write me back. Bob
Fenner> Clam source... 2/10/06 Dear Sir I looking for a address of Tridacna farms in marshal island. for derasa -maxima-squamosa and crocea .I want import approximately 1000 pc.s per month in Europe. Thanks a lot for your time Best regards David <... Are you a member of OFI? The farms I am familiar with are not seeking new customers. Bob Fenner> Yes we are member of OFI the name of our company is N'guyen international-tropic international our mail is info@tropic-nguyen.com and we are wholesaler and transhipper. David <I see... please put the terms: "Tridacna farms in Marshall islands" in Google... Bob Fenner> Giant Clam Biz 9/7/05 Ia Orana Bob, <Good health to you> Getting back to you about my Tridacna import project for Europe: After trying to deal with Jennifer from Belau Aquaculture who suddenly stopped communicating with me after having shown a lot of interest, I got in touch with Warren Ching in Pohnpei who also seemed very motivated and who even mailed us some info & pictures of his facilities over there; after a month without a word from him, I contacted Tom Bowling, the new manager for MIMF / Ultraclams in the Marshall Islands, who tells me he is ready to send us export CITES with which we can finally attempt to get import CITES for France; if this is the case, I'll be planning a trip to the Marshalls to visit him very shortly. <Good> Any suggestions you might have on this project and/or on MIMF/Ultraclams in the Marshall Islands are more than welcome. <Don't have much to say, but am cc'ing Barry Neigut and James Fatherree here for their input> I have another question for you: Do you know anything about Sea of Cortez endemic species & suppliers ? <Was actually one of these over time past... as far as I'm aware there is currently no one doing collecting, ex/importing from this vast area... more government than reality> Best regards, Patrick E. Corsi International Sales Manager Aquatic Tranship 2208 route de Grasse 06600 Antibes France Tel. 04 93 74 50 02 Fax 04 93 74 50 32 Email : patrick.aquatictranship@wanadoo.fr <Bob Fenner> Shipping Clams and Euphyllia Propagation 8/31/05 Hello Crew! <Fred> You've been helpful with my previous questions, and I'm hoping you may have some insights or thoughts on a couple of quandaries that are pestering me tonight! I've been shipping out clams lately via 2-day shipments (with 100% success rates thus far!...knock on wood), and a recent "issue" got me thinking. Generally these are clams in the 3-4" range that I ship out in small 4x8" Kordon breathing bags. I would guess there's maybe a cup of water in each one. I'm sure you're familiar with the bags, so I won't go into detail. <Do know this Novalek product> Though every one has made it just fine, the most recent shipment arrived in a broken bag and mostly dry, though there was still moisture in the bag due to packing with a lot of newspaper as well. This clam was also just fine upon arrival. <Are very tough animals> This got me thinking: since the clams retain water while they're closed up, would it make sense (or not?) to perhaps wrap a rubber band around the clam so it would only be able to open up a little? <Mmm, I would not do this> The last clam that broke through the bag has a couple of sharp edges on its shell, and I'm sure it was the clam opening up quickly in transit that popped the bag. <Or just it rolling about> I'm not sure how long a clam can remain closed...I would assume there would be some sort of breathing activity necessary? <Yes> I wouldn't want to stop this during shipment (obviously). Your thoughts? Is it a worthwhile method to attempt?? <Not IMO> My second question is about Euphyllia propagation. We have two corals (E. paradivisa and E. glabrescens) in our 24g nano-cube that continuously form buds around the base of the larger polyps. They eventually float away never to be seen again... <?> but I'm starting to feel guilty about letting all these polyps go to waste! <I don't think these are Euphyllia polyps> What would be the proper way to collect and mount these? There is no skeleton on any of them that I can tell, so I'm not sure if they would glue down very well. My other though is some netting over a simple plug of some sort. I consulted Anthony's book but wasn't able to find any specific information on them. <I will cc him here re> The frogspawn alone puts out 6-8 polyps a week or so, and I think these would be excellent candidate for aquaculture if I can figure out a method to save and grow them. Looking for a little insight on the subject if you can provide any. Once again, many thanks! Fred <Bob Fenner> Shipping Clams and Euphyllia Propagation 9.2.05 <<Anthony's input>> Hello Crew! <Fred> You've been helpful with my previous questions, and I'm hoping you may have some insights or thoughts on a couple of quandaries that are pestering me tonight! I've been shipping out clams lately via 2-day shipments (with 100% success rates thus far!...knock on wood), <<FWIW... 2-day on livestock in general is tolerable for some species, but not a good habit at all. Especially in cases of additional delay or inclement weather>> and a recent "issue" got me thinking. Generally these are clams in the 3-4" range that I ship out in small 4x8" Kordon breathing bags. I would guess there's maybe a cup of water in each one. I'm sure you're familiar with the bags, so I won't go into detail. <Do know this Novalek product> <<dreadful for shipping corals and spiny marine fishes, of which there are many. Novel idea, but inherently flimsy to be effective (breathing)>> Though every one has made it just fine, the most recent shipment arrived in a broken bag and mostly dry, though there was still moisture in the bag due to packing with a lot of newspaper as well. This clam was also just fine upon arrival. <Are very tough animals> This got me thinking: since the clams retain water while they're closed up, would it make sense (or not?) to perhaps wrap a rubber band around the clam so it would only be able to open up a little? <Mmm, I would not do this> <<yes... what he said. Yikes>> The last clam that broke through the bag has a couple of sharp edges on its shell, and I'm sure it was the clam opening up quickly in transit that popped the bag. <Or just it rolling about> <<Agreed.. the clam opening did not do it... the bags are weak and the shipping rough along the way>> I'm not sure how long a clam can remain closed...I would assume there would be some sort of breathing activity necessary? <Yes> I wouldn't want to stop this during shipment (obviously). Your thoughts? Is it a worthwhile method to attempt?? <Not IMO> My second question is about Euphyllia propagation. We have two corals (E. paradivisa and E. glabrescens) in our 24g nano-cube that continuously form buds around the base of the larger polyps. They eventually float away never to be seen again... <?> <<the coral forms these buds on healthy colonies and if the large polyp head above it is damaged or chomped (often so in the wild), then there are ready and waiting buds to grow if/when they are exposed to more light and water flow. But when the polyps above it are large and healthy, the buds abate (wax and wane really) or get aborted>> but I'm starting to feel guilty about letting all these polyps go to waste! <I don't think these are Euphyllia polyps> What would be the proper way to collect and mount these? <<some aquarists carve them off with a paring knife and let the tiny polyps settle in cups with tiles or reef plugs). If the polyp is large enough, you can also handle it with tweezers and super glue it with a dab upon rock>> There is no skeleton on any of them that I can tell, so I'm not sure if they would glue down very well. <<cup settlement for these>> My other thought is some netting over a simple plug of some sort. I consulted Anthony's book but wasn't able to find any specific information on them. <I will cc him here re> The frogspawn alone puts out 6-8 polyps a week or so, and I think these would be excellent candidate for aquaculture if I can figure out a method to save and grow them. << we demonstrate this in workshops if you make it out to a hobby club conference... MACNA is coming up next in DC Sept 2005 (see MASNA.org)>> Looking for a little insight on the subject if you can provide any. Once again, many thanks! Fred <Bob Fenner> <<Anthony Calfo>> Re: Shipping Clams and Euphyllia Propagation 9/9/05 Hi guys, <Have sent your query along to Antoine as well> I realize it's been a busy week, but I just wanted to touch base to see if you had any more insights on these frogspawn floaters...I'm letting a few every week go, hoping I can maybe do something with them! Thanks! Fred <You did see Anthony's input, archived here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clambizfaqs.htm He does think these are offspring from your Caryophylliid> Subject: Hi Bob, <Fred> Thanks so much for the help. I'll take your advice on shipping the clams and won't mess with a good thing right now. <Good> With regards to the Euphyllia, when you say you don't think they're Euphyllia polyps, do you mean they're something else completely, or not likely polyps? I've attached a picture for you here. <Unfortunately, not here...> They are definitely from the two Euphyllia corals, that much I'm 100% sure on. Well, after a few pics, the best are attached (yet another argument for me getting a macro lens!). I found one BIG piece in the back of the tank. Since I never saw how it got there, I can't say whether it was pinched off by something or extruded, or simply fell off. Your thoughts? <Could be a "recruit" from your main colony... do break off...> They're not the best pictures, but I think you should be able to see the two polyp buds forming at the base of one of the larger polyps. These are what seem to end up floating around in the tank, though now maybe I'm not so sure after seeing the rather large piece in the back. Can these buds be propagated successfully? <Yes> They're maybe 2-3mm tall right now, and I can't tell if they've got any sort of skeleton yet, but it intrigues me nonetheless. BTW, the "baby polyp" picture is what appears to be one of the buds. I know for sure it's from the Frogspawn, but whether it's one of the buds (I know they're improperly called anthocauli, but you get the idea) or simply a piece that came off, as I theorized before. It would be wonderful if I could add these guys to my current repertoire of Sarcophyton sp., various Zoanthids, Xenia, Cerith snails, etc... Thanks again! Fred <Would "grow up" and see... I had initially thought these were likely planulated hydrozoans... now I'm more inclined to think they are asexual buddings of the Euphyllia. Bob Fenner> Still looking for commercial source/s of Tridacnids Ia Orana Bob, <And to you my friend> Hope you're having a good summer. We talked a while back about Tridacna with cites for the European market, and I started communicating with Jennifer Sugiyama from Belau Aquaculture, but for some reason I have been unable to reach her for the past month, she doesn't answer emails, and I'm starting to wonder if she really wants to do business (maybe business is too good); so I'm looking for other potential suppliers, but no chance so far; any leads? Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands,? I keep getting offers from Viet-Nam, but they want to send me crocea, maxima, squamosa & write derasa on the cites, and I really don't want to get into that. So if you have the time, any info is more than welcome. Best regards, Patrick E. Corsi Aquatic Transship <Will again ask friends Barry Neigut and James Fatherree if they can help here. Nana, Bob Fenner> Response to: Still looking for commercial source/s of Tridacnids 6-28-05 Patrick, Vietnam has CITES, so I don't know why they are telling you that? Might try this person. Warren C. Puas Local Products P.O. box 190 Kolonia, Pohnpei fm 96941 Tel: (691) 320-5041 Cel:(691)920-4627 And this one as well. http://www.songnamco.com Hope this helps. Barry www.clamsdirect.com Clams from the source/s Hi Bob We are a Wholesaler of corals in the UK, just found your site , looking for a supplier of clams, to the UK, London. would appreciate any help you could give us, thanks very much John Sam Marine World <Have cc'd Barry Neigut of ClamsDirect here in the hope he will respond, help you. Bob Fenner> Ia Orana Mr. Fenner, <Hello to you my friend> I'm writing to you because I want to import ornamental Tridacna for the European market, and from what I've read on the internet, you seem to be the person to talk to. <Maybe... as a person to refer others to/from> But first let me introduce myself: My name is Patrick Corsi, I am part French-part Greek; I was born & raised in Athens, Greece, earned an M.A In Pol.Sci/ Intl. Rel. in California, moved to Maui for 5 years, and then to Moorea, French Polynesia for 15 years, where I worked in the cultured pearl industry. I have now moved to the south of France where I work with a friend who started a transshipping business 3 years ago. I want to make sure the farms we deal with are reliable & do not use any illegal fishing or farming methods. As you surely know, we need CITES papers for imports into Europe, so even though certain countries (i.e. Viet-Nam) <Yes> have the required export papers, we can't import from there to France. Furthermore, even though I am in the business to make some cash like everybody else, I would like this venture to have a positive social & environmental impact on the place we deal with; that is why I would rather collaborate with small Indo-Pacific island -nation businesses, where economic opportunities other than aquaculture are almost non-existent. <Good> I have heard of Belau Aquaculture in Palau; do you have any opinion of them? <They have had some spotty folks, incidents over the years, but the current outfit seems honest, competent> Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience, Best regards, Patrick E. Corsi Aquatic Transship Tel. 04 93 74 05 02 Fax 04 93 74 05 32 <If there is much money involved, I strongly encourage your visiting the various sites, and DO consider negotiating with the (national) airlines involved... and possibly piggybacking orders (with others in/out of the trade) for regular full container rates. Bob Fenner> Wholesalers in Canada 1/29/05 Thanks for taking the time to read my email. I am starting a new coral and clam retail business, and am desperately trying to find wholesaler of clams and corals in Canada. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. <I just replied to a similar question for a chap overseas... do see my reply below> There is a lot of demand in Canada for quality clams, and I would love to be able to bring some in. Also do you have any idea what the general minimum orders for clams are? <extremely high... several thousand clams often so. The clam farmers are protecting their biggest distributors (rightly so) by strong-arming the small dealers into heeding industry price points. This keeps everyone in business and doesn't hamstring the big wholesalers by selling at the same prices to their (retailer) customers> Thanks, Mike <my best advice if for you to subscribe to some trade journals like Pet Age, Pet Business or Pet Supplies Marketing... you will get indices of industry merchants in them and can pick from many of the wholesalers in the US and around the world that may be able to supply you. Best of luck, Anthony> Looking for Livestock suppliers 1/29/05 Hi Bob <Anthony Calfo in his stead> Found your website just yesterday , We are a importer trying to find a supplier of maxima clams and Acropora Corals ,would be grateful if you can help. Thanks very much. Best Regards, Hassan Shabir <my best advice if for you to subscribe to some trade journals like Pet Age, Pet Business or Pet Supplies Marketing... you will get indices of industry merchants in them and can pick from many of the wholesalers in the US and around the world that may be able to supply you. Best of luck, Anthony> Looking for Tridacna Clams-or seeds Hello Bob, my name is Michael from Miko-Marine in Berlin, we're an importer for corals and inverts in Germany. I've got one question: Can you tell me some sources or Tridacna farms in the pacific ocean where I can order Tridacna-clams or Tridacna seeds who can export to Europe? <Can help direct you to folks who might be able to help you. Gerald Heslinga of Indo-Pacific Sea Farms (http://www.ipsf.com/) and Barry Neigut of Clamsdirect.com (I've cc'ed him here, see above) should know where to look next. Good luck, life. Bob Fenner> Thanks and best regards Michael Miko-Marine Pannwitzstr.79a D-13403 Berlin - Germany - tel. 0049 176 26098337 fax. 0049 30 40912406 e-mail: Miko-Marine@gmx.de Vietnam supplier >Dear Sir/Madam, We are from SongNam Co., LTD in Vietnam. Our company specializes in supplying kinds of Tridacna, Crocea, Maxima, Squamosa.. that have two main colors :green & blue. Besides We have a lot of Marine Fishes, Soft Corals anemone, live rock, sea-star & trifling-coral-Trifling-corals used to filter water in tank. At present We have a large farm to be located in a Island. We can supply them with the large quantity, beautiful color & strong. If you need to buy them, please contact us by mail: info@songnamco.com Best wishes to you Huy Khanh >>Thank you for the information, will be placed on our Daily FAQs page. Marina Giant clam source Dear Sir/Madam, <Hello to you> We are from SongNam Co., LTD in Vietnam. Our company specializes in supplying kinds of Tridacna, Crocea, Maxima, Squamosa..that have two main colors :green& blue. Besides we have a lot of Marine Fishes, Soft Corals anemone, live rock, sea-star &trifling-coral-Trifling-coralish used to filter water in tank At present We have a large farm to be located in a Island. We can supply them with the large quantity, beautiful color &strong. If you need to buy them, please contact us by mail: info@songnamco.com Best wishes to you <Thank you for your note. Will share, post on WetWebMedia.com. Bob Fenner> Huy Khanh Re: Clams Bob and Perry, Here
is a connection in Vietnam where I am sure they can export to
Singapore. info@songnamco.com Hay Khanh. T. Crocea, T. Squamosa and T.
Maxima. Hope this helps. Cheers, Barry www.clamsdirect.com
Follow Up (visit in Sing., looking for Ricordea floridae and Tridacnids) Hi Bob <Edwin!> Nice meeting you the other day. I trust that you have by now rested from the trip. <Yes... somewhat. Thank you again for taking the time to share with us re your business> Anyway, below are my contact information, please forward these to the Ricordea culture and also if possible a clam jobber/wholesaler. <Am going to first cc Barry Neigut (the gentleman I mentioned who owns, operates ClamsDirect(.com) for his input. He's coming over for lunch and chatting this very day> Been looking for real show grade stuff for quite some time already. Can get at least 100 ricos polyps or 200 clams at one go, if they are real show stuff. <Amazing> Name: Edwin Lam Contact number: +65 98582018 Email: lamcy@i2r.a-star.edu.sg Thanks for the help and do let me know if you are dropping by in the region again. <Will do so. Hello to Perry. Bob Fenner> Best Rgds Edwin Lam Barry's ClamsDirect E-Biz (note: add link to Mar. Subweb, Tridacnid f') http://www.clamsdirect.homestead.com/Index1~ns4.html We up and running..... Barry www.clamsdirect.net <Congrats! Will post to WetWebMedia Marine Links and "Giant Clam" pages. Bob Fenner> Re: Barry's ClamsDirect E-Biz (note: add link to Mar. Subweb, Tridacnid f') Thanks Bob for your support. Thing have started off better than I could imagine. LOTS of work just answering all the e-mails but I have turn some of them into customers. <Good to hear> Haven't seen Scott in a while but have been up there several times buying clams. I have really gotten some nice stuff. Hope Scott's see the business that I am doing with SDC. <He does or will soon enough> Thanks for the link. Best Regards. Barry <You're welcome. Excelsior! Bob Fenner> Clams (Tridacnid biz) Hi Bob, It was nice to see you at the last meeting. Randy has a nice tank. <Very nice> Ok, here's the deal. I need your help. I am setting up a clam tank so that I can obtain clams and then sell them to reefer for a reasonable price, not these prices that some of these LFS are selling them for. Example a 2" Maxima for 59.00 to 89.00. <Mmm, there are valid reasons for this sort of retail pricing... as you will soon learn> I have real passion for clams and would enjoy doing this in my spare time. I client already. <Okay> Do you know where I can find a importer that I can have clams shipped direct to me via LAX. I know some people that are getting there clams from Marshal Island but he will not give me his connection. I will have all the proper permits and such. <Let me send this around to a few friends in the trade for their response to you... Do contact me if you hear from no one. Be seeing you. Bob Fenner> I hope that you can provide me with information. Best Regards. Barry What's new from Barry at ClamsDirect Hi Friend, <Hey Bar> Just a note to say hi and see how you were doing. <Howdy, fine> Am working on that tank project that I discussed with you and going to look at the prototype today. Have several hobbyist that are interested in it as well as some LFS that are willing to carry it for us. Still have to do some number crunching before going on the market. You impute is always welcome as you have been in this trade before I was born. <G> <Sounds good> Last week we finished our gathering of numbers and was pleasantly surprised with results which I will share with you in person. Shipping results, survival of clams and other interesting facts. <Okay> Will the book be released on time? I know that you guys have been working very hard to meet your deadline. <G> <Think it will be delayed...hopefully by not long> Still trying VERY hard to put this trip together in the Marshall Island this summer. Have talked with Rod and he will have to discuss it with their CEO and attorneys as they are concerned about trade secrets and such. Conveyed to him that I am not interested in trade secrets as this will be an educational trip for me and the film footage will be used for the purpose educating the hobbyist better on how to care for the animals and see how they are farmed plus increase my knowledge as well so I can answer questions in a intelligent manner. <Good> Chatted with Paul Mansur yesterday and he says to tell you hi. <Hi to Paul> Tell Diana hi for me and I will place another order as I am getting low on KoralVit. <Will do so> Best Regards, Barry www.clamsdirect.com <Bob F> New Book and Clam Coverage Does the new "Reef Invertebrates" book have a significant amount of information on clams? <I don't know what you mean by significant, but I can tell you that we feel that we have given a good broad coverage of the topic. It takes up 14 full-size pages with text and images in its current edited form.> I saw that they are addressed in there but most books that mention clams don't do much more than simply mention them. <It does not have the detailed coverage of say Daniel Knops "Giant Clams" but still a good piece of selection criteria, pests & predators, size accommodation, general care, placement, feeding, compatibility, etc.> I am a reef fanatic but clams are my passion. I am looking forward to ordering an autographed copy of the new book. I love www.WetWebMedia.com and I like your works that I have already read so I have high hopes for this book. <As do we.> Is there a cutoff date for preordering the signed copies? <We have not really discussed this yet, but I would not count on pre-ordering much past the end of the year.> Thanks, Bret Packard <You are welcome. -Steven Pro> The man who sold the world (clams) I already have the picture of the book and I can link it to your pre-order site. <Great> Lorenzo has already said that he/them/whom ever is going to give me/ClamsDirect credit for the pictures that they will use. Needless to say that exposure is great! THANKS GANGS! <See you soon. Bob, the Crip> Barry www.clamsdirect.com The man who sold the world
(clams) By the way, I pre-order my book today from WetWebMedia. If
you and the gang don't mind I would like to display the book on my
web site. Maybe get some more exposure. <Barry... I'm asking the
folks at WWM to present you with a copy for your help, use of your
pix... and to send (NOW!) our ad/link for posting on your site (if you
will). And... to include your and your co.s name credit in the text
(this REALLY helps). Bob F> Barry
Educational video (Tridacnid Clam culture) Hi Bob, You are most likely on some dive somewhere in the world. Tough life :) <Not at this moment Barry... am home in San Diego> Taking your advise I am going to start spending more time in the field but have to leave enough time for Clams Direct. Planning on attending IMAC and MACNA as a exhibitor this coming year. Looking forward to doing that. <Good idea> Maybe you can pass this note on to some of your contact. Would love to visit some clam farms to take some video's of the raising of aquacultured clams and possible obtain some information regarding such. This material would be used strictly for educational material. Have been asked to make some presentation at some of the reef clubs and share some idea's on how to better keep clams successfully. Have a video by Simon Ellis, " Spawning and Early Larval Rearing of Giant Clams" which I have used in the presentations. If visiting a clam farm would not be available to me then I would be more than happy to pay for someone to make such a video. <Will ask about...> Any help would be much appreciated as always. <Let's try to stay in touch re trips out to the areas where culture is going on... best to "go there", and really to "shoot your own" footage.> Best Regards, <Bob Fenner> Barry Re: Educational video Yes I would rather shoot my own footage but having problems finding a farm that will allow me to do that. The farms that SDC uses I am going to have Erik asked them as I don't have their names. As you know everything appears to be "Secret" <It is indeed> LOL Have found that out this past year and half. Going to see Walt next week and maybe he can have someone contact me. <He can. Bob Fenner> Best Regards, Barry www.clamsdirect.com RE: Educational video Hey there Bobbie, <Hi Eric> Scottie is at the Angels game, but I happen to be using his computer tonight. <He'll be out whooping it up> I hope all is well for you and your wife. Chicago trade show went down very nicely and we had some great fun with the "trade show gang". <As usual> I hope to see you around LA soon. Keep in touch, Eric <Will try to visit> P.S All Barry has to do is ask and he can go anywhere he wants. I would be happy to set him up to visit the Marshall's farm....he buys mostly their clams anyway. I am sure Rod would be happy to show him around. I think he is just doing fine with the knowledge he has. He has great customer service and provides his customers with some excellent clams. <Yes. Please make this known to Barry... he seems a very nice fellow, and the "P.R." would do the trade good I merit. Be seeing you, Bob F> Cya around. Recent developments in Singapore Hi Bob A Tropical marine Institute has been set up in Singapore. They are trying to raise clams and seahorses. Here is a link from the local newspapers http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg/cybernews/0,1874,,00.html? <Hope they've contacted others in the field... this has all been done, and is being done now by others. Bob Fenner> Perry Tridacna (commercial) Hi ! I just found your website in the net. I am an importer for Marinelife in Germany but I am looking for an exporter of Tridacna clams. As you are a "master of Tridacna" :-)) maybe you know some good sources. I would be very thankful if you could provide some information. Thanks a lot. <Thank you for your note. I will bcc it to friends/associates in the trade who deal with Giant Clams and ask that they respond directly to you. Bob Fenner> Regards, THOMAS LAGE www.thomas-lage.de Re: Tridacna Thx a lot for your reply and your support. I hope i will be receive some information as soon as possible. Have a nice day..# <Danke. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Thomas Lage - Germany - Dave Palmer contact Bob, have corresponded with Anthony a few times. Saw on your WWM site of a Dave palmer, who looks to be an importer/transhipper. Could you pass his contact info (email or phone) to me. <Mmm, could but don't. I will forward a message by you to others... it's up to them if they want to communicate with others> Also, did you get that Amazon contribution from me ? Don't know if that went through or not. Thanks Ed <You're raising MikeK's blood pressure (who monitors such things), but yes. Thank you, Bob Fenner> Re: Dave Palmer contact Well, you can pass this information along as well. We're debating bringing in 100+ giant clams as an additional supply for some of the stores I deal with. The debate is whether to get our own US F&W permit and bring them in directly, or to work with a transhipper. Thanks for passing this along. <Ahh! I think I can be of more use to you my friend, than simply making an indirect reference. For this number of clams I would deal with a U.S. intermediary... I will cc your note to friends/associates in the trade, asking if they will please contact you, introduce themselves, their services. For a hundred clams there is no real sense to trying to "DIY" importing them I assure you. If/when you can handle several hundred at a time, on a regular basis... Bob Fenner> Ed Re: Dave Palmer contact (actually a lead for 100 Tridacnids) It is actually several hundred. We plan on doing several hundred to thousand holding/grow-out at any given time, and move on average at least 100-200/month. It will take several weeks/months to stabilize the flow/delivery and everything else. As it is wholesale, margins are small enough as it is, that the only real options are transshipping and/or direct importation. I've already been in contact with a few Mariculture farms overseas and can satisfy their quantities. Just working the numbers from a transshipment point of view as well, and determining viability. <I'm beginning to see. Edward, do we know each other in the trade aside from here? Please understand me... I am guarded re getting folks (or aiding them on the path) into trouble. Have you worked in the industry? In a livestock distribution capacity? I would like to know how I might best help you at this point... two different individuals have sought my assistance re Tridacnids in recent months. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clambizfaqs.htm and the links beyond... for similar input.> Also toying with greenhouse viability/grow out, rather than internal warehousing with MH lighting. <A possibility... many things (well only a handful principally) to consider... the relative costs of build-out, ongoing use/maintenance (energy costs, thermal insulation...), rents... Bob Fenner> Ed Clams Hi Bob, Searched for C-Quest and wasn't able to come up with anything. Is he a exporter? <Oh! This is Bill Addison's old facility (well, the one twice replaced from storms...). Dave bought, runs it... is adding a great deal of variety to the livestock produced there. Do you subscribe to the industry mag.s? You might want to do so... just to keep the "annual buyer's guides" handy> am fairly happy with my supplier but like to keep my options open :) <I understand> How about that lunch? <Most any/every day... come on by in Mira Mesa if you have time. Bob Fenner> Barry Re: Clams Thanks Bob, Are you back in SD? Would love to do lunch or dinner, give me a call sometime. I number is on my site. :) <Am back in SD. Are you going to the WWPSA trade show in Anaheim? We're up there Sunday if you'd like to chat, caravanserai. Maurice and Valesha are going there, Todd Gabriel of Custom Aquatic... a few other friends, associates altogether. Bob Fenner> Regards, Barry Re: Clams Direct, WWN, WWM Bob, Sorry I was mistaken. It is 100.00 for 5,000 banners and 150.00 for 10,000 banners. Some BB get a low as 30.00 per month for rotation of Banners. <Ahh, thanks for the clarification> Regards, Barry <Be seeing you, Bob Fenner> Clams Was planning to attend the trade show but had a commitment already. :( <Rats. A great opportunity missed to meet folks, learn, share, build relationships. Do try to attend business, hobbyist and scientific conferences in the field... really worthwhile> I do have your card, will call you this coming week and hopefully we can meet up. Barry <Real good. Be chatting, eating. Bob Fenner> Re: clam business. Antoine, pls review Hey guys talked some of this over with Steve Pro last night. As of this second the green house idea sounds good but, (always a but huh?) I am not sure if my home sits the right way. Front of house sits southeast and rear of home sits southwest. I am not sure how conducive this would be. Perhaps if Anthony has any free (haha) time maybe he can take a look. I had originally thought about a greenhouse or small addition to back of house, but someone talked me out of it. I am not able to reverse flow right now and change up. When I can brake even (which should be after 3 or 4 orders) I can defiantly envision the green house idea.) Worried about heating and cooling for this idea. <Skylights or "tubes" in the garage would be my route to go at this point/junction. Less cost, time... and more of the same for putting into your actual biz> I am going to have about $3 k invested to get everything up and running. Very small at first. I am getting a 2 x 175 watt halide from Adam at the club for dirt cheap, a calcium reactor he had to repair for cheap, and he is going to build me a skimmer. For all hardware I will have about $1000 into it. <Okay... you would do well to look into a line of credit... this proposition will likely require a few thousand dollars more for working capital, build-out, inventory, advertising...> One of my large expenses is for a professional website very user friendly) it will process sales via credit card visa, mc, discover, Amex in real time and update web page to reflect current inventory. After the initial setup fees (friend of mine) it will cost me about $65 a month to keep site up and running. This fee includes web hosting fee and all credit card processing through advance merchant services. Website once designed will be updated by myself in an easy manor to save further fees. <About the going rate> As far as current setup plans it includes a 50 gallon shallow Rubbermaid tank that should hold about 50 to 60 3" to 4" clams. (Which is the amount Dave Palmer needs me to order to make it worth his while to ship to me wholesale. This will have an additional 70 gallon Rubbermaid sump with deep sand bed of about 7" to 8" of Southdown sand. A Beckett style skimmer maid by Adam C. from the club and a calcium reactor form Adam also. The lighting will be 2 x 175 10 k halides with1 or 2 4foot actinics for supplementation. Thinking one only. There will a shallow sand bed in the 50 gallon trough to help ensure the clams do not attach to the bottom of tub. Larger clams will sit upon pvc cutouts to help ensure this. I am probably going to add an additional 50 gallon trough for more room. Especially if I am going to quarantine. May be tough to hold onto stock and place a much larger order at first. We will have to see where things land. <More water volume is a very good idea> It is going to be a sole proprietorship for tax reasons and ease of getting into. That way I do not need any special permits or tax id numbers. unless you know otherwise) <No, this is the route I would go as well> O well that is about what I have planned for now. looking forward to more advice. Rob Huss <Bob Fenner> Clams (professional correspondence) Hey, Bob just dropping a note to ya. Things are progressing nicely for my small clam adventure. I have been reading a lot <This is two words> lately about what seems to be a large death ratio in clams in the last few years (months). I just wandered if you have heard anything about this, or maybe just isolated incidents. <Have heard enough... what do you think the root cause/s of mortality are?> It seems from what I have read that it is mainly from Wild caught clams from Pohnpei (sp?). <Look it up... Pohnpei> I know that the clams <?> I am going to buy are farm raised, but they still come out of the ocean. O well just shaking in my boots a little I guess. From what I hear it may be some kind off infectious disease like Vibrio, passed from one bad clam to every one it comes in contact with. O well, thanks again, Rob <Time to study... Bob F> Clam business. Hey bob just a small update. Dave Palmer has gotten in touch with me and says he would supply me with clams as long as I order 50 at a time so that I could get wholesale prices. <Outstanding. Dave is a person of tremendous experience and integrity in the industry> Below is a copy of the email he sent me. It is a little confusing to me so I asked him to give me a rough estimate of how much money I would be looking at for 50 clams, just to give me an idea as what to expect. <Good idea. Always appropriate to ask questions. Clarity is pleasurable> Quote "You do not need any import license or such. The clams come into L.A. on Thursday afternoon and we forward them to you for arrival at your airport Friday morning. You probably should have the water changed by us before forwarding but that is up to you. <Yes, good idea on the water change if there is going to be more than another 8-10 hours or more delay before your receiving in PA> 50 clams would probably be the smallest number that I would want to sell and it may need to be a few more depending on how many it takes to fill the last box. <Very important... to buy minimum plus orders... the cost per unit is the lowest in this fashion... don't buy anything you have to "sit on" for more than a few weeks> We sell Crocea both first and super grades, Maxima, a few Squamosa, and a few Hippopus hippopus clams. Prices vary depending on size and color. You pay the FOB island price plus 3.85 per kilo for freight from Solomon's to L.A., 10.00 per box for box and packing charge, 7.50 per box for fish and wildlife clearance in L.A., and 5.00 per box for the cites document charges. The clams will be sent to you freight collect from L.A. so you will pay the L.A. to your airport charges at your airport. <Very reasonable> That is about it. Let me know when you are ready for clams and I can let you know what stock is like and what prices are. Best regards, Dave Palmer " As far as plans for the tank setup I have a few ideas. I was going to do a 8' long by 4' wide by 12" deep. <Make the overflows (likely to sumps/totes below) adjustable so you can raise/lower the water depth.> I feel no need for greater depth as this is for ease of use and profit, not display. My idea is that this tank would be about 240 gallons and allow me to grow as business increases. I would only have to light one section of the tank at a time. When I need more light simply add a section above the new stock. <Sounds good> It would also mean easier filtration, i.e. one sump, one calcium reactor, one large skimmer. I checked on acrylic prices and I can get a 4' by 8' sheet of 1/2 acrylic for about $250. <Half inch? No need to be this thick... Please contact AnthonyC... I'll cc him here re... I would make your first units out of glass probably... or thinner acrylic (1/4 inch likely, braced at the top)... but keep costs low... look into the polyethylene totes I mentioned re the supports for underneath/sumps... Ask about (the club, stores, service co.s) for "used gear"... there are likely a bunch of suitable containers, pumps, what have you laying about that will do fine for little money> Two sheets of acrylic can build the tank for about $500. I do not believe thicker than 1/2" acrylic would be needed with only 12" height. <... could be three feet tall... I would only make eight inches deep...> I will put a few braces across the top of the tank, for support maybe a 4 or 5 inch brace every 2 feet or so. This 4 feet by 8 feet tank would allow me access from all sides never having to reach more than the standard 2 feet of a normal tank. Plumbing would also be easier than to plumb multiple tanks together, and keep adding extra pumps and filters. I could also go the Rubbermaid 300 gallon trough route. It would be cheaper, but I am not sure what would be best. Or I could go with multiple tanks and keep adding another tank and plumbing them together as I grow. <Many possibilities> I am getting started on developing a website to sell the clams across the U.S. I have a basic knowledge of developing a website and have a friend who does this for a living so I am sure he would be willing to help me with all the hi tech stuff. (i.e. charge me) ha ha. <Ask about in the club... become facile at doing the ongoing work on the site yourself> I do appreciate the help you are providing. The people that you forwarded our last email to could you let me know what each of these people do? Or have to offer? This way I know who to bother for what I need. <Mmm... It's better for them to come forward, identify themselves as they, their companies have time, interest my friend. You will understand this in the coming years. Bob Fenner> Endless thanks Rob Huss Clam Business!!!! Hey Bob, Just wanted to say again that it was a pleasure to meet you in Pittsburgh this past weekend. I really enjoyed hanging around with you and the fish geeks as my wife calls us). Anyhow I have been hot and heavy on coming up with some plans to start selling clams. <Very good. You have all going for you here... a good background in the theory and application of captive husbandry, a great location for this business... and a true burning desire for being successful at it> My wife is possibly as excited as I am. So what kind of info and assistance can you provide to help me get setup? <Mmm, all sorts. The best things to do at this point are categorically to talk with friends in the trade who can/will be your suppliers. I'll cc them here, asking that they talk with you re the enterprise. At the same time, start drawing up plans (you mentioned conversion of your garage) for your physical plant... talk with others in the marine livestock trade re inexpensive gear including tanks, lighting, calcium reactor or other mech. for supplying alkalinity and biominerals. And lastly, develop a marketing plan... who are your customers? How do you intend to reach them? How will they know what you have? Do all this on paper... such that if you had to present it to a bank, they would understand our industry, your desires> With a new baby coming my wife is excited about the possibility of helping out with the clams as it may help replace her lost income from staying at home. Any suggestions and advice will be greatly appreciated. <A step at a time. Do contact me/us as the project unfolds.> Also you said you would be able to provide me with some contacts for vendors to pester about donations for the club to help us grow. <Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/adtrackdb.htm> Once again thanks for your efforts, your book CMA. is the reason I even have a tank at all. And if anybody pays me a compliment, it is a compliment to persons like yourself who help this hobby become a passion and a lifestyle to so many. Thanks again, Rob Huss <Thank you my friend. Bob Fenner> Re: clam business. Antoine, pls review Rob, Sorry for the delay in response but I just got back yesterday from California. <And am recovering> If I can share any wisdom or experience with you regarding your business endeavor please do not hesitate to ask! I hope for starters that you have written a business plan and intend to revise it annually at least. It is critical, my friend, to improve your chances of success and not get caught off guard with expenses. <Well stated> Also, I hope that you will harness natural sunlight for your holding tanks via a small lean to greenhouse, skylights or light tunnels for your home, etc. One cannot be profitable easily or at all inland by reselling imported animals to be held under artificial lighting (cost of hardware, changing bulbs every 6-10 months for optimal health, electricity, etc) unless your margin is extraordinary and turnover wicked fast. <Even if it is> And lastly, Quarantine is critical for your business. 2 weeks is minimum... 4 weeks would be ideal scale you could and be a great vendor for it. That means you will need a reserve in inventory of that amount ($ and space). <Great mention... to harden animals, check for Pyramidellids...> Best regards to you in your endeavors! Kindly, Anthony <And Bob Fenner> Clams (for sale) Hi Bob, Thanks for adding my link to your site. :) I appreciate your support. Saw Scott at SDC this past Thursday and he is getting a nice shipment in a few weeks, now you know I will be there. <Like Xmas, Bdays for adults> This is a lot of work but am enjoying it. Take a long time to answer e-mail regarding clams and posting pictures but I want to get the name ClamsDirect out. :) Household name for clams buyers. :) <Mmm... do keep building your "brand"... I would suggest you consider placing small, strategic ads in FAMA, having a considerable, substantive website. Bob Fenner> Best Regards, Barry Re: clams I am joining AMDA, I think it is good and maybe be some good advertising for us. What's you thinking on this? GREAT thought about FAMA ! Barry <Hello, this is Steven Pro. I am one of the guys that helps Bob answer his emails. I am leaving this email for Bob to respond to, too, but I figured I would give you my two cents. I am a former Board Member for AMDA and a current regular member and I would not encourage people to join. I will not be renewing my membership. Your money will be better spent elsewhere. -Steven Pro> Re: clams I am joining AMDA, I think it is good and maybe be some good advertising for us. What's you thinking on this? <Mmm, the American Marinelife Dealer's Association is at a lull... not much of any advertising value here. But worthwhile to involve oneself in the industry> GREAT thought about FAMA ! Barry <Do include an image or two... perhaps get a friend to write up "your business story" as an article... A tremendous boost. At some point we can/should talk over your carrying Knop's Clam Book, a few other titles (they don't die!) and Calcium Reactors of a line or two... and the great consumable products which are feeder stocks and supplements... All important and profitable tie-ins. Bob Fenner> Re: clams Thanks Steve for your input. <You are welcome.> Most hobbyist do not know what AMDA is. <Correct, it will get you very little publicity. The membership is only $50 per year, but for that you get next to nothing; listing on their website and a VERY occasional newsletter. I also strongly disagree with the current leadership and the direction the organization is taking. Sincerely, Steven Pro> Re: clams Boy you are funny. :) " They don't die" <Keep this statement in mind as your "livestock" business progresses> I have wrote to Daniel a few times and has been helpful in answering some of my question regarding something he states in his book, "Giant Clams" I also drop him a note saying what I was going to do with my business, never replied. <A shame... he may not have received your note. Jules/TLF distributes the one title in the west (DianaF the rest of Knop Products)> I am sure he has heard this before and thinks this is another hobbyist trying to dabble in this kind of thing. Not true on this end. Spent several hours making a business plan and setting up the proper equipment to better house the clams before shipping. Had my shipping boxes examined by FedEx testing facility to help in shipping to avoid some lose. <Mmm, good> A lot of business start off small but can turn into a big business if willing to devote the time and some money which I am willing to do. Being in business I also know that you have to have some folks willing to work with you like Scott and a few others. You of course. :) I was telling Scott the other day that by years end my marketing plan is to have approx. 300 clams in stock at all times. Don't think he believe me. <He should. SDC goes through MANY clams> From the 48 shipments that I had done in the past 3 week, I have had nothing but praise in regards to my product and customer service. I have always thought word of mouth advertising is the best advertising. <Ah, good> Any comments from you or feed back as to how to better do things, I ALWAYS have a opened mine. <A trait to be praised, emulated and cultured. Bob Fenner> Regards, Barry See my new "Banner" :) Clams Just a note to sat thanks for putting me in touch with Scott from Sea Dwelling Creatures. I visit his place today and really enjoyed chatting with him and of course I had to buy some clams from him. I will be getting approx. 60 - 100 clams in a few weeks as my business is off the ground. Hope to see you soon. Best Regards, Barry clamsdirect.com <Glad to hear of your meeting and progress in your business. See you soon, Bob Fenner, visiting in Australia> Tridacnid Clam Biz Hi Bob, <Hello> Hope all is well with you. <Yes> Just a update on my clam business. I received my business license, ca. seller permit, business checking account and Federal Fish and Game permit on it's way. <All necessary steps> Clam holding tank is up and LR cycling and HQI lights on order. Still trying to find a clam farm that I can import direct to me. <This will come... walk first for now. Come diving, visiting folks with us in the future...> I have been in contact with Scott from Sea Dwellers in LA and is very nice and willing to help me with my clams. He speaks well of you :) <As he should. I am a person who has created and added value to the trade my entire career.> The name of my business is, Clamsdirect.com Regards, Barry <Congratulations. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Re: clams Thanks for the forwarding message. I would like to talk with Scott, so feel free to give him my number 619 593-XXXX <Will send> Is he a broker or wholesaler? <A marine livestock wholesaler in L.A. and more... they own, run collecting stations where the water is warm and clear (wish we were there right now). SDC, Sea Dwelling Creatures.> The reason ask , as he states that Marshall Island is only doing business with SDC on the west coast. I know that Marshall Island is shipping to Dallas. Again, thanks for your help. Barry. PS It doesn't have to be Marshall Islands , it could be Tonga or elsewhere. I only mentioned Marshall Island as I know that is where this person is getting his from. <Be chatting... for sure. Bob Fenner> Re: clams Bob, Who is Barry? Is he a hobbyist or a wholesaler? <A hobbyist trying to become an e-tailer...> Marshall Islands is currently only selling to SDC on the west coast. If he is affiliated with a store, we probably have the largest variety of clams available in the country. If he is a consumer, I don't have any suggestions for him. As you alluded to him, clams aren't cheap. I can't speak for the retail market, but we only mark up our clam prices about 35% after landed costs. <I do understand this... and that the cost (net landed) of livestock is only the beginning of costs...> Give me some information on Barry, and I'll respond to him directly. <Thank you my friend, trade associate. He is an earnest individual who is not currently in the industry, but wishes to establish a business direct-selling Tridacnids to end-users. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Scott Re: clams Thanks Bob, I realize they have to mark up to get there profit margin to cover overhead. But I still think I can go it cheaper. <We shall see. Am always happy to assist honest, industrious people in our interests. Bob Fenner> Thanks for your help. Barry Re: clams Thanks Bob, I'll drop him a line to see if there is something that can be done there. <Again, thank you for your diligence. Let's build our trade together... a relationship at a time. Bob Fenner> Scott Re: clams Bob, I really thank you for your help. Like I said I have a passion for these animals and would enjoy doing this and don't expect to make a BIG profit as my overhead will be very small. Like to just be able to provide nice clams to hobbies like myself for a fair price. <I understand... and hope you do well.> Barry Hope to see you this coming Tues. <Hotay! Bob F> Re: clams Barry, Bob forwarded your message to me. Perhaps I can help. For starters, where are you located? I'm wondering how cost effective it will be for you to land live product with consideration for Int. and domestic freight, etc. Also, as Bob implied... there is indeed a reason for why the retailers charge so much for clams. Part of it in some cases is higher profit margin. But the overhead for a full store is dear and the money has to come from somewhere to operate at regular hours and be available for customers on a whim to stop in. I am certainly not condoning price gouging.. but I see and agree with Bob's point, and you will soon too my friend. Your advantage will be that if you are working from a home based business, by appointment and the like... you will not have the same overhead or need for such a high margin. The disadvantage for you will be getting a supplier to talk to you and sell in smaller quantities. You will soon be amazed at how aggressive the clam farmers can afford to be with pricing and minimums. Nothing inappropriate... just market law: supply and demand. For starters... overseas aquarists are generally willing to pay a lot more for clams than American aquarists.. so the clam farmers do what any of us would do... they sell as much as they can to the overseas clients first. Unless you are suddenly willing to compete at several hundred dollars per clam for cover girl colors with German dealers <wink>. <Double wink> So the clams that are left (and there are many, but not so many that they can fill all orders easily...clam farming is hard/profit risky work...seriously) are then moved to the Americans. <Well... it's not "this bad" IMO/E> Because of the skewed market dynamic with availability, the farmers impose very high minimum orders for direct distributors. Now if you are telling me that you can take 1000+ clams at a time with only a "slight discount" in price (less than 10%).. I will say that you have a shot at selling cheaper clams (and getting to cherry pick some sweet ones for yourself <smile>). However, if you only intend to stock a couple hundred pieces or less... you are going to find a sudden appreciation for why retailers buy clams at a premium from wholesalers (rather than direct import) and why they need to charge so much. I certainly don't mean to discourage you... but you do need to know the nature of the beast. It is not at all designed for the small merchant. Best regards, Anthony Calfo <You may know (or not!) that Anthony is a semi-old salt in the trade, culturist, author (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/bkcorlproprev.htm). He's been there, done that. And will help (for vino!). Bob Fenner> Clams (direct to hobbyist biz...
trials ahead... giant) Hi Bob, It was nice to see you at the last
meeting. Randy has a nice tank. <Very nice> Ok, here's the
deal. I need your help. I am setting up a clam tank so that I can
obtain clams and then sell them to reefer for a reasonable price, not
these prices that some of these LFS are selling them for. Example a
2" Maxima for 59.00 to 89.00. <Mmm, there are valid reasons for
this sort of retail pricing... as you will soon learn> I have real
passion for clams and would enjoy doing this in my spare time. I client
already. <Okay> Do you know where I can find a importer that I
can have clams shipped direct to me via LAX. I know some people that
are getting there clams from Marshal Island but he will not give me his
connection. I will have all the proper permits and such. <Let me
send this around to a few friends in the trade for their response to
you... Do contact me if you hear from no one. Be seeing you. Bob
Fenner> I hope that you can provide me with information. Best
Regards. |
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