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Cichlids With Cloudy Eyes -- 1/27/10 Flowerhorn With Cloudy Eyes - 01/09/2006 Dear WWM, My male Flowerhorn, has a white film over both of his eyes for about 2 weeks now. I've noticed that at the center of the eyes there's a circle that's fuzzy. I thought that it was cloud eye, and have been using Melafix + methylene blue + salt for 2 weeks, also I changed 30% of the water every week and there has been no improvement. I want to know what can I do or which medicine I should use, to help cure my fish of this eye disease? Thank You Rodney < Do a 50% water change, vacuum the gravel and clean the filter. Try erythromycin. Follow the directions on the package. When the fish is cured the add carbon to remove the excess medication and then add Bio-Spira by Marineland to reestablish the good bacteria in the tank.-Chuck> Green Terror Sick? 7/12/05 Hello Guys, I need to ask a question here. I have a male green terror & have had him for about 10 months now. I bought him when he was a baby, 3 inches long, and he is now a healthy 7 inches long, 3 inches from top to bottom and about 1-1/2 inches thick. A real bruiser. He used to eat everything in sight, always coming to the top of the tank to greet me and see what I brought him. But for the past week, he is just laying around, and I have not seen him eating anything. He is in the tank (150 gallons) with 1 female red terror, 3 Frontosas, and 2 clown loaches, and 4 small Cory cats. Nobody is showing any aggression, <Not at least that you've seen...> not out of the normal anyway. He has not lost any color, or any weight, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out what the problem is. I checked all of my water parameters, and everything is just perfect. I do have a sand bottom, (sand blasting sand). It has never presented a problem, and I have live plants growing like weeds in there. All I have seen him do is move from one location in the morning, to a different one at night. He does not come up to the top anymore, or even go midway up. A friend of mine told me that cichlids grow like the dickens until a certain point, then they slow down considerably, and just sit around. <Mmm, to some extent this is so> The food I have been feeding all this time has been beef heart, bloodworms, nightcrawlers, small guppies ( occasionally ) Mysis shrimp, pieces of thawed shrimp, mussels, and some pieces of krill. <A good mix> It just seems like he has lost the will to function anymore. He doesn't act like he has a parasite or anything, no jerking, twitching, or thrashing around, just sits on the bottom, and does nothing. I fear if he keeps this up, he will eventually be found floating from having died during the night. All of the other fish are as normal as ever. What can I do to save my prized fish? I thank you for any advice you have. Your website has been a godsend for other information I have needed, and I do appreciate you guys. Nervous about my fish. Dan Simpson <Well, "when in doubt... do a water change". I would take out and replace a good 25% of your system water here, add some liquid vitamins to the water, the foods of the day... and hope for the best. If the fish doesn't eat in another week or so, I'd try moving it to another system... perhaps there is some interaction going on... Bob Fenner> Cichlid rubbing several of my cichlids are rubbing against things what should I do? <Do a 30 % water change and service the filter. When you change the water try and vacuum the gravel to remove the crud that has accumulated there. Check the nitrates too. Add a teaspoon of rock salt per 10 gallons of water to aid the fishes to create a protective slime on their skin.-Chuck> Re: Parrot cichlid extremely bloated-can you please help? Thank you! I actually treated the tank last night with Paragon II, which treats many different kinds of bacteria and is supposed to be especially effective on the cichlid family. I have used it before to treat ich and white spot. I changed about 25% of the water, prior to treating, per the instructions and will change it again after treatment. I will get some fresh food too. I keep the tank clean, and partially change the water regularly, so the water wasn't dirty but it could be the food or temp. I did notice the temp a few degrees higher than I usually keep it, so I may have bumped the heater and turned it up by accident. I will gradually drop it down a couple degrees to see if that helps too. Thank you so much for the response and advice. I really appreciate it! Great website by the way! < Check the label for the medications in the paragon II. Metronidazole is very effective on anaerobic bacteria. Hope this helps and thanks for your kind words about the website.-Chuck> Terrified for my Terrors I have been viewing your site
for a few weeks now and it has been soooo helpful to me, however,
I can't seem to find the answer to what is wrong with my
Green Terrors. I have searched all over the web and one site says
one thing while another says something completely opposite! So I
came to you for help! The very first fish my husband and I
bought was a green terror. We had him in a 55gal. We fell in love
with him instantly and decided to by his tank mate at the store
we bought him. About a month after we started to noticed long
white stringy feces coming from one of them. We had other
cichlids in the tank at the time, but they did not seem affected.
They both had an excellent appetite. Then slowly, the smaller of
the two started refusing food. During this time we upgraded
to a 125 gallon and as soon as we transferred them, both their
appetites diminished. Slowly they started acting scared of us and
they started hiding in corners and rocks. Our LFS told us they
were probably a mating pair or they were stressed from moving and
that was the reason why they were acting strange. We questioned
them on the abnormal feces and they asked us if we had changed
their diet. We did try feeding them a variety of things just to
turn them back on to food. The LFS then told us the change in
fecal matter was most likely due to the change in food. Not
knowing at the time much about fish and sicknesses we thought the
LFS was right, after all, they make a living in the fish world.
Boy was I wrong! And needless to say, we have learned our lesson
that when it comes to the slightest change in fish behavior or
appearance, chances are something is wrong. I started doing
my research online a couple of weeks ago when I really started to
worry that they hadn't eaten in a long time. That is when we
also started treatments with Internal Parasite Clear after
finding the info online that we had internal parasites. During
this time, we had moved them both into a hospital tank. That was
3 weeks ago. After trying 3 other medications there is still no
improvement in the fish. I have called around to several
different fish suppliers, and found tons of info online on what
they could have. I was told they could have Hole in the Head,
Spironucleus, Hexamita, or wasting disease, and to treat with
treatments such as salts, Metro, Pimafix etc. I have tried them
all with no success. It has been well over a month since they
have eaten any food, yet they are still hanging on, although I
know they have got to be suffering. I am asking you please for
some advice on what I can do. Is it hopeless that these fish can
be treated? Do you know what they have? The symptoms other than
white stringy feces are not eating, and just basically lethargic.
We love these fish. They used to be so full of life and my heart
now goes out to them...please help :( < Green terrors are
really pretty hardy fish but I have an idea with others that have
written with similar problems with their green terrors. First of
all lets make sure that the tank is OK. Ammonia , nitrites should
be zero. Nitrates should be under 25 ppm. Service the filter and
do a 30% water change. The new water should perk them up. Make
sure you water temp is around 80 degrees. Then offer some washed
earthworms. If they mouth the earthworms but do not eat them then
there make be a problem with their pharyngeal bones. These act
like a second set of "jaws" and allows cichlids to chew
a large number of food items. If these jaws are damaged then they
would be reluctant to eat. Try and pre-soften the food by wetting
it slightly to make it softer and try that. If there is still no
appetite then they have an internal protozoa that has shut their
gut down. In a separate tank treat with Metronidazole as per the
directions on the box. If you can only treat them in the main
tank then I would watch for ammonia spikes because some
medications will harm the good bacteria that break down fish
wastes in an established tank. If they are intimidated by the
other fish then I would separate them until they were able to
build up their strength and return to the main
tank.-Chuck> Discomed Question Hi guys, Just wondering how much food
treated with Discomed has to be ingested to affect a cure? I have
a 5" gold Severum that will only eat one or two pellets, and
then begins to reject any additional ones. Will that be enough to
treat him? He still has a healthy appetite (without the
Discomed), although he is thinning down the spine, and has some
sporadic twitches and often pale and trailing feces which I
believe indicate internal parasites. I have read that injection
with syringe is an option, but the site didn't detail whether
it was just the solution, or the medicated food that was to be
forced? And would the manual handling of the fish cause more
stress than it would be worth? Well, I really love this
guy, and don't want to lose him. He's paired with my
female blood parrot, and they always pal around. Any advice would
be greatly appreciated. < Catch the fish in the net and use a
wet towel with water from the aquarium to hold him. Hold the head
up and look in his mouth for any obstructions. The mouth or
throat area may be damaged or infected by food objects in the
tank. Once you are certain that that pathway is clear then I
would try to prehydrate the food to make it softer and easier to
ingest. Don't soak it. Just wet down some pellets to soften
them up and see if he will eat more of them. If nothing is
working then I would place him in an isolation tank and treat
with Metronidazole at 250 mg per 10 gallons and change 30% of the
water every other day. It is bacterial then I would try a shotgun
approach with Kanamycin.-Chuck> Thanks again in advance, Corey
from Toronto, Canada Re: Cichlid i.d., Vitamins, Iodide/ine >>1 random
cichlid [about the size of a convict] >I would like to figure
out what this cichlid is. ><Oh yes: fishbase.org The family
Cichlidae is quite large... maybe >start >with
Spilurum, the various re-do's of the genus Cichlasoma... and
a >very >large pot of tea/coffee (to stay up late).
Have fun.> *Thank You*!! I may well find out what she is with
this:) <<Yes... a long, but fun search>> ><The
same causative mechanism/s exist in both marine and
>freshwater... >lack of essential nutrients> Can I
overdose them on vitamins? <<Yes, this is possible... not
practically though...>> ><There are prep.s that are
made/labeled for fishes et al. aquatics, >but >the
compounds involved are the same as for tetrapods (like you
and >me), so >"baby vitamins" (liquids)
will do... Do you mean that I can actually buy baby vitamins for
human babies and use them?? <<Yes, the actual molecules are
identical>> > or pet-fish ones like Micro-vit, Selcon...
Add these to the food a >few >minutes before
offering.> Yesterday I bought something called Hex-a-Vital,
and it is a vitamin product that specifies treatment for HLLE. I
can see a difference in one of them, but the other still looks
fairly nasty. <<This "curing process" takes weeks
to months generally. Be patient>> In this product is A, D3,
C, E, Calcium Phosphorous and Calcium Carbonate. There is no
iodine. <<I would find a source and apply it. Lugol's
Solution will do, potassium iodide would be better>>
However, I know that table salt does have iodine in it. If I were
to put a few teaspoons of table salt in there, would this be a
bad thing or a good thing? <<Better than nothing>> I
have always understood that iodine will kill fish, which is why
one should use rock or aquarium salt. <<Hmm, much to say
here... Iodine (the element) is indeed toxic... Iodide (same
element, different valence state) is a way to supply this
essential nutrient... not toxic in small concentrations>>
><Me too... do try the vitamins... they can/will effect a
reversal at >this >point. Bob Fenner> I can tell
there is an improvement. You are a wonderful person, taking the
time to work with me on this. Thank you so very much. cj. C.J.
Moody <You are welcome my friend. Bob Fenner> |
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