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Cichlid Blister/Pimple 2/15/08 Hello. I have a cichlid tank and one of my cichlids seem to have gotten a "pimple" or blister on their fin. Do you know what disease this may be? The "pimple" is a pinkish reddish color. Also, it is only on one of the fins, the other one is completely fine. Do you have any idea what this may be? Thanks so much. <Likely a localized expression from a physical injury... getting poked by a fish spine of another fish for instance. No real treatment advised other than good care, nutrition and water quality. Bob Fenner> Cichlid cut/wound??? 2-05-08 Please help me. I have a Firemouth cichlid who has what looks like cuts, or wounds near his dorsal fins. It is right below his dorsal fins and not exactly on his dorsal fins. The "cuts" are a pink/whitish color. He still is very active and eats fine and has no discolorations. What is this "cut". I am not sure if it is fin/tail rot. His fins and tail do not seem ripped and seems perfectly fine. Is it normal for him to have "cuts" below his dorsal fins? Thanks for your help. <Yes, this sounds exactly like Finrot. Treat at once with a medication such as a Maracyn or eSHa 2000. Finrot doesn't cause fish to lose their appetite until it infects the body cavity, at which point the fish will likely die regardless of treatment. So treat now! Do also try an establish the cause: Finrot almost never comes out of nowhere, but is usually associated with poor water quality and/or physical damage. Firemouths are gentle (by cichlid standards, anyway) and easily damaged by more aggressive species like Convicts and Red Devils, so mixing these species isn't a good idea and often ends with the poor Firemouth getting hammered. As for water quality, at the very least do a nitrite test just to see what the situation is on that front, even if everything looks fine. Cheers, Neale.> Cichlid Caught In A Decoration I have a Cichlid that was stuck in one of my aquarium decorations for about 2 days, I finally had to break the boat to get him out, he has scrapes on top his head and some red areas on his body. I put him back and he just sank to the bottom, I swished him around in the water and it revived him but he doesn't look good. Can anyone recommend anything that I can do? I don't have a hospital tank set up and the aquarium store is closed for me to get a divider to keep him away from the other fish. Can you give me an idea about how I can keep him separate from the other fish for now? Thanks, Bobbi < Place him in a large dip net and place the net so it gets some water flow from the filters or airstones. Add a tablespoon of rock salt per 5 gallons of water and add some MelaFix to prevent bacterial and fungal infections.-Chuck> Damaged Parrot Cichlid - 04/19/2006 I have 3 medium sized parrots and 5 silver dollars in a 26 gallon tank. My smallest parrot managed to wedge himself into a hole in a rock, and it took some effort to work him back out - his face and side are fairly scraped up, and he had to be handled a bit more than I'm comfortable with. Now he can't seem to get upright, and is stuck upside down. The other two parrots keep pushing him toward the top of the tank, but he ends up back at the bottom, upside down. He is working his gills, fins and tail, but that doesn't seem to be doing much. I'm in the middle of treating the tank for slime - using Furazone-light - but I don't think that would affect much. I did a 30% water change 2 days ago. The tank is a bit acidic at 6.0, nitrites are 0, nitrates are less than 20 ppm, and ammonia is less than 0.25 ppm, and I keep the temp at 82 degrees. I'm afraid I may have damaged his swim bladder while rescuing him. I'm not sure what I should do at this point - any ideas? Deb Jones <Your fish could have been damaged during the initial trauma or has suffered a secondary bacterial infection. Not much we can do with the initial trauma. Surface wounds can be treated quickly with MelaFix. If any secondary bacterial infections or fungus appear then you have already treated with Nitrofurazone. Internal bacterial infection can be treated with Metronidazole. Do a 50% water change, clean the filter and vacuum the gravel. Treat as directed on the package.-Chuck> Pike
Cichlid Beat Up And Hiding Hello, I have a 3 inch golden pike which
has a problem. He was originally in a 55 gallon
tank along with a 5 inch tiger Oscar, a 3 inch jack Dempsey,
2 inch Pleco, and a 2 inch catfish. The 55
gallon tank is temporary and eventually they will be in a 90
gallon tank. Yesterday I noticed that my pike
had some red spots on his side which I could tell were not
part of his colorization. I spoke to a guy at the
LFS who knows his stuff, and he told me it is probably
hemorrhaging, caused by the other fish who are picking on
him. Then today I noticed that he would not
come out of his cave and when he did he got viciously
attacked by the Oscar and Dempsey. I took him out
of the tank and placed him a 10 gallon tank which I had
bought recently as a quarantine tank. However the tank
has gotten a chance to cycle and has only been running for
half a day. I placed the pike in there because I though
he wouldn't make in the 55 tank another
day. He has been in the 10 gallon for about four
hours and hasn't moved at all, he's still breathing
but I don't know what to do. Any advice that you
could lend me on this situation would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you. Jim <Pikes really don't do
too well with other aggressive cichlids. The pike cichlids mouth is for
catching smaller fish. It doesn't do too well against other
cichlids that may bite it and break it. Your pike is pretty tough and
will probably recover from the attacks, but the tougher question is
where to put it. The other fish get big but your pike will not be able
to tolerate the more aggressive cichlids. Your pike will get about 18
inches when full grown s will need at least a 55 gallon tank all on his
own.-Chuck> Half Black Jewel Cichlid 9/26/05 My jewel cichlid has turned black on the front half of the body. Do you know what could be causing this. I do a water change about every two weeks as was recommended by the fish store. I did have an algae problem growing on the sides of the tank but got rid of that. I don't have a test kit for the water but my other cichlids seem to be fine. Thanks STELLA < I have seen this a few times and it always turns out to be am attack of the fishes nervous system. sometimes it is a disease and sometimes it is trauma like an injury. I have seen the back half being black but never the front half. Isolate him in a hospital tank and treat with Nitrofurazone in case it is bacterial related. Jewel fish are pretty durable fish and hopefully he will bounce back.-Chuck> <<Possibly also an iodine deficiency.... Look for the book by Dieter Untergasser, "Handbook of Fish Diseases" (or something similar to that....) - there is a great deal of information there on this condition, including treatment options. -Sabrina>> Convict Cichlid With Strange Growth 7/20/05 I have a convict cichlid (relatively young, I'm sure) who has (seemingly overnight) developed a white round 3-dimensional growth at the base of his fin (at the joint if you will). The cichlid is only about 2 1/2 inches long and the growth is about 1/8 of an inch (perhaps a smidgeon less). Please let me know if you can figure anything out. The only thing I've come up with is maybe a tumor of some sort, but I really don't know. Thanks in advance.--Rachael <Could be fungus from a wound. Wipe the area down with a cotton swab. Put a little iodine on it and treat the water with Nitrofuranace for wound control.-Chuck>
Eartheater cichlid My Eartheater cichlid has developed a cloudy patch over only one eye. I can't tell if the eye is injured or if it is some type of disease. I've used Aquari-Sol the last couple of days to see if that would help, but it just has gotten worse. I was going to try some aquarium salt, but I didn't want to add the salt if it was not going to help. Thanks for your help. < Eartheaters sometimes damage their eyes while digging through the sand. Do a 30% water change and service the filter. Treat the tank with erythromycin and It should be better in a day or two.-Chuck> Eye damage I looked through most of the questions about
swollen eyes and couldn't find one that described this. I am
sorry if this is a repeat. I haven't been able to find
anything. <Well, we'll sure try to help
out.... Sabrina here on this one> We recently
"saved" a 6" Red Devil from a pet
store. This fish was obviously returned to the pet
store and is very timid and beat up. <Hopefully
he'll recover so he can live up to his name....> Currently
we have him in a 20 gal quarantine. <Excellent!> The
problem is, he had a white spot on the outer membrane of his eye.
It looked very much like ich. The eye and eye socket do not
appear swollen. Just the membrane. I'm sure I'm not
explaining this correctly, but I am not sure of the actual names.
<I *think* I get what you're saying.> The swelling
receded for a couple of days, but tonight it came back with a
vengeance. It looks like it could burst. Any ideas?
<Well Lisa, my best guess is that the eye was injured,
somehow; perhaps the white spot was a parasite like ich or
something (so keep a watch for more!) and caused damage, or
perhaps it was just damaged tissue from the
injury. Make sure there are no sharp things in the QT
for him to scratch against (this includes plastic plants); plain
terra cotta flowerpots or PVC pipes will provide cover for him
without giving him something to cause further damage to his
undoubtedly uncomfortable eye (which he probably wants to
scratch). I'd recommend treating with a medicated
food (perhaps with tetracycline) to prevent bacterial infection
as the eye (hopefully) heals; I recommend using medicated food
mostly because it will be easy to discontinue use if you end up
having to treat for ich.... I'm not entirely
certain that the antibiotic will help to fix his eye problem, but
hopefully, it will help. Wishing your little devil a
swift recovery, -Sabrina> Thanks Lisa |
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