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White Worms With Baby Fish 12/1/05 Hi, I
am currently breeding Ps. demasoni. Tonight, when I stripped the female
of her fry (still with egg pouch attached), into a small, plastic
breeding container, what I noticed with the babies was tons of these
little white worms. They obviously came out of the mothers mouth with
the babies. My question is, is this a parasite, and if so, will it hurt
the babies or other fish, and should I expect this parasite to be in my
tanks, i.e., in my other fish as well? What do I do? < This is not
normal. I am guessing that these may be gill flukes. Treat with
Fluke-Tabs. This will get rid of any invertebrates in the
tank.-Chuck> Parasites on Oscar-help needed I recently- as in a week ago- purchased a huge Oscar. say, the size of a good panfish. anyways, he had some spots on him in the pet store; they looked like scars, since he/she was kept in a ten gallon aquarium, I assumed it was from hitting the glass. I was SO wrong!!! today (the 18th) a friend was looking at her and said "are these parasites?" sure enough, she has little parasites. they look like water fleas of some sort. clear, many legged, tails. almost microscopic. They stay next to their particular 'hole' in her skin, and don't scrape off. Its scary, but I did try to scrape one off of her with my fingers (and a big glove... she's a little testy). I have a saltwater tank, and did try a very short saltwater dip. I don't know if that will hurt her long term, so it was either too short to do anything, or I didn't have high enough salinity. So, can you think of anything? the other fish in the tank is a violet goby (I know, supposed to be brackish) couple goldfish (feeders and one big one) and guppies. THEY WERE ON HER when I got her, I just didn't see them. I'm looking for name and treatment of these suckers. < You probably have fish lice. Clean the filters and do a 30% water change. Treat with fluke tabs or parasite clear. Follow the directions on the package regardless of which one you choose.-Chuck> TIA!!! Oscar problems Hi, I think cichlid fishes are cool, tough and colorful. When I bout 15 of cichlids like 5 of them died and the remaining ones had some white spots smaller that a cube of salt. Right now some are surviving and eating while the other ones are not eating anything and just lying on the rocks. They are also loosing their color. I talked to the person who owns the store and he gave me a medicine called "super ick cure" he told me it will cure that parasite and if I put the heater higher they will be cured in no time but that white thing still is there (locations I notice were in there lips and next to there fins.). If u no what to do please reply my mail. < Clean the filter and make sure that all the carbon has been removed. Do a 30% water change. Follow the directions on the bottle. Raising the water temp to 82 degrees F will help but may take as long as a week to completely cure your tank. In the meantime the medication may affect the good bacteria that break down fish waste so watch for ammonia spike. Water change done often will help.-Chuck> Parasite in Parrot Gills Hello I have lost two parrot fish in the last three months. They all have long red tubular growths coming from the inside of the gills. The gill area has busted open since they got this and is growing out of the gills. The aquarium store told me it was most likely gill flukes and so I treated them repeatedly with no cure. They told me that they were a hybrid fish and if they appeared to be OK them let them go. I did and I lost one parrot 3 months ago and 1 last night. I noticed last week that the red tubular growths had purple tips on them and that the rosy barb in the tank was sticking its head into their gills and eating it. Please help. I've had these fish for over three years and I am very attached. The aquarium seems to think they may be anchor worms. There are two angel fish, a Pleco and a rosy barb in the tank and they do not have these growths. Kathleen < To get rid of either gill flukes or anchor worm I would recommend Fluke-Tabs. If your local store does not carry them then you can order them online at drsfostersmith.com.-Chuck> Terrified for my Terrors I have been viewing your site
for a few weeks now and it has been soooo helpful to me, however,
I can't seem to find the answer to what is wrong with my
Green Terrors. I have searched all over the web and one site says
one thing while another says something completely opposite! So I
came to you for help! The very first fish my husband and I
bought was a green terror. We had him in a 55gal. We fell in love
with him instantly and decided to by his tank mate at the store
we bought him. About a month after we started to noticed long
white stringy feces coming from one of them. We had other
cichlids in the tank at the time, but they did not seem affected.
They both had an excellent appetite. Then slowly, the smaller of
the two started refusing food. During this time we upgraded
to a 125 gallon and as soon as we transferred them, both their
appetites diminished. Slowly they started acting scared of us and
they started hiding in corners and rocks. Our LFS told us they
were probably a mating pair or they were stressed from moving and
that was the reason why they were acting strange. We questioned
them on the abnormal feces and they asked us if we had changed
their diet. We did try feeding them a variety of things just to
turn them back on to food. The LFS then told us the change in
fecal matter was most likely due to the change in food. Not
knowing at the time much about fish and sicknesses we thought the
LFS was right, after all, they make a living in the fish world.
Boy was I wrong! And needless to say, we have learned our lesson
that when it comes to the slightest change in fish behavior or
appearance, chances are something is wrong. I started doing
my research online a couple of weeks ago when I really started to
worry that they hadn't eaten in a long time. That is when we
also started treatments with Internal Parasite Clear after
finding the info online that we had internal parasites. During
this time, we had moved them both into a hospital tank. That was
3 weeks ago. After trying 3 other medications there is still no
improvement in the fish. I have called around to several
different fish suppliers, and found tons of info online on what
they could have. I was told they could have Hole in the Head,
Spironucleus, Hexamita, or wasting disease, and to treat with
treatments such as salts, Metro, Pimafix etc. I have tried them
all with no success. It has been well over a month since they
have eaten any food, yet they are still hanging on, although I
know they have got to be suffering. I am asking you please for
some advice on what I can do. Is it hopeless that these fish can
be treated? Do you know what they have? The symptoms other than
white stringy feces are not eating, and just basically lethargic.
We love these fish. They used to be so full of life and my heart
now goes out to them...please help :( < Green terrors are
really pretty hardy fish but I have an idea with others that have
written with similar problems with their green terrors. First of
all lets make sure that the tank is OK. Ammonia , nitrites should
be zero. Nitrates should be under 25 ppm. Service the filter and
do a 30% water change. The new water should perk them up. Make
sure you water temp is around 80 degrees. Then offer some washed
earthworms. If they mouth the earthworms but do not eat them then
there make be a problem with their pharyngeal bones. These act
like a second set of "jaws" and allows cichlids to chew
a large number of food items. If these jaws are damaged then they
would be reluctant to eat. Try and pre-soften the food by wetting
it slightly to make it softer and try that. If there is still no
appetite then they have an internal protozoa that has shut their
gut down. In a separate tank treat with Metronidazole as per the
directions on the box. If you can only treat them in the main
tank then I would watch for ammonia spikes because some
medications will harm the good bacteria that break down fish
wastes in an established tank. If they are intimidated by the
other fish then I would separate them until they were able to
build up their strength and return to the main
tank.-Chuck> Parasite or worm infection in Blood Parrot I have a 5+ year old heart shaped Blood Parrot fish with a severe parasitic worm infection. It has been ongoing for a few years, I thought it was a fungus infection at first and treated it as such( the symptoms were white puffy blister like sore that would peak, as in come to a pointed shape after the eruption broke open). I noticed the fungus guard med would make the things seem to go away for a while. Now I think the worm was bothered by the med and withdrew back in to the fish's body tissue. The eruptions seemed to only appear on the meaty head area of the fish at first. They have spread out to the scaled areas near the head area. The Blood Parrott is a cross between a Cichlid and a Red Devil I believe, <A cross from Amphilophus citrinellum (Midas cichlid/Red Devil), and Cichlasoma synspilum (Redheaded cichlid), perhaps also with some lineage from Heros severus (Severum) and Amphilophus labiatum (another cichlid that goes by Red Devil).> and has the same scaleless head area as the Cichlid. <Not really scaleless; the scales are of a different shape and size than elsewhere on the fish.> The problem is worse now and I have noticed that it is definitely a roundworm of some sort. <Having talked with Bob about this, we agree that this is more likely a mono- or digenetic fluke (trematode) rather than a roundworm (nematode). If it is a digenetic fluke, it may have been brought in (and still being transmitted) by snails - please look for and eradicate any snails in the tank, or if you have pet-type snails, move them to a separate (fish-free) tank.> The larger ones can be seen under the translucent orange skin of the fish. they move around under the head skin, they are white, from 1 to 2 or 3 centimeters long and 1/16 inch thick or so. I have seen them retract under the skin, and coil up when touched. They seem to stick out the nose or head section from under the skin for a day or two and then burrow back under for a few days and then do it again. <Ugh. That's disgusting.> I have tried Levamisole, 6-7 mg/l of water I think was the dosing I used. I got the dosing info from the internet. The fish turned pale, was skittish, would not eat till after the water was changed. I have tried the dosing at somewhat higher levels with same or worse reactions from the fish, with no results with the worms except that they all go under the skin and remain until the water is changed. I have left the medicine in for at least 7 days, with additional dosing on every other day. <At this point, a salt bath may very well be in order, to see if that will convince the parasites that your fish is an inhospitable place to live. Evict them from their homes, I say! Do the bath at full-strength saltwater (SG 1.024-ish), but use the stuff marketed as "freshwater" salt, not marine aquarium salt (this would alter the pH). The bath can last anywhere up to five minutes, but you must be extremely observant of your fish, any signs of trouble (redness, difficulty breathing), you should remove the fish immediately. The forums have had a lot of discussion on salt baths; you might want to come over and do a search: http://wetwebfotos.com/talk/ . After the salt bath (or other than the salt bath, should you not do it), I would recommend Levamisole or Piperazine *in food* to try to help this situation. One med available for use in food is "Discomed", made by Aquatronics and containing Levamisole, which can be used with live, frozen, or dried foods. Aquatronics also used to make a medicated food with Piperazine, called "Dewormex".> We really are attached to this fish, He is alone in a 29 gallon tank, freshwater of course, and I am afraid that he will die soon. The infestation is getting worse, now his left eye is starting to protrude some, like the worms are behind it and forcing it out. <It would be a very good idea to add Epsom salt to the water in his tank, at a rate of one tablespoon per ten gallons; this will help relieve pressure on his eye, and has other benefits in his time of illness, as well.> Is there any hope for this fish? <As long as there's still fight left in him, there's always hope.> Can you suggest any medications that might help and dosing. <Just as above.> He is about 5" long, 3" tall and 1 to 2 " thick. I would appreciate any advice or help. I have no way to send a picture, I hope the description is enough. <I hope so, too. A very good description, indeed.> Thanks for your consideration. <Sure thing. Please keep us updated. Good luck to you and your hybrid pal! Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Patchy Severum I have a green Severum that has loss of color on his underside and fins in a patchy pattern. I thought that it might be leeches so I treated them for that but the patches are still there and their not fuzzy or like cotton. <Though it is possible that these patches were caused by leeches, leeches are pretty uncommon in aquaria. Marks that they would leave would be reddish and inflamed, and pretty uniform in size. What did you try treating with?> The patches seem to be in different places at different times. I would appreciate some advice if you have some. <The first thing to do is test your water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH; loss of color is often a sign of stress, which usually comes back to water quality issues. There are also quite a number of illnesses that cause a loss of coloration or a patchy appearance, including some protozoan parasites and many bacterial infections; more information is needed to help with a diagnosis. Are the fish's fins clamped? Breathing hard? Any other visible signs of illness? Are the patchy spots sort of "flaky" or "peeling" in appearance? Are the marks uniform in size/shape? How long has the fish been sick? What other fish are in the tank with it? How big is the tank? And again, test your water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH, let us know those values. I know it's an awful lot of questions, but it'll help us figure out what is wrong with your fish and help you decide on a treatment.> I have been working on water changes for the past 2 weeks. <Good to hear - water changes never hurt, and almost always help. Hope we can help you get this figured out. -Sabrina> Thanks DEE |
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