FAQs on Goldfish Bacteria, Fungal and Viral
Related Articles: Goldfish
Systems, Goldfish Disease, Goldfish, Goldfish
Varieties, Koi/Pond
Fish Disease, Livestock
Treatment System, Bloaty, Floaty Goldfish,
Gas Bubble
Disease/Emphysematosis, Pond Parasite Control
with DTHP, Hole in
the Side Disease/Furunculosis,
Related FAQs: Goldfish Disease 2, Goldfish Disease 3, Goldfish Disease 4, Goldfish Disease 5, Goldfish Disease 6, Goldfish Disease 7,
Goldfish Disease
8, Goldfish Disease 9,
Goldfish Disease
10, Goldfish Disease
11, Goldfish Disease 12, Goldfish Disease 13, Goldfish Disease 14, Goldfish Disease 15, Goldfish Disease 16,
Goldfish Disease
17, Goldfish Disease 18,
Goldfish Disease 19, Goldfish Disease 20, Goldfish Disease 21, Goldfish
Disease 22, Goldfish Health 23, Goldfish Disease 24,
Goldfish Health 25, Goldfish Disease 26, Goldfish Disease 27, Goldfish Disease 28, Goldfish Disease 29, Goldfish Disease 30,
Goldfish Disease
31, Goldfish Disease 33,
Goldfish Disease 34, Goldfish Disease 35, Goldfish Health 36, Goldfish Health 37, Goldfish Health 38, Goldfish Disease 39
& Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Nitrogen Cycling, Koi/Pondfish
Disease, Goldfish in General, Goldfish
Behavior, Goldfish Compatibility, Goldfish
Systems, Goldfish Feeding, Bloaty, Floaty Goldfish, Goldfish
 Bowls make goldfish sick and sad.
Give them more room and they'll be glad!
- Sara M.
Key Points/Notes:
- Infections are usually secondary to some other problem
(i.e. injury, poor environment, poor nutrition/feeding,
- "Pop-eye," when one or both eyes bulge out (in a
fish that has not been genetically selected for this
"look" such as "Telescope Goldfish"), is
often caused by a bacterial infection behind the eye. This is
often initiated by an injury to or around the eye.
- Dropsy is a condition, not a disease. Dropsy is a build up
of internal pressure that can be caused by any number of
different things. The internal pressure can be caused by gas,
swelling, tumors, constipation, etc. (infection is sometimes,
but not always, the root cause of these problems). Whatever the
cause, the fish will appear bloated, sometimes to the extent
that the scales protrude and the eyes bulge.
New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Goldfish Success
What it takes to keep goldfish healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Fungus Among us, GF dis.
Hello everyone. I would just like to say your site is the absolute BEST!
I have shamelessly stalked your content for anything related to goldfish
and can honestly say that my finned babies would not have survived more
than a few months at best had I not done so. Thank you so very much for
sharing your knowledge with us. Having goldfish as pets is a lot harder
than most people realize. That said...
My apologies in advance for the mini-novel but I'm not sure where to
Let me start by providing what I hope will be some useful background
information. I currently have two fish tanks- a 20-gallon heated,
filtered, moderately planted tank that houses a seemingly bored betta
named Milo and a 40-gallon tank that houses three regular goldfish, the
oldest of whom, Morgan, has been in my care for a little over nine years
now. The goldfish tank was heavily planted once or twice, but it's tough
keeping live plants around goldfish because, well, they eat absolutely
Now they have what I like to call a water bush that quietly floats from
one side of the tank to the other (likely to avoid being eaten). The
40-gallon tank has two hang on the back filters- one for tanks that are
up to 50 gallons and a second for tanks that are up to 90 gallons.
<Good to have such over-filtration and redundancy>
I do this for two reasons: 1) goldfish are very messy little creatures
and 2) if one filter fails, I will have a backup to ensure that the tank
remains cycled until the new filter has a chance to get established.
is also a pond pump with an ultraviolet light lurking in one of the back
corners of the tank. I check the filters once a week when I clean the
tank, however I only replace the filters approximately every other month
or so unless otherwise indicated. The tank is fully cycled and has been
for many years now. The ammonia and nitrite levels consistently stay at
zero and the nitrate levels toggle between 10 ppm (at the beginning of
the week) and 20 ppm (which is where I usually am at the end of the week
when I clean the tank). I have never had a pH reading other than 7.4 on
this tank.
<So far, great>
The fish are fed a diet that consists mostly of homemade gel food
consisting of shrimp, raw garlic and fresh spinach that is supplemented
with a variety of fruits (usually oranges) and things like sweet peas,
boiled sweet potatoes, roasted seaweed, etc. Loads of Anacharis are
added to the tank once a quarter or so which the fish usually decimate
over the course of a week. Once or twice a year the goldfish will get
Life Spectrum pellets.
<Am a huge fan>
I am thoroughly convinced that this diet has not only kept my fish
relatively healthy over the years, but that it plays a crucial role in
allowing me to keep my tank parameters in check (along with the weekly
cleanings, that is). And now onto my problem...
Nearly four weeks ago, I noticed that my oldest fish, Morgan, had
reddened gills (it was only visible to me when he was swimming away from
me, though). The gill panels appeared to be perfectly fine, and
everything else on this fish appeared to be completely normal including
his appetite and behavior. It was the flesh underneath the gill panels
that had me concerned. The color reminded me of either a ruby red
grapefruit or a blood orange. A quick water check revealed that the
parameters were fine:
ammonia:0 ppm, nitrites: 0 ppm, nitrates: 20 ppm with a pH of 7.4. The
temperature was a little high (~81 degrees- I live in the high desert so
there is not much I can do about that aside from setting my thermostat
for 78 degrees for the entire summer). Erring on the side of caution, I
did a partial water change taking great care to thoroughly vacuum every
inch of the gravel and reprogrammed the lights on the tank to only come
on for 6 hours of the day so that they won't overheat the tank.
<Good moves. I'd leave the lights off during all daylight hours>
I also made a note to keep an eye on the tank in preparation for
whatever was about to come next (because I just knew it would be
I didn't have to wait long. Less than a week later, I noticed that
Morgan was sitting near the bottom of the tank breathing a little faster
than usual. I also noticed that his left gill was inflamed. A quick
around the tank revealed that the other fish were looking and behaving
normally. Morgan didn't appear to be in any other distress aside from
being a little quiet (and to this day continues to eat like a pig), but
knew this swollen gill wasn't normal. I immediately got out my API kit
and checked the parameters which were exactly the same as they'd been
the week before. It was another hot day though so I did a partial water
change of 50% and started dosing with Tetracycline in case this was the
beginning of
something bacterial. Once the treatment was completed, Morgan was a
little perkier but he was still breathing faster than I would have
liked. Not knowing the exact nature of his ailment, I opted to wait a
day or so to see if more symptoms would present themselves so I'd have a
better idea on how to treat this issue.
Approximately one week later, I walked by the tank and noticed that
Morgan had a long ribbon of something that looked like cotton coming
from this inflamed gill. I knew it was a fungus of some type but I
didn't know whether it was a true fungus or one that was caused by a
bacterial infection. Once again I immediately checked the water
parameters (okay, after I stopped cussing like a sailor), and once again
the water parameters were exactly as they had been the previous weeks. I
conducted two water
changes to get the nitrates down to 10 ppm, then I dosed the tank with
API's E.M. Erythromycin. I had planned to also run API's Fungus Cure
simultaneously in case this turned out to be a true fungus but the only
medication my local fish stores carried was that herbal stuff Pimafix
and Kordon's Rid Fungus which did not interest me (I thought they would
make things worse).
Within the first 24 hours of dosing the tank with E.M. Erythromycin, the
trail of fungus disappeared. I thought I was on the right track with the
Erythromycin but at the end of the treatment the gill was still
I saw no clear evidence of parasites (i.e. flashing, thickening slime
coat, raggedy fins and/or damage to the body) and didn't want to further
stress him for treating him for a phantom ailment. Do keep in mind that
I am no expert on fish-keeping so I could very easily be wrong about
this not being a parasite. It's just that my previous experience with
parasites (ich) is that they breed like roaches. For every one you see,
a million more are hiding in the tank- most of whom tend to make their
presences known over
the course of hours and not weeks.
A few days ago I grabbed a flashlight to see if I could better determine
why Morgan's gill was still swollen despite all the antibiotic therapy.
In the left gill just under the upper part of the panel is what appears
to be a speck of something a little larger than the head of a pin that
looks like a clump of white, fuzzy cotton or a spider's web. It looks
like the mold you would see on old cheese or bread except it is white in
color. Could this be a true fungus?
<Possibly... I suspect it is secondary... >
(And if so, how did it get in this tank?
<Mmm; funguses are all about... from the air likely>
I only ask because if there's one thing I've learned about fish care
it's that prevention is the best medicine). I have ordered API's Fungus
Cure online which should be arriving sometime today just in case. I have
no other idea what this could possibly be.
That's all I have to report for now. Aside from the fact that Morgan's
breathing is still a little fast, he continues to eat normally. He even
scavenges for food like his tank mates. Any assistance you can provide
will be greatly appreciated.
<My best guess is that this fish's trouble originated w/ a physical
trauma... bumping in to something hard... the fungus/bacteria a result
of opportunity. I'd stop the medicines you list and try simple salt
See Neale's piece here re:
Bob Fenner>
Fungus Among us /Neale 9/25/19
Hello everyone. I would just like to say your site is the absolute BEST!
I have shamelessly stalked your content for anything related to goldfish
and can honestly say that my finned babies would not have survived more
than a few months at best had I not done so. Thank you so very much for
sharing your knowledge with us. Having goldfish as pets is a lot harder
than most people realize. That said...
<Thanks for these kind words.>
My apologies in advance for the mini-novel but I'm not sure where to
Let me start by providing what I hope will be some useful background
information. I currently have two fish tanks- a 20-gallon heated,
filtered, moderately planted tank that houses a seemingly bored betta
named Milo and a 40-gallon tank that houses three regular goldfish, the
oldest of whom, Morgan, has been in my care for a little over nine years
The goldfish tank was heavily planted once or twice, but it's tough
keeping live plants around goldfish because, well, they eat absolutely
<Correct. Can be worth the effort, but these fish (and Carp generally)
are natural bulldozers in the wild, uprooting plants and creating so
much silt by their snuffling about the water gets too murky for light to
So yep, mixing Goldfish with plants is a challenge, whether in the wild
or in captivity. Floating plants (like water lilies) work best.>
Now they have what I like to call a water bush that quietly floats from
one side of the tank to the other (likely to avoid being eaten). The
40-gallon tank has two hang on the back filters- one for tanks that are
up to 50 gallons and a second for tanks that are up to 90 gallons. I do
this for two reasons: 1) goldfish are very messy little creatures and 2)
if one filter fails, I will have a backup to ensure that the tank
remains cycled until the new filter has a chance to get established.
<Sounds wise.>
There is also a pond pump with an ultraviolet light lurking in one of
the back corners of the tank. I check the filters once a week when I
clean the tank, however I only replace the filters approximately every
other month or so unless otherwise indicated.
<All sounds fine so far.>
The tank is fully cycled and has been for many years now. The ammonia
and nitrite levels consistently stay at zero and the nitrate levels
toggle between 10 ppm (at the beginning of the week) and 20 ppm (which
is where I usually am at the end of the week when I clean the tank). I
have never had
a pH reading other than 7.4 on this tank.
<Cool. Goldfish do prefer basic water chemistry, so around 7 to 8 is
The fish are fed a diet that consists mostly of homemade gel food
consisting of shrimp, raw garlic and fresh spinach that is supplemented
with a variety of fruits (usually oranges) and things like sweet peas,
boiled sweet potatoes, roasted seaweed, etc.
<All sounds good. Probably better than what I eat!>
Loads of Anacharis are added to the tank once a quarter or so which the
fish usually decimate over the course of a week. Once or twice a year
the goldfish will get Life Spectrum pellets. I am thoroughly convinced
that this diet has not only kept my fish relatively healthy over the
years, but that it plays a crucial role in allowing me to keep my tank
parameters in check (along with the weekly cleanings, that is). And now
onto my problem...
Nearly four weeks ago, I noticed that my oldest fish, Morgan, had
reddened gills (it was only visible to me when he was swimming away from
me, though). The gill panels appeared to be perfectly fine, and
everything else on this fish appeared to be completely normal including
his appetite and behavior. It was the flesh underneath the gill panels
that had me concerned. The color reminded me of either a ruby red
grapefruit or a blood orange.
<The gill filaments themselves should look bright, almost cardinal red.
Diseases gills tend to look paler, even grey or white.>
A quick water check revealed that the parameters were fine: ammonia:0
ppm, nitrites: 0 ppm, nitrates: 20 ppm with a pH of 7.4. The temperature
was a little high (~81 degrees- I live in the high desert so there is
not much I can do about that aside from setting my thermostat for 78
degrees for the entire summer). Erring on the side of caution, I did a
partial water change taking great care to thoroughly vacuum every inch
of the gravel and reprogrammed the lights on the tank to only come on
for 6 hours of the day so that they won't overheat the tank. I also made
a note to keep an eye on the tank in preparation for whatever was about
to come next (because I just knew it would be something!).
<Oh dear...>
I didn't have to wait long. Less than a week later, I noticed that
Morgan was sitting near the bottom of the tank breathing a little faster
than usual. I also noticed that his left gill was inflamed. A quick
around the tank revealed that the other fish were looking and behaving
normally. Morgan didn't appear to be in any other distress aside from
being a little quiet (and to this day continues to eat like a pig), but
knew this swollen gill wasn't normal. I immediately got out my API kit
and checked the parameters which were exactly the same as they'd been
the week before. It was another hot day though so I did a partial water
change of 50% and started dosing with Tetracycline in case this was the
beginning of
something bacterial. Once the treatment was completed, Morgan was a
little perkier but he was still breathing faster than I would have
liked. Not knowing the exact nature of his ailment, I opted to wait a
day or so to see if more symptoms would present themselves so I'd have a
better idea on how to treat this issue.
<Indeed; the right approach.>
Approximately one week later, I walked by the tank and noticed that
Morgan had a long ribbon of something that looked like cotton coming
from this inflamed gill.
I knew it was a fungus of some type but I didn't know whether it was a
true fungus or one that was caused by a bacterial infection. Once again
I immediately checked the water parameters (okay, after I stopped
cussing like a sailor), and once again the water parameters were exactly
as they had been the previous weeks. I conducted two water changes to
get the nitrates down to 10 ppm, then I dosed the tank with API's E.M.
Erythromycin. I had planned to also run API's Fungus Cure simultaneously
in case this turned out to be a true fungus but the only medication my
local fish stores carried was that herbal stuff Pimafix and Kordon's Rid
Fungus which did not interest me (I thought they would make things
Within the first 24 hours of dosing the tank with E.M. Erythromycin, the
trail of fungus disappeared.
<Odd. Fungal infections don't often respond to antibiotics.>
I thought I was on the right track with the Erythromycin but at the end
of the treatment the gill was still inflamed. I saw no clear evidence of
parasites (i.e. flashing, thickening slime coat, raggedy fins and/or
damage to the body) and didn't want to further stress him for treating
him for a phantom ailment. Do keep in mind that I am no expert on
fish-keeping so I could very easily be wrong about this not being a
parasite. It's just that my previous experience with parasites (ich) is
that they breed like roaches. For every one you see, a million more are
hiding in the tank- most of whom tend to make their presences known over
the course of hours and not weeks.
<Whitespot/Ick is usually quite easy to treat. Salt/heat works well with
salt-tolerant fish like Goldfish. Otherwise reliable Whitespot
medications like eSHa EXIT are reliable and easy to use.>
A few days ago I grabbed a flashlight to see if I could better determine
why Morgan's gill was still swollen despite all the antibiotic therapy.
In the left gill just under the upper part of the panel is what appears
to be a speck of something a little larger than the head of a pin that
looks like a clump of white, fuzzy cotton or a spider's web. It looks
like the mold you would see on old cheese or bread except it is white in
color. Could this be a true fungus? (And if so, how did it get in this
tank? I only ask because if there's one thing I've learned about fish
care it's that prevention is the best medicine). I have ordered API's
Fungus Cure online which should be arriving sometime today just in case.
I have no other idea
what this could possibly be.
That's all I have to report for now. Aside from the fact that Morgan's
breathing is still a little fast, he continues to eat normally. He even
scavenges for food like his tank mates. Any assistance you can provide
will be greatly appreciated.
<I'm thinking that Branchiomycosis is the culprit here. It's a fungus,
and probably latent in most fish tanks. Ordinarily it doesn't infect
healthy fish. But at unusually high temperatures, possibly also in
situations where nitrite or ammonia are too high, or the tank
overstocked, the Branchiomyces spores infect the gills of the fish,
causing death of the surrounding tissue. Unfortunately there are no
tried-and-trusted treatments.
Phenoxyethanol is probably the best bet, but any decent proprietary
anti-fungal medication is worth a shot (though things like Melafix
Commercially, medications like Malachite Green are used to disinfect new
stock, but honestly, treating fish once they actually get sick is very
hit-and-miss. Isolation of infected fish is normally recommended to
prevent infection of other fish, but that may or not be practical here,
in which can prophylactic treatment as per Fungus may minimise the risk.
FWIW, Branchiomycosis is quite common in farmed Carp and Goldfish, and
you can find many photos (and doubtless horror stories) online. Cheers,
Re: Fungus Among us (RMF, Branchiomycosis?)<<Maybe>>
Thank you Neale and Bob for responding to me so quickly. I went ahead
and dosed the tank with API's Fungus Cure last night before I received
your response because I was just so anxious to do something to help
Morgan, as he's been afflicted with this ailment for about a month now (
I have indeed seen all the pictures of fish who are afflicted with
Branchiomycosis and I am keeping my fingers crossed that my little one
does not have that).
<Let's hope!>
He's still breathing a little faster than I like but the inflammation
has gone down quite a bit and today he was more active than I've seen
him in weeks.
I guess all I can really do now is wait and see what happens next. If
this treatment doesn't work then I will definitely try the aquarium
<Salt for Whitespot; has no impact on fungal infections.>
Thanks, again for your responses. You guys totally ROCK!
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fungus Among us (RMF, Branchiomycosis?)
Hello, everyone. Morgan's energy level has returned to normal. His fins
are no longer clamped and the only time he stays put is when he's
There is no further evidence of fungus in the afflicted gill that I can
see, however I am concerned because the gill in question no longer moves
when he breathes. Do you think the tissue will rejuvenate/recover with
time or has it been permanently damaged? This is likely going to be one
those wait and see moments. It's just that even in the best of
circumstances, a fish with one active gill concerns me. Is there
anything more I should do for him?
Thanks, again.
<Gill tissue can regrow, but it takes a while. Good water quality will
help, but in the meantime, extra oxygen in the water would help the
Cheers, Neale.>
Orange scales now with black tips on goldfish
Dear crew:
<Hey Luis>
I am writing to ask of is normal that an Orange carassius can turn its scales
with black tips?, I don’t really know of it is normal. Please see the
<Have seen your excellent pix; not only the edge-darkened scales, but apparent
"pine coning" of the flank scales is worrisome. There are a few possible causes,
influences here, but water quality and nutrition I should mention. Your goldfish
may have an internal bacterial infection; but this is caused by something/s
amiss w/ foods and/or aspects of the environment. Please do check re the
presence of ammonia, nitrite in particular, and switch to a near all plant
matter diet for the next few weeks. Take a look on WWM and the Net re pine-cone
disease as well>
Kind regards,
Luis Prado
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
*Biólogo Marino*
*Acuarios Chile*
Bilbao #3836, Santiago
Re: Orange scales now with black tips on goldfish
Thank you very much for your kind and quick reply. I will proceed following your
<Ahh; do take heart Luis. These "dropsy" cases can be cured in time>
Kind regards,
Luis Prado
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin
Greetings, thanks for your help in the past in getting rid of the fish lice that
came in on these two goldfish. I will never buy fish at this particular PetSmart
again. I went back to that store recently for dog food and almost every goldfish
in that shipment had passed away. What a disgrace how some suppliers stress out
the fish. Anyway, the fantail is doing great and looks very healthy. They are in
a 55-gallon. Water parameters are ammonia & nitrites = 0, nitrates = 30. I do a
weekly water change of about 50%. They have an Eheim canister filter that can do
up to a 75- gallon aquarium, containing primarily biological filtration media. I
try to feed them a varied diet, low on the protein. The aquarium is at 75
degrees? So that's the general picture.
Now, the problem is that the Ryukin seems to have a few ich organisms on his
gill cover and his tail fin appears to have mild fin rot.,I say mild as I have
seen no red spots or black edges, but his tail is shorter than it was, as if a
bacterial infection may be eating at it.
Is it possible to treat ich and fin rot concurrently?
Should I use salt for the ich and also tetracyclines or triple sulfa for the
possible fin rot?
<You could>
Will the salt interfere at all with the antibiotics?
<It will not>
Is it safe for fancy goldfish to be at 80 degrees F for the duration of the ich
<Yes; even (better) into the mid-80's F.... do add aeration if you can; to
augment that from the Eheim>
Can they tolerate it well? Also, should I do a salt bath for the Ryukin to "jump
start" his treatment, as it were?
<You could>
Also, there is a baby Black Moor in the tank with them. He's only a little bit
over an inch long (not including the tail fin). I got him at the same time as
the others but from a different store where their fish seem to be a lot
healthier. So far he's shown no sign of disease. I'm hoping he's healthy enough
to get through all this. He seems quite lively and healthy. Should he be able to
tolerate this treatment OK?
Thanks so much in advance for your answer! Sorry to ask about this when there's
already a lot of info on your web site, but I had some specific questions. I
greatly appreciate your help.
Riobhka De Pêché
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin
Greetings. Just to let you know that I added salt to their aquarium yesterday (2
grams per litre) and also dosed them with erythromycin. We're at 82 degrees F.
They just received their 2nd dose of erythromycin today. Do you think it would
be a good idea to give a third dose of the antibiotics tomorrow to be sure even
though two doses are the recommended course of treatment?
<I would spread the Erythromycin (most antibiotics, antimicrobials) over every
three days (at 250 mg per ten gallons) for three times administration. Changing
some (25%) water out if deemed necessary>
The Ryukin is livelier and his colours look better today. Also, he's more
enthusiastic about eating and that has to be a good thing.
I'm being cautiously optimistic that he's on the road to recovery. Thanks so
much for your advice and all the great resources on your web site.
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin
Thanks, Bob. I will dose the antibiotics as you suggested. Ludwig is looking
even better this morning. The pix don't really show how much better his colour
is this morning. We were so worried about him. You can see in the pix the short
tail and a small hole in his dorsal fin.
<Is there... a Pleco in w/ this fish? What are the other tankmates?>
I know they'll take awhile to grow back, but the important thing is that he
seems to be on the road to recovery. Thanks so very much again for your help.
You guys are an invaluable resource.
<Anima bona fac R.... be of good life. BobF>
.JPG) |
Re: Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin
Hello again. One more question, if I may. Should seven days of the salt solution
in their aquarium at 82 degrees F be enough to eradicate the ich organisms?
<I'd raise and keep at 85 F.>
If not, how long would you recommend? Thanks again.
<Should be. BobF>
Re: Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin 1/14/16
Greetings, Sorry to bother you again, but the Ryukin has taken a turn for the
worse after having seemed so much better. I was gone for a couple of hours to
the vet's office to get Heartgard for my dogs. When I returned, the
Ryukin was swimming upside down and even when I gently touched him, he was
unable to right himself.
I have him now resting in a net in his tank. Seeing him from underneath, there
is a faint reddish-purple streak in between his ventral fins and the ventral
fins themselves look to be turning this colour as well. I'm in the process of
raising the temp to 85 F as you suggested. The other fish in the tank still seem
perfectly healthy.
My first thought of course is swim-bladder disease, but isn't this often only a
symptom of some other underlying problem?
Could the red colour on his underside indicate an internal problem...possibly an
infection, especially in light of the fact that these poor fish came from
PetSmart apparently with a plethora of problems?
<Yes and yes>
Isn't the current treatment the one that's usually used for swim-bladder
problems...salt and antibiotics?
Maybe I should try tripe-sulfa?
<I would not>
I don't believe that it's a diet problem, since these fish eat a varied diet of
shelled & thawed peas, Spirulina, organic lettuce, Omega One green seaweed,
duckweed (which was quarantined before giving it to them) and only occasionally
some freeze-dried mysis shrimp or Tubifex.
<Patience. B>
Any thoughts and suggestions you have for me I will be happy to hear. Thanks in
advance for your help.
Re: Fin rot and ich on a Ryukin 1/14/16
Never mind. I just checked on him and he's stopped breathing. He must've had a
serious problem to go down so fast. Thanks for your help anyway.
<Yeeikes! BobF>
Help!! Panic in Detroit; hoo hoo hoo hoooo!
I have this Ryukin and I'm not sure what is going on with his tail.
He was fine yesterday or the day before, and we just noticed this right now. I
don't think it was the filter intake at all, does it look like it would be
<Yes; of some sort, cause... bacterial most likely...>
What doe you suggest I do?
<Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Everyone else looks great. I have a 200 g with the new Fluval fx6 and
the water quality of good, we had it checked yesterday.
.JPG) |
Re: Help!! 10/2/15
I am confused, if it's fungal, but caused by bacteria, do I need an antibiotic
med or antifungal?
<.... you need to read>
Should I put salt in the quarantine tank? Do you think he can be saved?
<No and yes>
What can I do at this very moment to help him while I get meds?
Thanks again!
Re: Help!! 10/2/15
Ok so it seems that this is what I would need, however I've never seen it at the
pet stores here... Is there something comparable that you know of by chance?
I'll buy the esha2000, but it won't be here for probably a week.
<.... I would add nothing to this system... as the one fish only is
affected... Optimize, stabilize water quality and provide good nutrition and
this should fix itself. B>
Re: Help!! GF, still no useful info.
We did water changes each day, but the fish's condition deteriorated quickly...
<?! Strange.... and just this one fish>
His fins continued rotting off, and he developed the septicemia :( we euthanized
him this morning. When we tested the water at the Local fish store
<... see WWM re.... water changes with time, moving. You SHOULD have your own
test gear>
they said the parameters were great...
<Which means nothing to/for me>
So what could have caused this?
<Can't tell w/ the lack of data provided>
And how do we prevent this?
And what should we do if we see it again (because water changes didn't help)...
Thanks so much!
<Again; and hopefully for the last time here, the ONLY way we can help you is if
you will READ. By reviewing other folks similar instances, perhaps somethings
will open to your awareness.... B>
Lg Oranda help... Loricariid incomp.
You don't happen to recognize the white on my gf side do you? We can't tell if
it's a sickened or maybe our Pleco attacked him?
<The latter almost assuredly.... tell-tale missing scale pattern>
He was fine two days ago, last night I noticed him like this, and today, the
white is kinda fuzzy!! He's missing a lot of scales in his side as well. We're
not sure what to do with him! :(
<Remove the Pleco; see WWM re avoiding GF infections>
Lindsey Hernandez
<Welcome. Bob Fenner> |

Please send either prev. corr.
or complete sentences. 3/25/15
Subject: More help
I've been at school all day and I just got home and checked on the Oranda...
He's fuzzy... Is that a fungus? I don't know what to do to help him. We took the
Pleco to the LFS, so he is gone now. Thanks again for all your help!
Re: re: More help.... GF trauma
I'm sorry,
I've been at school all day and I just got home and checked on the Oranda.
He's fuzzy where his scales had been taken off. Is that a fungus?
<Appears to be hyphae, mycelia... yes>
(His fins are also shredding more this morning)
I don't know what to do to help him.
<A bit of aquarium salt (1 tsp. per five gallons) is all I would do... that and
check (daily) re water quality. You want NO ammonia, NO nitrite, and less than
10 ppm of nitrate>
We took the Plecostomus to the Local Fish Store, so he is gone now.
Thanks again for all your help!
<Be of good life, cheers. Bob Fenner> |
Re[2]: re: More help
Ok put 1/2 tank water 1/2 fresh and treated water in my 5 gal quarantine tank
with the 1 tsp per 5 gal of salt. What do I do daily to ensure no
nitrates/ nitrites/ ammonia?
<Biological filtration, water changes.... See WWM re. B>
He's looking worse :'(
Re[3]: re: More help
Ok, is there a common name for the hyphae, mycelia?
<True fungal "threads" (structures), versus bacterial look-alikes>
One site brought up body fungus. also, do I need to worry about my other GF
getting the fungus?
<Not so much>
Sorry for all of the emails... I am freaking out here!
<When in doubt, read. B> |
Seriously ill Goldfish- Help Required- Urgent
My 5 years old goldfish is seriously ill since last two days. *The fins
are frayed and I see [maybe] a wound at the base of pectoral fin.*
I have used the anti-fungal medicines but without any sign of
<Indeed. Finrot is caused by bacteria. Not fungus. So you need an
antibiotic or antibacterial. In England, antibiotics aren't sold in pet
shops, but from personal experience I recommend a product called eSHa
for Finrot. It works very well provided the fish isn't too far gone. In
the US you can buy antibiotics from pet shops. Seachem KanaPlex is one
option among many. Basically, so long as you avoid the tea-tree oil
medications (such as Melafix) which tend to be unreliable, most
anti-Finrot medications should work quite well.>
Presently it is isolated in a large bucket that serves as my quarantine
<No. Remember, a hospital tank (or quarantine tank) must have
environmental conditions (nitrite, ammonia, oxygen) that are AT LEAST as
good as the aquarium. Just moving a fish to a bucket or small aquarium
isn't helpful IF the conditions there are poor.>
This is my best fish & it would be a heartbreak to see it die.
<Do medicate as per Finrot. Review environmental conditions in the main
aquarium. Goldfish are extremely hardy fish, and Finrot is almost always
caused by poor environment. Specifically, non-zero ammonia and non-zero
nitrite levels.>
Please help on my course of action ASAP. I have tried to click some
photos & those are attached herewith.
Thanking You in advance
<Let me direct you to Goldfish 101, here:
In short, aquarium size (at least 20-30 gallons) and good water quality
(a biological filter) are essential. Hard, alkaline water is a plus.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Seriously ill Goldfish- Help Required- Urgent
This is really of Great Help. Thank You VERY Much :-)
<Most welcome. Neale.>
Re Goldfish expert, please
Hi there!
<Stephanie, Rick here.>
I really need some help to save my goldfish, Tiger. I sent the email
below and received the advice <in brackets>. I had huge difficulty
understanding exactly what the writer suggested, as the links he sent me
to had dozens of articles. I couldn't find any that referred to
symptoms like those that Tiger is presenting, so I tried my best.
<Well, I think Bob's point was that you don't appear to have a solid
understanding of the husbandry requirements for goldfish, regardless of
the strain. Contrary to what popular culture would have
you believe, goldfish really aren't beginner fish, they aren't tropical
fish, they aren't small, they aren't clean, they aren't good in bowls or
small tanks, and should really be in a pond or a very large tank.
The water chemistry you present below indicates a tank that is either
not fully cycled or the cycle has crashed.. The ammonia and nitrites
should be zero.>
I realize that I have been making a huge mistake for the last few weeks:
I have not been using a dechlorinator when I do the regular water
<Yeah, the chlorine irritates the gills, but it doesn't cause what you
see in the photos.>
What I used was a 'water treatment' but it did not dechlorinate water,
and I'm afraid that's the reason for my fish's distress.
<Well, it might have. Water treatment is vague enough it could mean
dozens of products. Many of them do treat for chlorine, so check the
label. But as I said above, chlorine or even chloramine won't cause
those kind of lesions.>
Once I realized that, I did a 50% water change and treated the whole tank
with dechlorinator.
<Any chlorine will dissipate on its own after 24 hours, but not so with
chloramine. You'll have to check your county water report to see if they
add ammonia to the water at the treatment plant. That would indicate you
have to be concerned with chloramine--what you get when ammonia and
chlorine combine in the water. Even so, this is not the root cause
of the problems. And until those ammonia and nitrites dissipate,
you really need to do a water change daily, and use a test kit to tell
you when to stop and how much water needs to be changed.>
In the last week, Tiger's condition has gotten so much worse (see
attached picture).
<Not surprising because much of the problem stems from the fish
being in cramped quarters. Yes, you increased the size of their
tank, but they still need a lot more room than you are providing.
Goldfish get BIG and they are messy. Both point to large tanks or to a
I was on vacation so I left a few dissolving fish feeder
pyramids for them to eat.
<These are worse than worthless. They leave a lot of mess in
the tank that is ultimately turned into that toxic ammonia. Fish can go
a surprisingly long time without eating, which is a better solution than
pyramids for short trips of a few days.>
Water conditions now are: Ammonia 0.02-0.05, <Needs to be 0.0> Nitrate
20-40 <Not bad.>, Nitrite 0.0-0.5 <Needs to be 0.0>, pH 7.2 <Stable???>,
KH 40, GH 180. <Fine.> I really need specific help.
<The illness can likely be traced back to the ammonia. It isn't
directly responsible for the lesions, but it does weaken the immune
system. The small tanks exacerbate the stress on the
animals. A stressed animal is more prone to succumb to any disease that
is already in the fish that is being kept at bay by the immune system.
To me these look bacterial, but if you've already tried tetracycline
without improvement, it could be viral as discussed below. Keeping
the environment as clean as possible, including the water, is key.
By this stage, I wouldn't be surprised if there is also a bacterial
infection. But, you can't effectively treat with an antibiotic if you
are doing water changes. You may have to treat without water
changes and use a lot of ammo chips to keep the ammonia under control.
But do go back and look through the links on WWM that Bob gave
you last time.>
Thank you for your help!
<Hope it was at least somewhat helpful - Rick>
Viral/env. |
30gal aquarium, GF... env. dis.?
Hey there I seem to be having a problem with my goldfish in my 30 gal
aquarium. I have three large goldfish and one fancy. My largest fish
developed a lump on the top of his head. Not sure if it is from under
his skin or from on top it is orange in colour but then so is he. I
brought him to the pet store and they informed me he has " Fish Herpes"
and that there was pretty much nothing I could do
<Ahh, if viral, this is so>
except for the salt baths I was already giving at the time. However since
then my fancy fish and my white goldfish have developed a small bump on
their fins and now have a kink where the spot appeared. My large fish
has also what seems like fin rot with red lines through his tail.
<This reads more like an environmentally mediated complaint>
And my smallest younger fish is just fine. Ph is at 7.8 and water is clear
and clean they get quality food small amounts twice a day. Their
behaviour is normal and they don't seem bothered but I know it isn't
normal. Any idea on what it could be? Much appreciated -Megan :)
<Could be many things... Please take the long read here:
scroll down to the Goldfish tray... Health... Bob Fenner>
Goldfish with fungus, proceeding to blackened scales -
Dear WWM,
<Hi, Nathan!>
I have one goldfish which lives alone in a fifteen litre tank. He is one
year old and has been used to a complete water change every seven days
since we first got him.
<At a year of age, a goldfish should be too big to fit in a 15 liter
His growth is stunted; he really needs a much bigger space. His health
will be compromised in this small volume.>
Several weeks ago (I am ashamed to say) we neglected to change his water
for around two weeks.
<Evidence of the tank being vastly too small for a goldfish.... These
animals require - require! - more like 50 liters per animal, at an
absolute barest minimum. They are large, messy (produce a lot of waste),
and really can't live in good health without appropriate volumes of
water. Your fish needs a MUCH larger home. It would be far better for
him to be in something closer to 100 liters, especially by a year of
By this time he had a pinky white slime covering his sides, face and
<Likely from diminished water quality, which, in the small tank, was
really just a matter of time.>
I immediately changed his water, cleaned his tank and asked at my local
aquarium for advice.
<I sincerely hope their first piece of advice was a bigger tank....>
On their instruction I brought a water sample to them, which they told
me was fine.
<Next time, please have them give you the actual readings. "Fine" is
really quite meaningless. Your fish's water must have ZERO Ammonia, ZERO
Nitrite, and no more than 20ppm Nitrate. The slime you saw was almost
definitely from poor water quality.>
I began treating what they told me was a fungal infection
<Based upon what? There is no indication of a fungal infection, here....
Fungal infections in fish are actually quite rare....>
with 'Love Fish Anti Bacteria and Fungus' treatment. Several weeks have
passed and his condition has improved massively but not entirely.
<I suspect that your water changes have more to do with this than the
medication, actually.>
He now has only slight pinky white discolouration down his sides.
However, today I notices a black mark on his side, towards the back,
where three scales dropped away weeks ago and am worried about ammonia
burn. Could this be an effect of treating him with medication too long
<Yes, easily.>
or a different problem entirely?
<Quite possible. From your description, the slimy look, and now some
pinky-white discoloration, as well as black mark(s), I'm inclined to
think "carp pox". Do look this up. It often looks like slime/film, or
could even be described as "waxy" formations on the fish. It is viral,
incurable, and usually won't cause the fish any real "harm". It might be
brought about or exacerbated by poor water quality (which could be why
you started seeing it after missing a couple of water changes), and can,
sometimes, fade away with good water quality. It will often come and go,
as well.>
I'm a little unsure of how to proceed with him.
<If you are still medicating, I would absolutely discontinue this.
Prolonged exposure to medication - and you mentioned "several weeks,
which would qualify - can cause damage to a fish's liver and kidney....>
I am going to go shopping for a larger tank with a quality filter to
help him get better
<Oh, VERY good news.>
but really want to do everything I can to improve his quality of life.
<Believe me, there is no better action you can take than to expand his
world. Please do read the articles on WWM regarding goldfish.... Here's
a starting point for you:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshsystems.htm and
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/goldfish101art.htm .>
I hope that's enough information to help with my query. Many thanks in
advance for your time!
<And I do hope you've found some helpful information here, Nathan!
Thanks for writing in. I do wish your goldfish a complete recovery. I'm
sure he'll love the larger tank you're shopping for. Best wishes to you
and your goldfish pal, -Sabrina>
Fin Rot for Goldfish - Tried Everything!
(RMF, please comment)<<Below>> 12/21/11
Dear WWM,
<Hello Brad.>
We have a fantail goldfish approximately 2 years old that has had a
case of fin rot for about one year. We think that our keeping him in a
10 gallon tank caused it due to the dirty water, but about a year ago
initially getting the fin rot) we upgraded him to a 37 gallon tank, and
he is the only fish in there.
<Sounds a wise move.>
Over the past year, off and on, we have tried the following
medications: Pimafix, Melafix (twice),
<Both less than reliable. Have some value, perhaps, as preventatives
in the same way as you'd use antiseptic ointment on a cut to
prevent infection.
But I don't honestly believe they're much use once infection
sets in.>
Maracyn 2, Maracyn 1 and 2 together, and Tetracycline.
<These do normally work well.>
It seems like we have used every medication out there to treat fin rot
that is sold at PetSmart and Petco.
<Not quite. What you've used are antiseptics and antibiotics.
What you haven't used are antibacterial medications such as the
various aldehydes, organic dyes and nitrogen-containing organic
compounds. These are somewhat akin to chemotherapy -- they're
lethal to everything, but with careful use, kill bacteria before they
kill the fish. Here in the UK, all the over-the-counter Finrot
medications fall into this category because antibiotics are only
provided by vets. For the most part, this isn't a big deal because
these medications can be very effective. eSHa 2000 is my medication of
choice for Finrot and Fungus, and works very well. In the US products
such as Seachem PolyGuard and ParaGuard fall into this category as
Are there any other medications or treatments we can try? His water
quality is now very good (we try to keep the ammonia and nitrate levels
at zero), but we still can't seem to get rid of the fin rot, which
is very
slowly getting worse as the months pass on. Thanks.
<I'd use something like ParaGuard along with salt. Goldfish are
very salt tolerant, and for some reason that isn't clear to me
(saltwater fish can get Finrot after all!) the use of salt alongside
Finrot and Fungus
medications seems to improve success. I wouldn't use a huge amount,
3-4 grammes/litre, which is 10% seawater salinity, and I'd use
aquarium salt rather than marine aquarium salt because you don't
want to much change pH and hardness. (Though, as a side issue, Goldfish
are healthier in hard water than soft, so if you have soft, acidic
water, this could be part of the problem.) Treat with ParaGuard as
instructed, removing carbon from the filter if used (again, often
overlooked, but carbon removes medications as
well as unwanted organic molecules). Cheers, Neale.><<Agree w/
your suggestions for bacterial issues... and think this fish may well
have a compromised immune system. RMF>>
Re: Fin Rot for Goldfish - Tried Everything! (RMF, please
comment)<<>> 1/5/12
Thanks for the help! We found and purchased ParaGuard. How long should
we continue this treatment?
<See the SeaChem website:
Use daily, until the fish gets better, and so long as it isn't
At what point would you deem it to not work if there are no signs of
improvement. I bought enough to last 25 days, but could always buy
The package just says to use it daily unless the fish shows signs of
stress. It doesn't say to do it for a given number of days or to do
any water changes after a given number of days. Do you have anything to
add in this regard? Thanks.
<Cheers, Neale.><<I would not treat w/ this product any
more than a week. More harm than good at some trade-off point likely.
Again, monitor water quality daily, and stop if the fish/es are overly
stressed. RMF>>
Re: More Re: Fin Rot for Goldfish - Tried Everything! (RMF, please
comment) 1/8/12
We tried using ParaGuard for five days in a row (no carbon in the
and our fish shows no signs of improvement.
<Takes weeks... months...>
He just sits at the bottom of the tank with his fin clamped down. He
still has fin rot - his tail fin is still fraying and he still has red
streaks on his fine. He is approximately 2 years old right now. Is
there anything additional you would recommend doing?
<Just keeping track of water quality, being careful re feeding,
having time going by. BobF>
Re: More Re: Fin Rot for Goldfish - Tried Everything! (RMF, please
comment) 1/9/12
Thanks for the help, Bob. Are you saying that we should use it for
weeks or months until signs of improvement are shown (and that it might
take this long), or that we should use it for five days or so but that
it will take weeks or months after we stop using it before the fish is
<The latter>
<Please read here:
and the linked files above. B>
I think my Comet might have fin rot... /Neale
Hello, my name is Sigga and I'm worried about my Comet,
I got Gajeel 3 weeks ago, as well as two other goldfish. Loki, a
common, and Natsu, who I'm quite sure is a Comet, judging by
the tail.
<I see.>
I originally had all 3 in a 30 liter tank,
<Too small for Goldfish; even 100 litres would be barely
but I quickly noticed that this wasn't good for them, mostly
due to the fact that Loki and Natsu would attack each other and
<Perhaps. But also, if this aquarium is new, the biological
filter is not cycled. It will take 6 weeks to cycle. During that
6 weeks, the ammonia and nitrite levels will not be 0. If they
are not 0, then the fish will be harmed.>
I quickly separated them, returning Loki to the store for a
Fantail (Mirajane) and got Natsu into a 20 liter tank. Mirajane
is in a 10 liter bowl for now, though i plan to put her with
Gajeel later, once I'm sure he's healthy... (I plan to
get a big (340-450liter) tank as soon as i can afford it, the
small tanks are just temporary for tops 6-12months, depending on
how fast i find one and can afford it)
<Well, you need to hurry!>
Before I separated the original 3 fish, Gajeel had gotten quite a
few injures and his back fin (dorsal fin?) had a split + two
small holes in the base of it.
<Yes, very common when Goldfish are kept in poor
Now, a few days later and Gajeel being alone, he suddenly had his
underfins slit up! he also has some red, vein-like marks on his
tail.. i know he didn't have this yesterday, because i was
waaaatching him for almost an hour before bedtime (he's next
to my bed). I've been reading for a few hours online now, but
I'm not sure if its Fin rot or if he's just hurt... the
closest I'm able to guess myself is that he's getting it
because he's been hurt, and that makes me nervous because
Natsu got a few injuries while still with Loki as well...
I tested the water yesterday with a quick-test (6 in 1 thing) and
all the results were normal (i can check the list if you want to
know what they were, i remember which colours they turned)..
<Hmm I need these data. Ammonia MUST be 0 mg/l, and nitrite
MUST be 0 mg/l. When these are above zero, then Finrot is
I also read that this might be caused by over stress... I did the
mistake the first two weeks that i changed all the water once a
week and cleaned -everything- with water, as i was taught to do
that as a kid, but today (cleaning day) i had done my homework
and only did a 20-30% water change and cleaned the rocks and
such... I have a siphon, which I'm going to start using from
now on instead of taking everything out, as i don't want to
stress them..I also make sure that all the tanks have some real
plants for them to nibble on if they want, and i bought some
frozen food that i cant remember the name off...snails or shrimp
something that is really good for goldfish (I've read about
it on your site as well! :) ) and i feed them (until today)
flakes 3 times a day, and make sure its not too much...I
don't have a heater either, as I've been told its
perfectly fine for them to be in room-temperature, but he does
have a airstone there. I don't use aquarium salt either...
only thing i add i added for the first time today, and is just a
tiny amount of nutrients for the plants...Gajeel is also about 11
cms, not sure if that makes any difference...
I hope I've given you enough information to understand
what's going on >.< I'm worried about my poor
comet, though he doesn't seem to be in pain...
please help... i really have no clue what to do nor how to treat
this if it really is fin rot....
<Yes, is Finrot. Bacteria "clog" the capillaries in
the fin membrane, and these turn red or pink or orange.
Eventually, the blockages prevent the fin tissue from getting
oxygen and nutrients, and the fin tissue dies.>
Ps, as you've probably noticed, i don't use Gallons nor
Inches. I'm Scandinavian and live in Norway, so i don't
know Gallons nor Inches :(
grateful thank-yous in advance Inexperienced Icelander, Sigga
<Do read:
Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: I think my Comet might have fin rot... /RMF
Here are the pictures, I hope they come through :/ I've made
them all 600 pxs long tops, and total size of the photos are 540
Do tell if you need anything else, information-wise or
photo-wise, and I'll do what I can :/
<Your goldfish appear fine (healthy) to me, though the systems
they're in are small... likely fluctuating too much in water
quality... The best course of action here is to plan on getting
these goldfish into larger quarters... Fixing their environment
will cure the red streaking and frayed fins. Please read here
Even at this size, they need two-three times the volume (20 and
30l stated) as they are in currently... And w/ growth/time, much
larger. They can/could live together. Bob Fenner>

Re: I think my Comet might have fin rot...
Thank you so much Bob :3!
<Welcome Sigga!>
I do plan to get a 360-450L (what size Ill get depends on what
prices I can find..) hopefully by the end of February, and
guaranteed no later than 6 months from now!! I want them to be
happy and healthy :/ Is that quick enough, or should I speed up
even more?
yet again, thank you! and I will read thoroughly!
<Mmm, just keep up the water quality monitoring, frequent
partial water changes, and be careful/stingy re feeding. Bob
Re: I think my Comet might have fin rot... 12/1/11
Thank you so much, Neale >.< I'll read, and ill
definitively hurry with the bigger tank <.< With some luck,
I'm aiming to have one by February latest...! By the way, the
test result were:
NO1: 0-10
<Do you mean NO3-, which is nitrate, or NO2-, which is
nitrite? Nitrite needs to be ZERO, while nitrate can be anything
up to about 40 or 50 mg/l without causing serious
NO2: 0
<See above.>
GH <3od
KH: 3-6odpH: 6,8
<Sounds like you have soft, slightly acidic water. Not ideal
for Goldfish.
They like moderately hard, around neutral to slightly basic
water, i.e., about 10 degrees dH for General Hardness, and about
pH 7.5. Do read here:
There's a recipe for Rift Valley Salt Mix that's very
cheap and easy to use. Use about 50% the quote dose there, and
you should be able to create excellent water chemistry.>
those results are the ones I've gotten repediatly as
Again, thank you! :)
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: I think my Comet might have fin rot... 12/1/11
Ok! I will try that Rift Valley Salt Mix as soon as I can!
<Don't change ALL the water ALL at once though! Only add
enough for one water change at a time. So if you change 10 litres
of water, add enough mix for 10 litres of water. By my
calculations, at a 50% dosage, that would be 0.25 teaspoon sodium
bicarbonate, 0.25 tablespoon magnesium sulphate, and
0.25 teaspoon marine aquarium salt mix (remember, the mix is per
20 litres, and you want 50% the dosage recommended there, so 10
litres would be 25% the amounts described).>
Should I use that mix with Mirajane, the Fantail I have, as
(asking as I've heard Fantails are more frail than Comets,
not sure just how true it is..)
<Fantails are actually pretty good by Goldfish standards. So
are Black Moors. The delicate varieties are things like
Celestials, Lionheads, and the other really "deformed"
She's quite small, about 5 cm's or so long.
ps, NO2 is the Nitrite, and is 0
<Good. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: I think my Comet might have fin rot... 12/1/11
Hi! Its me again. I just wanted to give you some good news! I was
in the pet store today and stumbled over a fantastic sale, a 60
liter tank for less money than even my 20 liter (the producer
wanted to get rid of the model or something xD)! It even came
with a filter! I just got it started to get the filter and
everything set and going in it, and will be moving the fish over
in it in a few days. I've also been able to take care of the
problem of the water being too soft and too acidic, so I'm
hoping that the fin rot will become a thing of the past soon.
I'll try to send a picture of the tank once its running
properly and they're in it so you can see how its going
Thank you both for the amazing advice and for having such a great
site as well! It truly is fantastic!
Love and hugs from Sigga, Gajeel, Natsu and Mirajane in Norway!
<Ah, that's real good news! In Europe, a good, economical
medication for Finrot is eSHa 2000, which treats Finrot and
Fungus and Columnaris bacteria all at the same time! Good luck,
Re: Female Oranda with chronic mushy belly
Hello again:
I really need help here- this fish has not eaten since I wrote to you
on September 29th. I found a vet who knows a little about Koi- he
concurs that the mushy belly is most likely a bacterial infection
caused by unreleased eggs. We did four shots of Baytril over 4 days
into the dorsal muscle but it hasn't helped. Perhaps this was not
the ideal site but the vet was nervous about injecting
<Mmm, no big deal. READ: http://wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/holedispd.htm
and the linked files above>
This fish is really ill- I need to try something else. Have you (or any
of the WWM crew) had any experience treating this type of
Thanks: GA
<Can't discern "what type of infection" this is w/o
sampling, culture...
Read... other injectibles... B>
Finrot query re. goldfish
Dear WWM Crew,
First, thank you for both your excellent website (which has been a
tremendous help in the past) and for the advice I'm hoping to get
from you today. I've got a difficult problem and I'm hoping you
can work your usual magic. Thank you in advance for your time.
My problem is a long-term battle with Finrot in my goldfish (little
actual degeneration as yet, but a lot of the precursor, i.e.
reddening/darkening to fin edges). I've been trying to eradicate it
for months and achieved nothing, and as of the past couple of weeks the
problem has worsened noticeably. I've read your backlogged queries
extensively and can't identify the problem, so I'm hoping if I
give you all the info I have you'll be able to point out a possible
<Me too>
I keep three goldfish; two approx. 2" long in one 30 gallon tank,
and one around 4" long in another 30 gallon tank. All three fish
have the reddening (or in the case of my Black Moor, darkening) of fins
to various degrees, with the Moor worst affected (caudal fins, tail and
lately the dorsal fin has become implicated as well). Presumably this
points to an environmental problem shared between the tanks.
Stats for both tanks are great; 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and nitrate is
never above 5mg/l (and usually far less), with pH stable at 7.7. KH is
4.5 at present; I'm in the process of gradually increasing it to
around 10 (which I think should be right, from my WWM reading) using
Malawi/Victoria buffer from Seachem. I wondered if the poor KH (owing
to soft city water) might be responsible for the problem, but the KH is
more than double what it was before the problem started and the Finrot
is still there/worsening, so it doesn't seem logically (to me,
anyway) as if that can be it. Or could increasing the KH when a fish
has been accustomed to very low KH cause such problems?
<Much lower if so... Your hardness is fine>
My fish are fed primarily on cooked peas, supplemented by goldfish
flakes <I'd switch to a more substantive, nutritious
"pelleted" food. I feed my fancies New Life/Spectrum>
and the occasional bunch of elodea (which they all but destroy on
Their appetites and behaviour are fine; no fin clamping, food refusal,
gasping, skittishness or anything along those lines. Everything is
quarantined before it goes into either tank (6 weeks), the filtration
is 6x what is recommended for the tank size, the half-inch of gravel is
natural and rounded, the ornaments for cover are non-toxic, I don't
put my hands in the tank and am careful about keeping toxins (e.g.
window sprays) well away.
Extensive water changes have shown no improvement and arguably even
worsened the rot, which is just incomprehensible unless the water
itself is somehow causing the problem (maybe something wrong with the
pipes or some chemical that the dechlorinator doesn't remove in the
supplied water...?
<A possibility. Much better to just store new water for a week ahead
of use... Do check that your product treats for Chloramines>
I'm getting desperate so even unlikely explanations are welcome).
I've tried two types of medication (Neale's recommended eSHa
2000, which has helped with previous issues, and Interpet's Fungus
and Finrot treatment) - separately, of course, and with a significant
period of time between dosing for the meds to break down and to give
the poor fish a rest from medicines. No improvement at all
- which makes sense, given that I hadn't fixed the presumed
environmental cause yet (though at the time I hoped I had, having
blamed the bad KH and tried to amend it - don't want to give the
impression I was merrily flinging meds into the tank without
<I agree>
I use the same dechlorinator/heavy metal remover I've been using
for five years without problems (Interpet's Fresh Start) and,
unless you've heard anything negative about this or the Seachem
buffer I mentioned, have no reason to blame those. Although the
temperature is currently too high (22 degrees C, sometimes a little
higher during the day), this isn't particularly abnormal as far as
I know, and while I suppose the higher temperature might theoretically
speed a disease process I can't see it causing the rot in the first
<Mmm, I don't see their ingredients listed: http://www.interpet.co.uk/?s=fresh+start
Nor a MSDS for this product... but I don't care for the Aloe Vera
Essentially, I'm out of ideas and would really appreciate an
experienced opinion as to what exactly is going on here. If there is
any more information you could use from me to guide your diagnosis,
please let me know and I'll email you it as soon as possible.
<I would try another make/r>
Thank you very much for slogging through this email; I really
appreciate your time and the work that goes into this site, and hope
you can help me.
Kind regards,
<Nothing "jumps out" as a cause here... To sum up, I would
switch out the flake food and use another water conditioner and/or
store to-be-used new water for a week ahead of use. Bob
Re: Finrot query re. goldfish 8/8/11
Hello Bob,
Thank you very kindly for your time (especially over a weekend). I was
relieved to see that you've suggested some areas for improvement;
at least I have something to try now, much better than sitting on my
hands watching the situation worsen.
<Ah, good>
I've seen you recommend the New Life pellet food before, so
I'll definitely switch out the flakes and order the food you
recommend this evening. I'll also start aging the water pre-change,
provided I can find floor space for all the buckets (fortunately I have
a tolerant partner!).
<Very good>
I hope you don't mind an additional question - I'm more than
happy to switch to a new water conditioner given your dubious reaction
to the one I currently use; it's all I've ever used, however,
so I wonder if you'd kindly recommend me a product to remove
chlorine/Chloramine/copper etc., perhaps even something you use
yourself? I'd really appreciate a pointer towards something that
you find effective, if you wouldn't mind.
<I am a big fan of the "stock" Kordon/Novalek products
One last question about one of your remarks in the previous email - you
said the hardness of my tank water is fine, but did you mean it is
currently fine (KH 4.5) or that the value I was intending to build
towards (KH 10, or thereabouts) is fine?
<Either value will do. If your source/tap/mains water is 4.5,
I'd stick with it; not supplement>
Thank you VERY much again for all your help.
Kind regards,
<Certainly welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Finrot query re. goldfish 8/8/11
Hi Bob,
Many thanks - I've ordered the food and NovAqua tonight, so
hopefully things will be looking up soon.
<Takes time... weeks to months...>
Thank you again, and if I could ask you one last thing (sorry!) - is it
safe to switch directly over from one water conditioner to another,
bearing in mind that some of the original conditioner will still be in
the tank when I start adding the new one fresh
water changes?
<It is indeed safe... of the formulations I'm familiar w/ there
are six, seven ingredients total... and all are
Thank you once again,
Recurring Blood Spots on Ranchu ?
Hello Bob and Crew,
You recently helped me with a tropical fish (turned out to be
breeding tubercles), and I hate to bother you again, but I was
hoping if you would please help with one of my goldfish. I have
researched for hours upon hours for days now and now feel so
confused that my head is spinning!!
<Let's see>
I love goldfish! I have 12 all fancy goldfish in a large 650
litre tank, ranging in size from about 7cm (nose to tail) to the
largest being 27cm, as well as 2 adult Bristlenose Plecos
<I keep Ancistrus w/ my fancy goldfish as well>
and 4 of their juvenile offspring. The tank has a canister
filter, uv sterilizer and an additional internal power head
filter (facing the glass to minimize current). This particular
tank has been running for about a year without ever an illness.
In the tank are some silk plants (no live), and some driftwood
for the Bristlenose, with a minimal coverage of gravel as
I religiously change 85% water weekly,
<Mmm, I don't "trust" my tapwater enough to
change out this much. I'd limit to half or less>
vacuum gravel thoroughly with each change and I often do an
additional mid-week 50% water change (but not every week). I
clean the internal filter weekly in tank water, and clean the
canister filter once every 8 - 12 weeks (is this enough?). Water
is tested with API drops - Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, I try hard to
keep the nitrate less than 10.
So the problem I am having is with my Ranchu. I have had him for
about 6 months now I guess. From time to time he has come out in
blood spots under individual scales on his body. The first time
it happened I thought he was either beaten up, or got stuck in
some driftwood and injured himself - I just treated with salt and
the bloodied areas cleared up within a day or two. Some time
would pass and then this would happen again..... and then
again.... In the last month or so, I have noticed this is
happening more frequently, with the lesions becoming worse. He
still gets the blood spots under his scales, but now he also gets
aggressive looking 'pimples' around his head and gills
(as seen in the attached photos) as the predominant symptom and
occasionally he will get some fin streaking, but this isn't
always the case. He is active as ever and behaves/swims normally,
no flashing or scratching that I have observed - his appetite is
great and his
poop looks healthy (short poops the colour of the food).
These spots/lesions seem to come and go. I have had him in
quarantine for about 3 weeks now with daily 90% water changes and
0.1% salt (I have now raised the salt to 0.2%). With all my
research, the closest description I could find was hemorrhagic
<Mmm, not really... the fins seem patent/clear>
The only treatment (other than salt) I have tried is a 3 day
treatment of Tetracycline. Its the only anti-biotic medication
available over the counter here in Australia (that I know of). I
thought the treatment had worked because he healed up during that
period and his body an fins looked flawless! I kept him in the
quarantine tank for observation. He looked perfect for a day or
so, but then literally overnight I woke to find him in a mess (as
per photos). I have now raised the salt to 0.2%.
What is wrong with my Ranchu? None of the other fish are showing,
nor have ever shown these symptoms at all - just him.
I don't want to throw
medications at him without knowing what I'm dealing with -
not only that, I'm in Australia and its difficult to obtain a
lot of the medications I read about - and wouldn't know where
to get them from. I cant keep salting him forever either, but at
this stage, I don't know what else to do. Have been
considering PP, but don't know how to use this, nor if I
What should I do?.... - can I fix this? If so, how?
With many, many thanks for you help,
<The only explanation/guess I have any faith in is that this
one fish has a genetic disposition... a tendency for
"breaking down"... As none of your other goldfish seem
mal-affected by whatever this is. I would place it in another
system w/ different gravel, decor... and see if this
"something" is in the present system. Otherwise I would
not treat the Ranchu w/ medicine/s... as I doubt there is a
pathogenic origin to these sores. I am sorry to not be of more
assistance; and hope someone else may write in w/ more. Bob

Recurring Blood Spots on Ranchu ? 6/19/11
<<Let me add two thoughts here. One is that this is viral,
in which case nothing is likely to improve things beyond helping
the fish's own immune system. The second is that the
Ancistrus, perhaps the juveniles if not the adults, are latching
onto this fish and causing physical damage. I have seen
Otocinclus do this on Awaous gobies, and through WWM have seen
photos of Oscars that have been damaged by common Plecs. So while
this sort of behaviour isn't common among Loricariidae, it
does happen, and is worth bearing in mind. When my Otocinclus
were doing this, the wounds were distinctive: the scales were
pulled up, the skin underneath bubbled, and bacteria quickly
caused nasty sores with bloody patches and dead skin around them.
Perhaps isolating this fish for a few weeks might serve to
"control" for this potential variable, so you can at
least tick it off the list of possible problems. Cheers,
Re: Recurring Blood Spots on Ranchu ?
Thanks so much for your replies Neale and Bob!
<You're welcome.>
I don't feel as crazy now for not being able to determine
what this is - it's no wonder my head was spinning with all
the things I read about and not finding anything that was truly
comparable! Yes, the Bristlenose attaching themselves did
previously occur to me, although I had always thought it unlikely
they would only single out just one fish out of the 12.
<You'd think so, but this isn't my experience. One of
two Awaous gobies was attacked by my Otocinclus. I wonder if they
spot a fish that moves more slowly than the others, or is slower
at shaking them off, or who knows? Once the damage is done first
time, then there's an attractive open wound they go for next
time around, and so it becomes a vicious circle.>
I think I can now confidently rule the Bristlenose theory out,
considering how the blood patches disappeared, then reappeared,
during the last three week period of isolation in a bare
<Seems likely.>
Since writing to you yesterday, the blood patches are healing
well (again) and looking more faded - as always, I'm sure
they will completely heal within a couple of days but sadly will
be back again soon. So based on the theory that this is viral,
then I guess all I can do, as you say, is continue isolation in
clean water, and observe.
<Agreed; the coming-and-going is very virus-like, and as
I'm sure you know with human health, there are many viruses
that we can catch that end up coming and going throughout our
lives, most famously with the various Herpes viruses such as
those that cause Cold Sores.>
But should I continue with salt while the spots are present?
<May help reduce electrolyte loss by some small degree, and
Goldfish to have a very high tolerance for brackish water, so
slightly salinity will do no harm at all. On the other hand,
raising the general and carbonate hardness levels can help reduce
osmotic pressure too, whilst also stabilising pH and providing
the right water chemistry Goldfish enjoy.>
I am concerned about the 'wounded' areas becoming
infected. I have also read I could feed garlic to boost immune
<There is some evidence garlic works as an antiseptic on
humans and animals, but adding garlic to the diet to improve
immune response seems unlikely. Fish seem to enjoy
garlic-flavoured food, so if you want to use some, by all means
do so. But I'd imagine a greens-rich diet with lots of
vitamins and minerals would be more useful, for example, various
soft aquatic plants your Goldfish could graze on between
I could try feeding this once or twice a week? It wouldn't
hurt right?.... would it? And on the subject of food, another
theory I had (actually, my husband's suggestion) was food
allergies? Is it possible he is reacting to a feed
<I'm not aware of any such reactions that have been
studied in fish.>
I used to feed pre-soaked flakes, but now I mostly feed with
Hikari Lionhead sinking pellets and alternate this with peas or
blanched spinach, plus they eat the spirulina wafers intended for
the Bristlenose. Oh, and they get frozen bloodworms on the odd
occasion as a special treat. I recently ran out of Hikari and
bought some HBH sinking pellets, so they have been eating these
<A good, varied, fibre-rich diet is what you want here, but
variety is good too. Raising the temperature to about 22 C/72 F
will provide optimal conditions for Goldfish, and in doing so,
speed up immune response, assuming all else is good in the
Thanking you once again. I feel so bad to see this little Ranchu
like this. He is such a little cute :-) Your website is wonderful
and I for one appreciate you sharing your wealth of knowledge
with the world!
Best regards,
<Thanks for the kind words. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Recurring Blood Spots on Ranchu ?
Thanks Neale for the great help and advice! Will take it all on
board and hopefully minimize these breakouts!!
Kind regards,
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Tumour/cyst on stressed goldfish 12/12/10
I've a 5 year old goldfish (George) who has for the past year
or so grown a couple of what I can only describe as warts. The
first is on his body, and is approximately 5mm in diameter. This
hasn't increased in size over the past few months, is shiny
and the same colour as the fish (orange, he's a common comet)
and isn't giving me particular cause for concern. However, a
few months after his first lump appeared he started to grow
another one on his head.
<I see this>
This one is much more aggressive and is increasing in size
(albeit slowly).
I estimate it to be about 10mm in diameter. George is
approximately 6.5 inches long in body, 9 inches from nose to tip
of tail. His head lump looks like a typical multi-cellular
tumour. His behaviour up until a couple of week's ago has
been normal, active, eating well and interested in his
surroundings, but I've noticed recently that his skin texture
on his head especially seems to have changed. The scales on his
head and top of his body look to be what I can only describe as
wrinkled, as though he's dehydrated. He is still chasing food
of sorts. I feed them on a mainly flake diet, 33% protein
<Too high... I'd keep under twenty, if possible/practical
under 10>>
with added vitamins A, D and E but no C and with live blood
<And give up on these entirely. Implicated in some real
troubles in recent times>
/daphnia when I can get it, but no greenery unless they've
been constipated (only happened once with one of the fish)*. He
will take some food in to his mouth, but he's spitting it out
again. He's definitely lost weight, the only thing in his
favour is that he was a robust fish until something got a hold of
him. He isn't spending time in one particular spot of the
tank, is just hanging around in the middle with his fins mainly
clamped to his body, and isn't flashing or frantically
swimming around.
About two months ago I upgraded the fish to a 200 litre tank.
<Mmm, this is a small volume for Comets... and your fish has
been "bonsaied" by being kept in such>
There are 3 goldfish, one 4 years old, the other I've only
had for a couple of months, but I kept him in isolation for a
week and he's very active, healthy appetite and inquisitive,
so I can't see that he's introduced anything to the tank.
I've been regularly monitoring the pH, ammonia, nitrite and
nitrate levels whilst the tank is cycling, and they're all
showing zero/good/acceptable levels (I've been performing
small and regular water changes to ensure this).
<What you cannot detect through such measures is the
"negative feedback" from other metabolite accumulation
occurring here. Please read here to give you a glimpse: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/GrwLmtChems.htm
and the linked files above>
The other two fish are unaffected, but George has been unhappy
this week.
This could be something to do with his new surroundings, or a
skin condition/parasites/bacterial/viral problem that now needs
<Viral, environmental>
The tank is a Fluval Roma and has a U4 3-stage internal filter.
I've not yet rinsed out the filter pads as I wanted them to
get established media. I took George to see a vet (who is also an
aquarist) a couple of days ago. He doesn't think that the two
lumps are related to his current distress, and he's been
booked in to have these removed after Christmas, when he'll
be checked for signs of cancer or any other disease. This is two
weeks off however, and I'm desperately trying to keep him
well nourished and in the best health that I can prior to this.
I'm at a bit of a loss to know what to do. When he started to
show signs of not being himself I added a low level of tank salt
at the dose of .1% concentration. I've been maintaining this
when undertaking any water changes.
<Not of use here>
The tank has only artificial plants and all 3 fish are comets,
usually getting along very well, although of late the other two
have taken to 'nipping' at George.
<A bad sign>
I've attached a few photographs of his two lumps and the best
that I can get of his skin condition. I can only describe the
latter as uneven skin texture. He isn't ulcerated and
doesn't look to have any fungal growth on him.
He's a lovely fish, normally very robust and I'll be very
sad to lose him if there's something that can be done to
treat him. Similarly, if it's likely to be cancerous and to
kill him eventually, then I'd rather that he doesn't
start to suffer any more and the necessary be done. The vet is
going to re-assess him in January, and will make a decision once
he's operated and got the lab results back.
In the meantime, I've been reading up on what other things
might be affecting George. I can't honestly say that his
symptoms fit typically in with any of the disease descriptions
that I can find. There are three possible potentially;
ichthyosporidium (cysts), head & lateral line erosion disease
(pitting in skin), Lymphocystis (modular white swellings). All of
which may cause secondary symptoms of sluggishness and lack of
appetite. But I don't want to just randomly treat him for
something on the off-chance, which could potentially cause more
harm to a newly-cycled tank and all the fish.
<Is a viral growth... as you speculate here... a
"wart" of sorts>
Is there anything that you can advise please?
<Mmm, yes... More frequent partial water changes (at least 30%
a week), supplementation of foods with greens, dropping the
protein percentage>
I'm a bit at my wits end as to what to do for the best. He
doesn't seem to be going rapidly down-hill, but the lack of
nourishment I would think will soon cause more problems. Would
you advise keeping the residual salt level a bit higher, or
dosing say at an anti-stress level, so .3% over a few days (or
supportive at .9%)?
<I would eschew the use of salts here. Please read Neale's
Any help will be very gratefully received. You all seem very
knowledgeable and I'm willing to try anything.
Many thanks
Helen Light
(Otley, Yorkshire, England)
<Oh! My roomie, Peter is from here>
*reading your site it looks as though this protein level is too
high, so I'll look out for a more balance flake diet and to
varying it more in the near future.
<Real good. Cheers, Bob Fenner>

Blood in tank 09/09/10
Dear Mr. Brenner,,
<Close enough>
I have talked to you in the past regarding my goldfish
Larry. Larry had a bulge on his right side that would enlarge anytime
he had difficulty passing his stools. Through photos you considered
that this may have been cause from a congenital defect.
Sadly Larry passed away within the last half hour. When removing him
from the 55 gallon tank his anus hemorrhaged and blood pooled into the
tank. I do not know how much water to change the one remaining goldfish
and algae eater in the tank.
<Mmm, maybe half>
Larry had an appointment to go to the fish vet next week to rule out
tuberculosis. What do you recommend?
<That you wash your hands thoroughly (as usual) after they've
been in the tank... not place them there if/when you have open wounds.
Otherwise, enjoy, appreciate the life around you. Bob Fenner>
Thank you for all your help,
Goldfish query... bacterial involvement/hlth., env.
<Hello Oliver,>
First, thank you for WWM and all the advice that the Crew offer. It is
very much appreciated and I have found it very helpful in the past.
My question today regards my goldfish, who has developed some patches
of red streaks in the upper lobes of his tail.
<Early Finrot; specifically, these are congested blood vessels
thanks to bacteria multiplying in the tissues.>
These have been present for around a week and have gradually worsened.
I have searched your archives and have found several possible causes
and potential courses of treatment, but would appreciate some
clarification if you would kindly offer it.
<Anti-Finrot medication plus review of water quality.>
I understand that these red streaks are typical when the environment is
<Correct; also, with Fancy Goldfish, exposure to freezing conditions
will have the same effect.>
Some unfortunate recent events required several large water changes,
which caused a sudden drop in pH (to around 6.5 from the usual
<Ah yes. Goldfish dislike acidic water conditions. If all else
fails, adding some Rift Valley salt mix to buckets of water will
This is gradually recovering with use of crushed coral in the filter
(which should also restore the buffering capacity of the water, if I
understand rightly).
<Can help.>
I have read that pH shock may be responsible for the development of red
streaking in the tail, so I wonder if this may be the cause. Does it
seem likely to you?
(Incidentally, there are no red streaks on the body, which I read on
WWM means that it is not likely to be septicaemia - is this right?)
Water testing shows no ammonia/nitrite and nitrate consistently under
10mg/l. The goldfish is eating greedily as usual and is very active. No
signs of stress or pain that I can see. So far I have changed small
amount of water to maintain gradually improving conditions, but have
not added medication.
<May heal on its own, and Bob tends to favour that approach. I
usually hit the antibacterial medications ASAP, in the UK favouring the
eSHa 2000 brand.>
I have read various opinions on WWM; that water changes and time will
heal the red streaking, that restoration of desirable water parameters
will do it, or that antibiotics/salt are needed (or possibly a
combination of various components). Given the above information, I
would really appreciate any opinions on the best course of action from
you (I will provide any other info you need).
<See above.>
Thank you very much for your time, and thank you again for this
fantastic resource.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Question re. ESHA (FAO Neale if possible - thanks!)
Good evening Neale (or another kind WWM crewmember),
I'm contacting you regarding an ongoing problem which you were kind
enough to help me with earlier in the month - I hope you don't mind
me checking something further with you.
<Fire away.>
The problem is some fungus which is growing on my
goldfish's fin. I started treating this with eSHa 2000
just over three weeks ago, and the fungus has reduced remarkably, but a
few faint spots have persisted. These are also decreasing, and I mean
to continue with the eSHa according to your directions (changing 35% of
the water after every course).
<Very good.>
I just wanted to check with you that it's all right to continue
with the
medication for such a protracted period.
<Should be.>
It may take several more courses to finally get rid of the fungus, but
I'm reluctant to stop the treatment unless necessary because the
fungus has come back very quickly in the past. One of my goldfish
doesn't seem terribly happy with the medication, which is what
prompted me to get in touch (he seems a bit lethargic and fed up), so I
would be grateful for your opinion on the best way forward.
<You may want to hold off after the current treatment is done, wait
a week or two, and see what happens. The use of a little salt in the
water has a mild antifungal effect, and at a dose of 2-3 grammes/litre
won't harm Goldfish at all (Goldfish are actually surprisingly
tolerant of brackish water, let alone traces of salt such as this).
Alternatively, you might use Melafix. The aim here is to concentrate on
ensuring optimal water quality, so the fish can fight off the remaining
infection, whilst maybe adding just a little something to tip the odds
in the fish's favour.>
As ever, thank you in advance for any advice and I offer my heartfelt
thanks for all the help over the past four years.
All the best,
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question re. ESHA (FAO Neale if possible - thanks!)
Dear Neale,
Thank you very much as ever for your advice, which I'll put to use
immediately. Hope you're enjoying the lovely weather!
<Glad to be of help. Weather today not so lovely: muggy, overcast
and rainy. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question re. ESHA (FAO Neale if possible - thanks!)
Hi Neale,
Beg pardon for the second reply in a few hours - but when you say salt,
do you mean table salt or a specific aquarium salt?
<Most folks use what's called aquarium salt or tonic salt.
Don't use marine salt mix for this type of thing, because
that'd raise the pH and hardness.
As for cooking/table salt, generally avoid because there are additives
used to keep table salt free-flowing. Pure sea salt or kosher salt can
be used though, provided these are 100% pure sodium chloride, and
don't have anything added to them.>
(I've read that the additives in table salt can cause problems in
aquariums, but frankly if it's not on WWM I'm reluctant to
believe it!)
Thanks very much again for all your help (and patience),
<Happy to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question re. ESHA (FAO Neale if possible -
Hi Neale,
Thank you again for all your help, I really appreciate it and hope I
won't have cause to trouble you again in the future!
All the best,
<Glad to have been of help. Good luck, Neale.>
Goldfish problem 4/11/10
My fish Rudy has just recently started to get what looks like a blood
clot on one of his fins and it's starting to worry me. It's
just that fin and you can see all of the blood in the veins of just
that fin but there is just a big red clot at the end of it.
<This is likely the first sign of Finrot. Essentially the fish's
immune system is weakened -- typically because of poor environmental
conditions -- and otherwise harmless bacteria gets across the skin and
start to multiply.
As they do they block small blood vessels, and you get what looks like
a blood clot, really a clogged and expanded capillary. Eventually the
blockage stops oxygen and food getting to the surrounding cells, the
tissue dies, the fin rots, and you get full-blown Finrot.>
He's just a feeder fish that I got from a pet store, but I have had
him for over 3 years now and everything has been fine until now. His
actions are normal and he hasn't been acting any different than he
usually does, except he isn't using that fin. I have been looking
up symptoms online and it seems to me like it could be septicemia, but
I'm not sure. Can you please help me in trying to make him
<Do treat as per Finrot, and check environmental conditions. Read
Any differences between the conditions you're offering and what
Goldfish need are likely the key. Just to recap, Goldfish need fairly
large tanks, at least 30 gallons, good water quality, and moderately
hard, basic water conditions. Most Goldfish are killed by being
maintained in a too-small tank and/or without a filter.>
Thank you,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Question re. eSHa 2000 and dechlorinator for goldfish
Hello WetWeb Crew,
Many thanks as always for this site, and all the help I have gained
from it in the past. I've used the search function as usual, but
couldn't find the answers I was after, so apologies if I missed
I have a brief question - based on Neale's recommendations on WWM,
I am about to use eSHa 2000 to treat my goldfish's
<Very good.>
However, the instructions are unclear on whether it is safe to use eSHa
alongside dechlorinator (I currently use Interpet Fresh Start, though
unfortunately I haven't been able to find any actual name for the
chemical(s) on the box). The eSHa instructions say not to use other
treatments alongside it, but if this applies to dechlorinator then I
have to do a huge water change and dump in a load of untreated water,
which I'm really not happy with. Hopefully Neale, or someone else
who has used eSHA 2000, can let me know whether it is safe to use the
two alongside each other.
<Yes, should be safe.>
One additional question, as I'm writing in anyway - the
instructions for the eSHA only say that the medication should be added
over three days, nothing about how long to leave it there afterwards.
Should the water be
changed immediately afterwards, or should I just change it on my
regular schedule a few days later?
<I think it's on the leaflet somewhere. Maybe do a water change
7 days from the last dose?>
Many, many thanks as always for your time and help,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Question re. eSHa 2000 and dechlorinator for goldfish
Dear Neale,
Thank you very much for the quick response; it's really
appreciated. I'll let you know how things went in a few days, so
someone else with the same question in the future can find their
All the best,
<Glad to have helped. Good luck! Neale.>
Persistent goldfish fungus (FAO Neale, if possible - thank you!)
Good morning WetWeb,
I contacted you recently regarding whether it is safe to use eSHa 2000
alongside Interpet's Fresh Start dechlorinator, and promised to
report back so that others can find the information on your site. I
started using eSHa on Wednesday, and there have been no apparent
side-effects due to the dechlorinator. Many thanks to Neale for his
prompt response earlier in the week, and I hope this proves helpful to
someone in the future.
<Let's hope!>
You've all been very kind in answering my occasional
goldfish-related queries over the past four years, and I really
appreciate it. Hopefully you'll be willing to answer one more.
<Fire away.>
My problem is that one of my goldfish developed fungus on his dorsal
fin several weeks ago (there are several white patches on the fin, and
the fin itself became opaque in patches and blood-streaked). I treated
this with Interpet's fungus/Finrot medication - which has worked
for me in the past - but, although it vastly reduced the problem, there
were still some faint white patches after a couple of weeks of
treatment. These didn't seem to improve during the second week -
i.e. there was rapid improvement over the first few days, but this
ground to a halt.
<Does absolutely depend on the environment. Finrot, Fungus and Mouth
Fungus [Columnaris] won't get better if the triggering issues
aren't fixed. And on the other hand, if the conditions get better,
and the fish are basically sound in other respects, they should heal
I was very reluctant to throw yet more medication at him, but when I
stopped using the Interpet medication the fungus flared up again and
the blood streaks returned - it became as bad as it had ever been
within a day and a half. I therefore searched WWM for recommendations
and found that Neale recommends eSHa 2000, which I tried earlier this
week. On reaching the end of the treatment course (3 days), the fungus
had substantially reduced and I hoped that it would continue to reduce,
since the medication was still in the water. However, the following day
the fungus flared up again. That brings us up to yesterday, when I
added another dose of eSHa (on the grounds that the meds leaflet says
it is acceptable in severe cases to prolong the treatment for a
(unspecified) "number of days").
<Indeed, like most antimicrobial medications more than one course
may be required. Do also check you aren't using carbon in the
filter, and do be aware that the more organic "stuff" in the
aquarium, like plants and biological filters, the faster medications
can metabolise.>
That's the back-story; here are my questions:
1) Should I continue with the eSHa until the fungus is gone (if not, is
there something else I need to try)? How long can I safely continue
with the medication? The leaflet doesn't specify, but I know Neale
uses this regularly and I'm hoping his experience may have some
guidance for me.
<Yes, use again. Do a 25-50% water change in between
2) I've never seen fungus this persistent.
<Do compare with Columnaris, and of course consider Finrot.>
My three goldfish rarely get it - there has been the odd scrape or torn
fin over the years, and fungus does tend to take advantage of the
breach, but this has always reduced and disappeared within a week at
the absolute most.
This has gone on for over a month now, and I suspect that there may be
an underlying problem. My water chemistry is pH 7.5, ammonia and
nitrite 0, nitrates under 5. Temperature is around 18.5 degrees C. The
tank is well-filtered (filtration set to Neale's guidelines, which
I believe was something like 6-8x what the manufacturers state is
necessary). There is a thin layer of gravel (a couple of centimetres at
most). Their diet is around 90% peas, supplemented by very small
amounts of goldfish flakes every few days.
<You might balance the diet a bit towards the flake. Maybe 50/50
flake and greens. The extra protein will be handy.>
I currently have some Elodea in quarantine (well, in a bucket) which
they'll get in a few weeks. I can't think of anything else to
add off the top of my head. I don't think from my reading that
there is anything wrong with the above, but I can't understand why
this fungus isn't going away. If you have any thoughts, they would
be most gratefully received.
Thank you very much as ever for your time,
<Good luck! Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Persistent goldfish fungus (FAO Neale, if possible - thank you!)
Dear Neale,
Thanks very much for your advice, and apologies for the delay in
<Not a problem.>
I've done a water change and remedicated as suggested, and the
fungus is looking better than it has for a while already. Will also
switch to a higher-protein diet for the duration of the meds.
<Very good.>
Thank you very much again for helping me out, particularly over the
Easter weekend. Hope you had a lovely holiday!
<I did indeed! Some sunshine, quite a bit of chocolate, lots of dog
walking, and a few steam trains and fossil collecting trips thrown
All the best,
<Same to you. Cheers, Neale.>
Goldfish with huge cancerous growth on head (RMF,
opinions on goldfish tumours?) 2/16/10
We have a beautiful goldfish which we have had for seven years. He
seems healthy apart from a growth on his head. This has got
progressively larger so that now it is about half the size of his head
itself. Is he suffering?
<Probably not.>
If so we would rather do the compassionate thing and end his
<Mostly, these tumours are benign, and either caused by viruses or
else exposure to chronically poor water conditions. Indeed, both things
may be triggers, as is the case with Fish Pox and Lymphocystis, both
viral diseases that produce tumours. Given good diet and proper water
quality, viral tumours will eventually go away by themselves. In terms
of euthanasia, in the case of tumours, there's no need to euthanise
a fish unless the tumour is obstructing an orifice or making it
difficult for the fish to swim about or feed. A vet can remove tumours.
If euthanasia is required, see here:
This said, the usual source of mortality is bacterial infection if the
tumour bursts. Again, a vet will advise you here should you choose to
have the tumour removed.><<Has been done before... can be done
at home with a sharp scalpel, an anesthetic of use, a "clotting
mechanism" (e.g. superglue)... RMF>>
Thanks for your help.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Goldfish with huge cancerous growth on head (RMF, opinions
on goldfish tumours?) 2/16/10
Thank you. That was really helpful. I didn't know fish could be
operated on.
<Ah, yes... has been done for quite a while now... Sometimes though,
these tumours do resolve spontaneously; hence, I would not give up
hope. BobF>
Fish pox? 1/7/10
Dear all:
We have had our two goldfish, Jojo and Mojo, for about 5 years
<Still mere striplings!>
We are not as good now as we were in the beginning with testing
the water conditions, but we try to do regular water and filter
changes, and our crew seemed to be happy and healthy.
<Bit worried about the use of the word "bowl" later
on in this message.
Contrary to popular misconception, Goldfish shouldn't be kept
in bowls.
Akin to keeping a dog in a cage. Many, most problems observed
when Goldfish are kept in bowls come down to the foul water
conditions, lack of space for swimming, lack of oxygen, and
variable water chemistry inside bowls. For two Goldfish, anything
less than 20 gallons is just plain wrong, and 30 gallons would
really be the minimum for a "good" life. Goes without
saying a filter is crucial to long term success, but filters and
water changes don't mean bowls or small aquaria magically
become better homes for Goldfish.>
However, a couple of months ago, we saw a grey spot on Jojo's
head. We did some research and read about fungus problems, and
how if a fish damages its skin, sometimes fungus can invade.
<Yes; but usually distinctive white threads. Finrot tends to
be white, often bloody patches like sores.>
We thought that this was likely, as Jojo and Mojo both will root
for fallen food, rather than eating what's still floating,
and thought perhaps Jojo had scratched her head against a rock at
the bottom of the bowl.
<Shouldn't happen unless you using some type of abrasive
or glass-like substrate. These are not compatible with Goldfish
(indeed, fish generally).
Plain vanilla gravel should be perfectly safe with little/no risk
of physical damage.>
On the basis of this determination, we treated the bowl with an
antifungal treatment. Unfortunately, this has had no effect.
After more research, I was wondering whether this grey spot was
fish pox?
<Fish Pox has a distinctive appearance like blobs of candle
Nothing else really seems to fit -- the spot's not growing or
shrinking or spreading, and Mojo (knock on wood) doesn't show
any signs of it.
Any thoughts?
<Fish Pox is viral, but triggered by chronically poor water
Can, will get better given good conditions and right diet. Do
read here:
Most Goldfish are stressed, sickened, killed by their owners
through neglect, misunderstanding, unwise economy. I don't
recommend Goldfish for aquarists lacking space or funds, simply
because they are quite difficult to keep well. Their very low
cost as individual fish is wholly misleading.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Fish pox? 1/7/10
Hi Neale:
<He's marked "out" 6th-10th...>
Thanks so much for your response! To clarify, the
"bowl" is a BiOrb
-- I believe it's approx. 20 gallons in size -- sorry,
because it's round, we just refer to it as the bowl...
<Ahh! Do leave the water level down a bit... to provide more
surface area>
Not to toot our own horns, but we do perform regular cleanings of
the bowl, as well as filter changes and water changes. We did
stop testing the water as regularly after it was consistently
fine for weeks/months on end. We will obviously start doing this
more frequently again.
We also feed them a variety of foods, though we have been heavy
on the pellets lately. Some peas will be coming their way.
I'm not sure whether the photo came through or not, so
I've attached it again. It _looks_ like it might be fish
<Yes, I concur>
But it's gray and
doesn't appear to me to be smooth or shiny, as I picture
candle wax to be.
If this is fish pox, I believe that there's nothing we can do
other than perhaps replacing more than 30% of the water during
the water changes and shaking up the diet a bit, right?
<Yes... good water quality and nutrition is "the"
treatment... That, and time going by>
Thanks again for your help!
<Welcome Anne. Bob Fenner>
re: Fish pox? 1/7/10
Hi Bob/Crew:
Thanks for the reply -- sorry if I offended by addressing my
message to Neale, I was responding to the person who had written
me this morning.
<Oh, no worries. I appreciate your listing Neale's name...
facilitates placement>
Mojo and Jojo are eating some spinach as we speak, and their
water was rechanged today. We'll keep an eye on Jojo as time
goes on.
Thanks again for your help.
<Certainly welcome. BobF>
Goldfish Problem, a pox upon it 1/5/10
Thank you for making yourself available to us, I appreciate your
time and expertise. Attached is an email of my problem goldfish.
He is 7yrs old and shares his tank w/ 3 other goldfish which are
unaffected. As you can
see, he has two growth patches on his skin, one just below his
dorsal fin and another (barely visible in the photo) on the same
horizontal just in front of the fin.
<I see this... fix pox, viremia... Not treatable
I have put him in a hospital tank a couple times for treatment. I
tried ich medicine, fungus medicine and tea extract to no avail -
the bumps persist.
Can you diagnose the problem by looking at the pic? (Ich? Fungus?
Parasites?) Can you recommend a good medicine to address the
growth? Is this growth a threat to his room-mates?
<There is none, and no>
Thanks again for your dedication, wetwebmedia.com is a great
<Do search WWM, the broader net re the above terms and the
word "goldfish"... Doing what you can to provide
optimal, stable conditions and good nutrition is all that can be
done. Bob Fenner>
Re: Goldfish Problem
Thank You Mr. Fenner!! Your diagnosis of the dot is (I can't
resist...) 'spot on'. Thank you for feeding me the info I
needed and providing this valuable resource to the world.
<Welcome Dave>
Armed with your accurate diagnosis, I was able to research some
steps that may (or may not) help.
As per the suggestion on
<Have perused>
With the problem fish in the hospital aquarium I will heat the
water up to ~80Ã'°. If this does not help I
will then add up to .3% salinity. If none of this makes a
difference, in 9 or 10 days I will reunite Inky, Blinky, Pinky and
Clyde (ever play Pac-man?) in the large aquarium and follow your
<Ah, good>
Thank You Again, these fish have been with me for 7yrs and are part
of my family,
Dave Packman
<As stated previously and in the ref. you give, these
"pox" issues are not fatal... Perhaps analogous to
"warts" of sorts in humans; unsightly, but not harmful.
Cheers! BobF> |
Goldfish Finrot question 12/25/09
Hi- I hope you don't mind me asking about my goldfish- I've
been Googling for about an hour and can't seem to find what I need
to know. I'd be grateful for any help.
One old and beloved goldfish (about 12 years) in about 100L of
conditioned water, filtered, no other fish.
<W/ regular water changes I hope/trust>
Tank has been running since mid Nov. Fish appears to have Finrot on
front fin. Treated tank with 40% water change and Interpet Finrot med.
day before yesterday. Since then, fish has been lying still on the
bottom and not moving at all, no appetite.
<Mmm, not too surprising... large water changes alone can elicit
this behavior>
Old test kit shows ammonia under 0.3
<Deadly toxic>
but I'm starting to doubt its reliability... Can't buy
replacement test kits here unfortunately (in Finland), they're not
available, so can't get any readings.
<Be very careful re feeding in the presence of ammonia>
Temp is 21C without any heater- we have one but we're not using
<I keep my goldfish heaters turned low, but still on, lest the
ambient temperature take a dive>
Had trouble when the tank was new (we moved here from abroad and set up
the new tank), it seemed to have settled out but obviously not. I
don't remember him lying still at the bottom like this in previous
cases of Finrot
though- is that normal after medication?
<Could be>
I'm not sure whether to change the water again (maybe the meds
killed the filter or something?)
<Is possible, but I would not change the water... lest the ammonia
rise even higher here>
or leave it for the meds to do their thing.
<Ah yes... This is what I would do>
How long should it be before we see some sign of recovery in
<A few days>
I'm inclined to change the water but I'm not sure whether that
will make things worse... Any advice?
Many many thanks
<Mmm, yes. To read re others similar experiences. Here:
and the linked files above. Happy holidays, Bob Fenner>
Re: Goldfish Finrot question 12/27/09
Thanks for the response over Christmas! I didn't think anyone would
see it.
And always good to hear there are namesakes doing well in the
<Jack actually rec'd a Presidential award for bravery... for
pulling folks out of a burning aircraft!>
I should have explained that 'below 0.3' is the lowest level
this nitrite test can display- it doesn't have a colour for zero
(and it tests for nitrite rather than ammonia as I said, sorry for the
mistake). But as I said I'm not convinced it's working
<I see>
Since then the tank has gone insane, so cloudy white we couldn't
see the back. I'm afraid we panicked and did a 30% water change.
It's actually cleared an awful lot now but still a little cloudy.
I'm guessing the Finrot meds at least partially killed off the
filter and maybe now it's re-cycling?
<Very common; as well as just interacting chemically and physically
with other materials>
The fish is moving again now though but the Finrot looks terrible.
<Patience, oh and reading:
and the linked files above>
So ought I to do regular water changes starting now to improve the
<Yes, I would>
or do I stick with the water that's in there and make up the
medication we had to change out (and then do regular changes after the
treatment week is up to try and manage the toxin levels)? Sorry to
bother you again, I'm just
not sure which is the priority- clean water or meds. We already stopped
feeding. Many many thanks
<Do keep monitoring ammonia/nitrite... and keep below 1.0 ppm via
what is written here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Goldfish Finrot question 12/28/09
Will do, many thanks, especially from the fish! You can spend hours
reading and seem to find completely conflicting advice... It really
helps to get a yes or no answer from someone.
Hey- have you ever thought of putting up some general flowcharts- might
save you some repetitive questions where people aren't sure which
FAQs apply to their situation? Just a suggestion! Thanks for the
<Thank you for this input. Yes to such
"direction"-"decision" charts... I do think they
have their place, utility. There are such in bound volumes (in-print
works) in the aquatic life health/disease fields, and I will urge
others, note to myself to generate summat like them for/on WWM.
Re: Goldfish Finrot question 12/28/09
Will do, many thanks, especially from the fish! You can spend hours
reading and seem to find completely conflicting advice... It really
helps to get a yes or no answer from someone. Hey- have you ever
thought of putting up some general flowcharts- might save you some
repetitive questions where people aren't sure which FAQs apply to
their situation? Just a suggestion!
Thanks for the help.
<Thank you for this input. Yes to such
"direction"-"decision" charts... I do think they
have their place, utility. There are such in bound volumes (in-print
works) in the aquatic life health/disease fields, and I will urge
others, note to myself to generate summat like them for/on WWM.
<<We do in fact have something along those lines already... do
see here:
Is this what you're after?
Cheers, Neale.>>
Re: Goldfish Finrot question 01/03/10
I am so, so sorry to bother you again!
<Not a bother. If you are concerned, write>
I've been doing 20% water changes every day, not sure if the Finrot
is clearing up or not to be honest but I'll keep going with the
changes. But now there are what look like eggs and tiny white threads
(larva?) washed up on the side of the glass and flies under the lid of
the tank!
<Mmm, these are "other issues"... Do check your house
window screens... and simply net or siphon out such matter>
There's nothing attached to the fish, just on the glass and I think
they don't move but there's quite a lot of them. What am I
doing wrong and what should I be doing?
<Not likely anything you are doing "wrong">
Do I need to cut back food again- I'm already feeding less than I
normally would and vacuuming the gravel every day so I'm shocked if
there's excess food lying around. How do I get rid of the
<... "a swatter", really... and preventing new adults from
getting into your home; their use of the tank for reproducing. They are
very unlikely to be causing harm here>
Many many thanks,
I have never had a nightmare with a tank like this before.
<Not to worry. Please. Patience is key here... and simple routine
Take your time and all will likely be well. BobF>
Re: Goldfish Finrot question 1/3/10
Fantastic! That's really reassuring. Will look elsewhere for the
Thanks a lot!
<Welcome Jessica. BobF>
Goldfish with Red Fin Joints Hello crew. I have six
goldfish in a tank. 2 larger than the other four. One of the smaller
ones keeps biting a larger one, but he is fine. The other one
doesn't appear to be very well. He spends most of his time still at
the bottom of the tank. Occasionally he comes up to the top, but
struggles. He isn't eating either. A few times a day he has a mad
fling around the tank, then goes to the bottom again. Today we have put
him in a tank of his own. On checking him, his mouth is white and
swelled and looks if he has had a stroke. One of his fins is not there
but don't know if it was there in the first place. At the joints it
looks rather red. Please can you help? I don't know what to do, and
is it cruel, to keep letting him suffer. If I can mend him what should
I do, and will his fin grow again or his mouth get better. We have had
this particular fish four months. Thanks very much. <Hi Don here.
The red at the joint sounds like Bacterial Hemorrhagic Septicemia.
Treat with Oxytetracycline per package instructions. Good move to put
him in his own tank. Do not treat the main if those fish appear OK.
This is usually caused by poor water conditions. Make sure you do
frequent water changes, siphoning from the bottom to remove fish poop
and uneaten food>
A Fairly Won Goldfish Hello! I really hope you can
help. Your site is very helpful, and I need some! I have a goldfish,
common, that I won at the fair over 2 years ago. He is about 5 inches
long and his tank mate is about 3 inches long. Water has been tested
and is in normal parameters. Here is the problem. I noticed that
"goldie" was bulging on his right side. It grew and I thought
it may be dropsy so I began treating the tank with Maracyn 2, which I
began about 6 days ago. In the interim, I've noticed tiny gold
specs on him, and now, the bulge has pushed away his scale and looks
like a bubble coming through his body! I want to begin a Coppersafe
treatment, thinking he has velvet, but I'm just not sure what to
do. I don't want to lose "goldie". Any suggestions?
He's still bulgy, he eats fine, he looks okay otherwise, rests on
the bottom of the tank when no one's in the room, weekly water
changes of 30-50%, and is being fed a fairly varied diet. I'd
appreciate any input you may have! Thanks so much, Karen <First, do
not mix the meds. I don't think you'll need the copper anyway.
How long have you seen the gold dust? Velvet spreads very quickly. If
he seems healthy for more than a few days after appearing
"dusted", it may not be velvet. The bulge coming from within
is more of a concern. He has some sort of internal infection. Try going
to http://fishyfarmacy.com/ and see if you can match
what you see to the descriptions of the various types of infections.
Start in the "body cavity" and "Skin disorders"
sections. Don>
Red Lionhead question I have a red lionhead that a
couple weeks ago lost a lot of its color on its head. Then, while we
were on vacation this week, when we came back, the fish looked really
bloated and the scales were sticking out, sort of like a porcupine, of
sorts. He does not seem distressed at all. We have not had a chance to
talk to the family that fed the fish to see if they over fed it but the
other two red lionheads look fine. Could the bloated one have a
disease? < He has bloat/dropsy. Clean the tank and the filter while
doing a 30% water change. Treat the fish with Metronidazole and follow
the directions on the package.-Chuck> Thanks for your help.
Injured goldfish Hello. My 5 year old had reached into
the fish tank and grabbed the black goldfish (don't know the name
of it) and squeezed him through a hole in the castle and it got stuck.
I got him out and his scales that were injured have a "white
cotton" look to him and its also covering his left eye. Is this
normal in a healing process? < No it is a fungal infection that
feeds on injured tissue.> He is eating but cannot make it to the top
of the tank. He eats off the bottom. He does swim around very slowly
and he looks like he is breathing hard and slow. It has been 3 days. I
have put some salt in the tank (10 gallon) and added some water
conditioner. Is there any other thing that I should do or just let
nature run its course? < Do a 30% water change and service the
filter. Remove the carbon and treat with Metronidazole. Use a water
conditioner that adds a protective coat to the fish. A tablespoon of
rock salt per ten gallons of water will make the goldfish secrete his
own protective coating.-Chuck> Thank You. Theresa
Re: Injured goldfish Hello Chuck, I went to the store and the guy
gave me Melafix. I have been putting 1 tsp. in everyday. This fish is
amazing. He is swimming around and he goes to the top of the tank now.
I have not seen him lay on the bottom of the tank for about 2 days.
Although he is very sick looking. His scales that had the white cotton
look to them have come completely off. It peeled off . The only white
cotton that he has left is on his left eye. Will he lose vision in that
eye? < If the fungus is not cured it may start to affect his
eye.> He's definitely a little fighter. My next question is will
this Melafix hurt the remaining 4 gold fish in the tank. They all stay
huddled together. It's like they know that this fish has this
fungus and they stay away from him. Thank You for everything. I am
learning something new from you. Thanks! Theresa P.S. You said in the
other email to buy the Nitrofurazone instead of Metronidazole. Is this
correct stuff that I bought? < No But it seems to be working.
Nitrofurazone is an antibiotic that works well as an antifungicide too.
The Melafix is a bacterial/fungal inhibitor that is derived from a
Melaleuca tree in Australia. It is being recommended all over the place
with somewhat mixed results. It will not hurt the fish but I would
discontinue its use after the fish have been cured. This way the
bacteria won't build up a resistance to it.-Chuck>
Goldfish Losing scales Hi, I had written to you earlier
too My 2 red cap Orandas and they are losing scales and both of have
lost scales on one side of their body. even my Bala shark seems to have
the same problem (but is at a very early stage). I have searched the
web, all I am able to come up with is that they have TB but I am not
very sure as I am a beginner and it has only been two months that since
I have had an aquarium. I live in Delhi (India) and the are no good
fish stores here. I there any medicine that I should use and how should
I get it can I order them over the internet? < This sounds like the
start of a bacterial infection. Clean the filter and change 30% of the
water. Treat with Nitrofuranace. This can be purchased at
Drsfostersmith.com.-Chuck> Amit
Upside down Goldfish Hi, I have had my goldfish (which
I think is a Chinese goldfish) for about 3-4 years now. for the past
few months it had been floating on its back, but after reading your
website questions and answers I now know what that is. It seems pretty
healthy though swimming around because its not always on its back. But
this past week it got a huge lump on its hind tail. It is round and is
pretty much the same color as its fin but it has a hint of grey tint.
I'm not really sure exactly what it is, but I didn't think fish
could get cancer or tumors but maybe I'm wrong. Could you give me
some advice? < Fish do get tumors, but there is not much you can do
about them. more likely I would guess that it is a bacterial infection
so I would treat it with Nitrofuranace. It may be an internal parasite
too so Pepso food would take care of that. If it turns out to be an
internal bacterial infection then I would treat it with
Metronidazole.-Chuck> Thanks A lot Jenny
Strange behavior in Goldfish I have 3 goldfish , I have
had them for 10 months , they were about 1 1/2" long when I bought
them, everything was normal till this week, one of them is acting
strange, hiding and laying on its back and when you probe him he rushes
around hitting the sides and splashing the surface and then retreats to
hide in a log or foliage. hope you can help me. thank you Bill Pich
<Hi Bill, if there are no other signs of illness (white spots,
fin-rot, body swelling) then I think that your goldfish might be
suffering from a swim bladder problem. There are a number of reasons
why the fish might have swim bladder disease. 1.A virus or bacteria
that attacks the air sac which causes inflammation and makes it
difficult for gasses to diffuse across. So, the fish is stuck at a
specific buoyancy. This is why water quality is so important.
2.Anatomy. The ornamental goldfish that are breed today are predisposed
to problems with the swim bladders. This is because threw years of
breeding the normally stream-lined body is now much more compact, which
literally scrunches the organs. This arrangement predisposes to food
impactions, which in turn clog up the pneumocystic duct. And causes
unbalanced body to bladder ratio. 3.Diet. Feeding dry foods which tend
to take on water like a sponge and expanded food can run the chance of
impaction. So, now we know what causes it. How to fix the problem.
Check your water chemistry. Make sure that ammonia, nitrite, and
Nitrates are at zero (or close as possible (especially the nitrAtes).
Keep the water clean and do regular water changes. Add a airstone to
makes sure the water is oxygenated properly. The next magic trick to
try is feeding your goldfish peas! Just feed your fish a couple of
store bought peas. Just get some frozen peas, thaw them, and feed them
to your fish. Not only is it good and healthy, but veterinarians thick
that the peas also help break up food impactions. Which will help
regain the buoyancy. Hopefully that will offer some help, keep the
water clean, and make sure the other fish don't start harassing the
sick one. They will pick at the fish and nip the fins. Good luck and if
you need more help might I suggest www.goldfishinfo.com. Hope the
goldie gets better. -Magnus>
Please help....... Sick Black Moor Ive had a pair of
black moors for just over 2 years now and feed them dried daphnia in
the morning and flakes in the evening. Theyve bred in the past, so I
assumed I was doing everything right for them. They've always swam
around fine, with no problems, but sometimes liked to 'relax'
at the top of the tank or rest on the bottom. Im afraid Ive only just
found out this isnt' normal! My male fish has now started turning
on his side when he is floating at the top, but has no trouble when
swimming around the rest of the tank. Ive read your web answers to
related questions and also took advice from someone at an aquatic shop
and have just started adding a swim bladder medicine to their water,
given them peas, purchased some frozen daphnia, and am also trying to
soak my flake food before I give I to them. My two problems are this;
Firstly the male is fine eating the soaked flakes, as he will forage
around the bottom of the tank for the sunken flakes. However my female
fish is a little slower, and will just hover at the top for food. At
the moment Im resulted to hand feeding her the soaked flakes! How can I
encourage her to realize the flakes sink and that she has to look for
them ? Also Im dubious about using the cubes of frozen daphnia. Theyre
from a reputable source, but A.) How do you feed them frozen or
defrosted, and B.) If they sink to the bottom, Im going to have the
same problem getting the female to eat them as with the flakes. Any
ideas ? Thank you in advance. < Your fish are suffering from
internal bacterial infections. Too much food, wrong food, dirty water,
too hot, etc... These things are caused by stress. Treat the tank with
Metronidazole and don't feed for awhile. When the fish start to
swim normally then you can start feeding again. I think that your fish
were eating too much and in was sticking in the gut before it could all
be passed. The medicine will help. When cured only feed enough food so
that all of it is gone in a couple of minutes once a
My fantail goldfish (yellow/gold) has one very swollen
eye. <Popeye, or exophthalmia is the condition of an eye wherein
it protrudes from its normal position in a socket. The bulging of an
eye could be due to bacterial infection that had gotten in behind the
eye and is causing the swelling in the socket. If it is only one eye
though, the prognosis is better. Perhaps the fish had trauma to the
eye, like bumping it into a filter, which initially allowed the
bacteria to gain a foothold.> It seemed to have happened almost over
night. I don't think anything is wrong, <I would test your water
immediately for high ammonia. Goldfish produce a lot of waste and this
condition is typically seen with fish kept in unclean water. I would
start doing water changes as well, freshwater will help. the cleaner
the water, the less stressed the fish is, and the more it's immune
system can fight the bacteria. I should warn you that, chances are high
that your fish might loose this eye. Be sure water quality is optimal,
and that the diet and temperature are perfect for the chosen species
you maintain. You can try antibiotics with this, such as the ones sold
by Mardel. But, I suggest you add some Melafix to help enhance and
quicken the healing process of your fish. All the goldfish that I had
with Popeye lost the eye. Though the fish still lived a happy healthy
life.> I've had him for over a year now, he's about palm
size. Can you help? <Hope that helps. good luck with your Goldie.
What treatment do I use? I got 2 fancy goldfish almost
2 weeks ago. I am taking good care of them, already did a couple
partial water changes, tested levels, etc - the problem isn't how
they are being cared for now. I got them from a not-so-good place and I
know I shouldn't have, but I did, and now I realize they had some
kind of disease when I got them that I didn't know about. Ever
since a few days after I got them, their scales looked funny - like
patches of their scales were sort of sticking up and sometimes looked
as though they were gone. Yesterday, I woke up to see one of my fish
just lying on the gravel at the bottom of the cage. She did that pretty
much all day, however, did come up to eat. The other fish is still
active, however, I notice that their scales are now looking pretty bad.
There are patches where there aren't really any scales. I called my
veterinarian and asked him to see if he could help. He suggested
putting Methylene blue into the tank and aquarium salt. I did that late
yesterday. I followed the instructions and put 3 tbsp of salt and 1/2
tsp of Meth blue (I have a 5g tank). I know this can kill the
biological filter, but since it hasn't even been running for 2
weeks and the bacteria haven't formed yet, I thought it was ok and
he had also told me to. I also don't have another tank (yet) to do
that with. Was Methylene blue the right thing to do? < Not
really.> I have been reading info and it seems like it only helps
with a fungus type disease. I have no idea what the disease is in this
case, but I sort of feel like it's not fungus. So should I put an
antibiotic in the water or use antibiotic food? I heard my fish can be
saved at this point because she is still active enough to eat and swims
around. Oh yeah, and another thing - she sort of swims into things and
just floats without swimming and then rapidly swims again for a few
seconds.... and it's a cycle like that until she finally settles on
the ground. So what do I do next?? Please help! I am already very
attached to my fish and don't want to lose them. Thank you very
much. -Jessica < Treat the tank with Nitrofuranace or Myacin. You
have a bacterial infection. Watch for ammonia spikes. Since you have no
bacteria, any left over food of fish waste will quickly convert to
deadly ammonia. Do a 30% water change and make the filter is clean.
Organics can affect the medications effectiveness.-Chuck>
What's Wrong With My Goldfish One day the fish bowl
cracked and we found the fish on one side and all of the water was out
of the bowl and we didn't know how long he was like that. My mother
took the fish out of the bowl and put him in a new bowl of water
immediately and started petting it side to side. The fish was wobbling
from side to side. My mom kept on petting the fish and watched it for a
couple of hours and told the fish not to give up. It took the fish
about a day and a half to go back to his normal swimming and behavior.
We are worried because since then he has accumulated black spots on one
side of his body. We are concerned because we don't know if
he's suffering or not. Could you please let us know the cause of
the side of his body turning black. Please reply ASAP thank you for
taking the time to read and answer my question. <<Hello. The
black on his side could be some bruising, along with the fact that a
bacterial infection is setting in. I recommend going to your LFS and
picking up some Melafix to add to his water, it will help. It's an
herbal remedy that I've used many times to successfully treat
goldfish. Handy stuff to keep in your fishy medicine cabinet. Another
thing to keep handy is aquarium salt, which you can use if your
goldfish gets ich (little white spots on his fins). You should do some
reading on the Net about goldfish, there are many good sites (like
ours) with information necessary to caring for these pretty fish. One
thing to know for next time...try not to touch the fish's body more
than absolutely necessary, like when you pick him up off the floor.
When we touch fish, our fingers remove their slime coat, which is a
layer of mucus that keeps the germs out...by "petting" your
fish, you accidentally removed the slime coat, leaving the area open
for bacteria to get in. The Melafix should do the trick, and be sure to
do regular, partial waterchanges, too. Fish need clean water in order
to recuperate well, to grow properly, and to prevent future
problems/illnesses. -Gwen>>
Red Lionhead question I have a red lionhead that a
couple weeks ago lost a lot of its color on its head. Then, while we
were on vacation this week, when we came back, the fish looked really
bloated and the scales were sticking out, sort of like a porcupine, of
sorts. He does not seem distressed at all. We have not had a chance to
talk to the family that fed the fish to see if they over fed it but the
other two red lionheads look fine. Could the bloated one have a
disease? < He has bloat/dropsy. Clean the tank and the filter while
doing a 30% water change. Treat the fish with Metronidazole and follow
the directions on the package.-Chuck> Thanks for your help.
Re: Red Lionhead question. Where to treat Do I need to
move the bloated fish to another tank away from the other two fish when
applying the medicine or can I leave them all together? Ellen <Hi
Ellen, Don here. The general rule is to remove the fish for treatment.
Even if it means removing them all. But it really depends on what you
are treating with. Bloating can sometimes be treated with Epsom salt
and a few shelled peas, in which case you can leave them together. If
you are medicating, you are risking your bio filtration. Do that in a
small bare bottom QT tank, not the main>
Goldfish Losing scales Hi, I had written to you earlier
too My 2 red cap Orandas and they are losing scales and both of have
lost scales on one side of their body. even my Bala shark seems to have
the same problem (but is at a very early stage). I have searched the
web, all I am able to come up with is that they have TB but I am not
very sure as I am a beginner and it has only been two months that since
I have had an aquarium. I live in Delhi (India) and the are no good
fish stores here. I there any medicine that I should use and how should
I get it can I order them over the internet? < This sounds like the
start of a bacterial infection. Clean the filter and change 30% of the
water. Treat with Nitrofuranace. This can be purchased at
Drsfostersmith.com.-Chuck> Amit
Red Veined Redcap Hi, you have a great website, but I
couldn't find an answer for my situation. My Redcap Oranda (lives
alone) has discolored areas in his head. He started hiding out, and not
coming to the side of the tank when I went to feed him. It's been
about a week now. In doing the water change, I got a chance to look
closer at his head. It looks like certain sections have lightened to an
orange, rather than a reddish-orange color. I also noticed for the
first time that he has a couple little red veins in his tail. I read on
you site about adding salt, in case the problem was a disease, but I am
not sure how much salt to add. So here are the stats: 10 gal tank (I
know - too small - saving for 29 gal), BioWheel filtration system, eats
Bioblend pellets and Tetra Baby Shrimp. Tonight, I fed him a couple of
thawed frozen peas after visiting your site again. His appetite is
great, but he is so reclusive lately. He used to get all *excited* when
I showed up to feed him, madly wiggling his tail and everything.
I've had him for a couple of years, and would hate to lose him. I
just don't know what to do. Can you help me, please? Patricia
<Hi Patricia, Don here. Sounds like your fish are affected by
Bacterial Hemorrhagic Septicemia. A big name for dirty tank disease. Up
your water change schedule, a goldfish can foul a ten very quickly. A
few 50% water changes done daily will help him greatly. Always use a
gravel vac to remove the uneaten food and waste out with the old water.
If he is not improving in a week treat with Oxytetracycline. Do not
treat until you try the fresh water. Salt may help. You can try that
with the water changes. Use one tbls for every 3 gallons. Make sure you
mix in the correct concentration of salt into the new water before you
add it to the tank. Good luck>
Whirling Dervish? No, Goldfish Hello! I have 8
goldfishes for about 3 plus years now. I started with them in a 10
gallon tank and they grew and are now in a 55gallon tank. One of them
has passed through bruises, sick mouth etc. Now it started spinning
rapidly. It cannot eat the feed from the top again. It mostly spin when
trying to get feed from the top yet cannot really get it. Meaning it
try to get it and misses. I really do not want it to die. How can I
save it? I tried to change half of the water each week. Please help me.
Thank you <I'm sorry to bring bad news but please remove this
fish from the 55 at once. Whirling is almost always fatal. And it may
spread to your other fish, especially if it should die in the tank. If
you still have the ten gallon you could put him in there and try
Quinine Sulfate. But the chance of a cure is so remote and the chance
of spreading so great, I would put the fish down. Don>
Bacterial Hemorrhagic Septicemia I have a small orange
goldfish that I moved to a 44 gal. tank about a week ago, along with a
small comet. I had just set up this tank, which only contained two
platys and an algae eater. I've had both of the goldfish for
several months, and they have been very healthy. The orange goldfish
still seems to be healthy, except for the fact that one side of his
mouth is turning inward. I can see no sign of mouth fungus or fin rot
or anything that looks abnormal. He is eating and using the bathroom
fine and has plenty of energy. Before I moved him and the comet, I had
them in a 10 gal. with two small Orandas that I had bought a few weeks
ago. The Orandas had damaged fins when I bought them, but they were
fine for about a week and I thought they were going to be ok. Then they
started to develop red around the bases of their fins and red streaks
under their chins, so I moved the two other goldfish to the new tank
and treated the Orandas (which didn't survive) with fungus clear. I
don't think the water in my tank caused the infection, because the
two other goldfish had been living in it for months, and it had clean
water and more than adequate filtration. The orange goldfish and comet
have been doing great in the new tank for the past week, except that
this morning I noticed that the orange fish's mouth is turning
inward. Is that a sign of fungus, or could it have been damaged another
way? Jacqulin <The red streaks mean your fish are affected by
bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia. Treat with Oxytetracycline. Usually
caused by poor water conditions such as high nitrates. My guess is that
we have the same underlying agent causing the mouth problem. The
antibiotic should help both. I suggest you treat in a small tank as the
meds will nuke the bio filtration in your main. Don>
Goldfish Fungus Dear crew, Please, I need urgent help
with my red capped Oranda. It has fungal growth on it's head and
also has fin rot what should I do? My 'Goldfish care' book said
something about "the salt bath treatment" but I do not know
the salt to water ratios or timing. Thanks for your help. Can I use
ordinary table salt (sodium chloride)? Regards, M <Start a series of
water changes, about 50% daily. Use a gravel vac to remove all old food
and waste from your system. Salt the replacement water at around one
tbls for every 3 gallons. Always mix the salt into the new water before
adding it to the tank. Do not use table salt. I suggest regular FW
aquarium salt. Stay away from Saltwater and African cichlid salt. Both,
along with table salt, has additives that should not be used with
Goldfish. Don>
Very Very Sick Goldfish Hi I have just found your
website and have been reading through some of the questions, I have
lost one of my goldfish but the other one now is very sick he has a
white film all over him ( looks a bit like a spiders web) he seems as
though he cannot swim just floats there and his fins are all tucked in,
is there anything I can do to help him as I have changed the water ,
many thanks Samantha.... <This sounds very bad... like a true
fungus... something that is "taking over", decomposing your
fish... toward the end of some critical "insult"... Did the
other fish perish, behave in the same fashion? Have you checked water
quality? Have notes to share re this set-up? Please go back to where
you've been reading and scan over the article and FAQs re goldfish
set-ups. Bob Fenner>
New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Goldfish Success
What it takes to keep goldfish healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner