Related FAQs: Faviids, Faviids
2, Faviids 3, Faviid Identification, Faviid Behavior, Faviid Compatibility, Faviid Selection, Faviid Systems, Faviid Feeding, Faviid Disease, Faviid Disease 2,
Faviid Disease 3,
Faviid Disease 4, Faviid Disease 5, & Faviid
Stony/True Coral,
Coral System Set-Up, Coral System Lighting, Stony Coral Identification, Stony Coral Selection, Coral Placement, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Disease/Health, Propagation, Growing Reef Corals, Stony Coral Behavior,
Related Articles: Large Polyp Stony
Corals, Stony or True Corals,
Order Scleractinia, Dyed
/The Best Livestock For Your Reef Aquarium:
"Honeycomb", Brain Corals,
More and Less, Family Faviidae, pt. 5
Part 1, Part 2,
Part 3, Part 4,
Part 6, Part 7,
Part 8
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Genus Goniastrea Milne Edwards and Haime 1848. Massive lobed, convex
or rounded colonies thick, encrusting plates to large boulders. Corallites either circular or
elongate, tightly packed, share interconnecting walls and calices. /WA Corals:
massive, encrusting • corallites are neatly ceroid or meandroid • septa have
fine teeth • obvious paliform lobes • budding intratentacular
Some folks place this genus in the family Merulinidae.
Goniastrea aspera Verrill 1905. Corallites with
angular shape, with long, thick septa. Often have light colored central
areas. |
Goniastrea edwardsi Chevalier 1971. Corallites
slightly angular, with thick, rounded walls. Irregular septa that taper
toward the columella. Thick paliform lobes. Tan to brown in color, possibly
with orange centers. Red Sea image. Common, up to or more than a meter
across. |

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The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
Goniastrea ramosa Veron 2000. Small irregular
colonies that look like clumps of small branches sticking straight out. The
only branching member of the genus. |
Goniastrea retiformis (Lamarck 1816). Common species
in its wide range. Colonies encrusting to hilly to columnar to boulder-like.
To over a meter in diameter. Corallites four to six sided, with alternating
series of septa that are thin-walled and straight. Fiji image. |

Genus Leptastrea (Dana 1846): /WA Corals:
submassive or encrusting colonies • corallites ceriod, angular and
shallow • poorly developed columellae • no paliform lobes
Some discussion exists re the family placement of this genus.
Leptastrea purpurea (Dana 1846). Crust Coral.
Encrusting to lobe-like. Large (1/8") calyces with walls touching.
Indo-Pacific. Here in Hawai'i. Occurs in tangs, greenish to purplish browns. |

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on
"framed" images to go to the larger size. |

Part 1, Part 2,
Part 3, Part 4,
Part 6, Part 7,
Part 8