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Red Hair/Branching algae - Ceramium 5/31/04 Hello Bob, <Anthony Calfo in his stead> I hope you're well and in a good shape. <the more years that go by with me working in front of a computer, the rounder I get. I'm thinking of strapping my laptop to a treadmill <G>> I'm ok too, it could be better but it could be worse.... <keep on keeping on my friend> I have received a question about : "red algae Ceramium (???, do you know this algae?) <the correct spelling is Ceramium with an "m". It is a nuisance species... one of the many things called "red hair algae". This one really is a doozy though. It naturally occurs in high nutrient near shore environments and often lives as an unwelcome epiphyte on other critters and substrates> The aquarist has a wild growth of these algae and can't get rid of it. <no worries... it can be controlled. Easily starved into submission with tighter nutrient control. Really... it can disappear in 2-3 weeks with wicked protein skimming. It probably got there because of poor protein skimming, weak water changes and/or weak water flow which allowed sediments to accumulate> He asks for my help. Al seems to be good in his measurements but he has a Ca test of 600, to heavy I think. <I doubt that the reading is even accurate. Indeed too high. And if his Alk is not very low, then I am sure it is a misreading. Else, the poor chap is having a precipitous snowstorm as we speak <G>> I ask for my help and I ask for the help of the supreme chancellor.... <Hmmm... yikes! And we've just been calling him "Bob" all along.> He said he had a problem with his Ca reactor a while ago, what he did to help the problem, he didn't say, perhaps is the solution knowing what he did.... Read You. Regards, the best. Claude <Claude, do suggest in concert with starving the algae out, some Diadema urchins (Pacific or Atlantic species). They will only be treating the symptom and not the problem, but will give results fast. They are marvelous algae grazers. One small urchin per 100 gallons if you want to be conservative. Prost! Anthony>
Red Algae ID 10/9/04 Okay, I found this picture on your website, its not mine but this is exactly what is growing so prolifically and acting as home to my clown. Would you take a shot at it. <Halymenia or Kallymenia IMO. Please also take note of the excellent database "algaebase.org"> I am so fascinated by it. No emperor, huh? I want a big hardy fish, Koran? Blue face? <they are all too large/difficult. Anthony> Where Did That Ogo Go-Go? (Mystery Gracilaria ID) Hi, <Hi there! Scott F. at your service!> We received a type of Red Gracilaria that differed from the branchy type in that it was rather flattish, somewhat transparent and "slimy." Our tangs loved it and it seemed to grow better than the thin branchy type. I found a picture at one time that indicated the species was from Japan. The Caulerpa smothered it out and of course I can't find the picture/type now. Any idea what the name of it was or where it could be obtained? Thanks, Doug <Well, Doug- I believe that I have encountered this species before, myself. I think that it may be G. salicornia, but you may need to do some internet searches to be sure. University of Hawai'i maintains a nice database on macroalgae with links that may be of interest...I highly recommend checking it out. Best of luck on your search! Regards, Scott F.> <<There are dozens of species of Gracilaria... RMF>> Re: My reef tank plans I do not know if you needed the original email or not so I keep it, sorry if it causes any problem. Just want to pass on this info on red Gracilaria tikvanhie. <Thank you for this... couldn't find on the Net... as you've mis-spelled the scientific name... twice!> You had said you never heard of this species. I know you guys always like new info. http://www.hawaii.edu/reefalgae/invasive_algae/rhodo/gracilaria_tikvahiae.htm Thanks for the fast reply. Gary <Thank you for the reference. Bob Fenner> Red algae - 05/05/2006 I have had an issue with red bubble algae for sometime now. By searching the FAQ I initially thought it was Botryocladia. I now am not sure of this. Reasons being that in other responses it was said that many predators would feed on this and it would disappear soon. <Sometimes...> I have had the problem for nearly a year now and it is worsening. Though I do not have a picture of this I can tell you that it does not grow on a stalk or vine like the Botryocladia in pictures I have seen, but rather directly on the rocks, filters covers and even snail shells. I have tried manually removing the bubbles but while attempting this I popped a bubble and a gel was secreted. <... this is likely a blue-green algae... not a Rhodophyte> I can only guess that this is how the algae reproduces because it spread like bird flue after that. The best way I can describe the culprit is to say it looks like a strawberry. Any ideas or predator suggestions would help. <... do you have access to a microscope of two hundred plus power? Bob Fenner> Red algae ID Hi Bob, It's been awhile since I have drawn upon your knowledge . I figured it was about time to do so again so today I bring you an algae question. What I have is variegated in color, ranging from pink to dark blue/purple. It grows rapidly , and does not seem to care where. It is soft and spongy and does not readily "pop" when squeezed between your fingers . It grows in small oval disc's stacked close together and on top of each other sorry for that wonderful description) in a bunching fashion. Any Idea what it is and how to control it . <Hmm, stacked as you say, sounds like Halimeda, but soft... a Botryocladia species..? the color range? Perhaps due to other algae growing on its segments (corallines, greens, blue greens... Just pinch, cut off the masses of it you don't want and remove> The tank has a refugium with lots of Caulerpa in it .Thanks for your time. <Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Jim Bell Something growing in my reef (spiky, reddish, not moving... mmm) ID Hello Mr.. Fenner my name is Tori and I work with a fella named matt who told me to email you about something I have growing in my reef. <Okay> I don't have a scanner or I would send a picture, first let me tell you what I have running.. then I will describe the organism. I have a twenty nine gal. SeaClear tank, aprox.35-40 lbs of live rock with various things on it.. green stars, mushroom anemones, leather coral, yellow polyps, green buttons, x-mas tree rock.. torch coral, mandarin dragonet, yellow eye tang, maroon clown and two Tridacna clams. <Wow, quite a bit of life in such a small volume of water> what has me baffled is this thing that looks just like fire, that started growing really good when I put some light on the tank, it grew when I only had 40 watts on it <a marine glow, and a power glow> then I put two 55 watt power compacts on it as well.. now it is really growing. as I said it looks like fire, with the outside surface being bright red and very smooth.. branches growing from the base are sharp on the end, and spiky like a drawing of fire would be and the inside surface is bright orange. it seems to be rather ridged, moving in the strong current but not much. its still sort small only about an inch or so tall but branches are still growing. there are no visible polyps or tubes. it is really magnificent I must tell you... one of the most beautiful marine things I have ever seen! I can not find a picture of this thing, or anyway to find out what it is. I think I may have another growing across from the first one, but it still looks like a bud now on the rock. I am in the business of selling fish so I have some good equipment on this reef: Rena Filstar xp1, 90gal. Berlin protein skimmer, two Rio powerheads and one power sweep at the top <to keep the stars happy!> live sand, and coral. this tank has been running for at least two years.. I hope you can help me.. matt said you were the fish guru! thank you, Tori Craig <Thank you for writing. Don't know exactly of course, but what you describe sounds like some sort of red algae (Rhodophyte). Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/redalgae.htm and the coralline algae article thereafter. Please have a friend with a digital camera take a few shots to send along. Bob Fenner> What in the heck is this? (red algae) Greetings! <and Salutations... Anthony Calfo in your service> I was wondering if you could help identify this thing growing on my rock. It came in on the rock and I figured it would just die as it was shipped from Fiji and did not look that great. For size it is about the size of a baseball. There is also a branch or two on other spots on the same rock. I have enclosed some photos. Thanks! If the photos don't help, it is maroon colored and fuzzy. Thanks! <Adam... in general terms, you have a calcified red algae species. Guessing to the generic level, it is like Galaxaura although I only know of it from the Atlantic. Are you certain it came in with Fiji rock because the rock in your pictures resembles Atlantic/aquacultured rock (which would make ID down to genera more akin to the aforementioned Galaxaura)? Nonetheless... a very nice branching and partially calcified alga. Cool. Anthony Calfo>
Coral I.D. (actually a red algae) Hi The Crew, <Howdy> Hope you guys enjoyed the hot summer. I have this thing growing out on one of my live rocks about two months ago, now it grew to about 4" around. It feel soft at touch, and the appearance like Japanese maple tree. Would like you guys to identify it for me. As always appreciate your expertise. <It's a species of Red Algae. Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/redalgae.htm> PS: Just thought you might interest to see this picture: One of my tomato clown in a purple tipped Condylactis anemone. SWEEEEET. <Very nice as well. Bob Fenner> Wayne Algae/Coral I.D. Hi The Crew, <Hi the fellow fish nerd> Hope you guys enjoyed the hot summer. <I'm thinking about shaving my entire body... heat index is over 100 here in Pittsburgh with serious humidity. Sneeze and it triggers a thundershower> I have this thing growing out on one of my live rocks about two months ago, now it grew to about 4" around. It feel soft at touch, and the appearance like Japanese maple tree. Would like you guys to identify it for me. As always appreciate your expertise. <it is clearly a red algae species... very attractive to me. Enjoy it!> PS: Just thought you might interest to see this picture: One of my tomato clown in a purple tipped Condylactis anemone. SWEEEEET. Wayne <with kind regards, Anthony> Cool Marine Plant... Where're those pix!? Hi, <cheers, mate> I have done search after search in every location I can to identify something that is taking over my substrate. I hate to bother you with questions but I have looked everywhere and I am starting to worry at this point. <no bother... and no worries> The first thing that I saw was this purple anemone looking creature that is attached to a live rock. <actually a fluid/bulbous red algae species> It doesn't seem to have a stalk, but just little stubby arms waving around. It has the diameter of a nickel and is no more than a centimeter high (and growing). Here is a picture. I wasn't worried but then around the same time that he popped up 30-50 of these other little guys popped up. <cool...> They started small, about the size of a pen head, but some have grown to the size of a pencil eraser or slightly larger. While the first one was on top of a rock (I guessed that possibly the first one on the rock is the same species and spawned the smaller ones), these little guys are only on the substrate. They are round balls with little dark spots that might possibly be stubby arms. Here is a picture of these guys. I think I can collect them if I have to but if they are good to have or won't do any harm, then I don't mind them. <no harm at all... likely you have or can easily find an herbivore to graze them down if you like... else enjoy!> This is a FOWLR tank. I GREATLY appreciate your help and your faq's are a bible to me. Hope all is well, Andy <our pleasure... with kind regards, Anthony>
Algae ID 10/20/03 I have searched all over to find something that looks like this but to no avail. Have you any ideas? I think it is some form of algae. It has grey "arms" with dark brown stubby bits which would be polyps on a coral - growing well near the surface of the tank under the T5s. Came with some coralline LR and has grown several arms in the last week of about 1-2" long in a sideways spreading habit. What is it? What do I do with it? <its a Red algae (Rhodophyte) of the genus Laurencia or perhaps Halymenia. Tough to tell from the unclear image and small nubbins of a specimen. Generally harmless although any macroalgae can be a nuisance if the nutrients are high enough in the system. Doa search at www.algaebase.org and see if any pics look familiar to you. Anthony> Help identifying saltwater plant: Red Seagrapes - Botryocladia 11/2/03 Hi, I love your site...many thanks. I've searched around trying to identify this plant, but haven't found any good leads. All I know is that the Chinese name translates to 'Red grape tree'. Hope the picture helps, Thanks Again Craig <very fine picture... clearly a Rhodophyte of the genus Botryocladia. We discuss this and most marine algae extensively in our new book "Reef Invertebrates". Please also consider bookmarking algaebase.org as an excellent reference. Best regards, Anthony>
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