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Picking Skimmers That Are Winners! Dear Sir. <No need for the "sir"! Just Scott! Glad to be here with you today!> I bought the required hardware to setup (another) 24x24x18 freshwater aquarium only to decide it was time to take a walk on the other side -marine! <That's what I'm talking about! No pun intended- but there is a whole "ocean" of new possibilities out there for you!> I've skimmed (!) through the skimming FAQ's and learnt much. Prior to finding your site I was looking at a Red Sea Prizm Deluxe which sadly don't appear to get the best wrap in regards to being niggly and a little noisy (though the noise problem would appear to have been addressed by upping the 12 fin impellor to 18). Anyway, could you possibly recommend several protein skimmers that'll do a bang up job for my 45gal tank? I ask for several as 1 or more you recommend may not be available in Australia. <Well, if you're looking at the hang-on-the-tank models, I'd recommend the Aqua C Remora...One of the best of the bunch. I believe that it's available through several e-tailers for delivery to Australia. Also, do consider the (pricey) Tunze "Universal" skimmers...amazing performance in a small package. Another Great model is the Euroreef series...Still another highly regarded skimmer is the Aqua Medic Turboflotor (has rep for being a bit touchy, though...Finally, you can check out the ETSS line as well. Pricey, but good...All of these may be available from various e-tailers, so do some checking. If you're a DIY'er, be sure to check out the great "local" site, OzReef for some of the best ideas on the 'net> I'm trying to track down a AquaC Remora/Remora Plus and have emailed the chap who runs the show and am awaiting a reply but figured it couldn't hurt to obtain some backup suggestions in the event they're not available here. <Jason Kim is a great guy, and he'll definitely get back to you!> I do have a little skepticism over this model however, the Rio's aren't my choice of pump by some measure! <They can be optionally equipped with other pumps...> Many thanks for your time and congratulations on your tremendous efforts into helping us J. Bloggs' Kendal <My pleasure, Kendal! We're thrilled to be able to share our experiences and learn with hobbyists around the world! Good luck. Regards, Scott F> Skimmer Advice - 8/20/03 I am buying a new skimmer and came across Sealife systems skimmers. Have you heard anything about them? Or should I go with an aqua c or euro reef. <I have no experience with Sealife skimmers but am very content with the outstanding reputation of Aqua C and Euroreef. Best regards, Anthony> Tunze Update 7/9/03 Hi Anthony: I goofed .... rats! My correction was backwards, so here is the true stuff. <no worries> I had emailed Tunze USA and found Roger a very informative fellow. MarineDepot had also referred me to him. Correction is that the Tunze Comline 3110/2 is also rated for 180L or 47gals, just like the discontinued Universal Automatic 210/3 [I did place my order at Premium Aquatics as they listed it as in stock). The 150L/39g is a typo. MarineDepot needs to change the tank rating on the 3110/2, as it currently says "up to 39G". <not needed really... the ratings are subjective and relative to bio-load... not tank size> I emailed MarineDepot back with the correction and some suggestions on making a Tunze purchase easier by providing a bit more info and perhaps also targeting them at nano/micro reefers who often end up with a CPR BakPak IIR or a Remora sticking up out of an Eclipse like the Washington monument. One interesting comment from Roger was that the Comline 3110/2 outsold the Universal Automatic 210/3 about 20 units to 1, and that he hadn't had any in stock for 4 or 5 months. Sorry about the reversed correction! ~Brent <much appreciation for the update! Anthony> - A few products I've never heard of! - Hi crew- I've been reading the site quite a bit and learning a LOT. Keep up the good work! My questions for you for today: I am starting with a FOWLR system with aspirations toward a reef someday. I am strongly considering the purchase of a 100-125 g Uniquarium. <I'm not familiar with that manufacturer, got a link?> I'm a newbie to this "sport" so the attraction to this set up is probably obvious to you. I would have a Clear for Life skimmer (that as I'm sure you know are specially designed for these systems) <Never heard of that brand either, and don't worry, I don't live under a rock!> added for SURE. I've read a bit on the site about these <These skimmers? I suppose I'll have to do some research myself...> , as well as done a lot of research on Berlin systems, which is my preferred choice. I'm just not sure about the bio balls and all that other junk that 's in there. <With about a pound of live rock per gallon in the display you will not need any bio-balls> I also understand that the inclusion of space for the filtration, etc. takes up more room in the tank. <If you use a surface skimming overflow you can hide equipment in a sump below the tank> It's long and shallow rather than tall and deep. I don't care for the tall set ups. <Neither do fish or the gas exchange gods> I also wonder if the system is too confining as far as equipment goes? Could I (or should I) consider adding another skimmer down the line? I had my heart set on an Aqua-C Remora prior to this. <A 100 or 125 is too large for a remora, and stretching the limits of a remora pro.> So my questions: What is your opinion of the Uniquarium system? <I have none, please send links so I may form one!> What is your opinion of the Clear for Life Skimmer? <Again, send me some links. I'm very surprised that I have never heard of them...> Can you approximate how many gallons of water space I'm losing because of the housing within the tank for equipment? <No> Should I consider adding another skimmer (OR DO YOU RECOMMEND OTHER EQUIPMENT, IN ADDITION) and if so, how difficult would this be to add? <Anthony C. recommends using two different protein skimmers at once and cleaning them alternately so the aquarium is always being properly skimmed. This is up to you.> My main concern is clear healthy water chemistry and quality. With this goal, is this a good system since I'm so green or would straight Berlin be better? <I'm a fan of the "modified-Berlin" method: Deep live sand bed, intense lighting, powerful protein skimming, and single or multiple refugia.> Many, many thanks to all of you. I'm not sure how any of us could do this stuff without you all. I've read the books, but the individual support is tremendous and simply priceless. You should go to sleep proud at the end of your days for the help you are providing. <I sure will! Hit me back with some links about those two manufacturers, I'd like to check them out for ya. -Kevin> Sincerely, Kristine Uniquarium questions Hi crew <IanB here tonight> I've been reading the site quite a bit and learning a LOT.<good to hear> Keep up the good work! My questions for you for today: I am starting with a FOWLR system with aspirations toward a reef someday. I am strongly considering the purchase of a 100-125 g Uniquarium. I'm a newbie to this "sport" so the attraction to this set up is probably obvious to you. I would have a Clear for Life skimmer (that as I'm sure you know are specially designed for these systems) added for SURE. I've read a bit on the site about these, as well as done a lot of research on Berlin systems, which is my preferred choice.<I agree, Berlin systems normally work out really well> I'm just not sure about the bio balls and all that other junk that 's in there. I also understand that the inclusion of space for the filtration, etc. takes up more room in the tank.<Yes, I would not go the Uniquarium route> It's long and shallow rather than tall and deep. I don't care for the tall set ups.<me either> I also wonder if the system is too confining as far as equipment goes? Could I (or should I) consider adding another skimmer down the line? <possibly> I had my heart set on an Aqua-C Remora prior to this. So my questions are: What is your opinion of the Uniquarium system?<I have not had one of these aquariums personally but have looked at them online and I don't believe they are worth all that extra money for an all in one system. I prefer to purchase all the equipment separately so I make the decisions on which skimmers, wet/dry filters, pumps, etc that I like, and wish to have on my aquarium> What is your opinion of the Clear for Life Skimmer?<Have never used it before> Can you approximate how many gallons of water space I'm losing because of the housing within the tank for equipment?<depends, probably around 20 gallons on a 125 gallon aquarium> Should I consider adding another skimmer (OR DO YOU RECOMMEND OTHER EQUIPMENT, IN ADDITION) and if so, how difficult would this be to add?<I would not purchase this system-again I like to pick my equipment out myself> My main concern is clear healthy water chemistry and quality. With this goal, is this a good system since I'm so green or would straight Berlin be better?<I prefer the Berlin Method-with LR, skimmer etc. If you want to go the Berlin Method route I suggest you invest the 15 dollars on "The Marine Aquarium Handbook" by Martin Moe> Many, many thanks to all of you. I'm not sure how any of us could do this stuff without you all. I've read the books, but the individual support is tremendous and simply priceless.<agreed> You should go to sleep proud at the end of your days for the help you are providing.<We do, Thank you for the compliments, IanB> Sincerely, Kristine -Turboflotors and hair algae- Thanks for the quick reply, yes it is hair algae. When I purchased the Turboflotor 1000 it said for tanks up to 250g, is this wrong. <I suppose that would depend on who you ask. I rate it for a 50-75g mixed reef.> Only one of my return lines goes through the UV sterilizer. If I remove the DLS from my wet dry and use the chambers for Carbon and/or Chemipure should that help with the hair algae? <Neither the carbon or the Chemipure will help, use phosphate remover even though it's not detectable. Good luck, -Kevin> Remora Pro Ok thanks a lot, I guess I'll spend the $230 and buy the remora pro with mag 3.One thing, you said you used it with a MaxiJet 1200 ....the remora pro only comes with a rio1400 or a mag 3 so were you talking about the remora or the remora pro? <I would go with the Remora Pro, IanB> Jeremy Which Skimmer? I have a 55 gallon hex. with about 35lbs. of live rock and about 60lbs. live sand. I have a Fluval 403 and a Magnum 350. I am still in the process of setting everything up and want to get a skimmer. I want a skimmer that is a hang-on but can not make up my mind. I like the SeaClone 150 but have heard things about how it doesn't work very well (I thing it would ok for mine because it is rated up to 150 gallons and my is 55). I have also heard about how great the Turboflotor 1000 are and the AquaC. What do you think I should get. I only have about $100 to spend but can find almost anything on eBay for less then retail (you can get the SeaClone 150 for less then $90 after shipping) Please help me find a good skimmer. <After attempting to use the SeaClone for several months, I cannot recommend this skimmer for any reason. I would wait until you have the $$$ for a Remora skimmer with a skimmer box. Search 'skimmer' on this site and you will find tons of info and opinions. Hope this helps. Don> Thanks a lot, Andy Skimmer for a 29g tank (06/10/03) Hi again, <Hi! Ananda here tonight...> just a quick question before I spend my money is the AquaC remora ( not the pro model) worth a 170$ or is there another skimmer I should look at? so far every one I talk to says its good and worth it but I wanted your opinion before buying, thanks I forgot to mention this is for a 29gal. tank with leather corals, soft coral ,and 1 LPS coral. thanks <That's one of the best skimmers available for a 29g tank... Go ahead and do a search on the http://wetwebfotos.com/talk boards and the WetWebMedia site for more opinions on this tank size/skimmer combination. --Ananda> Skimmer choice <Hi Jeremy, PF here tonight> Hi hope you're doing good,:) Quick question. would the Remora Pro (with mag 3 pump) be too much for my 29gal. tank (with mostly soft corals)? I just don't want to buy the Remora then later decide I should have spent the extra 60 and got the pro....just incase I upgrade tank size.... thanks for your time, Jeremy <Well Jeremy, I used one on my 29g, but with the Maxijet1200 (roughly the same output as the Mag), and it worked great. How's that for a recommendation? Have a nice evening, PF> Naso Nasties.. (Injury or Illness?) Ok- finally about 3 days ago some signs showed up on my Naso... I've never seen this before but I'm sure you all have. It looks like someone just got a knife and scrapped off some of his skin like where his Gills open and close. On both sides. Its weird, kinda brownish blackish but you have to look closely to see this. From far it just looks grey like the rest of his body. He still eats and nips at the rocks. Oh- and He finally is not at the top of the water surface in a corner. He came down about 6 days ago and hasn't gone back since. Now his behavior is a little more normal, except that he scratches his gills a lot on the live rock now. <Well, it sounds like there may have been some kind of traumatic injury, which perhaps became infected?> I must also tell you that I added Coppersafe last Saturday. I'm pretty sure this is the cause for getting rid of whatever he had they kept him in that corner but I don't know what this stuff around the gills is? IT LOOKS LIKE A BURN? Like if the CopperSafe burned his gills ( I know that's prob. stupid) but that what it looks like. <Well, that's not that far fetched, actually...Improperly administered, copper can actually cause damage to fishes...Important to test regularly when you're using copper...I guess that you'll really just have to keep an eye on this fish, to make sure that he appears to be healing properly. Hard to say exactly what happened, so just observe and be prepared to take action if things take a turn for the worse.> I took your advice and ordered an AquaC Remora and had it overnighted to me. YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT THAT THING DID FOR ME. In less the 24 hours the collection cup was full with DISGUSTING brown and green gunk and my water was like 75% clearer. <That's what I'm talkin' about, man! Not bad, those Aqua C skimmers, huh? Jason Kim (Aqua C owner) knows his stuff! That's why we consistently recommend this brand...> I have never seen a skimmer do what this one does. Well please advise me on what action I can take to help my Naso, if any. Thanks again for all your help. <Again, the best course of action I can offer at this point is to keep a close eye on this guy...Keep the water extremely clean, and the environment stable, and feed the fish high quality food often...Hang in there. Regards, Scott F> Aqua C- A World-Class Skimmer? Scott, <Hello again!> Thanks for the information. Given my requirement for a HOT skimmer the Aqua C Remora appears to be a good choice. Unfortunately, being based in the UK, I am not sure I can find a supplier (I am checking this out at the moment). If I cannot get hold of the Remora I was wondering if the Bak-pak 2 is highly regarded (certainly better than the Prizm, anyway)? Thanks for your help. Andrew Senior <I do like the Bak-Pak 2. It is a proven, reliable skimmer. However, do check with Jason Kim at Aqua C for dealers who may carry this skimmer in the UK. He is one of the truly great guys in this industry, and perhaps he can point you to a source. Perhaps some U.S. e-tailers who ship internationally will carry these skimmers. They are worth the effort to find them. Good luck in your search! Regards, Scott F> Skimmer selection. I need help selecting a proper protein skimmer. I'm new to the hobby and I really love it. Any help you could give would be very much appreciated. <Sure!> I have a fish-only 75 gallon tank with An Oceanic 75 trickle filter Plus Series. I have a RIO 2500 submersible pump. I also have an Eheim canister filter and a UV sterilizer. The area in my sump available for a protein skimmer will only accommodate something that has a base of 4.5" x 4.5". Also, due to my fish stand, the tallest the skimmer can be is 21". Even then, I won't have much room to remove the filter cup. I've done a little research and discovered that most people seem to love the AquaC and the EuroReef. I even got some strong positive opinions on the Turboflotor. Which one would you recommend for my tank configuration? <Well, good luck fitting any of these guys in your sump with a 4.5 x 4.5 spot. You cannot even fit the two smaller AquaC's (urchin or urchin pro) inside the sump.> And I'm not sure how the trickle filter works. It appears that the water comes from the overflow on the tank and is spread out over the bio-balls. I'm not sure where it exits the bio-balls portion of the sump. <Usually out the bottom through a block sponge (the "wet" portion of the filter)> It also has a small chamber in front of the bio-balls chamber that looks like it has some floss maybe??? <This is likely the mechanical filter, although it may be some more bio-material> It finally returns to the RIO pump to be pumped back into the tank. Does the protein skimmer just sit in the sump or does it need to be piped in some kind of way? <Well, with the space that you have, it will likely have to sit outside of the sump> Will the water coming from the overflow continue to be piped to the bio balls first or does it need to go to the skimmer first? <Leave it as it is> Maybe I don't need both the trickle filter and the protein skimmer? <Well, if you have a live sand bed and 20-30+ lbs of liverock, you can remove the trickle filter. Otherwise you'll need it for biological filtration> Any suggestions you have at all would be great. You can comment on my complete setup: the UV sterilizer, the submersible pump, the trickle filter, the canister filter, etc. <You could safely remove the canister at any time, it's not of any use since you already have a trickle filter.> I'm looking to pipe and equip it in the most beneficial way. And don't forget to recommend a protein skimmer. <Well, if you only have this 4.5 x 4.5" space in the sump, I'd recommend getting an AquaC remora pro which will hang on the tank instead of the sump. To get the best performance, upgrade to the mag pump and get the skimmer/bubble diffuser box. Hope this helps! -Kevin> Thanks, Jer Nasos and mandarins and skimmers, oh my! Hey guys, need your help. I have a 46 gallon bow front with fish and live rock. It's been running since November of 2002. I've had 3 damsels in there since around Jan. and have added an ocellaris in late Jan., a Mandarin in Feb. <Unless the mandarin is eating prepared foods, your tank is much to small to sustain one, and it better be full of live rock crawling with 'pods!> and my most recent purchase, A NASO TANG. I know it will get too big for my tank but I plan on getting something much bigger in about a year or so. <Hopefully the Naso won't beat you to it. If it's small, they grow very fast, the idea here is buy for what you have, not for what you will have.> My main question today is about my tang. He's only been in my tank for about 4 days now and he has been doing fine, eating and swimming around. He likes to pick at my Live rock a lot which to me is a good sign of a healthy tang. I did not quarantine him because I do not buy any fish from the pet store without knowing they have been there for 3 weeks AT LEAST already. <It's still an excellent idea to quarantine, catching and transport is enough stress to make all kinds of lovely things rear their ugly heads.> So just today I noticed he's been hanging around the surface of the water in a corner. When I feed he comes down quickly to eat then he swims around for a while nips at the rocks then goes back up there. He has know indication of disease yet other than his behavior. NO SPOTS, NO CLOUDY EYE, NO marks of any kind. I KNOW SOMETHING is wrong because sometimes when he is swimming I'll see him shake usually just to one side. <If you are certain that the fish is not getting picked on by the clown (they get territorial), check to see if it is having trouble staying down, like it was buoyant, which would indicate a swim-bladder problem.> kinda has sporadic swimming motions. IS THIS THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF ICH? <Probably not, but who knows?!> I cannot afford to purchase a quarantine and the other problem is that my Mom really would have a heart attack if I had ANOTHER tank in my room lol. <A quarantine tank can be just a cheap 10g freshwater setup from the local pet shop and you could place it inside the aquarium stand.> What can I do? Should I just wait a while longer before taking any action? I seen fish getting better many times on their own. What medication is best? <We only medicate if we know what the problem is, for now just watch it and keep it well fed. Also, check your ammonia, pH, and nitrite levels.> Also I need your advice on filtration. Now I previously owned a 75 gallon tank with wet/dry and skimmer. MY current tank was going in my room so I needed something smaller (46 Gal Bow) but I'm concerned about using proper filtration. I am using an EMPEROR 400 alone, NO SKIMMER. <Should be fine as long as you keep the tank understocked.> I never got the skimmer because I figured the tank was too small to really need a skimmer. <Ah, they're never too small!> Now that I have fish in it, should I make the investment in the skimmer? <If you've got some extra cash, otherwise don't worry about it.> My water is crystal clear without it. I've been looking into the PRIZM PRO DELUXE because its a hang on and REQUIRES VERY LITTLE SPACE in the TANK itself Just the Inlet to suck the water), WHAT SKIMMER DO U RECOMMEND? Do I need the $200 Prizm pro of will the $80 Prizm do the same? <They won't do the same, the pro definitely performs much better than the original. Instead of either one, you'd be much better off with either an AquaC remora, remora pro, or a Precision Marine HOT-1, as the Prizms are of low quality, noisy, and inefficient compared to the aforesaid models. -Kevin> THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HELP!!!! HOMER Doubling up Prizms on a 125? Hi, I am upgrading from a 55 to 125gal. reef tank. Could I use a 30 gallon tank under it as a sump <Yep> , utilizing 2 Prizm hang on skimmers hanging on sump and 2 Aquaclear 500 filters <Err... let me make some other recommendations>, also hanging on the sump, and then using some type of pump with return, circulate the filtered water back thru the 125, without any type of filtration on 125. Also, could I mount heaters in the same fashion. <To hang an Aquaclear on your sump, the water level in there would have to be so high that a power failure would cause a large flood. For a 125 reef, I would not recommend the Prizms, instead an AquaC ev-180 or similar protein skimmer would be a much better choice. With only a pair of Prizms skimming this tank you would no doubt suffer from a nutrient buildup resulting in problem algae growth and other lovely things. If you put live rock and at least 3" of live sand in the display you will have no need for the aqua-clears. The heaters can be mounted on the bottom of the sump in a place that you are sure can never go dry. Pfew, got all that? -Kevin> Louie What model Protein Skimmer? Hi guys, <Hello again, PF still with you again.> I am currently thinking of upgrading my skimmer as I think it is not going to be powerful enough. I have a Bak Pak 2 skimmer which hangs off the side of my Amiracle sump. I have a 55 gallon tank and I'm finding out that even though the literature on my Bak Pak says it's good for tanks up to 60 gallons everyone I talk to says it's good for small tanks say 30 gallons. <Much like what I've heard.> Your web site highly recommends the Aqua C skimmers. <With reason.> I read their website and the only model they make that fits my small sump space is the Urchin model which claims to be good for tanks from 20 to 75 gallons. <Well, there's also the HOT models, if you have the space in back of your tank and don't mind the power head being visible (or hiding it behind some LR). > It looks like it functions just like my Bak Pak2. I am not sure the difference between the two skimmers except that the Aqua-C sits directly in the sump. <From what I understand, it's different methods of injecting air bubbles.> If I buy the Urchin will it be a sufficient upgrade for my needs ? <I use the Remora with the Maxi-jet upgrade on my 75g, it pulls a lot of nasty gunk out.> I am planning on getting 55 lbs of live rock and fish only . <I'd go ahead and get the Urchin, do yourself a favor and get the upgrades: the Maxi-jet pump and if you have room the pre-filter box. You can use the pre-filter to hold the carbon I mentioned in the previous email. Hope it all turns out well, PF> 55G Skimmer selection Dear Mr. Fenner <Don here wandering around, lost, in Bob's shoes today> First of all I would like to congratulate you for the homepage, it's very nice and useful. <An astonishing work eh?> I've got a 55 gal. tank with a 25 gal sump. I use live rock and in the sump is a Jaubert system following bob Goeman's indications. I just want to add 5 or 6 fish and just a few corals and invertebrates, like xenia, mushrooms, anemone etc. I would like to know, which would be the most suitable (and cheapest) skimmer for my system? <Personally, I would use an Aqua-C or EuroReef. While these are a little more expensive, the work and work very well. See here for more info: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/skimmerfaqs.htm make sure you follow the appropriate links at the top of the page. Take care, Don> Best regards H. Laubenheimer - Skimmer Selection - Hi crew, a plea for collective assistance: I have a 20gal low (about 12"high) which I would like to fit out with a hang-on skimmer; I have about 5 inches of clearance behind the tank and about 5" above; can somebody suggest a good skimmer that would fit? Most sellers don't spec out the sizes on these things. thanks, Steve J. <I guess the big question is, will this tank be on a stand or on a flat surface. A stand would allow for a skimmer to be taller than the tank... and in this case, I'd splurge and get an Aqua-C Remora. If not, you may have to settle for something like a Red Sea Prism, which isn't the most efficient skimmer in the world, but would be better than nothing. Cheers, J -- > Skilter Skimmer Hello crew, I'm running a 44 gallon tank, with a Skilter 250 and a magnum 350. Before I started I didn't think I was going into corals, but guess what, I've started!!! I going to be running at lest 22-25 inches of fish with 4-5 pieces of coral and 35-40lb of live rock. I would like to up grade my Skilter 250 for a much better skimmer filter combo hang on type. Or do you think the Skilter can handle all this??? If you would to up grade what skimmer would you use??? <I would just get a skimmer and the LR should a good enough filter. The Remora skimmers by aqua-c are a good choice. Cody> Thank you so much for your time! Skimmer choices and manufacturers recommendations Thank you for the reply, I have just one more question. Is it better to be a skimmer (Excalibur SV1) which is for a 100 gallon or to get the Aqua C Urchin which is for up to 75 gallons? So do I go with a good Skimmer that will only do up to 75 or 100? For my 60 Thank you, Ted <All depends on if the manufacturer is accurate and the product comparable. There are plenty Turboflotors out there rated for 100-150 gallons that under perform better skimmers rated for less volume. In short, if you are asking me, I would choose (and have in the past) the Aqua-C product. I would also look at Euro Reef ES series. Craig> Skimmer Choices Thank you very much for your reply and info. I have another question concerning protein skimmers. As you have said that the Aqua C Urchin is a good choice, have you heard or used one of the two... Motorized 75 by Aquaclear Aquatics Excalibur SV1 in sump How would you rate these two? I have read some much different reviews on all the skimmers, are they all just a matter of choice or is there one's better than others in each price range. Thanks again for your help. Ted <You can see all of our skimmer info on the skimmer pages at WetWebMedia.com. The crew favors Aqua-C, Euro Reef and some ETSS products, although various other products are used by many, including no-name brands. However, we can't use them all so we can't make recommendations on them all, or how they compare to the above brands. You might try the equipment forum at WetWebFotos.com. they will give you their opinions! Craig> Which Aqua-C? Hey Crew, I am considering buying a AquaC Urchin pro skimmer for my 55 gallon reef (90 lbs of live rock). I am debating between the Urchin Pro and ev-120. The ev-120 is a little out of my budget. Do you know if the urchin pro will work well with my tank or suggest a comparable skimmer? Thanks so much, Chris. <Sure Chris. The Urchin Pro will work fine with a sump set-up, the Remora Pro for hang-ons. Also look at Euro Reef ES series for sump placement. All fine for this size tank. Get the EV-120 if you know you'll be getting a larger tank in the future...... Cheers, Craig> Skimmer too much for 135 gallon In process of setting up 135 gallon reef tank, current skimmer is P.O.S. In looking for new skimmers currently looking at Euroreef cs8-2 external. On EuroReef website it is rated for 400 gallons would this be too much skimmer for this tank. Do not plan on having heavy fish load but will probably squeeze as much LPS & SPS as possible. Cannot fit EuroReef in my sump due to large foot print and 8-2 is the smallest external model. If it is too much skimmer will have to decide between Aqua C EV240 and Life reef VS3-30. Any comments on the LifeReef skimmer would be appreciated. I know the EuroReef and Aqua C are generally recommended by you. <I am not at all thrilled with the consistency of skimmate from LifeReef skimmers. They can skim well... but have to be pampered IMO. If the Euroreef and AquaC don't fit... then do look at one of the superb (and tiny!) sump model Tunze skimmers. Best regards, Anthony> - Picking a Skimmer, Perhaps... - Hello, <And hello to you, JasonC here...> Thank you for continuing to answer my questions. Since upgrading my system I have run into an issue that I would like your advice on. I know you guys have experience with EuroReef products so I would be very appreciative to have some honest straightforward advice. I have upgraded my wet dry to a 29 gallon dual drain unit that pumps 1800 gph. The current skimmer I am using is a Sealife Impact 400. It is 6" in diameter and 30" tall and uses a mag drive 1200 gph to pump water to the top of a pvc tube where air is injected and flows down the tube to enter the bottom of the reaction chamber. The skimmer removes about 4 oz. per day of dark skimmate and the collection cup becomes coated with brown to black sludge almost daily. I have been tweaking this skimmer for several days and believe it is at peak efficiency. I am wondering if the extra money spent on a EuroReef CS6-3 with a Sedra 5000 pump would be worth it. <Hmm... hard to say.> I have chosen this skimmer as an alternative due to a recent skimmer comparison comparing it to an Aerofoamer, an Aqua C 240 and an ETS skimmer. Both the Aerofoamer and Euroreef outperformed the rest when it came to measured organics left in the tanks. <Interesting.> You can view the article at http://www.thereefweb.com/skimmer_comparison.htm <Also interesting... just to put in a quick pitch for my friend Jason Kim over at Aqua-C - I've been using his skimmers for quite a while now, and just on the quick read of that comparison, it would seem they did not tweak that skimmer enough - it is quite capable of producing very dry foam, but... the other skimmers are all good choices.> These are my questions, 1) in your best opinion, do you believe the EuroReef would be a substantial improvement over my current Impact 400. <Improvement, yes. Substantial improvement, probably not. Although I've not seen the SeaLife Impact skimmer in person, I have seen their other models and think they are lacking in the quality of materials. Perhaps this is different for the Impact. At the very least, you would find the EuroReef to be built with excellent materials and workmanship.> and 2) If it would be, should I use the Sedra 5000 (500gph) pump or do you recommend upgrading it to a more powerful unit like a mag 1200, <That's a question for EuroReef - some skimmers don't work well with pump upgrades, others seem to love it. The Sedra pump does add a good deal of heat if used submerged, so that may be something you want to consider.> 3) If I ever have to upgrade the pump, is it necessary to use the modified impeller or can a standard impeller or pump be used with the same efficiency. <Again, a question you might want to pose to EuroReef, but my guess would be yes... you would need a custom impeller.> Thank you all for your help and opinions. I would urge everyone who uses this site and finds it beneficial to donate what you can to keep it running. <You mean us? Show me the money!!!> It is easy to do at the bottom of these pages. Thanks again, Michael J. Busse, MS <Cheers, J -- > Skimmer comparison Hello, Since upgrading my system I have run into an issue that I would like your advice on. I know you guys have experience with EuroReef products so I would be very appreciative to have some honest straightforward advice. I have upgraded my wet dry to a 29 gallon dual drain unit that pumps 1800 gph. The current skimmer I am using is a Sealife Impact 400. It is 6" in diameter and 30" tall and uses a mag drive 1200 gph to pump water to the top of a pvc tube where air is injected and flows down the tube to enter the bottom of the reaction chamber. The skimmer removes about 4 oz. per day of dark skimmate and the collection cup becomes coated with brown to black sludge almost daily. I have been tweaking this skimmer for several days and believe it is at peak efficiency. I am wondering if the extra money spent on a Euroreef CS6-3 with a Sedra 5000 pump would be worth it. I have chosen this skimmer as an alternative due to a recent skimmer comparison comparing it to an Aerofoamer, an Aqua C 240 and an ETS skimmer. Both the Aerofoamer and Euroreef outperformed the rest when it came to measured organics left in the tanks. You can view the article at http://www.thereefweb.com/skimmer_comparison.htm These are my questions, 1) in your best opinion, do you believe the EuroReef would be a substantial improvement over my current Impact 400. <I don't know when compared to your skimmer. I can only say that Euro-reef skimmers come highly recommended.> 2) If it would be, should I use the Sedra 5000 (500gph) pump r do you recommend upgrading it to a more powerful unit like a mag 1200, <The skimmer is designed for the included pump, it can't be improved upon.> 3) If I ever have to upgrade the pump, is it necessary to use the modified impeller or can a standard impeller or pump be used with the same efficiency. <You need the Euro-reef impeller.> Thank you all for your help and opinions. I would urge everyone who uses this site and finds it beneficial to donate what you can to keep it running. It is easy to do at the bottom of these pages. Thanks guys (and girls), Michael J. Busse, MS <Thank you for the support Michael! Hope this helps you out, the Euro-reef is an excellent choice. Craig> Skimmer choice Wow, thanks for the prompt reply. A lot of people on the forum are suggesting pseudo-Euroreef skimmers such as ASM and Southdown brands. What do you think about these compared to the Aqua C Urchin? <For your 55, with added volume for the sump, any of these would work. I would look at the new ES series Euro-Reef as well for around $200. I use Remora Pros (same as Urchins) and am happy with the results. I would stick with the real Euro or the service from Aqua-C. Either way, have FUN! Craig> Employing A Skimmer In A Tight Place I recently purchased and 80 gal Via Aqua rectangular tank. This unit is sold with lighting set up and a wet dry filter that sits on the rim formed by the plastic molding on the top of the tank. That closes off access to the back of the tank. The hood sits on top in front of the filter box effectively eliminating access to the top of the tank. The tank has a double bottom which precludes drilling the bottom of the tank. Any thoughts about how to set up a protein skimmer would be appreciated. Intent is to set up as a fish only tank. Keith S. Ehrlich <Here's what I'd do: Assuming that the larger ViaAqua tanks are the same configuration as the smaller ones, I'd remove te entire wet-dry "tray", and either hang on an Aqua C Remora Pro, or possibly a Tunze Universal skimmer. Another option would be a couple of CPR Bak Pak Skimmer/Biofilters. Or, you could use an over-the side siphon/surface skimmer box, draining into a sump underneath the tank. You could even remove the front lighting hood, and hang a halide pendant over the tank...lots of possibilities! Be creative, and you could probably come up with something pretty cool! Good luck, and have fun! Regards, Scott F> Skimmer multiple choice (04/06/03) Hi crew! <Hi! Ananda here tonight> Another questions for you guys.. I am looking for a skimmer for my 55 gallon reef tank (Just to clarify, the skimmer I'm looking for is an in-sump model). Been searching your forums and FAQs pages but it seems to me that all of the highly-suggested skimmers are well above my range: AquaC EV series, Euroreef etc. <The trick to looking through the skimmer FAQs is to do a page search with your tank size as the search term (use just the number of gallons).> I am shooting for $150-160 price range. I've been looking at these skimmers: Turboflotor 1000 w/ Rio 2100 ~ $152 AquaC Urchin w/ Rio 800 or MaxiJet 1200 ~ $158-163 Kent Marine Nautilus ~$154 Rea Sea Berlin Classic w/ Rio 2500 ~$169 What are your suggestions (more than one suggestion would be great). <This is an easy question to answer. The Urchin with the MaxiJet.> Size/footprint is not an issue. I can easily accommodate a large skimmer in my sump-to-be. I want to get the best skimmer for my buck. <Between the ease of use, the efficiency, and the excellent customer service, the AquaC wins.> Thanks! Jonovan =) <You're quite welcome. --Ananda> Protein Skimmer for future 200 gallon - 4/4/03 Hey crew, <Hey, Paul here.> Just a quick question on Aqua C protein skimmers. <OK. Go for it> I'm planning on getting the EV-180 for my future 75G tank. The EV-180 is rated up to 200G. One day I'm sure I'd like a bigger tank (as all of us do) probably around the 180G mark. Will this protein skimmer be sufficient for 180G or will I need the EV-240? <Likely fine for the 180 gallon. You can always send an email to the owner of the Aqua-C line Jason Kim. See here: http://www.proteinskimmer.com/contact.htm He is a real stand up guy and will bend over backwards for his customers> and if so would the 240 be overkill for a 75G. <Nope. There is a lot of debate about overskimming but the general consensus is that one can never overskim. If you have the money then go for it> Thanks for all your help now and in the past. <Thank you for acknowledging. Spread the word> Best Regards, <Same to you. Paul> Jeremy EuroReef vs. Aqua C Hi again <Welcome back> I am in the process of deciding witch skimmer to buy for my aquarium I had read a lot in your page and you definitely like Aqua C and Euro-Reef I am thinking in between Aqua C EV-180 or CS8-2 from Euro-Reef, please advice witch one is easier to install and to maintain specially since I am in South America and if will not be easy to get spare parts, please give me an strait answer and not just you will do OK with any of them. <Andres, you have made two excellent choices, and really, each is an excellent skimmer. Given your specifications/requirements and what I have read, heard and seen, I would choose the EuroReef. Don> Best Regards Andres Saravia Skimmer Possibilities (04/03/03) I am currently considering two skimmers for my 90 gallon reef tank. a Nautilus Te or Berlin Turbo from Red Sea. Please give me your input on these skimmers <I'd avoid them both. In addition to the comments from people and crew in the WetWebMedia skimmer selection FAQs, many people have commented on their dislike of these skimmers in the WetWebMedia forums... do go to http://wetwebfotos.com/talk and search on "Nautilus" and "Berlin". You can search the skimmer selection FAQs via the Google search tool at the bottom of the WetWebMedia main page and Daily FAQ page. --Ananda> best regards, Frank Skimmer Selection well this is my scenario 20 gal tank looked great for two years with just regular water changes lots of living things. Added a 10 gallon sump so I could add a skimmer. With all the rock etc.. there prob. is about 20-25 gallons of water tank looks horrid after converting most things died a few still living. I am in desperate need of a skimmer to start balancing things out so once again it will look great. plenty of room on my sump what should I go for? I have tried a Berlin 25-250 and was greatly disappointed by its touchy performance. Willing to spend about 200.00 to achieve my goal. Must be under 22 inches. I have looked at the little devil, CPR's in-sump model, EuroReef, Knop, etc.. I just don't want to buy a dud again any advice would be GREAT! < I would choose the euro reef, good design, awesome customer service, all around good skimmer. Some other good skimmers are the AquaC line. The urchin or urchin pro would work well here. Cody> Skimmer Selection Do you have experience with the AquaC EV180 and the ETSS Reef Devil Deluxe? <Have experience with these brands, but not these specific models> I am considering these two skimmers and wondering if anyone on your staff has any thoughts regarding these two units. I have a 90gal soft coral tank. It appears that the ETSS will process more water (350-400 gal vs. 275) and is less expensive. Am wondering which performs better and needs less ongoing maintenance? Thanks. <Well, both are great products from good companies. ETSS does process a lot of water, but it will require a bit more initial "tweaking" to get it producing good, dry foam and dark skimmate. Proper cleaning is imperative, as the performance of ETSS units really suffer if not cleaned regularly. However, once it's dialed in, the ETSS is a terrific skimmer. The Aqua C model is also a very high quality unit. It has more features than the ETSS, in my opinion. For example, there is an optional valve to direct calcium reactor effluent into the skimmer (to help "blow off" excess CO2), a raised gate valve for more versatile placement of the skimmer, and slightly easier maintenance than the ETSS with "twist lock" type flanges used to remove the components for cleaning. One added benefit to Aqua C: You've got a terrific company owner, Jason Kim- who is extremely helpful to his customers...In then end, these are both excellent units, which will provide years of good service if properly maintained. I think the bottom line is, get the one that you can afford, and which fits the needs of your set up. Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Euro-skimmer choice I just got a great acrylic tank 60" long x30" wide x24" tall - approx 185 gal. I kept a hex 55 gal Fish Only tank 20 years ago and am just getting back into keeping a Salt Tank. I'm trying to figure out all the pieces and parts that I need - your site is an invaluable resource. <We're glad to help!> I've been working on Skimmers tonight. I was researching AquaC, EuroReef and ETSS skimmers. I was leaning more toward the AquaC, but have since decided that the EuroReef might be better after reading the opinions that the needle wheel impeller is superior to down draft. <There are several good reasons for each. There is no such thing as "superior" methods, there are better quality skimmers that make better use of such methods than others. There are several factors including rated capacity, price and service. For some good ideas of how others received these skimmers, check out the skimmer forum at WetWebFotos.com> Given that I have nothing but an empty tank it's hard to say what my system is, but I'm looking to start with soft corals and small/reasonable number of fish. I don't have a stocking list of coral or fish - yet. <Do factor in growth and maximum stocking for safety!> I'm thinking of a 5" deep sand bed (about 325#) with about 350# of Rock (start with some live, some dead and culture it the tank - is this a good idea to save some money as opposed to purchasing 350# of live rock). <Personal choice. As long as all is well cured/cycled and tested before addition of any livestock.> I'll probably put the skimmer in the sump, but want to keep the cabinet under the tank at no higher than 36" - so I may put the skimmer beside the tank instead of below the tank. <This will be one of those factors in skimmer selection. Do what you can to keep it in the sump or next to it below the display.> The sump will be about 48" long, 24 to 26" wide and about 14" deep. The first chamber will be about 12" for the skimmer. <Another skimmer consideration.> The rest will be separated down the middle half the flow will go through an LR area and the other half will be green material - probably sea grass perhaps algae. I've read most (there are a bunch) of your skimmer FAQs. Can you help me understand the difference in the new EuroReef ES series as opposed to the older CS series and is the ES-CS8-3 or the ES-CS8-3+ a better fit for my system. The basic difference seems to be one or two Sedra 5000 pumps. With the ES-CS8-3 for a 175 gal and the ES-CS8-3+ for a 200 gal tank. Do you think this is appropriate for this tank or have I not done my homework well? Thanks for all the help!!! Steve <Go bigger Steve, actual volume is more than the display. Add sump and you get the picture. This precludes the ES. Follow the manufacturers recommendations from there. Hope this helps, Craig> Fill'n Phil In On Skimmers! 3/17/03 Hi Phil,<Hey!>I was just reading the FAQ's and seen that you mentioned to a guy that has an Aerofoamer skimmer that you had never heard of them,<Ya, I've been around Aqua-C, Euro-Reef.. etc, but not Aerofoamer...>great skimmers (I have one) here is a good link for you to read up on them,<Thanks! Now I know of another great skimmer!> best skimmers out there before these RK2's Anthony likes to refer to......Riot... http://www.thereefweb.com/skimmer_comparison.htmagain thanks! Phil> Low to mid quality skimmers 3/18/03 Hello WWM crew, <cheers> I have a not so good skimmer. It is a cyclone venturi style. <yes... agreed> A friend of mine gave me a Top Fathom TF100 skimmer, and I had some questions on whether or not to use it. The TF100 is probably 5 years old, but looks like something prehistoric. <really not much of an improvement. They can work well... but in most tanks they require a lot of upkeep and tuning to maintain skimmate production. Before I'd suggest someone buy or use a tedious low or mid quality skimmer on a tank, I'd sooner suggest you go without a skimmer and do larger weekly water changes. For the price of some of the awful performing skimmers (as much as $200), you can buy a lot of sea salt for water changes! If you do elect to buy a skimmer and need/want a more affordable one than Euroreef/Aqua C, look at Tunze's small unit (says for 40 gall but fine for a 55 without a terribly large bio-load)... its only about $120 online (Custom Aquatic and General Aquatics I think)> It's huge and built differently that any of the skimmers out there today. Is this a good skimmer, and would it be okay to use on a 55 gal reef. <I would not have the patience to fiddle with it> I don't know if there is such a thing as overskimming, <not really when most aquariums are heavy in dissolved organics, while even the best skimmers cannot export all such. And this skimmer does not have a prayer of overskimming any tank IMO> but didn't want to hook it up and try it without consulting some professionals first. Thanks for your time. Mark Finley <always welcome, my friend. Anthony> Picking A Skimmer That's A Winner... Dr. Fenner (Bob if you insist, (or the WWM Crew)), <Slummin' it with Scott F. today, bruddah!> Your web site is truly a "hidden" treasure and I'm currently your biggest walking billboard to let people know about the wealth of information on your site. I wrote previously and the response I got was not only prompt but overall very helpful, especially considering how long-winded my laundry list of questions were. <Glad you found it useful! That's why we're all here...to share ideas and experiences. That's what makes this hobby so cool!> My questions in a nutshell, are: When it comes to overall efficiency of skimmers, are there brands you would recommend? I keep reading (on various web sites such as marine&reef.com or eReeftank.com) that Euro-reef and the ETSS skimmers are the best and admittedly more expensive. Is there truth to this? Does one generally get what you pay for? <Good questions. It's unfair for anyone to say that one brand/type of skimmer is absolutely "the best", but there are manufacturers and models of skimmers that consistently deliver quality, performance, reliability, and durability, year in and year out. Aqua C, Euroreef, Tunze, and ETSS are manufacturers whose products are always good, as a general rule, when evaluated with the aforementioned parameters in mind. They are not the least expensive models out there, but the old saying "you get what you pay for" is especially true with skimmers. Some of the less expensive models are, unfortunately, not as well-made, rely on lower quality pumps, impellers, etc., and will cost more money and frustration in the long run with repairs, etc.> My current setup is using a CPR CY 192 which is a combo wet/dry and protein skimmer. I've removed the bio media and filled that space w/ medium-small broken pieces of live base rock. Tank is 55G and overall doing very well with the exception of relentless golden brown/diatom algae which spreads on the sand/tanks sides so quickly that I have to clean it off every 1-2 days. <Well, nutrient export is definitely one of the keys to defeating nuisance algae, and a protein skimmer is at the forefront of your counterattack! You also have to look at the composition of your source water. High levels of silicate and phosphate, among other things, will lead to constant algae problems. RO/DI water is important here.> The way the skimmer is incorporated into the unit, and it's design overall, seems like it's efficiency might be questionable. <CPR does make some good products, but placement in a skimmer is 75% of the battle, in terms of operating efficiency. It functions most efficiently when receiving "raw" water directly from the surface overflow in your tank. Constant water level is important, too.> These are the options I'm pondering: Buying/building a simple sump and buying a better protein skimmer (this depends on the answer to the above questions) and replacing the CPR....OR...Building a medium sized refugium, use the "mud & algae" filtration method, together with the CPR as is; my logic (logic.... Now that's funny) being that if I have the surface tank water drain (gently) into the refugium, then have it spill over to the CPR, the refugium would get the "dirtiest" water which, being nutrient loaded, would benefit the algae and help "clean up" the water which might compensate for the inefficiency of the CPR's skimmer... <Well, you have it right, there. A refugium should ideally be placed in line after the main system, but before a skimmer. As you surmised, this lets the refugium creatures benefit from the nutrients available in the "raw" system water. It may be a help in dealing with your possibly inefficient skimmer, but I think that you should be striving for production of consistent, dark skimmate and dry foam, and a poorly-tuned or inefficient skimmer will not do this, especially if some of the nutrients are already being removed via the refugium...Don't be fooled if the skimmer continues to under perform. It won't mean that there is "less to skim"- it will just mean that an already questionably-performing skimmer is still under performing! Try tweaking or otherwise relocating the skimmer to take advantage of raw source water, or consider a different model. By the way, pick up a copy of Anthony's "Book of Coral Propagation" for enough killer ideas on refugia and skimmer set ups to keep you up all night!> When I started writing this, I thought this would be a short message... <That's okay- I always say to myself "make it a short, concise answer, Scott"- but I just go off...LOL> If you could offer a pearl or two of wisdom, I would be very grateful. Silicon Valley Steve <Well, Steve, if you call these pearls "wisdom" (or something else)- I hope that I delivered a few that are useful to you...Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Upgrading skimmer for 30 Hi Craig, Thanks very much for that information! <My pleasure Karl, I hope it helps!> I will start bringing my KH up to about 12 as soon as possible and then Ca. I just have one more question. I am looking at replacing my SeaClown with something a little better. The models I have been looking at are the Tunze 230 (is this a HOT?) Aqua C Remora Pro (HOT - I will have to get this from the US as I can't find them over in Europe) CPR BakPak <I don't know if the Tunze is a hang-on, they are good skimmers if they can be applied to your application. I run two Aqua-C Remora Pros and I like them. For a 30 a standard Remora would work too, make sure you have the height, base to top of aquarium for any of these. I like my BakPak, but it is a venturi skimmer driven by a Rio pump with a couple hoses to supply air. I find it needs more maintenance and cleaning than my Remora Pros.> Or do you think I should leave the SeaClown in place as my system is only 30gal (this appears to be the maximum volume for this skimmer reading on WetWebMedia). I just want to get over my Algae blues... Thanks very much for all you help! Kind Regards, Karl McNally <A better skimmer will help....I would shop on efficiency, price, availability, service. Availability is likely better for Tunze (if it's HOT or adaptable) and Aqua-C's service is above and beyond, so I would go with what fits and looks best to you of those two. Have fun! Craig> Livestock compatibility and order of stocking One more question... I knew I would forget this... Is there any advantage to running two lower priced/lower quality skimmers rather than one of the two? Is this equivalent to one really good skimmer? <I would go with the old saying here: Two wrongs don’t make a right. Best regards, Cody.> Bart Protein skimmer suggestions Hi I have a 90 gallon tank. I currently use a SeaClone 150 skimmer. Overall I have been happy with this. I'm thinking about upgrading solely because of the noise and the fact that it won't fit under my tank so it's being used as a hang on model. I have read through your skimmer articles many times. You seem to really like the Turboflotors. After reading around about it I'm quite confused as far as how it is setup. From what I gather, the pump that comes with it (Ocean runner) is not used to draw the water into the skimmer but only to mix the water and air together once in the skimmer?? I've also read that there are 2 ways in which water can be brought to the skimmer, either an extra pump or an overflow. I have a tidepool SOS overflow that goes to a tidepool II wet/dry. If I was to set this up would I take the output of the overflow to the skimmer, then the output of the skimmer to input of the wet/dry?? I don't want to buy this skimmer and find out later I need to buy another pump, and anything else. My other option is an Aqua-c Urchin Pro. You posted somewhere in your faq about the performance of the two being very similar. But how about noise?? Noise is a major concern here. I have been asked to quiet the tank down. Which of the two skimmers would you get if you were me?? Or another in the $200 range. Thanks for any help, Matt < I would definitely get the Urchin Pro. The Turboflotor is a good skimmer but complicated to run. Also look into the Euro Reef skimmers as these are also a very good skimmer. Read here for more info on these skimmers: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/setup/index.htm Cody.> Skimmer Quick questions: 1. I'm following your advice and gradually removing media from the canister filters, moving towards LR and efficient skimmer. , <Awesome> All the media from the Juwel internal filter removed, no rise in nitrite. New skimmer seems to be working fine except when I feed the tank (very little at present), the foam collapses and takes ages to build up again. Actually delivery of skimmate to the cup can stop for at least a day. Is this normal. I'm assuming this is due to some constituent of the food coating the cone of the cup and causing the bubbles to burst early on contact. <Check to make sure the skimmer is adjusted properly and every time you empty the cup wipe off the cone also.> 2. In your opinion is purchased frozen fish food (I try to feed a variety, with only a small amount of the ubiquitous brine shrimp) good, or is a trip to the supermarket and a quick, if messy, food processing of shrimp, squid, clams, cockles etc. to freeze myself, better. When I last kept marine fish (early 70's) store bought do-it-yourself food was a big no no because of disease. <Either will work, just make sure you are getting the right food stuffs. Cody> Thanks Brian Reef lighting and skimmers Hello Bob, Steven, others I have been reading your web site FAQs and other people's questions and your answers and they have been a great help in answering a lot of my questions, but some of them are actually creating more questions. About 10 years ago, in my previous life I had a 75G reef, with trickle down filter, bioballs, home made skimmer, and MH light. I would like to get back to setting up a reef system again, and I know a lot of things have changed, so have been reading up on your web site trying to figure out what are the essential equipments that I need to get. As far as skimmers, I have been reading favorable readings regarding the Aqua Medic Turboflotor, but also some negatives regarding fine tuning and pump problems, lots of bubbles returning to main tank, etc. I read a little mention of Euro-Reef, but not much was said, as I believe it is more expensive. Assuming I am willing to spend up to around $300 on the skimmer, will I be better off with the Turboflotor, or a Euro-Reef, and if Euro-Reef, which model will you suggest for a 75G. Also I have noticed that you favor the Eheim 1060 for the Turboflotor. Is that for the intake of the skimmer only, or is it also being used to return the water to the tank. If only for the skimmer intake, any suggestion as which pump will be proper for return to tank? <Euro-reef without any hesitation. The new ES will work perfectly. About $198 retail. Set and forget.> On lighting, I was reading lots of favorable comments by Bob regarding the Vita-lite full spectrum bulbs. I was pretty much convinced that is the way to go, as my previous experiment with MH was not that great, with the expense, heat, and fan noise, until comments from Steven Pro praising MH is the best way to go for "bang for the buck", and referring to Joshi's articles. Since I regard Bob and Steven as great experts, this has caused a great confusion. Will you please advise and clear up the confusion. At the time I was keeping a reef tank, there was a lot of hype about Ice ballasts. Is there a ballast that you recommend? I would also appreciate if you could suggest a brand name for the lighting systems, as there are so many choices available, one can easily buy a product that was marketed very well, but not the best choice. <Depends on depth of tank, desired inhabitants. Bang for buck/light output/spectrum is in favor of MH. Ice Cap VHO is also a great choice with little chance of photo-inhibition from overpowering in moderate depth set-ups. The choice these days are too numerous to mention, do shop for the best deal on a ballast designed to drive the bulb of your choice (spectral and rendition choice). These come in Euro type bulb/ballasts and American type. Use the proper ballast for each. You can purchase fixtures from Hydroponic outlets for less and proper bulbs from many on-line sources. For a 75, 2- Aqualine 175 watt MH's or 250's would be a good choice. I recommend traveling to a few LFS to "see" what the lighting "looks" like before you buy.> Thanks for reading my email, and would greatly appreciate your time in replying. Amir <Hope this helps Amir! Craig> Skimmer selection questions Good day crew -- I am purchasing a new 225 gallon tank with a 30 gallon sump. I currently keep soft corals, mushrooms, zoanthids and have a light fish load - a yellow tang, a pair of Firefish, and a school of 6 Chromis. In the new tank I plan to stick with the soft coral species tank and I plan to add several more small to medium sized fish. I am planning to upgrade my skimmer and have narrowed my choices down to Aqua C and Euroreef. Assuming the cost is not a consideration, I'd like to get the most skimmer for my dollar now and not wish I'd upsized a year or two down the road. I have several questions I'm hoping you can help me with. 1) In the Aqua C line I'm considering the EV-240 and the EV-400. In your opinion, which of these Aqua C models would be most appropriate for my situation? <The manufacturers recommended ratings are accurate. Use those ratings/size.> 2) In the Euroreef line I'm considering the CS8-3, the CS8-4, and the CS8-5. Again, in your opinion, which of these Euroreef models would be most appropriate? <Ditto. Use the recommended size. You don't have a overwhelming load.> 3) Between Aqua C and Euroreef -- which is more "idiot proof" and low maintenance. Euroreef touts its skimmers as plug and play with no, or very minor, adjustments required. How does the Aqua C stack up in this regard? <More or less the same. A little more adjusting with Aqua-C, but we highly recommend both of these skimmers. Customer service counts, Aqua-C wins hands down on service.> 4) Following your forum, I know you think highly of both skimmers. For my application, which would you recommend. <I honestly would have the same dilemma! I would shop on volume rating, price, service and how it fits in my set-up (size if a factor).> Thank you for your fantastic forum and specifically for your help with my skimmer selection -- Bob <Geez Bob, I hope this was some help! This is a tough choice! With all things equal, I would go with whoever gives you more capacity for less money, then add service. If you want instant response to your questions and service, Aqua-C. Craig> Re: Euro Reef skimmers Greetings Crew, I have a quick question. I was checking into availability and price of the euro-reef cs6-1 and found out the prices usually run at about $290. During my search I called "Jeff's Exotic fish". They carry Euro Reef, but out of stock, but they told me that they make the exact skimmers in their acrylic shops to the exact specification, using the same Sedra pumps and Needle Wheel impellers, with the same performance, etc. for about %20 lower price. I was wondering if you know anything about them, and whether their claim is correct. <Well, there are "knock-offs" of the Euroreef skimmers about... but I would not be interested in saving twenty dollars (less than ten percent) by buying one. I have known the Macare's (Jeff and his dad Bob) who own Euroreef for several years... their products are well designed, built and they have very good customer service. These qualities deserve support. Bob Fenner> Thanks Amir Re: Euro Reef skimmers Hello Bob, Thanks for the information. It wasn't really the matter of saving actually $60 that I was considering buying one of those knockoff's, but the fact that every site that I have checked, the CS6-1 is not in stock. I will hold off till one becomes available. Thanks again. Amir <You show wisdom and patience. Both good traits. Bob Fenner> Re: Euro Reef skimmers Hi Bob, Thanks again. I am very excited about finally getting the equipment going for my tank. I have the overflow and the light to figure out and I am ready for the test run. Thanks for putting my mind at ease on the skimmer and the pump. In regard to the lighting, the link you referred me to is I believe where I read the bit about vita-lite full spectrum, and alas you mentioned that they are not available any more. However, maybe I missed some information in there that I can use. I will read it again. I very much would like to avoid the MH technology if I can. <You can, especially if the water (note, not tank depth) is less than a couple feet deep> thanks again for your time and having this site available to us folks. <You're welcome.> Have a good night. Amir <I just woke up! Bob Fenner> Re: Euro Reef skimmers Greetings Bob, Thanks for your reply. I just found a CS6-1 in stock at Reef Fanatic and am in process of ordering it. While I have your ears, I was wondering if you could answer another question for me. I had sent this but my mail must have got lost as I have not heard any comments about it. It would be great if you could clear some of these issues for me, as I am really confused now. I have been reading your web site FAQs and other people's questions and your answers and they have been a great help in answering a lot of my questions, but some of them are actually creating more questions. <This happens> About 10 years ago, in my previous life I had a 75G reef, with trickle down filter, bioballs, home made skimmer, and MH light. I would like to get back to setting up a reef system again, and I know a lot of things have changed, so have been reading up on your web site trying to figure out what are the essential equipments that I need to get. I think the issue of the skimmer is settled, except I am not so sure what to use for a return pump. I have been thinking about Eheim 1260 or the Iwaki MD30RLXT. I like Iwaki pumps as I have used them before, but I can not place them in the sump. Do you think the Eheim would be a good pump for returning water to a 75G tank, with a EuroReef CS6-1? <Yes> On lighting, I was reading lots of favorable comments by you regarding the Vita-lite full spectrum bulbs. <No longer made though> I was pretty much convinced that is the way to go, as my previous experiment with MH was not that great, with the expense, heat, and fan noise, until comments from Steven Pro praising MH is the best way to go for "bang for the buck", and referring to Yoshi's articles. <Depends on how one defines "bang". MH can produce the most useful photonic energy per watt consumed, and even per total dollar invested (energy, fixture, lamps...). But do you want to supply all the other necessary elements to get the "whole bang"? W/o calcium and alkalinity in abundance, magnesium balanced, sufficient CO2... MH use becomes limited in its actual functional effectiveness.> Since I regard you and Steven as great experts, this has caused a great confusion. Will you please advise and clear up the confusion. <For optimizing growth, color of biomineralizing photosynthetic life, MH are king, but only by doing more in the way of supplying many other factors are they "worth it" functionally (aesthetics is a totally different consideration... "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"). Boosted fluorescent technology is fine for promoting growth... beyond natural rates... and often does not run into "rate limiting factors" like MH use does.> At the time I was keeping a reef tank, there was a lot of hype about Ice caps. Is there a ballast that you recommend? <These are very good units> I would also appreciate if you could suggest a brand name for the lighting systems, as there are so many choices available, one can easily buy a product that was marketed very well, but not the best choice. <Mmm, these are covered, over and over on WWM. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/setup/lighting/index.htm including the linked files (in blue, above) on the particular lighting technology you're interested in.> Again thank you for your time. Thanks Amir <You're welcome. Bob Fenner> Protein Skimming for Tenecor 125Gal Simplicity Plus? Bob- <Tim> Thanks for the open forum to ask questions! I searched your site, and found some related articles to my question, but wanted a little more specific advice. I just ordered a 125Gal rectangular Tenecor Simplicity Plus. I am upgrading from a 55Gal FOWLR. Once I get the 125, I will probably keep it FOWLR at least for a while. As you know, the protein skimmer they sell with the Tenecor is a Red Sea Air Lift 90. I know you are not particular fond of those skimmers, so I have two questions for you. #1 - That skimmer is only rated for up to a 90Gal aquarium, so do you think it is even going to be worth it on a 125gal? <Yes. If you find this skimmer is insufficient, and/or too much trouble to maintain, you can always add another or replace it with a more efficient model> #2 - Do you know of any other skimmers that would work better, and still fit in the built-in protein skimmer slot in the Simplicity Plus? <Unfortunately no... this space is just too small... but a hang on unit like the Urchins from Aqua-C could be fitted over the side...> I currently have a CPR Bak Pak 2 on the 55Gal, but it would obviously have to hang off the back, and it is only rated for up to 60gals I believe. <Yes, best to leave this unit on the existing tank. Do continue your search, speculations into using sumps/refugiums... much more flexible, homeostatic. Bob Fenner> Thanks again. Tim McLaren RE: Protein Skimming for Tenecor 125Gal Simplicity Plus? <Unfortunately no... this space is just too small... but a hang on unit like the Urchins from Aqua-C could be fitted over the side...> I assume you mean the Remora? The Urchin is an in-sump skimmer only, right? <Sorry re, thank you for the clarification. Bob Fenner> Tim McLaren Planning a 125g Tank 3/1/03 Hello crew<Hey! Phil here w/ ya.> I'm buying a 125 gal and wanted some advise. Its going to be FOWLR & sand but I don't want to put in a lot of live so are there other things I could do to compensate for this.<Well, first if you don't want too much sand go with maybe half an inch. Makeup for that w/ more live rock. What type of fish are you planning on keeping?> I'll probably put in 60-70 lb. also since its not going to be a reef tank can I cut back on the skimming a little I'm also getting a canister filter)<NO!! Please don't cut back in skimming! Since it's going to be mostly fish you'll need something to remove there wastes. IMO, you should always buy the best skimmer possible! They are really a lifesaver, once you run one for a while and see what comes out of them you'll never not want one again! I'm looking for one $170 or under any recommendations. thanks a lot for your time. Check out: www.wetwebmedia.com/skimbestof.htm Here you'll find the best skimmer for your sized tank.>I'm looking for one $170 or under any recommendations.<A good filter under $170.... let's see... I'm not that big into canister filters because of the constant cleaning that they require.. If you choose one IMO go with the "Filstar" canister filter. It's only $99 so you save some money to spend on a skimmer. If you choose not to go with a canister try a power filter, "Ocean Clear" power filter brand makes a filter model 340 that's for tanks 100-266g. I believe its around $150. In the end though it is your choice.> thanks a lot for your time!<No problem! Hope this helps and good luck! Phil> I'm over the "SeaClown" 2/27/03 Bob <You got Phil today!> Looking at trashing my SeaClones and getting a real skimmer. Like most I'm looking on EBay and there are several to choose from. My first choice is the Euro-reef but as you know. even on EBay they want over 300.00 for one. So what I would like to know is have you ever heard of the Jebo 180 and if you have would it be big enough for my 150 reef I'm getting ready to set up?<Well... I did a google search and couldn't find anything about a JEBO 180 protein skimmer. IMO, the skimmer is one of the most important things you can buy and you don't want to skimp on it. Go here for more info www.wetwebmedia.com/skimbestof.htm Hope this helps!! Phil> Thanks Robert Media Replacement And Skimmer Choices (Pt. 2) Thanx again! Now changing the foam media on a weekly matter will in itself help keep down the Nitrate levels in the tank would it not? <Yep! That's the best reason to do this! It's a viable "nutrient export" mechanism, as you're literally removing undesirable substances directly from the system. If you are a serious fish nerd, like me- you'll get a few of these foam media inserts and rotate 'em out several times a week...Scary- but really an easy way to keep nasty stuff from ever accumulating to begin with!> Also have you heard of the Back pack skimmer (doing a search right now on them but your opinions also appreciated)? They seem to be sold in abundance at one of my local shops. <Yep- The CPR Bak Pak is a great hang-on-the-tank skimmer, IMO. Productive, simple to clean, and reliable. Another fine choice is the Aqua C Remora Pro. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with either of these models, if serviced regularly! Good luck! ScottF> - Skimmer Questions - Crew, <Hi, JasonC here...> I just bought a Red Sea Berlin Classic Protein Skimmer, but it didn't come with a pump. <Oh well.> The person I bought it from recommended a RIO 2200, but this pumps 600 gph. I only have a 75 gallon tank, and this seemed a bit excessive. <That does seem excessive.> Do you think it would hurt if I bought a weaker pump? <Nope.> How many gph would you recommend? <Tough call... perhaps a RIO 1700 or 1400, you should really probe Red Sea for a specification.> Also, someone told me about a different skimmer that I might want to think about purchasing. I think he said it was a Seaclone 100 or something? Do you think I should buy it?? The guy told me it makes an excellent paper weight and that it puts real neat bubbles in your aquarium. Or perhaps I could use it as a spittoon. With a product as versatile as this, can I really NOT buy it??? (had you for a minute didn't I.....) Thanks, David <Cheers, J -- > Ode to Seaclone (in F minus): how I love my SeaClone, it really is so great!!! everyone should buy IT, cause SEACLONE is the best! Why would YOU want an aqua-c or a Berlin, those models really SUCK! <Doo wop diddy...> - Skimmer Selection - <Greetings, JasonC here...> I have a 60 gallon tank with some fish, crabs, and a small amount of live rock. Although the rock seems more dead than alive. <Give it some time.> I am currently running a Skilter 250 for a skimmer along with a emperor 280 with bio wheel, and a power head with filter. The tank doesn't seem to be as clear as it should. Do you feel that I should use a dedicated skimmer, if so what do you recommend, keeping in mind a cost factor. <Well... I would certainly replace the Skilter.> I am looking at maybe a Bak pak 2. <Consider an AquaC Remora... well worth the extra couple of dollars.> Any information would be appreciated. Thanks, Rick <Cheers, J -- > Skimmer for a 75g Tank - 2/23/03 Crew, <More specifically.....Paul.....> What is the best, yet cheapest, skimmer that one can get by with for a 75 gallon tank? <Many to choose from but, I see most recommendations for Aqua-C and CPR series skimmers. Have you had a look through our skimmer FAQs? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/skimselfaqs.htm start here and go through all the links as I am sure you will find an answer there.> I realize this is asking the impossible, but I'd like to get a skimmer, but there isn't much cash to back up my desire.... <Well, cash is always a consideration, but being that I don't know your plans or desires as to what kind of tank or inhabitants you plan to keep, it would be virtually impossible for me to recommend a skimmer for any application. Again, read through the FAQs to get a general idea of recommended brands and likes and dislikes for a tank of your size and planned inhabitants, then do price search locally and online. Good luck. Paulo> Hang on Protein skimmer for 125 Hi Crew I have spent many many hours reading the skimmer FAQ's, but still have not come to a decision about which skimmer we should get for our budget. Which is why I'm writing to you-in desperate need of your advice. Here are the facts about our tank. 125 Gallon Fish only with 100 lbs Fiji/Marshall Island Live Rock, no sump (hope to build one soon) Filtration is 2 Emperor 400's, 2 Maxi-Jet 900 powerheads. Our protein skimmer is the crappy Seaclone 100-which I know is virtually not doing a thing for our tank (Thus the green hair algae problem we have had for the last 6 months. We are purchasing a RO/DI unit as well to hopefully get this algae problem under control) Our budget is $300. Please recommend the BEST Hang on skimmer for this price. Thank you <I would look at the Remora Pro with Mag 3 pump and surface skimmer box. That was my choice. Good Luck, Don> Tracie Doss Skimmer Selection: Complete Confusion - 02/21/03 Good afternoon to all of you, I need some direction please. <Ananda here... I would suggest South. It's pretty cold up north this time of year...oh, you mean skimmer suggestions...> I've never gotten a skimmer before primarily due to my LFS suggestion, he said if you have the money great but not really needed. Anyhoo, after A LOT of reading on your site I have been converted. <Yay! Your fish will thank you.> I am switching from a 55 to a 125 in a couple of weeks and am thoroughly confused as to which skimmer to select. <Your fish will thank you for the big tank, too... I understand being confused about skimmers. I was, too, when I started researching them, before we had this page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/skimbestof.htm> It does seem as though in this case you do get what you pay for and I am looking in the range of $250-350. I have absolutely no idea what to look for or what to ask, I have read about adjustment capability but again wouldn't have any idea what adjustments to ask about/look for. <It depends on the skimmer model. Some skimmers require you to adjust the height of the skimmer cup, some require you to adjust the water level in the skimmer, some require airflow adjustments... some are practically plug-and-play. Or rather, plumb-and-watch-the-tank.> Do I need to spend this much to get a quality skimmer, if so, what is gained with the added price? <With the increased price, you get better design, engineering, and construction -- the best of the newer designs need less adjusting than older designs. You can occasionally get a good skimmer for less -- usually, by buying one of the good ones used, when someone upgrades to a larger tank! But that's the exception rather than the rule; most people just keep their old systems.> I've had two friends recommend the Precision Marine Bullet series, your site has had quite a lot of positive input with respect to AquaC, ETS and Euro Reef. <Check the WetWebFotos chat boards for more comments: http://wetwebfotos.com/talk> Thank you in advance for your time. --- Steve Suniga <You're welcome. --Ananda> - Skimmer Selection - Hello boys and girls: <Good afternoon, JasonC here...> I currently have a 5-month old 55gal FOWLR, 6" DSB (just finished switching out crushed coral), low bioload and a 10gal QT. My values are: Ammonia 0.0, Nitrites 0.0, Nitrates 2.5; should I be testing for anything else?. <In the long term - for your 180 goals - I would add at least calcium and alkalinity to your test protocol.> I am looking to upgrade my Bak-Pak 2R skimmer and I am leaning toward the AquaC line. I want to upgrade my tank someday and the largest I can ever (realistically) imagine will be 180gal (72x24x24). So, I am looking at the skimmer capacities on AquaC's site. Since I only want to do this once (okay, once MORE), the Remora, Remora Pro and the EV-120 are too small for my future dream tank, right? The closest match is the EV-180 (MSRP $339) at 60-200gal. I tend to overfeed (Doh!), and I may be guilty of someday pushing the limit as to my stocking capacity (but I promise I will never house 3-18" tangs or anything crazy). Should I oversize the skimmer and go to the EV-240 (MSRP $399) at 80-350gal? <Is exactly what I ran on my 180.> Again, I want to look to the future and buy my last skimmer. I also care about ease of maintenance and consistent production. Of course, if you feel there is a better deal for my size requirements over at Euroreef, Turboflotor or Tunze, etc. (in the same $$ ballpark), please let me know. <I think in this price range, the Euroreef is similar, but I am a fairly unabashed AquaC fan. You can't go wrong either way.> Thanks a ton, Rich <Cheers, J -- > The "best" skimmer is different for everybody 2/19/03 hey guys, I just picked up a $1000 Canadian (around $700 U.S.) aerofoamer824 skimmer <very efficient but needlessly overpriced... its like renting a U-haul to bring back a library book. There are much better valued skimmers on the market that produce 80%, 90%, as well for literally a fraction of the price> with a Mag12 (not included in the skimmer price) for $400can (around $250u.s), <Wow... awesome deal, my friend. Very glad for you> 3 months old, sold to me and delivered by an aquarium consultant that had to setup an eco-system to a guy that didn't want to have to maintain this skimmer, all I can say is "holy sh**", you guys recommend AquaC's and such over these?, <most people cannot afford a $700 skimmer. And most of our WWM readers do not need a $700.00 skimmer either. With most of our readers and queries coming from beginners, it would be inappropriate for us to tell everyone they need an Aerofoamer. Do consider out audience. Again... a very fine skimmer, but needlessly overpriced. If money is no object to you though... why don't you get a real skimmer <G>: an RK2... fully automated... self cleaning inside neck (injected saltwater) and self-cleaning collection cup (freshwater). $2000-3000 each. What are you still playing with that Aerofoamer tinker-toy for? Ha!> have you seen the size and construction of these monsters?, <does a bear bring a Reader's Digest in to the woods? Dude... aquaristics is our life... we know all... see all <VBG>> not sure if there for tanks or pools, definitely diff. from what I had, and one serious skimmer, I read a comparison of this skimmer and equivalent AquaC, Euro-reef and another on thereeftank.com or something like that which gave the study to the Aerofoamer, and now I understand why, these things are big bucks but are worth it by the looks (and care to detail), look forward to setting it up (where do I start?, lol)......riot..... <all a matter of value... a comparable Euroreef or Tunze/Klaes can do 90% as well for half the price. There is also the issue that it is very inefficient... it needs a huge and expensive pump to run properly. In the US... many people are paying 30 cents per kilowatt hour or even more (much more in Cali) for power. Tunze Turbelle pumps can produce the same flow for literally an eighth or a tenths the power consumption. Aerofoamers are efficient skimmers... but over engineered in every sense of the word. Two EuroReef's would get my money first any day. Enjoy your sweet deal and cheap power, mate :) Anthony> Skimmer Upgrade testimonial... WWM not crazy <G> 2/17/03 After debating long (with myself) and reading your skimmer FAQs, I decided to upgrade skimmers from the Berlin (Red Sea) with an Eheim 1060 to the AquaC Urchin Pro (using the same Eheim pump). <nice upgrade indeed> You're right. Although the Berlin skimmer consistently pulled skimmate from the tank, it was never very much, and I was completely unable to adjust the quantity or quality. <exactly... a mediocre design at best. I personally would not waste my time with them even for free> The AquaC is a breeze to adjust, and I am confident that it's pulling out what's there. <glad o hear it, my friend. you know... it is sometimes hard for us to convince people that get x cups of skimmate per week/month from their mediocre skimmer that there are better skimmers out there that pull out 5x or 10X as much! Its one of those things that you can't believe till you see it. Especially when you have a healthy tank that jumps to an amazing tank for the upgrade> I'm probably getting two cups a week now on a 45 gallon tank with a very light fish load. <quite possible for this size tank and that sized/quality skimmer> Because I trust you guys so completely now, I am also pulling out the bio-balls from my wet-dry (one third per week over three week period). <wise move... stop fighting the nitrates> I have 120 lbs. of live rock that should take the load nicely. <agreed> Hard to change old practices after 15 years of keeping these tanks... Thanks for all your sage and thoughtful advice. tom <understood and agreed. Thanks for the kudos, bud. :) Kind regards, Anthony> Skimmer Brand Recommendation - 2/17/03 Well I got the Knop S-IV calc system...and the Aquacontroller II system.....I plan to use the Cyclone CPR 294 without the Biobale stuff in it on the 135 gallon tank.... <Agreed with all above> I was wondering what you guys think of the skimmer system in the cyclone CPR 294? It appears to have 2 skimmers in it.... <It can work well... but is too tedious for me, IMO. Labor intensive and not reliable for a heavy load> you think they will be enough for a completely full stocked coral/invert/fish aquarium? <I would seriously consider adding another skimmer like a Euroreef to this setup or skipping the CPR altogether. Anthony> Skimmer Recommendation - 2/17/03 OK....the CPR 294 skimmers won't handle a full load for a 135...so which Euroreef skimmer do you suggest adding? <simply follow the manufacturer's specific recommendations.. we agree they are accurate and appropriate here> I see varying gallon capacity specs everywhere.... <I don't follow or agree? The manufacturer only puts out a rate per model... do ignore the retailers interpretations> with a 135 tank with 150 lbs of rock in it I can't imagine there will be any more "water volume" than 125 gallons....so the consensus is what.... The CS6-2? <Just use common sense and good judgment here. If your tank is on the borderline and you are trying to save money... ask yourself if you can honestly have a light stocked 135 gallon tank? Or... if you want a normal or heavy stocked 135... obviously go with the rated model or larger. It simply all about bio-load. They have to draw a line somewhere in the recommendations> Again, thanks......and my supplier thanks you as well ;) <We only care about one of you guys <G>. Anthony> Berlin Skimmers and Adding an Ozone Unit I am thinking about adding a ozone unit to my 75 gallon tank. It has fish live rock and some brain corals, maze corals. I have a Berlin classic skimmer inside a 20 gallon sump below the main tank. It has been upgraded to the turbo model. I read on the box it is not ozone compatible the upgrade I am assuming. The skimmer itself says its is ozone compatible. I am looking at buying the Red Sea deluxe with controller and probe. Not sure what size to get though. 100 or 200 model. Are they hard to hook up? Do you know if I should go back to the original venturi in the skimmer and run a larger power head than they send in the turbo upgrade? The turbo model does not seem to collect that much waste, or I may not have it set just right. Which is probably the case. I have the water flow on the turbo power head all the way up with air control valve about half closed. I do have the water coming down to the sump going through a 100 micron bag filter. I do not know if this will cut down on some of the work the skimmer has to do. I friend said to use a power head with venturi action and a needle impellor. I cannot find one of these powerheads. Any Ideas? <Honestly? You can spend a fortune trying to make your Berlin (Edsel) a Corvette, change the engine, ignition, etc. It will still be an Edsel. Consider one of the better skimmers designed for ozone (if you really need it, which is doubtful). We all like Aqua-C and Euro-Reef skimmers at WWM. Perhaps take a look at the new Euro-reef ES Series skimmer for in-sump use. Some of the Euro-reefs and Aqua-C's come with ozone capability. Craig> 55g Is the Skimmer Big Enough Question - 2/15/03 Hi,<Hey there! Phil here!> I have a 55 gal fish/coral tank without a sump. IM in the process of adding live rock and live sand. I don't want any mechanical filtration, but will have power heads and want to add a skimmer. I have a CPR Backpack w/600 Rio Pump and I am wondering if this is sufficient for what I have. Does it sound like this set up will work? Thanks for your time. <As long as you keep the fish load down, don't over feed and do your water changes on time I see no problem with this skimmer. Hope this helps! Phil> Skimmer Recommendation - 2/14/03 I hear of skimmers that pull all kinds of junk out of water, and then You have one's like mine that do little more than mix water. >When I build my new sump/refugium witch would be the MOST impressive skimmer that would fit into a compartment that is say 10"w x 16"d x no more than 24"h Thanks Tim. <Euroreef is my first choice, Aqua-C EV is a close second... and an RK-2 for if you have more money than you know what to do with. Anthony> - Skimmer & Pump Selection - Dear Crew: <Greetings, JasonC here...> If you are choosing between a old style AquaMedic classic Turboflotor and a Turboflotor t1000 multi (the one which only use 1 pump), which one is better at performance?? <Good question, and one I don't have an answer for. I would post this question on our forum where you will likely find people who use either one or the other. http://wetwebfotos.com/talk > I am using the classic and because it takes up too much my sump space, so I am thinking of switching to a out of sump model and run it with my main pump instead of a powerhead .. any thoughts on that?? <Not really - it's your system... if you need more space, so be it.> And also, how durable is the RLG quiet one pump?? <Not very - these pumps are not designed for salt water.> as compare to the GenX mak4?? <The GenX would be a much better pump.> Eric <Cheers, J -- > - Skimmer Selection - Jason thanks for the advise. <My pleasure.> I think you've sold me on the Remora, found it through some e-tailers for pretty much the price I was looking for. <Sweet.> For my 65gal, would you prefer the rio800 pump or the size up from it? <I would go for the larger pump if you can afford it.> So, within the next couple weeks, I'll purchase the remora and dump the Prizm on eBay.. I feel the upgrade would be worth it in the long run as I'm sure you would agree.. For future reference, what does one look for in picking a good skimmer? <Well, in this case... you asked someone with some experience, and that's typically what I would do. The various forums here and about, including ours is a good source of diverse opinions.> any certain features to be looking for? <Well... without seeing one work, it's hard to say. Luckily here, many of us have gone through the trial and error part of this, saving you the time and money.> I understand that "you get what you pay for" but it seems all the fairly good ones are typically really high in price. <And this axiom is usually true.> Anyways, thanks again... Jason-Surfs up! <Cheers, J -- > Skimmer capacity Hi crew, Hope I can get your professional opinion on protein skimmer's problem. How I can tell the protein skimmer's capacity is adequate for my FOT/ capable to handle the FOT loading? <Mainly by "trial and error"... putting one on and keeping track of your water quality> Can I tell from the volume of skimmates collected everyday? <Not really> I've learn that the skimmer sizing math is "Turnovers per hour desired x Your Tank's capacity in gallons = "Skimmer GPH" rating. e.g. 4 (turnovers per hour for my FOT) x 270(gallon tank) = 1080 GPH skimmer size is desired." If I got a Euro-reef CS8-2 protein skimmer & it claims that it can handle up to 500 gallon aquarium, I wonder whether it is sufficient for my quite heavy loading FOT or not. <It's about the best choice, best technology available. Yes> Please advice what model/capacity of the skimmer is sufficient for my tank. Thanks. Siu-king <This is a very good skimmer for your size, application. Bob Fenner> - Used Skimmer - Hello, <Hi.> I'm considering purchasing a Red Sea - Berlin protein skimmer, hang on model on eBay. However, it's 2 years old. Would you recommend that? <As long as it works and is a better deal than buying it new, then sure, why not.> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Greg <Cheers, J -- > Skimmer recommendation Hey Crew I am in the process of planning a 180 gal FOWLR. This tank will have a 75 gal. sump for filtration along with 150 pounds of live rock. Is there any hang on skimmers that would work for this tank of will I need to with a in sump skimmer. The tank will hold 5-6 medium sized fish. Thank you for providing this great web site! |
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