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Sohal Tang Bob I have had a Sohal Tang in my 120 gal reef for about 6 months. There is also a Purple Tang. The Sohal thinks he is the boss. <He is> He also has been a good eater until the last several weeks. He is looking like a skeleton now, and does not even bother the Purple Tang any more. I'm afraid that he is dying of starvation despite all the food. I feed dried algae, frozen foods, etc. Quite a variety. Is there something I'm missing here? The Purple Tang is healthy and well nourished. Is their diet the same generally? I'd hate to see this beautiful fish die. Thanks <<It may well be that the Sohal is missing something in its diet... do add more/some live rock with appreciable algae growth on it... And a plastic container, glass dish with very fine coral sand... these tangs need the "grit" in their systems... and your fish should pick it up and ingest it if you place it. Otherwise, do get your hands on either "children's vitamins" in a liquid prep. or a commercial product (like Selcon) that are about the same, and soak the foods you're offering in advance of feeding them. Bob Fenner>> Big Tang, Reef, What Size Trouble? Dear Bob & Co., Probably asking for it but here we go. Bought a Sohal Tang that was 1 week at the LFS. Brought it home into my QT for 2 weeks but never made it. Didn't find any fare I offered palatable for one week though appeared healthy. Worried and sympathetic I grabbed it and tossed it into my main tank (150g FULL BLOWN REEF, assorted Acro sp., Monti. sp, LPS, clams, Asfur Angel (3in) Potter's (2in), Yellow Tang (1.5 in), Blue-throat Trig (2in), pair of Nigripes Clowns (1 in), and a small toad angler (2 in), shoal of green Chromis (for the angler)). Ok 2 days later the Sohal busts out with ICH. I've been in this hobby for sometime and know the mistakes I have made in this case. On the positive side the Sohal is munching everything green, red, or brown that is algae in the tank. Such a proficient grazer, but is yet to eat anything offered. About 3 days later the Asfur, Yellow tang, and Trigger started to show same symptoms but to a much less degree (scattered dots, perhaps 10 on each fish). Checked water chemistry knowing things will be stable and they were. So far I am in the second week of this...fish do not seem stressed at all...no scratching, heavy breathing, flashing, fighting. ( I think I am very lucky to have what appears to be only white-spot disease (Cryptocaryon), as opposed to velvet (Amyloodinium) which I understand will kill in combination. I tried to use a hand magnifier but couldn't see any white dusting). They do the same dance when I walk by, thrashing about in anger...FEED ME PLEASE!!!!This morning the fish outside of the Sohal seems to be recovered from the dots. But I do know that they (dots) are most likely in the free swimming stage, going to reproduce. I'm not panicked because with each of these cycles of dots to no dots...the dots seem less and less, in fact the clowns showed no symptoms at all. But will this cycle be ongoing perpetually for the life of this tank or its inhabitants? Will someday one side succumb to the other? Sans regular maintenance what else can I do? Regards, Dennis <Alright Dennis, I'll spare berating you for doing something you know is not very bright...... I MUST wonder with all you have invested, what on earth were you thinking? Do you gamble? Anyway, aside from a torturous teardown, I would get a few cleaner shrimp, a few cleaner gobies, and some medicated Tetra Antiparasitic food and go for it for a couple of weeks. Feed nothing but the medicated food according to label directions. I break it into smaller bits for smaller fish. If this doesn't work, then it's QT and copper time for one and all and at least one month of no fish in your reef. Tell me you won't do this again! No more Russian Roulette! Craig> Sohal Tang Feeding >I have kept a 5 inch Sohal Tang for about 3 weeks now in my 180 gallon (FOWLR - w/ plenty of different types of algae). Thus far, the sohal has only eaten the algae off the back of the tank and some Nori Seaweed soaked with ZOE, tied to a rock (3 times a day). I have tried feeding just about everything, from Brine Flakes, Formula 2, Formula 1, Angel Formula, Split Peas and broccoli ...but he will not accept any of these other foods, just algae. How do I get the Sohal to start eating foods (meaty stuff) from the water column? >>You can't, because. Even though they're considered more "omnivorous" than other tangs, they're still primarily vegetarians. You're doing the best thing you can by *offering* these other foods (the Formula foods will be better for him than the carnivorous feeds). Also, props for using the Zoe (we also really like Selcon) for his Nori. However! PLEASE do not continue the practice of introducing animals into your display that have not gone through quarantine (30 days is usual protocol). >I also tried Brine Shrimp but he ignores that too. I would imagine he will develop some deficiencies if he does not get some other types of foods. He does have a few blotches on him from time to time but no parasites. I figured that must be because of diet. Thanks. >>Diet and water quality, but if you make good use of quarantine the day you catch it before it enters your display is the day you'll be glad. It may be that the fish is still acclimating to captivity, I would give him time, and continue to provide as much Nori and other algal sources for him as possible. I would not use broccoli, but I would use romaine lettuce for free feed. Do expect him to become a poop machine when free feeding, however, it's really best for these truly horse like animals, both physiologically and psychologically. Best of luck! Marina Fishes/Tangs/Feeding - 05/05/2006 In keeping tangs, it says
they graze on live rock. With a FOWLR I use 40 lbs. Utah
bowl rock for 5 years. Does the growth on this rock
count? It appears to be algae. Do I need to buy
live rock? <Not necessary to buy the rock for feeding
purposes. In closed systems the algae present on the rock
isn't going to be enough to support tangs. Tangs need
algae for their diet but do eat other foods. Your selection
below will be fine.> I'm purchasing a Sohal
Tang. Would Nori, Mysis, and angel formula
suffice? 240 gallon tank, two fish-crown trigger, miniatus
grouper,4 inches. <Are you of oriental descent or did you mean Clown
Trigger? I do want to point out that a tang is not very
compatible with a Clown Trigger and may be attacked.> Thank you,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Dale Tangs/Feeding/Acclimation ......... James, Re: 5/9/06 THANK YOU! <You're welcome.> We bought the Sohal Saturday. The clown trigger didn't pay attention to him. No aggression. <So far, so good.> The Sohal started to scratch its sides. Due to past experiences, we immediately medicated Copper Power. Turned the UV and protein skimmer off for 21 days for ich. <Mmm, no quarantining, correct? Not a good idea to treat healthy fish.> The Sohal is nibbling Nori but not Mysis or krill. All of which is enriched with Selcon and ZoĆ««. Is slow eating part of acclimation? <Yes, can be.> He was at the distributor 7 days. Also, I received no answer e-mail from Joyce Wilkerson. Do you have another number? <I haven't. Mr. Fenner may have one. James (Salty Dog)> <... I don't give out other folks contact info., unless they specifically request such. Will Bcc her here. RMF> Dale Sohal Food - 5/5/2006 Hi, Bob!
<Richard> First, let me say what a pleasure it was to meet and
talk with you at IMAC. I appreciate the time you spent with me. <And
I yours> While I'm sure our conversation was but one of hundreds
you had that weekend, and you can not have anything but a vague
recollection of it, you suggested I E-Mail my question to you and you
would confirm your answers. <Yes, thank you> OK; Here Goes....I
have a 180 Gallon Reef tank, and recently took delivery of a Sohal
Tang. He is definitely KING of the tank, and I'm OK with
that (my Chevron also seems to be OK with being subservient to
him). My question is what to feed him. You gave
me 2 options, the first was to go to an international food store and
buy...something (lost my notes of your answer). The second option was
to find a source of (Ogo. sp.)? Any idea where to find this,
and what is its real name? <Yes... Ogo is one of a few species of
Gracilaria... red algae... Indo-Pacific Sea Farms, Inland Aquatics
(.coms), hobbyists, stores, clubs...> He does not seem to be happy
with "Nori", or "Julian's" (don't hold it
against me, it's what I have on-hand) dried sea weed. <Good
stuff... just expensive compared to store-bought human consumption
algae> It would appear to me I need an answer quick, as he seems to
be slowing down and losing girth. He is only 5", and I
don't think he can put up with not having the food he wants'
for very long. Any input would be appreciated. Oh, and by the way your
lecture pitch was GREAT! It was as fun as it was
informative. Hope you enjoy Atlanta. <Thank you. Do look into Pablo
Tepoot's "Spectrum" pelleted foods as well... Have you
seen this piece on the Sohal: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/Asohal.htm and the linked
files at top? Bob Fenner> Thanks in advance:
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