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Ant-Like Bugs In My Tank! - 01/11/06 First I would like to say Thank You for all the help and knowledge from all you experienced aquarist! <<Glad you find it of use.>> This hobby has made me read like never before! <<Me too!>> A month ago I purchased a giant feather duster. I noticed in the adjacent tank there was a sea urchin crawling with bugs 'Problem should have been a sign to not buy anything from this place!' <<Not necessarily so.>> But to my mistake I did, since then the feather duster has died due to a wrasse ripping his head off. <<This can be hard on feather dusters...>> Now I have noticed the same bugs crawling everywhere in the shadows of light, under rocks, crevices etc, also on the flesh of a sea apple <<YIKES!!! Not reacting to the presence of the "bugs", but rather to the fact you have a "sea apple." Please do some (more) reading/research re these creatures.>> and elsewhere! I've done much research and can find nothing on these critters, they run around like ants is my best description! Any info on what I should do would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Info on my setup and livestock please look here for details http://www.ratemyfishtank.com/friendEmail.php/imID1728 <<Sounds like you have noticed the amphipods growing/multiplying in your system...can be a beneficial natural food source for fishes and more. Have a read here and among the indices in blue at the top of the page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/amphipodfaqs.htm Thank you again! Mike <<Regards, EricR>> White Critters - 01/10/2006 In the sump only I find these things that are flat and about 3/16's in diameter with a tube sticking out about a quarter of an inch long. They are white in color and do not seem to move about at all. They are in a high water flow area. Some others are more like a cylinder and attached at one end. Can you please help since I have never seen these prior to this. <Without a pic. it's hard to say with certainty. Most likely they are simply a Polychaete of some sort.> <Welcome. - Josh>
Livestock Abuse, On Purpose!?, Josh with Foot In Mouth - 1/05/2006 <<Ok. I'm sorry. I completely missed the accidental, while adding LR to tank intro. here. I feel like a big IDIOT!>> Hello, I have a black knobby starfish, I brought it home on some LR and I had no water from it's previous tank so I dumped it in my tank, (during a cycle). <Why?> Over the past few weeks, I haven't seen him, then all of a sudden last week he came out. Every day he is out, scouring the sand bed, munching on it looking for food. The cucumber <What!? Have you at least established what this creature is!?> stood up to nitrite levels. of 10 ppm, <When life hands you lemons...> nitrates of 40ppm +, and not to mention that 10 minute drive home out of the water. Now my question is, how did this creature live and how do I properly care, for it, and feeding is my main problem, as I think my sandbed is too small for the cucumber which is 12 cm long, and about 1 inch thick. <You nearly sound like you were HOPING for the worst! Feeding is not your main problem here. I would say it is lack of consideration. It seems like you actually knew better than this already.> Also, you ever come across such behaviour, and a creature as delicate as a cucumber live through those parameters and the stress of not being properly introduced into the aquarium. <Unfortunately YES! This is a sad situation for many uninformed beginners, however I've never heard of such a nonchalant attitude toward it. Please inform yourself about desired specimens before acquiring them, and avoid abusing them. - Josh> <<Whew! I'm an ass! I apologize, I only slept 2 hours last night and I'm clearly not in good shape to be on today. You've gotten lucky on the incidental critter/its survival. Bonus! First you'll have to establish whether it be star, cucumber or Chiton. The care for these from here out you can find in the appropriate FAQs. For the sand bed thing, you can always direct feed instead of leaving it to forage naturally. Alright, you can punch me in the face if ever we meet. Now, I'm out for the day. I'm really, REALLY sorry friend. If anyone needs me, I'm on a long walk off a short pier. - Josh>
Critters 12/26/05 Hello, I was watching a
recent addition to my aquarium, a long-tentacled anemone, which has an
anemone crab living with it. Within a few of the tentacles
of the anemone were small white particles which, much to my surprise,
would occasionally appear to scurry back and forth within the
tentacle--clearly they are alive. I asked my wife to
confirm, and unless this is a shared delusion, they are really there,
and look somewhat like a 1-2mm horseshoe crab, though it's hard to
get a detailed look at them. Has anyone heard of
this? Could this be a parasite or a larval form of
something? Thanks for reading...<I'd believe a larval
form of some critter. I wouldn't be alarmed, sit back
and enjoy. James (Salty Dog)> Todd More Mystery
Critters in the Reef Tank 12/13/05 Hello all, <Hi.>
I have a question, i recently
found a medium sized spiral shell on one of my live rocks,
and it seems to have a resident living in it. I don't
know what it is, but it looks like a snail. it
doesn't move, as it part of the rock, and when it eats
it sends out "webs" and then reels them in when
its loaded up with all kinds of particles. the shell is a
cream color and the resident is a mustard earthy brown. anyone have any
clue as what it could be? any info would be great. <Hard
to say without a picture, but I would guess a tube worm or feather
duster from your description, search WWM or Google with these phrases,
compare pictures and see if this is what you have.>
Thanks again, Heidi
Questions On Lighting and Invert. ID - 12/06/2005 Hi Crew, <Hello.> I seem to have a mental block about lighting. So, if I have a 10 gallon with mushrooms and candy cane and some fish. Am I better off with 96W quad 10,000k or with a 96w quad 50/50 act/10k? Right now I have the 50/50 and it seems ok except for a couple mushrooms that prefer less light. <That's really up to you/aesthetic preference. Either will be fine, so if you've already got it just use it. When it's time to replace bulbs you can try a different combo. and see how it suits you, just remember to acclimate your livestock properly.> I have the candy cane for about a year. It came with various tube worms on it. <Rather common.> Recently I noticed something poking out of the base. It looks like a light brown snowflake about 1/16 of an inch across. It looks just like a magnified picture of a snowflake. There are two of them and I can not see any tube. They seem to be coming out of a space in the base. Where should I look to ID these? <Try searching the net for images of the Serpulid fan worms. That's most likely what you're seeing and they are commonly found in live corals as well as live rock. If this turns out to be the case, then don't worry about them possibly harming your coral. - Josh> Octopus, or What? Probably a Brittle or Serpent Star 12/7/05 Hi Guys, <And girls right? Oh, and Hi Oleksandr> I hope my question won't look strange but I really need an answer from Pros. <Oh...Hope I'll do instead!> I have quite a new tank, a bit more than a month old. I added a few inverts. during the last two weeks; 15 hermits, 15 different snails and an Emerald Crab, to get rid of hair algae that have grown quite large during cycling. So, put to now the LR and the tank is crystal clear. But what I saw today kicked me out of my chair. <If you don't stand up for yourself now they'll walk all over ya'.> I was adding small pieces of shrimp meat in order to see whether I can get a good enough amount of copepods/amphipods <Not really going to help so much as degrade your water quality.> because I want to have a Mandarin in my 30g and before I buy one I want to make sure that they will have enough food. <Sorry friend, but this beautiful fish is not suited for your tank. You'd need a large, very mature system with a refugium to have a chance at keeping the Mandarin well fed and healthy. Very wise to have thought ahead though.> Anyhow, I put a few pieces inside one of my LR, sit in front of the tank and start looking who will take first bite. To my great surprise, a small creature came out from between the rocks. A really tiny guy with a tablet-like body ~2mm in diameter and ~5 tentacles of approx. 1 cm long. On its dark back there was something like a cross. This creature took the meat with himself and moved to a small cave. Apparently he does not like a light. It reminds me of an octopus, besides its "legs" looked like an octopus tentacles. <More likely to be a Brittlestar of some sort.> But is that possible? <Yes, but not probable.> How this guy survived cycling, and if it is not an octopus, who could it be? <My money's on a harmless Brittlestar (LR hitchhiker), useful detritivore> And do I need to get rid of it? <At this point no. Just observe, innocent until proven guilty.> I already have a crab that came with my LR that I plan to get rid of and I don't want another guest. Thank you in advance!!! Oleksandr <You're welcome. - Josh> Re: An Octopus or What Is This? 12/7/05 Hi Josh, <Hi Oleksandr!> Thanks a lot for the answer. <No sweat.> That was indeed the Brittlestar, when I got your reply I searched the net for a picture and found one similar to what I saw. <Oh, good!> Honestly I was a bit upset about your comment on the Mandarins but I guess you are right, besides upgrading a tank to a larger one sounds like a good project for the future! <Careful, this gets quite addictive;) As for the Mandarins I can understand your disappointment, they're some of my favorites as well. Don't just take my word for it though, check out this link http://www.wetwebmedia.com/mandarins.htm and follow the blue links above. This will give you a good idea of what you're up against. It's always good to have goals right!> Thanks once again! Oleksandr <Glad to help friend. - Josh> Stow-aways of Live Rock 11/28/05 Good Evening, <Morning! John here answering your query from Shanghai> I have been searching your site for a few hours now, and I have yet to come across an article that resembles the problem I am about to explain to you. I have a 20L with good H20 quality, a nice assortment of fish, and as I recently discovered something new. I first noticed something was up when I turned on the lights in my marine tank to find what appeared to be 1/4" long mini "centipedes". I use centipedes loosely because I can not come up with a better description, they are 1/4" inches long (for now) they are white/pinkish, have what appears to be a segmented exoskeleton/body, and from what I could see, appendages on their front and rear. This alarmed me, but I hoped that some of my Blue Leg Hermits would make short order of them. Apparently not because tonight I saw what looks like a "nest" made of what looks like spider webbing on my live rock, its size was comparable to a cone snail. My question for you has a few parts, 1) what the heck are these creatures? 2) are they dangerous to anything in my tank? 3) If they are dangerous what can I do about them? Any help you could provide would be much appreciated. Chuck from Boston. <(1) They sound like bristle worms. Generally (yes, there are rare exceptions to the rule) beneficial detritivores that keep your sand bed turned over and add to the bio-diversity in your tank. The "webbing" you refer to sounds like something else. Much more information can be found on our Bristle Worm FAQs pages. (2) Likely not. Enjoy the diversity of interesting life in your tank! Best regards, John>
Mystery growth and Putting the Cart Before the Horse - 11/12/2005 Hi WWM, <Hello Teddy. I'm very sorry for the delay on your response. It seems for the time being I'll be without home net access.> I have a question for you guys and gals. <Shoot.> Lately I have discovered little white creatures on my glass. They were first in the refugium now they are spreading pretty quickly. <This is likely from excess nutrients, will probably "run out of gas".> I don't know what they are but if you look really close to them they seem like white balls with arms or hair sticking out of them. <Sound like Syconoid sponges.> About 8 arms or hair around the body. They look like snowflakes. <Or...?> Just wanted to know what they are if you guys knew what they are. BTW I have a 55g saltwater tank. The test kits show everything is in the norm. If you need more info let me know. <If you could take a pic. that would be most helpful.> Thanks for taking the time. Teddy <Sorry I've taken so long. - Josh> Sand question 11/9/05 I have a 10 gallon SW with 1.5" sand, fish and mushrooms. It is now about 30 months old. I noticed a patch of sand (about 4x4 inches) that looks like a mound. First I thought it was my Gramma excavating which he does every once and a while but I ruled that out. The mound started coming to a point. I decided to explore it and I dug into it. The sand seems to stick together as if it were magnets and it feels clumpy to the touch. <Good description> Water parameters are stable; ammonia 0, nitrate 0 and even nitrites 0 (since I added some Chaeto). I do not clean the sand since I do not see a need for it. I never see any debris on it so I assume my critters and worms are taking care of everything. Is this anything to be concerned about? <Mmm, not much... likely this is some species of worm or mollusk at work/living... with such small systems aging, it is a good idea to "shake up" the chemical/physical make-up periodically... add, replace a good part (a few tens of percent) of rock, substrate... Bob Fenner>
what is it? Poor English and not using WWM 11/3/05 hello I just looked at my yellow polyps and some live rock and saw these little sea monkey things crawling on them are they harmful to the coral if so how do i get rid of them there is lots of them. thanks for the help. <Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/crustidfaqs.htm Bob Fenner> Little Off White Balls 10/26/05 OK this is a weird one. I got home today and saw 4 little off white balls floating around my reef, at first I thought to myself " this is not good" then I noticed that my Spaghetti Finger Leather was closed up on just one of the branch's on the end. These little balls looked just like little pieces of the Coral. Do they breed like this or is there something else I should look further into. <<Hmm...what you describe sounds like "budding." I've known LPS species to do this but not Leather corals, though that's not to say they couldn't. Some keyword searches on the Net (coral budding, leather coral reproduction, etc.) might turn up something.>> V/R Matt <<Regards, EricR>> White cysts <likely encrusting, tubiculous worms> - 10/23/2005 I noticed a number of hard white things (cysts?) <I doubt it.> about the size of a large sand grain attached to the black plastic part of the built-in overflow in the tank. There were about 20 of them and I scraped them off. They didn't come off easily. Now I'm thinking they may have been Ich cysts. <Let's not get hasty!> All fish are fine in my FOWLR tank. What do you think they were and is there anything I need to do? <Personally, I'm inclined to believe they would be Polychaetes (likely Spirorbids). Many on my overflow as well. I think you are safe.> Mitch Wohl <Josh> Bright Orange Stuff Growing on the Substrate - What Could it Be?
10/17/05 Hi Crew! <Steven> Basics: 220 gal. FOWLR, 0 ammonia,
0 nitrite, 15 nitrates, SG 1.023, temp 80 F. Three month old
aquarium with cured Tonga live rock, aragonite substrate (5") lots
of coralline showing up. We have a large wet/dry, protein skimmer
(working very well), trickle filter, PolyFilter, and a refugium with
crushed live rock/Caulerpa. Livestock: 5" Fiji Bicolor
Rabbitfish, 2" volitans, 1.5" Chevron, 30" Zebra Moray
eel. Questions: I have bright orange/red stuff forming on the substrate
- algae? If so what kind? <Maybe... perhaps a sponge... no way
to tell from here> Also my Rabbitfish since week 1 (had him 5 weeks
now) he has shed his slime (I think its slime), but he otherwise is
active, good color, hogs down on Nori, and eats pellet food, shrimp
pieces, and flake food. He eats very well and active swimmer. He sheds
big sheets of what appears to be slime, is this normal or should I be
worried? <Likely normal> Also is it normal for the eel to lay in
the rocks with his head sideways or upside down the day after he eats?
<Mmm, no> Doesn't move around much in the last two days since
he ate Tiger shrimp (one piece cut into several pieces that was frozen
and soaked in Zoe as it thawed out). Your comments and help are greatly
appreciated. You guys are dedicated and your help is bar none the best
out there! Steven |
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