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Poorly Atlantic Blue Tang....
2/3/06 Hi All, We have a 55 UK gallon tank, with 30 kilos of Live
Rock, MC500 Deltec, 2 power heads, 250 halide and two blue arcadias.
Fish stock includes Mandarin Yellow tang Atlantic blue tang 2 Green
Chromis 2 percula clowns Brownbarred goby Six lined Wrasse 9 red
hermits 6 turbo snails 1 cleaner shrimp. Our problem is our Atlantic
blue tang, it seems to have what I can only described a bubbly skin and
there are a couple of white spots on it. <Unfortunately... quite
prone to such troubles... as are most Atlantic Surgeonfishes> We are
guessing its Ich but we're not getting much help from our LFS who
have told us the just leave him and he will get over it?!?
<Not if it were indeed crypt/Ich... but I doubt this is what you are
observing... otherwise your other fishes would be mal-affected as
well> We are concerned as we are relatively new to this and would
like to do what is right! I've read a lot of articles on this site
with regards to freshwater dips, garlic copper and so on and from this
have deduced freshwater dips are the way to go. Would you think this
was advisable? <Not w/o knowing what is going on here> He is
still eating well but does seem a little irritable. Many thanks for any
help and advice you can give to us Brits as I haven't found a
website as useful as yours in the UK. Emma and Simon, Lake District, UK
<Mmm, need more information re the chemical make-up of this system.
Were your fishes quarantined ahead of placement? I would be leery re
"adding something" here in the way of "medicine"...
Is there an aquarist friend, stockist who might come by and take a look
at your set-up, livestock? Bob Fenner> Strange disease. Please help ID Hello, I purchased a
2.5" Orange Shoulder Tang almost two weeks ago. It appears to be
in good condition (except for the following), eating well (garlic
soaked: Nori, Spirulina flakes & various frozen foods) and behaving
like a Tang should. Last week, it developed a dark oval marking on one
side, just where the top of the pectoral fin touches the body. The mark
is about 1/4" in diameter. Doesn't seem to be raised. Started
off as a 'ring', with a clear center. Now the mark is
'solid', and spreading upwards. Appears to be composed of
multiple little dots, grouped closely together. There is nothing else
on the fish. The spot does irritate the fish, making it scratch
occasionally. The fish is in a 20g quarantine tank with some live rock
& sand from my established 120g tank. All water is from the 120 as
well. I've been checking water parameters regularly and all are in
acceptable range (no ammonia, nitrate~5mg(?), salinity 1.023, temp 79).
The 20g has a protein skimmer and a Penguin 170 outside box filter for
circulation. I've seen pictures of Black Ick and this doesn't
seem to match. Ever seen this before? Know how to treat it? <alas...
the description is still too general to diagnose without more
information and a picture. It cannot even be placed categorically
(bacterial, parasitic, etc). The spots that cluster... size and color?
Any presence of hemorrhaging? Do consult the archives and
Untergasser's Handbook of Fish Diseases if possible. A great and
easy to follow book (cheap too from TFH). Do send a picture if
clear/possible.> Thanks. Steven Oliver <best regards,
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